ZIL: Hi everyone I was recently inspired by a number of stories written by an amazing Authoress DarkPetal16 read her stuff it's amazing! I decided to do a self-insert to see how it would turn out and I hope you all enjoy! Darkpetal16 thank you for inspiring me…I've always been afraid to try self-insert due to Mary Sue/God-moding writing issues I've seen before but I'm trying it out.

Act I: Ch. 1- The Will to Protect

Jessy was a young woman who grew up between Southern NJ and Central FL with her family. She was big on family and very protective of her younger relatives. It was Memorial Day again, one of her favorite times of the year. She may have been 25 years old but, her family knew of her childlike joy for reuniting with all their relatives at their family owned campsite as they did every year. She loved the smell of the wood burning in the fire and the friendly atmosphere where work, technology, and drama is left behind.

Two large SUVs were driving down the highway traveling from Florida State heading towards Pennsylvania. She was sitting in the middle area as her parents sat in the front seat and her brother was sleeping on the Van mattress in the back since he got off work late. Lying with him were her two little cousins who looked so cute sleeping on the larger man. She turned her icy grey blue eyes to her cousin Rose who was giggling about the sight too. She turned her head to the front as her Mom looked back and smiled at her. Her mother just looked at the kids and pulled out a camera as her dad said, "Wake em up Jess we're making a stop for bathroom breaks and gas."

Jessy looked a bit mischievous and grabbed her water bottle and a nerf mini water gun they usually use at the creek at the camp site. She loaded the remains of her water bottle into the gun and aimed at her cousin's little boy's head and shot him with a little water. Both Rose and Jessy giggled as he whined and wiped his head on his older cousin's shirt before getting up. Rose then aimed at her daughter's head and woke her just the same. Both kids had crawled up to sit with their mom as Jessy took aim at her brother. Rose and the kids were giggling and her mother was shaking her head in amusement.

Her mother was on her cellphone talking with her sister, Jessy, Rose, and GM's Aunt. She could hear her Aunt laughing as her other cousins chatted in the background. She was letting them know we were pulling off for gas and needed bathroom breaks in GA after 3 hours of driving. Everyone was eager to stretch their legs and wake up a bit and switch drivers for the next stint.

Jessy quickly shot her brother right at the center of his head and getting no reaction laughed and squirt him near his nose this time causing him to jump awake snorting. The older girls in the middle cackling with glee as the kids giggled pointing at him the large man moved forward and tried to claim the water gun which had already been snuck away for safety. Jessy said while calming down from her laughing fit, "We're stopping for a break so up you get." GM glared at his little sister before rolling his eyes grumbling as he stole her sweater from her lap to dry his face.

The group parked at the gas station and everyone began filing out of the car. Her dad headed to the Gas pump to start filling the tank with gas. Jessy and GM's mother standing next to him chatting as she stretched her legs while laughing about their antics in the car. Jessy smiled as she saw the love shining in their eyes. 'I want that someday…' After everyone had filed out of the cars she hopped out. She saw her Aunt move over to her mom commenting, "My kids are all knocked out I'll wake them at the next stop."

Jessy stood and stretched as she and her parents stopped at a gas station with Rose and her two kids also out of the car. Rose moved to stretch and Jessy offered to take the kids in for the rest room. Walking towards the store, Jessy grabbed the kids' hands to take them into the building to use the bathrooms. As they all were moving back towards the front to grab drinks Jessy saw two men armed with guns masks pulled over their faces. The smaller of the two men seemed too twitchy and Jessy immediately placed herself between the men and the two kids. Her parents and brother with her cousin could be seen with horrified faces.

Jessy was moving the two children back towards the bathrooms when the smaller man turned to face her and she saw his sharp green eyes before he quickly pulled the trigger as he jumped. The woman didn't stop herself from covering her younger cousins with her body as she felt pain rip through the leftward center of her back and chest she winced. She could mutely hear the yelling in the background of her father who had charged into the store with her older brother as the gun went off.

She felt herself being held up as the children were nestled against their mother, Rose, who was crying as she tried to speak to her. Jessy smiled a pained smile her eyes warm and gentle blue as she said, "I'm glad they're okay." She felt herself being leaned back gently seeing her own father's blue gaze filled with tears and righteous anger and she saw her brother hovering over the two gunmen with the store clerk trembling as she met his slightly darker gaze.

She felt a light pressure on her back smothering cloth and tried to reach her hand back hearing her mother sobbing as she tried to use her knowledge as a nurse to stem the bleeding. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and opened them again to give her family a big warm smile. "Hey don't worry about me…I'm okay. Just take care of everyone and have fun without me."

Jessy relaxed against her mother and could feel the warmth leaving her body but, she kept a smile on as her little cousins asked her to tell them a story. She was able to focus on the kids over her cousin Rose crying. She told them an edited story about the ninja hero and his Will of Fire and how by never giving up and working hard he and his friends were able to save the world. She smiled at the end, "Want to know my Nindo….it is the Will to Protect." Jessy allowed her eyes to close as she leaned back in her mother's arms with words of love before she passed never to open her mischievous ice blue eyes again.