So shads woke up in a mysterious room. It clearly wasn't his the fact that it had spikeballs and chains everywhere. Shads was chained to the roof by two chains. He couldn't break free. Sonic was next door to him. He asked sonic where they were and sonicreplyed,
hell. Silver was there also. Shadow wanted to free sonic and silver but then a loud voice came over a speaker in each of their rooms. " Welcome everyone to the torture chamber. Each one of you has to complete tasks or else, you will
first task is to answer five questions right. Shads was up for this, if it means getting his brothers out alive. The first question was, have you lost someone special, sonic went with elise, silver went with blaze, and shads went with maria. They

answers every question right. Shads was released from the chains, and silver was released from his room. Sonic and shads were still in their rooms. The next task was created for each other. Shads got to kill three solders that killed Maria, and

sonic got to see elise one more time. So they got to leave and escape from hell for good. Once shads got home, he was tired, but he kept hearing a girl voice in his home. Rouge didn't live with him, was Amy pranking him again? He couldn't find her.
/Blaze is dead. Elsie is with sonic. Shads wanted that girl to come out. It was maria. Shads was so happy to see her. Shads asked her how this happened and she said that the devil brought her back to life. Shads was so happy and they slept together.
/Shads silver and sonic woke up with scratches on their legs and arms. Sonic told the others that three demons attacked us while we were escaping. Shads couldn't sleep, the scratches were too much. He wrapped them up in bandages but the bleeding wouldn't
/stop. So he tried healing the scratches but it wasn't working. Shads told sonic that his bruises weren't healing. Sonic and silver's weren't either.