After having fought Yang in Hollows house to help drive a lesson home, I returned to my lil section of the Verse.

The Warehouse. A building that goes on for nearly the lenght of Texas. Is taller than the Empire State Building. And is wide enough to hold Indiana within its walls.

A building outside of Time and Space.

My Home.


The place I found myself in after I went through that Portal all those years ago.

The place where my Semblance and Faunas straights mutated and made me immortal.

I look down at my hand that is still holding a fist full of my elder nieces hair, and wonder what would have happened if life had gone differently. If I hadn't met Summer when we were kids. If I hadn't met Tai, Qrow, Raven, Glynda, the Arcs, or any of my friends.

But most of all I think of HER. The Gypsy who stole my heart. Who I built a home for. Who I married.

The mother of my only child in all Two thousand six hundred forty-seven years of my life.

I think of all the things I have seen and done.

The people I helped.

The people I killed.

And the promise I failed to keep.

To always be there for Summer and her kids.

And as I look at the hair in my fist, I start to cry.

I cry for what I have missed.

I cry for those who died while I was trapped and unable to open a portal home.

As I cry my feet carry me into the office is this place. The room I turned into a study/trophy room. Here it is where I keep my weapons from all my travels.

And here is where I will keep Yang's hair until I can turn it into a nice apology gift for her.

As my tears start to stop, I pull out two items. Open both and start crying again.

The locket Yang saw, that holds a picture of me and team STRQ back when we were all in Beacon.

And my Pocket Watch. While the locket is nondescript, the watch isn't. It was a gift from my beloved wife. It is a Gun metal black make with Mors certa, Hora incerta engraved on the front. Within is a hand drawn portrait of my beloved wife.

My beloved Esmeralda.

As I stand there crying I can feel my mind start to go back.

Back to when this all began.

Back to when I was just a simple Avian Faunus with a fire based Semblance. And how I met a little girl that would forever change my life.

My name is Adrian Midnight Phoenix. And this is my story of how I became I Verse Walker.