This is for #Am4Ever who wanted a little back story to how Granger and Hetty actually got together, and a heads up for #CountryGirlUk56, I got your message too and I am working on something for you too, I haven't forgotten lovely xx



Hetty Lange was never one to take orders, from anyone. Even when it came to her own health, she always refused the help of her friends, her colleagues. She was as stubborn as they came, always thinking she could just bounce back from any situation she was put in. Even when she'd been shot, she refused to let a little thing like a bullet keep her down. The last thing her doctor had told her was that she was to rest for at least the next four weeks, but Hetty being Hetty knew that wouldn't be happening. Just the idea of sitting doing nothing for the next four weeks was torture to her. She'd spent the good part of the day, going over reports that Nell had sneaked her way, doing a few conference calls with Director Vance before deciding to clear out some of the paperwork in her office. She went over to get the stool she used to give her the extra height she needed to get things from her bookcase, reaching up to get a few old files to shred, she lost her balance, falling from the stool. Even though the stool wasn't by any means high, the fall itself had caused Hetty to let out a cry of pain, attempting to sit up and feeling a sharp pain go up her side. She lifted her blouse to see the dark red stain beginning to appear, getting bigger and bigger by the second. At first she thought she'd be okay until she began to move over to her desk to sit down, drops of blood falling on her wooden floors, panic beginning to set in.

Owen Granger sat at the bar and ordered a large scotch, the bartender giving him a sympathetic look.

"Long day hun?"

"Something like that."

"That boss of yours driving you crazy again huh?"

"What, oh well…she has her moments."

"You haven't been in for a while, I was beginning to think you were avoiding me."

"Why would I do that Sammy."

"Well, I know I kind of freaked you out the other week when I asked you out."

"You didn't, it had just been a long day and I wasn't thinking clearly."

"How is she…the little lady."


"Is that her name, she seems to have all you men handled anyway."

"She's…doing okay."

"Callen said she was injured, I hope it wasn't too bad. She seemed nice."

"Nice? That's one word for her, also annoying, can't take help when she's offered it, demanding."

Granger looked at the way Sammy was watching him, before he smiled at her.

"Sorry, she's just being bloody stubborn at the minute. The doctor told her to rest and…"

"She won't, yeah she seemed the type."

"She never let's anyone help her."

"Mmmm, now who does that remind me off."

"She's been like that for all the years I've known her."

"How long have you known her anyway?"

"A good twenty-five years."

"Wow, that's long…you good friends?"

"Friends? No, I'd say we suffer each other."

"Okay then…large scotch coming up."

"Thanks Sammy."

He waited for her to prepare his drink, taking some peanuts from the basket in front of him, taking out his phone when he heard it ringing.

"No rest for the wicked." Sammy smiled as she passed him his drink.

"The life of an NCIS Agent." He joked.

He saw Hetty's name coming up on the screen, shaking his head before he finally answered.

"Henrietta what a surprise." He smile as Sammy came over to him, laughing.


Granger heard the shakiness in her voice as she spoke to him, knowing right away that something wasn't quite right. He signalled to Sammy to stop laughing before his face turned very serious.

"Henrietta, what is it? What's wrong?"

"I…I know I said I didn't need your help, any of you but I…"

"It's okay, what's happened."

"I've had a bit of fall and I…"

"A fall, how?"

"That's not important right now."

"She okay?" Sammy asked.

"Not sure." He whispered.

"Owen, I'm bleeding and it looks bad. Could you come over please."

He heard the panic in her voice and knew how hard it was for her to ask for his help but the one thing he'd never do was refuse her.

"Okay, listen to me. I don't want you to move an inch okay. I mean it, stay exactly where you are, don't do any more damage to yourself than you already have."

"I'm sorry Owen I…"

"Don't worry, I'm on my way. I'll be there soon."

Owen hung up his phone and took out a twenty and passed it to Sammy.

"Sorry Sammy, I'm going to have to go."

"Is she okay?"

"Like I said before, she's stubborn. She's obviously over did things."

"Maybe you should call an ambulance."

"She'd kill me, I'm going to head over there. Sorry for the short stay, maybe another time."

"Sure, no worries. I hope she's okay."

"I'm sure she will be, night Sammy."

Granger got up and left, leaving Sammy to regret not asking him out again. As Granger made his way to his car, he dialled the number of Hetty's doctor and informed her that he was bringing her back in, starting the engine, he sat for a few seconds, worry filling him before he pulled out and made his way to her home.

To Be Continued…