"Father's Doctor is sending over a cardiologist along with his medical records for you to look at," Carla said glancing over toward her father. "He recommended this medication," she said absently while staring blankly at Maggie the paper she wrote the name of the medication on falling to the floor.

Maggie looked up from making some notes on Stockwell's chart when Carla entered the room. Something in the way the younger woman moved caused the doctor to suddenly get to her feet.

"Carla?" Maggie said as the woman continued to stare blankly into space.

Ellen chose that moment to enter the room. "Maggie?" she said questionably as the doctor slowly guided Carla to her recently vacated chair.

"I think, I've just discovered why Stockwell didn't want Carla to take over his organization," Maggie said quickly looking up.

"What's happened?" Ellen asked curiously looking from Maggie to Carla. Her 'sister' looked slightly pale and had a vague expression on her face as Maggie lifted her wrist to take her pulse.

"You should go get Face and I'll explain it to both of you at the same time," Maggie replied quietly.

"Alright," Ellen said hurriedly leaving the room to search for her brother.

They returned to find Maggie questioning Carla who seemed more coherent and angry than before. "I already told you, its nothing for you to be concerned about," she said harshly before getting unsteadily to her feet.

"I'm only trying to help you," Maggie said exasperated. "I know the seizures don't last long but they can still leave you feeling exhausted."

"I'm fine," Carla said straightening her jacket. "Thank you for your concern but I didn't ask for your help."

"Hey," Face said grabbing Carla's arm as she tried to brush past him. "There's no need to be rude about it."

"What do you care?" Carla said pulling her arm away. "I'm nothing to you!"

"That's where you're wrong," Face said meeting her eyes. "If what you said is true and you are my sister, you mean a great deal to me. I've never had a family other than the team and as crazy as this one seems to be, all we've got is each other, right?"

Carla saw the sincerity in his eyes and heard it in his voice so she knew what Face was saying was genuine but a part of herself just couldn't completely trust the man who had so easily taken her place. "Leave me alone," she said abruptly before fleeing the room.

"Face," Maggie said when it looked like he might follow her. "She needs time alone to calm down. Stress can make the seizures worse."

"Seizures?" Face said in concern. "Why is she having seizures?"

"I can't say for certain without looking at her medical records," Maggie said quietly. "But, I'm guessing Carla has epilepsy. The seizure she had are called absence seizures and any sort of stressful situation can make them come on. I'm betting Stockwell knew that and that's why he didn't want her heading his organization."

"Damn," Face replied quietly. "What can be done about them. How does somebody get epilepsy?"

"It's possible hers is a hereditary condition," Maggie said looking thoughtful. "Usually, a father passes it down to the daughters while a mother would pass it down to her sons. Treatment usually consists of medication to control the seizures as there is no known cure."

"I've never had any seizures," Ellen stated quickly. "If it had come from Stockwell, wouldn't I be affected as well?"

"Not necessarily," Maggie replied while looking at Stockwell's unconscious form. "It can skip children and no one knows why."

"Maggie, I think you and Ellen should check on her and make sure she's okay," Face said crossing his arms. "It's apparent, she doesn't want to have anything to do with me. But, maybe she'll be more comfortable talking to both of you alone."

"All we can do is try," Ellen said as Maggie nodded in agreement.

Face steered clear of Stockwell's office for the rest of the day since he knew that's where Carla was likely to be. As they all sat down for dinner later that night, Ellen persuaded Carla to join them. The only chair available at the long table was one on Face's side.

Carla hesitated as Hannibal grinned. "Sit down," he said teasingly. "He don't bite since we had him neutered."

"Hannibal," Face said rolling his eyes as Carla laughed before taking the seat.

"I owe you an apology," Carla said quietly meeting his eyes.

"No, I don't think you do," Face replied quickly. "We've all been manipulated into this situation and we just have to deal with it as best we can."

"I agree," Ellen said evenly. "You had no more control over what Stockwell had done than we did."

"I should have told you both earlier what I knew even if it wasn't what father wanted me to do," Carla said looking from Ellen to Face. "I knew it wasn't right not to but he was so worried about you leaving the house unguarded. He told me the risk to your lives was just to great."

"We're pretty good at taking care of ourselves," Hannibal said with a smirk.

"So, I've figured out," Carla replied with a smile. "It was quite taxing to try and keep tabs on your team, Colonel."

As everyone was served lasagna by the cooking staff, Face turned back to Carla. "What exactly does the EIA do?"

"I'm surprised you haven't figured it out," Carla said with a mischievous grin. "A top notch Colonel leading a bunch of smart guys like yourself. You tell me, what do you think the Enhanced Intelligence Agency does?"

"I'm assuming, we gather intelligence, right?" Face said with a smirk.

"Mostly correct but it's more than just gathering intelligence, Templeton. The EIA 'gets' the intelligence that no one else seems to be able to obtain," Carla stated as Face spoke.

"Hence the enhanced part," he said as Carla nodded.

"We can do this though any means necessary," she said.

"And, I'm guessing that's why only the President is involved," Face said as Carla nodded.

"That way, only he is aware of the level of involvement and it leaves anyone else blameless if things don't go according to plans," Carla said evenly.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" Ellen said as Carla nodded. "Who is your mother?"

Carla stilled and for a moment, Maggie wondered if she was having another episode. "Sorry," Carla said slowly. "I just wasn't expecting a question like that."

"I'm just curious," Ellen replied with a glance toward Face. "My mother mentioned Face's mom but she never said anything about another woman before her."

"My mother's name was Ivanka Trigorin," Carla said meeting their shocked expressions. "Ivan Trigorin is her brother and my uncle. After my mother's death, father sent me to a boarding school. I suppose, he never mentioned her or myself because they were never married."

"How'd she die?" Face asked gently as Carla looked down.

"We were going to the zoo in Moscow," Carla said looking up to meet his eyes. "We had to cross a busy street and a bus ran her over after she pushed me out of the way. They said, it was an accident but father and I suspect differently."

"How old were you?" Maggie asked as Carla sighed.

"I was five years old," she said closing her eyes. "And, I still remember how she screamed."

Carla felt a hand wrap around hers and opened her eyes to find Face gently squeezing her hand. "I'm sorry," he said as Carla smiled.