Chapter 3

With my axe and blunderbuss in tow, I prepared myself for the ensuing fight. One of my assailants ran towards me like a maniac, a torch in his left hand and an axe in his right hand but his axe looked pitiful and rusted compared to mine. When he got within distance of a swing, he swung his axe and I easily dodged it and slashed at his chest, leaving a huge gash as blood splattered out and he screamed in agony before he fell to the ground dead.

Since my axe was pretty heavy, I knew I wouldn't be fast in handling it right away but with some getting use to, I'm sure I'll be able to handle it properly. The others charged me simultaneously and I shot at them, bullets chunks flying at them and with great succession it stunned, wounded, and even killed some of them.

I easily finished off the last few and pressed on, coming to a clearing in the middle of the street with some other infected yharnamites around a bonfire of some sort. But in the bonfire was a humanoid wolf creature. "Goodness..." I said under my breath. But the other beast-like individuals spotted me and came up to me with hopes of killing and there was even one with a rifle trying to shoot me. And also rabid dogs.

I had to strike and dodge to avoid being over-taken and killed by these maddening creatures.

The dogs were the first ones to come at me and when they came close, I shot my blunderbuss and it sent them flying but they got right back and barked at me before running towards me again and I just shot again and they fell back but this time they stayed dead and I quickly disposed of the other enemies and killed the gunman last.

The thought of me taking the pistol instead of the blunderbuss.

Hopefully I'll be able to get the pistol at a later date.

Not letting the thought take over my mindset, I walked up some stairs and passing through another area, I ran into some crows. They were black with disheveled feathers, completely white eyes almost as if they were blind and their beaks covered with blood and flesh.

Their appearance was unsightly to see but I couldn't let this deter me. I transformed my axe by pulling it extended into a halberd. It was perfect for long-range attacks and for taking out foes simultaneously.

I performed a spinning slash and took them out with ease but it sure took a lot of my stamina. My next enemy was a giant obese man with bandages over his eyes, torn clothes, and holding a brick but I didn't notice him until at the last second before I turned to him and he hit me with the brick, staggering me before I backed away in a quick second to recompose myself. The giant readied charged to hit me again but I swung my halberd and cut off his head.

Blood splattered everywhere as his body fell lifeless.

Some of the blood got on me but I didn't care. In fact, ever since the transfusion I've felt...indifferent towards the situation. But I know that I have to seek out Paleblood if I am to be free from my affliction.

I walked up some stairs and ran into some humanoid wolves that looked awfully similar to the one I saw earlier that was dead, hanging and burning. The only difference here is that there's two and they're both alive.

One of them wolf creatures saw me and roared before they ran towards me and raised one of their claws. Before they could hit me, I shot at them and they staggered, giving me the opportunity to run my hand through the creatures chest with great strength and pull back, causing blood splatter and the creature to fall back and slowly die. I panted a bit surprised from that immediate strength I had in that second but I regained my composure once the other creature came at me.

The fight between us didn't last long with me as the victor and another foe dead.

I walked across a bridge cautiously until after passing through a big entrance, the bridge came at a dead end at the other side.

"Blast a dead end. Oh well, maybe I can-." As I turned to go another way, I then heard a loud screech in the distance. "What was that?" I said silently as I readied my arsenal and looked around. There was silence again for at least a few more seconds before I immediately looked in front of me and saw a beast jumped down onto the bridge.

This beast certainly looked a lot different from those I've faced before.

This one was humongous with long, crooked antlers on its head. It's body appeared similar to the humanoid wolves but a bit more scrawny. One of its arms was normal-sized and the other one was much larger than the other, with immense fur.

It screeched once again as it had its sights set directly on me.

I was starting to get a bit nervous as this beast towered over me easily, but I knew that the only way for me to move on ahead was to defeat this monster. "Alright then. Bring it on!" I said, ready for the ensuing battle against my gigantic foe.