For Storm that Follows

Chapter I: Sun and Blood

Essos. The continent that houses many cities and ethnic groups that are defined by their own cultures and methods via trading, royalty and martial prowess as it sits across the Narrow Sea from its counterpart, Westeros with contrasting system and cultures.

It holds the Free Cities; colonies of the once powerful Valyrian Freehold, an ancient and very powerful empire that was destroyed by a cataclysm event known as the Doom of Valyria. All remnants of the destroyed empire now survived through the former colonies now city-states of Essos.

The continent is also known for many of the sellsword companies that emerged from the wetwork who work for whomever pays them the most. They are often looked down upon in both Essos and Westeros due to breaking their contract for whatever.

However, there is one sellsword mercenary company that sets itself apart from all others. It was called the Golden Company whose words are 'Our word is as good as gold'. Since their finding by one of the Targaryen legitimized bastards, Aegor Rivers whose nickname is Bittersteel, which is also the inspiration of their battle cry 'Beneath the gold, the bitter steel', they gained the reputation for never breaking a contract with any employer.

Their numbers grew from the numerous exiles or sons of exiles over centuries. And to this day, they have over 10,000 highly-trained, disciplined men and incredible wealth from the successful contracts. Each of the captain-general were to be held by great prestige due to their skills and political savvy but most of all, loyalty to the contract and the company.

One of the most skilled sellswords in the Golden Company was a man whose name was entirely foreign to both Essos and Westerosi standards. To the brothers in the mercenary group, his name was Minato Namikaze who hailed from the Faraway Lands, a term coined to a supposed continent that is beyond Eastern Essos, even Asshai.

But for the rest of Essos and eventually Westeros, he was known by a name that struck fear through all men, both royalty and smallfolk. He was known as Kiiroi Senko, a name lettered by one of Minato's people who came with him from the Faraway Lands in their native tongue.

The reason for such a nickname was all his victims and slain men in battle saw was a flash of yellow before their life was taken by his blade.

Minato Namikaze was not a psychopathic killer or hardened man, but compassionate. He respected all his brothers in the Golden Company and instilled a great respect for the dead, both their own and their enemies; a custom that took several months after his joining.

Yet despite all of his accomplishment, acquired wealth and brothers he gained, there was something missing in Minato's life.

Little did he know that he would find that missing something that would complete him forever.


Golden Company Headquarters

Isle of Tyrosh, Essos

Year 278 AC

"You called for me, sir?"

The current captain-general, Myles Toyne, looked at one of his many serjeants who struck fear in battle. "Yes, I have, Minato." He spoke in a firm voice.

Minato stood a good head shorter than him but his frame gave him the advantage of speed in battle even with worn armor. He had slightly tanned skin, bright blue eyes and spiky blonde hair with jaw-length bangs framing his face. His attire was a light blue long-sleeved tunic that had the Golden Company's sigil, a gold banner with no designs, on the right shoulder while three golden arm rings were worn on his left arm as a sign of his years in the company while tight gloves covered his hands.

As for his armaments, he wielded a simple hand-and-a-half sword or bastard sword attached to his belt along with a curved dagger that had a golden handle and silver cross-guard. The Golden Company armor was present on his arms, shins and chest but he loathes helms as they obscure his eyesight greatly.

Minato looked at his leader who stood from his ornately decorated desk and paced around the space behind it. Toyne was bigger than him in both frame and musculature as his facial expression showed nothing but anger and rage. His left eye had a small scar atop his eyebrow while his face bore jug-ears and a crooked jaw from what he said he got from a bar fight with another man for a woman who captured his heart.

To all men in the Company, he was titled Blackheart due to the sigil present on his shield and on his current attire, which was a red tunic with loose pants that held the Golden Company's sigil. He liked the nickname because it inspired fear to both enemies and friends, but Minato and most of the high-ranking officers knew that he was fair but firm to all.

Flanking the captain-general's desk were connecting shelves filled with ledgers and books that were written by his past predecessors linking all the way to Bittersteel's time. The walls had tapestries of many of the Golden Company's accomplishments and notable members throughout its history.

"Minato, I have a mission for you." Blackheart stated with seriousness.

Minato stood firmly but slightly relaxed. "What is it?"

"Before that, I want to promote you to the rank of Lieutenant-General." Blackheart hid a smirk when he saw Minato's eyes widen in surprise. "I see I surprised you, Lieutenant." He said coolly since it was rare to surprise the legendary Kiiroi Senko.

After all, there are only a few Lieutenant-Generals in the Golden Company's history. To this day, there are currently five of them including Minato.

"Why, yes sir." Minato answered before he gave a small bow to his leader as per custom from his homeland. Blackheart sighed at the gesture but let it go due to his respect for his newly-christened Lieutenant. "May I ask why though."

"Numerous reasons: you saving your men from an ambush in that job at Qarth, single-handedly killed many Dothraki hordes to protect innocent villagers, etc. Take your pick."

"I only did what was right, sir. Nothing more, nothing less." Minato stated back. "Those contracts didn't facilitate necessary killings of the innocents."

Blackheart hummed in thought before he got back to the point. "For your mission, you are to travel to an ancient city and bring back a relic to me. This was written by a will of our founder, Bittersteel. It remarked after 200 years since his death, this relic was to return to the Golden Company's captain-general at the time."

"Yes sir. But if I may, where is this assignment?"

The two high-ranking officers discussed the location but they did not notice the slowly crept fingers that held on tight on one of the open windows near them.


(Three Months Later)

Old Valyria, Valyrian Freehold

Valyrian Peninsula, Essos

Year 278 AC

"Why, oh, why did Aegon Rivers stash the relic here of all places?" Minato complained softly as he climbed atop the ruin of a stone building.

He remembered the day he arrived in Essos, a foreign land that spoke a different language than the ones in the Faraway Lands. Minato had hit the language barrier but his skills as a fighter landed him enough money to move about the entire continent until he met Blackheart of the Golden Company.

It was during one of their contracts and Minato fought on the opposing side. He had defeated several men in the Golden Company but didn't kill any one of them. His skill and mercy towards the mercenaries gained Blackheart's attention and offered him a place in the organization. He remembered the countless hours of studying and learning the Common Tongue but he managed to overcome the language barrier.

Back to his reality as he stood at the edge, Minato couldn't help but be amazed by the sight before him. The ancient ruins of Valyria stood strong despite the gloomy atmosphere and smoky clouds above them while the wildlife strode around below him.

Minato brought out the map given to him by the captain-general and unrolled it to find the location of the relic. He could hardly believe that this would lead to the founder's belonging but Valyria isn't exactly known for its warm hospitality.

For years, the ruins of Old Valyria and its surrounding cities had been the dumping sites for the Stone Men. The Stone Men were people who got infected by a deadly and incurable disease known as greyscale. The disease ravages the infected person's skin and secondly, their mind that is lesson to that of a savage animal.

Plus, no one goes to Valyria unless they're insane enough for riches and weapons left behind since the Doom.

"Okay, where are you?" Minato muttered to himself as he scanned between the map and Valyria.

After making sure the images on the map and the ruins matched, Minato expertly climbed down the building and free-run across the trees without a sound due to his training back in the Faraway Lands. He eventually made it to the ruin where the relic was said to be buried in.

It looked to be an old temple with different statues that most likely depicted the Valyrian gods but the dome-like roof was destroyed by a higher building's stone. Vines clasped on the walls and broken door after centuries of lack of maintenance like the veins of humans.

He sighed as the Lieutenant-General walked inside the temple with his sword drawn and a lighted torch to guide the way. Minato passed through the destroyed hall, the damp hallways and a series of turns that seem to spiral deeper inside the temple until he reached a simple room that held the vaguest hint of dim sunlight.

"A dead end…Bittersteel must be laughing at me right now." Minato muttered as he chuckled lightly and turned around to leave.

That was until he leaned backwards to avoid a blade from taking his head off.

Transitioning to a handstand away from the person, Minato held the blazing torch as he searched for his attacker in the room. As he barely turned the full 360-degree turn, his senses blared from above as Minato raised his sword to block a narrow blade that protruded from his attacker's wrist and much to his shock, it cut his weapon into two.

"Oh boy." Minato muttered as he tossed his broken sword and torch to the ground.

The grounded torch illuminated the room better then he wielded as the mercenary finally saw his attacker for the first time. He stood slightly shorter than him but everything else was hidden from his attire as it was a red cloak over a loose black tunic-like armor and pants along with thin shoes that were familiar to Minato. The interesting thing that caught his attention was the beaked hooded that covered his attacker's face and the two wrist-blades.

Minato took a closer glance and noticed a water-like formation all over the metal plates and the narrow blades. "That explains it. It's Valyrian steel." He also recognized the attire as it was the signature clothes of an order he heard back in his native land.

It was the Assassin Brotherhood. From what he heard about the organization separated themselves from ordinary killers for they only kill those in who seat themselves in positions of power and corruption.

As for the weapon itself, Valyrian steel is the product of a special ore that was said to be forged by the Valyrians who used magic and their dragons' fire-breath. These weapons, usually forged in swords, are extremely expensive and usually requires payment that is equal to raising an army. The techniques for such a priceless metal was lost in the Doom and therefore the current Valyrian steel weapons are immeasurably valuable in the world.

From what Minato knows, the noble Houses in Westeros treasure their Valyrian Steel weapons as heirlooms and the sign of power such as Brightroar of the Lannisters in Westerlands and Heartsbane of the Tarlys in Riverlands.

Minato bobbed and weaved around the swift slashes by the attacker with his legendary speed as he quickly brushed past his enemy and kicked his legs to bring him down. His attacker reacted just as swiftly as he swept his legs underneath him.

Both combatants flipped themselves back to their feet as they entered fisticuffs. Unlike brawling, their moves were refined and swift as they countered each other's punches and leg strikes, much to both of their surprise. Minato broke through the Assassin's defense and kicked him in the stomach but he was also caught off-guard by his wrist blade as it cut his arm.

In response, the Lieutenant-General brought out his curved dagger and slashed at the Assassin who dodged most of it until he slid between his legs and cut the right calf.

The Assassin grunted as both he and Minato fought each other with their blades. Their bleeding arms splattered the room with blood until two drops landed on top of the burning torch. They didn't notice their stable footing was gone until they felt nothing but air.

"Ahh!" Both the Assassin and Golden Company mercenary screamed out as they hit a tilting obstacle that led them to a watery chamber.

Minato gasped loudly as he swam to dry land nearby and laid on the ground. He panted to recuperate until he felt his hand touched something soft and… "Squishy?" The blonde mercenary muttered as he continued to squeeze the soft material. "What's squishy?"

The Golden Company member looked to his side and saw the Assassin laid there as his hand was on one of the bulge in the cloak. He felt something rush to his face but it was gone when the hooded figure was staring at him with the meanest glare he'd ever seen.

"What the hell are you doing, dattebane?!"

Minato rolled out of the way as the female Assassin punched the spot he laid on and noticed that she made a hole in it. "She's strong." He muttered with shock at the power behind her attack.

But he was most shock about the Assassin's face whose hood was rolled back.

She had fair skin not unlike the women in the Faraway Lands and Westeros, the lightest-shade of violet her eyes displayed and a slender yet firm build that was shown through her wet clothing. However, her most attractive characteristic was her red hair; the reddest he had ever seen. Her hair was tied in a high pony-tail while two shoulder-length strands framed both sides of her face.

"Uh…Hello?" Minato said weakly at the glowering Assassin. He was still mesmerized by her beauty that he didn't react to her punch that sent him to darkness.


"Damn him!" The female Assassin muttered angrily yet weird at the same time.

She had tied the Golden Company mercenary to a stone pillar before walking towards the end of the room. The Assassin had trained herself since her early childhood and was acknowledged by the three Mentors of the Brotherhood as one of the skilled members in their Order's history.

However, she also grew to be one of the most beautiful women in their order as countless men both in and outside the Brotherhood wanted to betroth her but she rejected each one of them. The reason being was that they all saw her as nothing but a pretty thing for a trophy.

But this time, after she fought against the mercenary and traded blows with him, the Assassin felt something different when he looked at her. It wasn't contempt nor lust that most men would stare at women these days both in this continent and the Faraway Lands.

It was respect and mutual liking that he looked at her with.

"No, no, no. I am Uzumaki Kushina!" The Assassin said while she shook her head as her face took on a look of determination since the mission was her main priority that had been given personally by the Mentors

Find the hidden relic belonging to Bittersteel and protect said object from all those oppose her.

She finally made it to the end of the room where a rather large stone table stood in the middle as two statues of angry dragons sat on both sides. On the wall above the table was the Golden Company's sigil and Bittersteel's personal sigil: a horse with dragon wings protruding from its back.

That was the symbol of Aegon 'Bittersteel' Rivers.

The Assassin used her gift to see through the table and saw a glowing object inside of it as she pushed the top off the table and saw the relic that was her mission. It was a hand-and-a-half longsword with a black solid leather grip, a red ruby in the pommel and the handguard's edges resembling dragon heads as its blade was riddled with water-like markings, the sign of the famous Valyrian steel.

She grabbed the sword and placed it inside the nearby sheath which was also black with red trims at the edges as she placed it on her back. Kushina saw an opening at the ceiling and climbed the walls expertly where she squeezed herself through the hole.

"Mission complete, dattebane!" Kushina cried out with a fist in the air.

She didn't notice that she was surrounded by men who snarled at her. Kushina stood alert as she recognized the scaled patched on their faces and torn rags. "Stone Men." She whispered in fear as she contemplated what to do; fight or flee?

The ravaged men snarled one last time before they charged at the Assassin who quickly threw a smoke bomb to hide herself.

Kushina had jumped at one of the trees and climbed to the tip as she free-run across trees while the Stone Men chased after her. She chuckled at their vain attempt as they could never catch her. However, her arrogant attitude cost her as Kushina's foot stepped on a branch that broke on contact.

She fell to the ground but quickly got up as she prepared to fight back this time. Kushina's hands formed a strange sign as she chanted something very quickly. "Flet, une vente! Flans Saltatio Pulverea!" The Assassin chanted loud as her body glowed white outside her frame.

A powerful gust of wind blew towards Stone Men who were sent flying backwards away from Kushina as trees were pulled off their roots.

She sighed as the spell she used took quite a bit out of her due to how much power she put into it. Kushina wiped a lone sweat from her brow as she was safe until her senses alerted her of an enemy from behind her. She turned around and saw a pounced Stone Man at her.

"No!" She raised her arms in defense as she was too late to defend herself.

Kushina waited for the contact of being scratched and ravaged by the crazed man, but instead she felt her hair flowing with the breeze. She opened her eyes and found herself atop a ruin's roof instead of the ground where an smoke cloud covered the area.

"Are you okay?"

The female Assassin looked at the one whose voice spoke to her and saw it was Minato who looked at her with concern but a smile as well. He smiled at her despite of their earlier bout against each other which made her feel her heart beat once more like earlier.

"W-why?" Kushina asked, obviously confused. "You could've taken the sword after I died."

Minato tilted his head as he quickly answered back. "That's simple. I like your red hair and you're strong." He answered simply with his smile present.

Kushina stared at him with shock as it was her red hair that attracted the worst of men. She hated her hair ever since. But here was a man who loved her for her personality and hair as she saw kindness and genuine love in his eyes.

"Now what is your name, hime?" Minato asked as Kushina's eyes widened even more. "What is it?"

"Y-you speak Nihon-go."

"You speak it too." Minato stated with surprise until he realized her origin. "You're from the Faraway Lands."

"As are you."

The two looked at each other with their contrasting eye colors as they ignored the gloomy ruins around him. "My name is Uzumaki Kushina."

"Namikaze Minato." Minato introduced himself as his hand held Kushina's hand.

It was that moment the path of their lives would change forever.


Isolated Island

North of Pentos, Essos

Year 294 AC

It was years since that day but Minato knew that everything changed for the greater good. He met the woman of his life but that didn't mean there were challenges for the two of them. Their different professions kept them separated most of their first year together but they remained faithful to each other and met each other whenever their jobs would intersect at a location until finally neither of them could keep their relationship a secret and entered marriage a year later due to one surprising yet happy.

Kushina was pregnant with their first child.

Minato informed Blackheart of his marriage as did Kushina who told her superiors in the Order. The captain-general didn't oppose the marriage and in fact, he approved it since he noticed a change in Minato after his mission in Old Valyria. He knew that it takes a woman to change a man for better or worse and learned that Kushina was a fierce woman from the few times he met her.

As for the Mentors, they were reluctant about Minato as only members of the clans within the Order could marry each other. Their reluctance was further when Kushina informed them about her telling Minato about their Order's true purpose. However, their feelings subsided after learning that Minato was from their homeland as well as the great potential within him.

Three years into their marriage, the Mentors offered Minato training of their ways and informed him of the power that resides within all those originating from the Faraway Lands. It had many names since the beginning time but now it is called Ninshu.

But to the rest of the world like Westeros and Essos, it was called magic that died out centuries ago.

However, Ninshu was powered very differently than the other types of magic that was used by warlocks and witches. Instead of outside aid by dark power or malevolent force, Ninshu uses the person's internal energy that many in the Order coined as Chakra.

To their surprise, Minato excelled in the Order's training in all aspects such as combat weaponry, taijutsu and elemental magic with lightning as his specialty. Within a year, he reached the rank of Master Assassin like his wife.

Another two years passed and Minato had decided it was time to retire from the Golden Company. He said farewell to his brothers and commander who wished him luck as the latter gifted him with something that he never thought possible.

Now the present time, Minato watched from the inside of the house he hired to build with his accumulated gold and wealth from his time in the Golden Company. Its structure was vastly different from the castles and buildings in Westeros and Essos, but it had a lot of space which was perfect for the family.

The design was from the Faraway Lands after all and therefore made it home for the parents as well it gave a closer connection for their son.

He watched below as his wife was parrying their son's attack with a wooden sword. Their son was the splitting image of him with spiky blond hair and slightly tanned skin but he inherited his mother's violet eyes and strong personality even to the point of him having a verbal tick like her, much to Kushina's chagrin.

But the weirdest thing for the parents were the six birthmarks that were on his cheeks with three on each side.

His name came from the word in their homeland as on his nameday, he was born on a ship during raging waters where a maelstrom threatened to overturn the vessel they were on but survived the waves to their island home. It was that day that gave their son his name.

His name Uzumaki Naruto. In Ninhon-go, Naruto meant Maelstrom.

"Ah!" Naruto cried out with his wooden sword while Kushina, in her Assassin robes, smirked at him.

She countered his strike and trip him when he overextended his footing, sending him to the ground. "Naruto-kun, you should be more aware of your footing."

The fourteen-year old grumbled in his teeth as he stood up. "Hai, Kaa-chan."

"Now, onto your Ninshu training."

"Yay!" Naruto cried out with his arms out. Ninshu training was his favorite part alongside hand-to-hand combat with his father and swordsmanship with his mother. "Wind Magic here I come!"

Like his mother, Naruto specializes in wind magic but also a forgotten lost art: Clone Magic. This type of Ninshu was created by the Mentor long ago during the time of Aegon the Conqueror's time and since then, only a few Assassins in history was capable to utilize this Ninshu.

Now, Naruto was included into the list.

That's right. He's training to be an Assassin like his parents and ancestors before him. It took plenty of convincing, but his parents relented after seeing his potential in an accident with a bully somewhere in the island long when he was five years of age.

"Now, Naruto, are you ready for this?" Minato asked assuredly after he jumped from the terrace and landed between his wife and son. "This will be difficult for you as even I struggled with it."

Naruto nodded his head confidently. "Absolutely Tou-san!" He said with a smile. "I'll master it in a week!"

Both Minato and Kushina looked at each other with smiles as the latter took a seat on the grass nearby. The head of the Uzumaki Clan took his wife's clan name since she was the last member until her marriage with him and pregnancy of their son.

"It took me three years to create it followed by another three years to master it." Minato stated as he took a teaching pose. "It takes immense concentration and vigorous chakra control, son. I'm only teaching you this but you are my son and I know you're ready for it."

"Understood, Tou-san." Naruto answered with the utmost respect. "I hope I make you proud."

Kushina chuckled at her son. "You already made us the proudest parents, Naruto. You are alive."

"Oh Kaa-san~" Naruto muttered bashfully. "You're embarrassing me."

Minato shared his wife's statement. "She's right about that." He looked at his son who stared back in his eyes. "Now I will teach you the magic I created myself after intense years of training and studying."

"Sweet! What's it called, dad?!"

Naruto waited as he heard the name of his father's magic.

"It is called Rasengan."


Planky Town, Dorne

Southern Westeros

Year 296 AC

Naruto sat in the middle of the room he stationed himself as he meditated for many hours. He always meditates whenever he's waiting for a target during his missions whether they take him throughout many cities and small villages in Essos, but this was the first time a mission took him to Westeros.

Throughout his years of studying that included history of both his homeland and the languages of the Faraway Lands, he found Westerosi history to be most compelling especially after Aegon the Conqueror's invasion. His parents made it a firm point to know all he could about the multiple vassal Houses along with the Great Houses of each region as well as proper etiquette when speaking with nobility.

There are nine constituent regions in the Seven Kingdoms despite there were actual seven major kingdoms. There is the North ruled by House Stark of Winterfell; the Vale of Arryn by House Arryn; the Riverlands by House Tully; the Westerlands by House Lannister; the Iron Islands by House Greyjoy; the Stormlands by House Baratheon; the Reach by House Tyrell; Dorne by House Martell and lastly the Crownlands by House Baratheon of King's Landing.

At first when Naruto in the age of six summers learned about it, he voiced his confusion to his parents when Kushina told him about House Targaryen being rooted out by Robert's Rebellion due to the Prince of Dragonstone, Rhaegar Targaryen, kidnapped Lyanna Stark who was supposed to be betrothed to Robert. They didn't go further than that after muttering about the Mad King.

Naruto was very confused as why the Prince, a compassionate and married man, would kidnap man's bride that sparked a war. However, this happened sometime before his birth. Naruto emerged from his cozy spot on the peak of the tallest building in the harbor town, revealing his attire.

Like his mother, Naruto wore the Assassin attire of the Brotherhood. His robes consisted of an orange hooded cloak over a blue long-sleeved shirt, a yellow belt that tied his red pants tightly and black sandals as his father's golden armlets decorated his left bicep area. The shirt and sandals came from his parent's native lands and they ordered clothing from the Mentors as nameday gifts for him long ago.

As for his weaponry, he wields his mother's Valyrian steel Hidden Blades that were hidden inside his sleeves as it helps him to move through the crowd unseen. Attached to his belt were several star-like projectiles called shuriken that also originated from the Faraway Lands as well, two knives that had three blades instead of one and a bow/quiver set on his back.

The hooded Naruto tuned into his senses as the Dornish people glowed from his eyes. The gift it was called by many Assassins who managed to reach a high enough level in Ninshu and control of their chakra. There were some people who'd inherit the gift from their lineage like Kushina and Naruto.

His eyes scanned through the countless white glows that represented the innocents until he noticed a dull yellow glow ahead de-boarding off one of the recently-arrived ships from Essos. Naruto nodded as he loved to do this part of his training.

The passing Dornish people went on their daily lives as they did not notice a foreigner running across their rooftops towards the docks. The armed guards didn't sense his presence as Naruto made sure to remain hidden from the public eye.

He saw his target for the first time since arriving three days earlier to prepare the takedown. It was a thin man in Tyrosh clothing given the bright colors since it was common knowledge that people from Tyrosh are known to be greedy and show flashy colors to display their greed.

His mission was to prevent the Tyroshi from carrying out an assassination on a target here in Sunspear. Unfortunately, the intel did not inform neither him nor his parents of the target's identity. They were lucky to have the location at all.

Naruto followed the Tyroshi into a brothel where they ignored the naked prostitutes' moans and the sounds of flesh hitting each other. He got lost a bit after a prostitute stood in his way, wanting his cock but he politely shoved her aside as he reached outside, but the Tyroshi was gone.

"Damn it!" Naruto cursed as he scaled the tallest building nearby to search for him.

His eyes scanned the markets until he found fresh tracks on the rooftops that lead away from the brothel and followed the path that lead him to the prominent structure in Dorne. The fortified castle of House Martell with Spear Tower displayed proudly.

"He's going after the Martells." Naruto increased his speed as he hoped that he's not too late.


Sunspear, Dorne

The Guard patrolled through the mazes, narrow alleys and the Water Gardens as part of their duty to protecting the capital and their lords, House Martell. A column of Dornish guards passed by the main structure that housed the Martells, one guard broke formation and quickly ran through one of the stairs that led to the personal bedchambers.

The guard removed his helmet that removed his Tyroshi features as he approached one of the rooms where his targets were said to be housed. He stopped when voices of children reached his ears from inside as it confirmed his intel so far.

The killer opened the door and closed it quietly as the voices grew louder to call their mother.

"Mother, mother! When can I go out?"

"Not now, Rhaenys dear. You know that we can't go out in the daytime."

"But mother…I don't like staying in here in Sunspear."

His intel was incorrect, much to his surprise. The Tyroshi always thought when he took the job that it was just one of the bastards of Oberyn 'Red Viper' Martell, now it was even better since he found two people who were supposed to be dead in King's Landing long ago.

"The gold will be mine." He emerged from the wall he hid behind and revealed himself to his targets as they gasped when his knife flickered in front of their eyes. "It's nothing personal but the gold will take the sting out of my heart!"

"No, no!" Rhaenys cried out, grabbing onto her mother as they held each other tightly.

The Tyroshi charged at the scared trio with his knife and was about to succeed if it wasn't for the blade that stabbed through his throat. Naruto grunted when he pulled out his right Hidden Blade, wiped the blood off his weapon before he looked at the frightened trio.

The woman was a Martell as she has a slender body with a flat chest, black eyes and black hair in ringlets as she wore a Dornish woman's clothing. She looked to be around her forties but still retained her beauty. As for her daughter, she was the splitting resemblance of her with brown eyes as she wore a more appropriate clothing for a child her age as she was the same age like him.

"K-Kushina?" The mother said with surprise as she stared at him.

Naruto was stunned when she spoke his mother's name so much that he didn't register the Guards enter the room and pointed their weapons at him. The one who led the charge was a Dornish man who was taller than Naruto as he has a lined face with thin eyebrows, black viper eyes and a sharp nose. His black hair had few silver streaks and recedes from his brow into a widow's peak.

"Assassin!" The tall man shouted out as he took a knife. "Kill him!"

The Assassin brought out his Hidden Blades as he used the pivot attachment on the left bracer and wielded it as a dagger. The two sides were about to battle until the woman stood between them with her arms, defending Naruto.

"Elia, out of the way!"

"Elia? Could it be… No." Naruto thought to himself as Elia shook her head.

"No, Oberyn. I can't allow you kill the person who saved me and Rhaenys." Elia answered sternly before she pointed at the body near her. "He's Tyroshi."

Oberyn looked between the hooded intruder and Tyroshi before he ordered the Guard to get rid of the body while a few had their weapons on Naruto. He couldn't blame them though since he also trespassed on their land and home.

"Mother, you called the intruder 'Kushina'." Rhaenys said meekly as she held Elia's arm. "Is that the person who saved us?"

Elia nodded at the hooded intruder as she recognized the beaked hood although the rest of the attire was different from that night. "Of course it is. Who else would wear that?" The widow asked as she looked at Naruto. "May you remove your hood, Kushina? I wish to see the face of one who saved us."

"…" Naruto hesitated he grabbed his hood's edges. "My Lady, I did save your lives just now but I am not Kushina."

Oberyn stepped closer while his sister and niece backed away from as the remaining Guards held their weapons at him.

"But I am her son." Naruto pulled down his hood, revealing his face and blonde hair to the Dornish. "My name is Naruto of the Uzumaki Clan, son of Minato and Kushina." He kneeled before the noble people as his Hidden Blades retracted into his sleeves.

Elia was hesitant as this was a young man who saved her. He didn't look older than her daughter except by maybe three summers, but even back then, the young man would've been about two or three years old during Sack of King's Landing.

The widow of Rhaegar Targaryen walked to the son of her savior. "Let us speak." She said softly.

Oberyn was conflicted on what to do but if his older sister was fine with him, then he should be as well. However, their older brother was going need a very stern explanation of the recent events.


(An Hour Later)

"And that's what happened, my lord." Naruto came out of his small bow as he looked at the lord of House Martell and Sunspear.

Doran Martell was a man in his late thirties with classic Dornish features and wore jeweled clothing of his culture. He had neck-length black hair with many silver strands as a sign of his early elderly age as he sat on his throne that had been his House's seat since the founding of the noble family.

Standing by his side was a dark-colored man in the Guard's attire except he wielded a golden halberd and a calm yet cautious face as his eyes bore unto the intruder and looked like he was ready to kill him if his lord commanded it.

Lady Elia, her daughter princess Rhaenys and Lord Oberyn stood to the side as they switched glances between Naruto and Doran.

"You have shown great audacity, young man, for trespassing into my castle and endangering my sister and niece." Doran spoke in a firm voice before he exhaled deeply. "But you had the best intentions of stopping an assassination that would've ended my sister and her daughter's lives. And for that, I'll spare your life in return."

Naruto inwardly sighed in relief. "That's the best I could hope, my lord."

"But how did the Tyroshi mercenary know about them?" Oberyn asked as his temper rose slowly. "Your mother made sure no one followed them when they escaped King's Landing that night. In fact, how did you know about the assassination attempt?"

"… I received intel in Essos about the assassination attempt a few days ago." Naruto answered after a moment. "I arrived earlier to intercept him but I had no idea who his target was, just that it was here in Dorne and he would in Planky Town. I have a feeling that the Tyroshi didn't know about their identity either."

"Still this troubles me. The fact that anyone would attempt to assassinate a Martell in our home requires retaliation." Oberyn said a little loud as his anger grew a bit more. "This must not go unpunished."

"I agree with you brother." Doran said firmly as he glanced at his sister and niece. "We almost lost them that night and someone just tried to take them away from us. Call up the Sand Snakes, brother, I have need for you and them."

Oberyn smirked gleefully as he left to bring his daughters to their mission. Naruto on the other hand offered his own proposal. "My lord, if I may…" He waited as Doran nodded stiffly. "Surely, whoever employed the Tyroshi must be punished but they must also be expecting retaliation from your House. Perhaps that's what they wanted all along."

"War?" Doran asked skeptically. "Who want to wage war against my House or Westeros for that matter?"

Naruto shook his head. "I do not know my lord, but either way they win. Unless a third party intervened by chance and theoretically decided to investigate for House Martell's unknown knowledge of said events."

Elia blinked as Doran caught on the blonde's words. "And would this third party if successful require payment from unsuspecting House?"

"I don't believe so since the third party is doing it out of the goodness of his or her heart." Naruto answered as Doran and Elia tried to pierce his intentions.

They could not see any ulterior motives and realized his words were genuine. Elia saw his purple eyes and at first thought that he might be of Targaryen descent, but his posture and lack of mention of the House told her otherwise. When she saw his golden hair, Elia thought that he was a Lannister and when she asked him, Naruto respectfully informed the Lady of Sunspear that neither he nor his parents have Targaryen nor Lannister blood.

"If that is all, my Lord?" Naruto asked, waiting for the unsanctioned approval from Doran. He got it in a small nod as Naruto bowed to him, Lady Elia and her daughter before he took his leave to find the one who hired the Tyroshi assassin.


Jabber Town

Between Dorne and Stormlands

Jabber Town was once a great farming town as well as a trading post between the two regions, but the constant civil wars between the Stormlands and Dorne had destroyed the fertile soil and drove away the farmers who fled either to the Riverlands or the Crownlands for safety. It became a barren town that now houses brothels and sellswords who come and went through the town for jobs.

Getting off his horse, Naruto formed a cross with his fingers. "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu." Three clones in his Assassin robes appeared in front of him as they await his orders. "Okay, you three infiltrate the town and serve as back-ups. Do not engage until I give you the signal."

"Hai." The clones answered before they went separate ways to enter the town.

Naruto waited as he noticed three empty carts enter the town on a pathway that cut from the Boneway, one of the roads in Westeros. "I wonder what those are for."

His horse snorted three times to alert him of people from behind as he turned around to find Oberyn approaching him and he wasn't alone. Three young women around his age in not slightly younger than him as they rode alongside him on their horses.

"Lord Oberyn?" Naruto asked with surprise. "What are you doing here?"

Oberyn smirked as he and his entourage dismounted from her horses. "You don't really think I'd miss out retaliating for my family?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Naruto quipped. "I'm here for an unknown entity who'd been threatened by a party that I tracked here." He followed the payments ledger he took from the Tyroshi's ship and that led him to the town.

"Father, is this the man?" Oberyn nodded as the girl who spoke inspected Naruto's frame. "He doesn't look like a fighter." She had olive skin and black hair worn in a long braid as her dark eyes, high cheekbones and full lips showed him a full Dornish woman. She wore a combat-ready modified Dornish clothing with a turban covering her head.

"And you don't look like a lady." Naruto quipped at the girl who glared at him as well as her father. "Hey, I'm not going to take it like that."

"Nymeria, that was uncalled for even though it was true." The oldest sister Obara stated. She was a big-boned young woman with close-set eyes and rat-brown bordering black hair as it was tied in a ponytail while her attire was a black leather chestplate and armor with a spear on her back like her father. "I am Obara Sand."

The last daughter wore something between her sisters' clothing as she wore the low neckline and loose Dornish dress with cutouts on the side, leather armor pieces around her legs, elbows and forearms as she had olive skin like her sisters, dark eyes and short black hair that was covered by a turban. Attached to her belt were several curved daggers that unknown to him were dipped in poison.

"My name is Tyene Sand." The last Sand introduced herself suddenly as she felt left out.

"Tyene, Nymeria and Obara…pleasure to meet you. I am Naruto of the Uzumaki Clan" Naruto gave a small bow before he turned around to the town.

Oberyn held a hand to stay his daughters' weapons when the boy turned around as he walked next to him. "Do you have a plan, Naruto?"

"I already have three men inside the town searching for the culprits." Naruto answered as he looked at Oberyn. "I see you won't stand down but I think I have a plan that benefits us all."



The Red Viper and his daughters walked through amongst the sellswords and prostitutes in dark robes as disguises that were 'borrowed' by Naruto just before they entered the town. As for Naruto, he was keeping an eye on the quartet of family from the rooftops.

The hooded Assassin jumped to another building when the memories of one clone flashed through his mind. That was one of the surprising effects of the Clone Magic when he first tried it under his parents' supervision. He can obtain his dispersed clone's memories even when they are leagues away in Braavos, although the mental fatigue from multiple clones was a mental ass-kicker.

Over time he managed to withstand it from five clones but ten is the current limit for the mental fatigue.

Back to his current situation, Naruto followed the quartet who were led by another Tyroshi mercenary all the way to the courtyard where there were two squadrons of sellswords in matching uniforms as they stood in formation with five men in rows of ten.

Standing in front of them was most likely their commander as he wore red armor with black tunic. "Well, well looks like our man have returned with success." The commander chuckled heartily as he approached the disguised Oberyn. "But what's this here?"

"A gift." Oberyn answered simply as he took off the hoods, revealing his daughters' face.

"Sevens' Hell! They're fucking gorgeous!" One of the soldiers cried out as the men started to woo at them.

The commander raised a hand to silence them. He inspected each of the girls and knew they were quite the Dornish beauty but it was Tyene who caught his attention. "The other two, the men can fuck them but this one is mine."

Tyene held her disgust as she waited for the signal. Oberyn wasn't faring any better but knew that they need a confession of something that ties them to the assassination attempt. "Tell me what was the reason for assassinating a Martell?"

"Fuck it, I'll tell you." The commander decided since the deed was done. "Gold. If we kill a Martell, they would go after the ones whom they think was responsible. All of Westeros knows the animosity between Dorne and Westerlands. The Martells will have no doubt about the Lannisters behind the attempt. That's when we'll pledge our services to the Dornish for all their gold and escape when the fighting starts. They'll be penniless by the time we're done."

"I see then. Well, thank you for your confession." Oberyn said venomously as he pulled back his hood, revealing his face. "And House Martell sends their fury!"

The commander gasped as he backed away to escape but he heard a blade from above. He turned around to see a cloaked man falling to him but he was pushed aside by his right-hand man.

Naruto grunted when he landed on the wrong man but nevertheless stabbed him with his main Hidden Blade.

And all hell broke loose in Jabber Town.

The Sand Snakes and Rep Viper rid the cloak off their bodies as they prepared their weapons and fought the mercenaries as Naruto's 'men' aided them with their wrist blades, slashing their throats and legs before the finishing blow.

The original Naruto ran across the courtyard and slashed a mercenary's throat before he rolled with another man to break his neck. Tyene brandished her daggers as she dodged her band of targets' attacks before she slid on the ground and slashed their legs before running to tackle another who was about to stab Nymeria.

Nymeria sent a thankful nod before she threw her whip at one of the mercenary's head and pulled taunt as an audible crack, a sign of his neck snapped. Obara fought three mercenaries with her father as their dual spear made quick work of them by stabbing through them at the same time. They twirled the spears and swung it around their necks to keep the men at a distance before synchronizing their spear thrusts through a couple of mercenaries.

Tyene separated herself from Nymeria as she dodged an axe before countering with a kick to his leg and slit his throat. She was about to stab him through the face until she could something that flew past her as she looked back and saw a mercenary whose face was punctured by a knife.

The Sand Snake searched for the one and saw Naruto with his arm stretched out from throwing the weapon. She nodded at him who returned it before he dodged a sword strike and punched his attacker with swift strong blows and finished the mercenary off with a headbutt followed by his Hidden Blade.

Tyene then noticed the commander and his surviving men escaping on a horse-drawn cart and quickly mounted a horse before she followed them. Oberyn noticed this and shouted after her.

"Tyene! Tyene!" Oberyn shouted after her before he called out for Naruto. "Naruto, my daughter's chasing the commander. Stop them!"

Naruto nodded before he whistled and his horse galloped around the corner as he mounted and gave chase after Tyene and the commander.

It wasn't long until he caught up to them where his eyes caught Tyene fighting the mercenaries on the carriage and she was losing. Naruto stood on his horse before he jumped onto the carriage and landed on the two men as he fought with one while Tyene handled the other.

Tyene dropped onto the floor and kicked the mercenary's balls, bringing him down to his knees before she wrapped her legs around his neck and twisted it a minute later. Naruto blocked his enemy's sword with his Hidden Blade since the metal plates are also Valyrian steel as well as the blade broke against the metal.

"What the fuck?!" The mercenary burst out in shock.

Naruto dug his Hidden Blades in the man's chest, killing him as he pulled them out afterwards. He and Tyene nodded at each other as they hijacked the carriage by Tyene holding the commander by knifepoint and Naruto taking the reins.

"Well…that could've gone well as expected I guess." Naruto said simply as he turned the horse around back to Jabber Town.

Tyene smiled as she twisted the blade against the commander's throat. "I wonder how my father and I should torture you."

"I see you have your father in you." Naruto muttered as he glanced at the Sand Snake. "Somehow you remind me of my mother."

"Really? Is that so?" Tyene chuckled. "I wonder how exactly am I like her?"

"I'm not telling you, that's for sure." Naruto answered absolute.

The duo made it back to Jabber Town where they took the deceased bodies and traveled to an isolated part of Dorne that was a few leagues away from the town as they burned the bodies to rid of any evidence of their skirmish and presence.

Oberyn stood at the pit and watched the flames as his daughters stayed behind to talk amongst themselves and kept an eye on the commander. Naruto was next to him as he contemplated what to do next afterwards, but luckily for him, someone else made that decision for him.

"Naruto, you and I are going to be good friends." Oberyn said happily with his arm around the blonde's shoulder.

"How so?"

"We're going to get filthy drunk once we get back to Sunspear as a gesture of gratefulness for your actions today."

Naruto pondered what to do since he didn't want to offend the lord nor get drunk from excessive drinking. After all his mother vehemently instilled in him the Three Prohibitions of the Assassins and he fears her anger if she figures out about his drinking on the job.

"Oh what the hell? I could use a drink after this." Naruto shrugged his shoulders as Oberyn smiled at him.

"Good to hear!"

Naruto sighed at his attitude. "What the hell did I get myself into?"


(One Month Later)

Uzumaki Household, Isolated Island

North of Pentos, Essos

His mission fulfilled and succeeded, Naruto calmly rode his horse onto the grass plains of his parents' isolated island as he reached his childhood home with the curved rooftop and entered inside the main hall while the tatami mats that provided comfort for his sore feet.

Naruto took off his hood once doing so and opened the fusuma, the rectangular panels that served as walls, as he saw his father kneeling before an image that showed nine creatures of different sizes and number of tails.

From his studies of the Faraway Lands, these nine creatures are the Nine Beasts Gods of the Faraway Lands and their names are Shukaku, Matatabi, Isobu, Son Goku, Kokuo, Saiken, Chomei, Gyuki and Kurama. The people respected and feared the gods due to their immense power but the Ninshu practitioners knew they were more than just mindless beasts who created their homeland.

"Father, I'm home." Naruto informed as he sat in seiza.

Although hidden since his back faced his son, Minato smiled. "Welcome home, son. I take your mission was a success."

"Yes, although I learned something very surprising about the Sack of King's Landing."

"Oh, how so?"

"Like when mother saved Queen Elia and Princess Rhaenys from Gregor Clegane and they're alive and well in Dorne."

Minato sighed as he pivoted on his knees to face his son. "I think it's time you knew, but your mother should tell you herself."

"Actually I know the whole thing. The Martells told me everything, but I want to hear it from her." Naruto admitted with a low sigh. "But I bet it wasn't pretty over there."

Kushina entered the room with a shake of her head. "No, it wasn't." She sat between her son and husband as she recounted everything that happened during the night of the Sack of King's Landing.

The Mentors had sent her on a reconnaissance mission in Westeros to search for a rogue Assassin who was in King's Landing to reveal Ninshu secrets to the Mad King of the Targaryen dynasty. Kushina infiltrated the city and managed to kill the rogue member in the Red Keep before he could reveal their secrets, but by then the Lannister army turned on the Mad King.

That was when Kushina met Elia and although she thought about escaping for her own life since Naruto was only a babe at the time, she decided to save the princess and children instead. That was how she fought against Gregor Clegane and defeated the man but not before he killed the prince.

"Then why was there the story that he raped Elia before killing her and her children?"

"I placed a Genjutsu on him and used a Transformation magic on two dead Kingsguard." Kushina answered. "It wasn't easy though." Kushina sighed solemnly. "One of my greatest failures was Prince Aegon's death. He did not deserve to die at the hands of the monster."

Minato took his wife's hand to calm her slightly trembling frame. That night shook her badly. He remembered Kushina arriving home and hugged both him and Naruto tightly like she was going to lose them forever. Over the years, Minato would calm his wife who broke out of her sleep from nightmares of that burning night. She would always tell him of her promise to return to their side and he knew that she would always kept it just like him and now their son.

It was also that night that gave rise to the Uzumaki Clan's motto: A Promise Unbroken.

"But you saved Lady Elia and princess Rhaenys, mother." Naruto assured her as he took her other hand. "They're alive because of you." Kushina smiled at her son and husband for their support.

"Thank you." The matriarch of the Uzumaki Clan replied in their native tongue.

Minato kissed her while Naruto watched them until it grew to be uncomfortable. "Okay, okay, that's enough you two. You're weirding me out."

"Oh son, you're going to be like this when you have a woman." Kushina teased her son who stayed silent a minute later. "And I hope to get a grandchild soon."

"Kaa-san please." Naruto whined until something else came to mind. "There is something else I need to speak with you two." His parents looked at him. "First off, I took care of the Tyroshi assassin and the person who hired him for the contract. It seemed that neither of them knew about Lady Elia nor Princess Rhaenys's survival."

"I see and your concern is…" Minato paused as he waited for his son's clarification.

"I say this with the utmost respect to the three Mentors, but our Order is slow to react." Naruto stated firmly as his parents listened to him. "The intel we take for our missions is slow and takes days to reach us even with our best ravens from the Faraway Lands. Even throughout Essos, there are only a dozen Assassins including us." He sighed lowly. "I suggest we recruit people from both here and Westeros and create a more coherent spy network to aid us in our cause. I mean this time, I think I got lucky to intervene in time at Dorne."

"Naruto, that's…That's something completely in violation of our Order." Kushina answered back. "The Mentors are the oldest and wisest members of our Order…but I understand what you're saying. If we had a more concrete spy network or allies in Westeros, I probably would've saved Prince Aegon from death."

Minato sat in silence as he contemplated about his son's proposition. The Mentors would have a field day with the change but even if they refused, he would go ahead with the proposal as he knew his son was right. He was also proud of the way Naruto had grown the last few years and knew that there was more to come for the Uzumaki heir.

"I say we go for it." Minato said confidently as his wife and son nodded at him. "I'll send our best raven to the Mentors and if they agree, then that's great. If not, we'll do it anyway and prove to them of the new approach."

"Yes!" Naruto said happily as his father walked to the painting. "Father, what are you doing?"

Minato didn't answer as he gently removed the painting and pulled out the weapon he got from Valyria. He sat before his son while Kushina sat next to him as he presented it. "Naruto, you know the story of your mother and I's first meeting."

"The one where you two fight each other in the old ruins of Valyria but fell in love afterwards." Naruto stated fact-of-the-matter. "Why?"

"There's more to the story." Minato nervously chuckled while Kushina giggled. "When I was in the Golden Company, Blackheart the Captain-General sent me there to retrieve a relic that our founder left behind."

The Uzumaki patriarch gripped the handle and drew the weapon, showing its rippled-patterned blade to his son as he laid it next to the black scabbard. Naruto stared at the blade as he was mesmerized by the weapon's design while he recognized the Valyrian steel.

"You hid a Valyrian steel weapon behind that painting all these years?" Naruto asked with confusion. "Why? I mean mother's Hidden Blades are Valyrian steel too and I have no problem with them since they're my favorite but… why hide the sword?"

Minato exhaled it deeply as Kushina spoke for her turn. "Because of its identity, Naruto." She looked at the sword briefly. "Its identity is tied to the former royal family of Westeros. The family who ruled for over 200 years since its Conqueror made himself of Westeros."

"Y-you don't mean…" Naruto paused as he stared at the sword.

"Yes, Naruto." Minato looked at the weapon as well. "This is Blackfyre, the Targaryen ancestral sword passed down from king to king."

"But we are not Targaryens. You two came from the Faraway Lands!" Naruto interjected slightly hotly. "How was it the Golden Company's founder had possession of the sword?"

Minato answered his question. "Bittersteel or Aegor Rivers was of House Blackfyre, a branch house of House Targaryen. He took the weapon during the first Blackfyre Rebellion and fled to Tyrosh with his exiled supporters and lords along with his half-brother's widow and daughters. Imagine my surprise when Blackheart told me about the sword's identity."

"But didn't he want it?"

"No, it was a test to see if I was worthy to wield it." Minato informed his family. "He told me about a vision that showed a man of my type in an epic battle against time and aiding someone of great importance. At first, I thought it was me, now I realize that it must be you."

"Father, I-I…I don't know what to say." Naruto muttered as he reluctantly gripped the sword's handle and performed a series of swings. "It's so light." He looked at his parents who watched with pride. "Thank you." He grabbed the scabbard and sheathed the weapon into it as he attached Blackfyre to his belt.

"Now since that's over, what do you say we get more training done." Kushina said as she stood up with her sword.

Minato chuckled as sparks of lightning crackled around his hands. "I agree."

"Sweet!" Naruto cheered as he ran out to the training area with a swirling sphere of chakra in his left hand while Blackfyre was drawn in his right hand. "Let's go."

What the Uzumaki Clan didn't know at the time was that the greatest challenges in their lives would impact them both physically and mentally in the year that would start an event that would engulf Essos and its slave trade.


And done! This is the first NarutoxGOT crossover and to be honest, I had this idea in my head for a very long time since season six. Naruto is born in the GOT world but lives in Essos. I hope you liked Ninshu/Ninjutsu being defined as separate magic of the Faraway Lands.

Blackfyre is the Targaryen ancestral sword wielded by Aegon the Conqueror. The sword's image can be seen in the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' wiki just you know and can check it out. I always wondered what happened with the sword and hoped that it would appear in the series, but it doesn't look like that'll happen. Although as for Dark Sister, its sister sword, was seen by Meera Reed who took the sword in season six.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed it. Please review the chapter when you are done. Have a great day.