Disclaimer: LOTR belongs to the creative genius of JRR Tolkien, not me.

Engaging Plans


Aragorn heaved a sigh of relief as the wardens finally closed the hall doors behind the last of the departing guests. Turning to Arwen, he swept her into his arms, and kissed her as only her lover could.

"Perhaps if you had done that sooner, when everyone was still arguing, there would have been no cause for any misunderstanding," she said playfully, her cheeks slightly flushed and her eyes shining with the love she felt for him alone.

"Ah, but I did not wish to start something I could not, in all propriety, finish at that time," he whispered as he nuzzled her neck.

"Since you have waited this long, I am sure you can spare a few more minutes for a walk in my garden," she said sweetly, wriggling out of his embrace. "Legolas spoke truly when he said it is a beautiful night and I think you and I could use a refreshing walk under the stars. I just want to relax a little before retiring, you must admit it has been a very trying evening."

"As well as a very successful one, everything was splendid, except my dance card! Now I understand why Legolas refuses to attend the more official functions, some of the ladies make very poor company."

"Really, Aragorn, there is no need to be insulting. You may have felt yourself subjected to adverse conditions, but you at least appeared to be the epitome of gallantry the whole time. Did you learn how to do that from Legolas as well?" she teased, earning herself a long-suffering look from her husband. "Speaking of Elves, I did not realise Kerwyn's family harboured such a dislike for my kinfolk, did you Aragorn?"

"I did hear a few comments passed between her father and uncle, but I took no notice for they had both been drinking plenty of wine. I never suspected that they were actually speaking the truth. Despite the fact that her father is quite belligerent, he has always been polite and respectful towards Eldarion, until tonight, of course," he added with a rueful smile.

"Maybe he does not realise that our son has elvish blood in his veins?" she suggested as they walked hand in hand through the garden that Legolas had designed for the Queen.

"Oh, he knows. If you recall, I told you he questioned me at length about Eldarion's heritage before he gave approval for the betrothal," replied Aragorn. "I think that he simply chooses to ignore the fact of Eldarion's heritage, at least as far as your family is concerned. I wish it were otherwise, but as much as I have grown to love Kerwyn, I am becoming increasingly concerned that he wants her to marry Eldarion merely for his position. I cannot help but wonder if she does truly love him or is simply being an obedient daughter?"

"Nonsense! How could you think such a thing about Kerwyn? You only have to see her and our son together to know how much in love they are," Arwen said sharply. "If you doubt regarding what your eyes tell you, just ask Legolas for his opinion, elvish eyes can easily see what Men's hearts keep hidden."

"I am pleased to hear that, but what do you suppose his elvish ears are hearing now?" he whispered, directing Arwen's gaze to where the Elf was seated on the grass talking to Kerwyn and Eldarion.

"I have no idea," she said, surprise registering on her face for she had assumed the young lovers were otherwise occupied. "Shall we go and find out?"

Legolas acknowledged their approach with a quick nod, but rather than interrupt the conversation, the King and Queen settled themselves quietly on a nearby bench and listened to Kerwyn's softly spoken words in answer to a question which they had not heard.

"Oh yes, I know all about Queen Arwen becoming mortal so that she could be with the King, and Eldarion has told me about his other elvish relatives as well," she answered enthusiastically. "It's just that…well...maybe I should try and explain to you why it is that my father and uncle harbour such ill will towards Elves. I would hate to think my father had caused a rift between Ithilien and Minas Tirith. Will you listen?" she asked shyly, holding tightly to Eldarion's hand for support.

"Let me reassure you that you need have no fear about any rift forming, the bond of friendship between the Elves and Men is not so fragile as to be able to be destroyed by a few ill chosen words. Nevertheless, I would like to apologise to both you and Eldarion for any distress my disagreement with your father may have caused either of you earlier. I hope my anger did not mar your celebrations," said Legolas graciously

"Nothing could detract from the happiest day of my life," said Eldarion as he leaned over to gently kiss his beloved. "Think no more on it, everyone was behaving rather rashly for a time, myself included, and much was said that should not have been."

"Then let us hear your young lady's tale," said the Elf, giving Kerwyn his full attention.

"When my father was a boy of ten," she began, her nervousness obvious in her voice, "my grandfather and his eldest son disappeared whilst on a hunting trip in a part of the land said to be inhabited by Elves. The search parties found no bodies, but at the place where they had been attacked, several elvish arrows were removed from the trees and it was assumed that the owners of the arrows had either kidnapped or killed the hunting party," she explained.

"It is more likely that the Elves were attempting to rescue them from an attack by orcs," said Aragorn as he and Arwen moved from their bench to join the group sitting on the soft grass. "Since there were no remains found, they were all probably captured by the foul creatures."

"Yes, I suppose that is what might really have happened, but my father and his younger brother were devastated by the loss and have borne a hatred for elves ever since. It is an attitude that I have been taught to believe in all my life, until I fell in love with Eldarion," she said.

"But now you find yourself feeling differently, you feel that you can no longer agree with your father's opinions," surmised Legolas.

"Exactly, but how do you know that?" Kerwyn dared to ask, favouring him with a shy but friendly smile.

"In some ways, men and Elves are not so different. My father has never liked Dwarves or Men, and I had the same attitude instilled in me as I grew up. Fortunately it only lasted until I met Aragorn and later my dear friend Gimli," the Elf explained as he and Aragorn exchanged an amused glance as they both recalled a shared memory of a very rebellious young Mirkwood Elf and his 'forbidden' friendship with a certain Ranger. "I learned that every race has something to offer and I think you would better understand the ways of my people if you visited us in Ithilien," suggested the Elf.

"I would be pleased to do so," said Kerwyn graciously accepting the invitation.

"Just make sure you take Eldarion with you, in case your honour needs defending," teased Aragorn, his words causing much laughter. Turning to Arwen when the merriment had subsided, he asked if she was ready to retire yet.

"Yes, I am, my love," said Arwen eagerly as she held out her hand for Aragorn to help her stand. "What about you two? I think it must be time for Kerwyn to return to her room, Eldarion. I know her mother was looking for her earlier."

"I am afraid your mother is right," Kerwyn said as she took Eldarion's arm. "It is well past the time I was expected to return, Mother will be waiting for me, as usual," she added winking at Eldarion in a suggestive fashion as they started back to the palace.

"And you, Legolas, will you remain out here alone?" asked Aragorn, guessing his friend's intentions were to do just that.

"I will not be alone," answered Legolas, his gaze travelling skywards, his eyes filled with delight. "This is my favourite time of the day, and I have much to tell the stars." 

"Then I will bid you a goodnight," said Aragorn, embracing his friend with comradely affection. "I will rest easy in the knowledge that you are not likely to incur the wrath of the stars, at least in the few hours left until dawn."

"Yes, do enjoy the starlight, mellon nin," said Arwen as she reached up to lightly kiss the Elf on the lips. This time neither Eldarion nor Kerwyn had any objections.