The next time she opened her eyes she was in a Hospital, from what she could tell.

She wasn't familiar with the hospital at all.

She frowned in confusion as her mind was blank, she couldn't remember how she had gotten here, and she was a little scared, if she was being honest.

She didn't know what was going on.

But then, the one person in the world who comforted her was right there next to her, and she looked up at him and smiled softly as he linked his fingers through hers...

Mulder had been sitting by her bedside for the past couple of hours, waiting for her to wake up.

The ambulance had come quickly and he had traveled with her in it, keeping hold of her hand as they worked on her.

They told him that this happened all the time with cancer patients, and that it was normal, and that she just needed some more fluids and it wasn't that serious, she was going to be all right… but he couldn't help but feel his heart breaking inside with worry. He was almost frantic...

"Hey…" He said softly as she woke up and looked at him, smiling so serene and beautiful.

He felt his heart catch in his throat as she looked so stunning...

"Hi." She whispered, keeping her eyes on him. "Where am I?"

He smiled back at her and reached his other hand to tuck her hair behind her ear, bending down closer to her. "You're in a hospital near your hotel. Someone called the ambulance as soon as you collapsed. You're going to be okay, you just over did it a little-"

"-What?" She asked, cutting in.

Mulder frowned and looked at her more intently.

"When we were on the boat, you collapsed." He said calmly, trying to reassure her. Her brow was furrowed and she was searching his eyes in confusion. He felt a sense of dread as he felt her worry, and all he wanted to do was soothe her. "Hey now, It's okay, you're going to be fine Scully..." He nodded, speaking firmly and cupping her cheek gently.

"What's going on Mulder?" She asked, her voice now more frightened than before, and he pulled back in disbelief, frowning with concern and sitting back on the bed as she was trying to sit up and he knew he couldn't stop her. She rested up against the pillows and glanced around the room, trying to work out what was going on...

"The boat…" He said in a low voice, his heart raging in his chest, "we were on a boat trip, and you collapsed in my arms. Your nose was bleeding… Scully?"

She was silent as she raised a hand to her cheek and stared at the door, watching people passing her room, as if she was trying to figure out how she had gotten here, and Mulder knew it before she said it, and it floored him.

He fought back tears which were rising to his throat and he licked his lips nervously as he watched her. All he wanted to do was hold her, but she seemed jumpy...

She gasped, turning back to him, her face white as a sheet again as she looked deep into his eyes, begging him for comfort and reassurance.

"I-I don't remember…"

Mulder opened his mouth to speak, trying to remain hopeful, but inside he was crushed.

She couldn't remember.

He had told her that he loved her, had bared his soul to her, and she couldn't remember any of it…

"What's the last thing you do remember?" He asked finally, finding his voice and staying with her, holding her hand.

She paused and tried to think. He could see her amazing brain working inside her head.

"I remember breakfast." She said with a small smile, raising her eyes to him again. "You were there, right?"

"Yes, I was there." He said with a reassuring nod, speaking softly and as calmly as possible. His heart was breaking inside as he had to accept that she would possibly never remember what he said to her. He sighed and forced a small, sad smile. "That's it?"

"Yeah.." She nodded, speaking in a whisper. "That's it." She looked down to her lap and frowned in thought and he could tell she felt lost. He took a shaky breath as he tried to control his emotions, then she looked back up at him with wide eyes. "What happened after...?"

He stayed with her while she fell back to sleep, then he had to leave the room. He had to get some air.

He was almost hyperventilating and he needed to be on his own, away from everyone.

Mulder pressed both hands against the glass of the main entrance doors and they swung open as he charged outside, trying to catch his breath. He staggered towards a bollard near the entrance and clutched onto it, trying to calm his raging heart and his breathing was out of control.

He closed his eyes and bent over, focusing on the fresh air entering his lungs. A single tear rolled down his cheek and he struggled to regain himself, just so heart broken and upset, and it wasn't her fault, it wasn't anyone's fault… apart from may be Cancer Man...

He gritted his teeth in anger and rage and roared as he kicked the bollard with his foot hard, causing pain to run up in his leg.

"Are you all right buddy?" A passer by asked him, clearly shocked at his display of despair. Mulder nodded and waved him away, just wanting to be alone.

"I'm FINE!" He stated, more harshly that he probably should have, causing the man to raise his eyebrows and scurry away, not wanting to mess with him...

After he had pulled himself together, he walked back into the hospital and decided that he needed to get over it.

He had to be there for her, and he still loved her, he always would... nothing could stop him from loving her...

Mulder opened the door to her room slightly and watched her sleeping. He decided to go in and sit by her bedside again, as he couldn't stay away from her, and just seeing her calmed him down.

She was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen, the most stunning woman on this earth. And he had gotten to hold her and touch her like he had never before, and he had told her that he loved her.

He would never forget that beautiful memory. He would hold it in his heart forever.

Mulder pulled the chair from across the room and sat down next to her bed, sinking into it tiredly. He was still exhausted from the lack of sleep and everything that had happened. He sighed and felt his eyelids dropping, heavy and sore. He tried to watch her for a long as he could, the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed, her beautiful pale skin, and those lips. He had wanted to kiss them so badly, but he smiled a little at himself as he realised that he needed to earn that.

And he would.

One day, he was sure that he would earn the feeling of her kiss.

He just had to wait… and he had to find a cure for her cancer, or he would never get that chance to earn it.

He had to save her.



Thank you for all the reviews and the love! I hope I didn't disappoint anyone by making her forget but I like to write in Canon as much as I can!

Until next time!

: Mulder & Scully Forever :