A soon as Ginny passed out, Hermione cast a levitation charm on Ginny and hurried back to the Hospital Wing. On her way, she turned a corner and bumped into a familiar redhead who had Harry floating next to him.

"Oh! Ron it's you. What happened to Harry?!" exclaimed Hermione.

"I could ask you the same about Ginny! Well, Harry hasn't looked so good all morning and we were playing Quidditch and the next thing I knew, he was falling off his broom and he had passed out. Luckily enough, we weren't very high and I managed to catch him before he hit the ground." Ron explained.

"Well something similar happened to Ginny. She has looked ghastly all morning and she had said that she was feeling really hot. After a few minutes, she passed out." said Hermione.

Both teens looked at each other with a concerned look and they made their way to the Hospital Wing together with both Harry and Ginny floating beside them.

When they reached the Hospital Wing, Madam Pomfrey quickly saw them and rushed towards them and ordered them to place them on a bed. They quickly did as they were asked. They watched in awe as Harry and Ginny soon they were touching and both of their faces began to relax.

"Please could you both go and get Professor Dumbledore, and please hurry." said the nurse and both Ron and Hermione left.

They both ran to Dumbledores office and to their luck he was outside of it.

"PROFESSOR! Thank Merlin your here. You have to come quick, something has happened to Harry and Ginny" said Hermione is a scared voice.

Dumbledore was worried and that doesn't happened very often. It seems that whatever is happening to Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley was worse than he first thought.