Golden Scales Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist.

Warnings: Foul language and not-so-mild violence.

Posting Schedule: Every Monday and Thursday until completion.

Author's Notes (IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ!): I started writing this story over a year ago and stopped when I was very close to finishing. I stopped because I thought my writing was crap and didn't deserve to be posted, which was a shame since I'd written over 40 chapters. But now I realize that letting it rot on my computer isn't the right way to treat something I worked so hard on for so long. It may have massive plot-holes, horribly mangled characterization, and outstandingly unrealistic event chains, but it's still something I poured my blood, sweat, and tears into. Even though my writing was simply awful, I wrote this story with love. Also, I've seen so much worse posted on here. I mean, at least I did the best I could with proof reading and making sure things were loosely following canon material.

Also, in the interest of upholding my reputation for posting complete pieces, I will attempt to finish this. Since I'm only posting two chapters per week that gives me plenty of time to do so. However, I cannot guarantee those add-on chapters will have the same flow and rhythm as the rest of the story. I wrote this a long time ago and my writing has probably changed a little bit since then. Hopefully for the better.

Anyway, I guess what I'm saying here is read at your own risk. This story, in my one-year-later opinion, is a crude shot in the dark. I could've done so much better. But there's no sense in trying again when the best I could do was this.


"What do you mean 'I'm on lock down'?!" I exclaimed.

The man pressed his elbows into the desk. "I mean just that, Fullmetal. Over the last few months, reports have been pouring in about a band of serial killers. As far as we can conclude, they only target children under sixteen years of age. As a precautionary measure, the State believes it would be in your best interest to leave the city until the issue is resolved."

My eyes widened. "But that could take forever! And why am I the only one who has to leave?!"

"Look, that's all the information I was given," the Colonel explained, "These orders came directly from the Fuhrer."

I paused. "The Fuhrer?"

He gave me an arched eyebrow and a smirk.

"Yes. So if you have any complaints I suggest you take it up with him."

I stood there for a moment collecting my thoughts. The Fuhrer? Why would the Fuhrer involve himself in such a small case? The only reason I could think of is that he was covering up a larger case with the façade of a smaller one lest it put the citizens of Amestris in a panicked frenzy. But then… what was the Fuhrer hiding?

I shook my head and shot one last glare at my commanding officer before turning on my heel.

"One more thing, Fullmetal," the man said, stopping me at the door frame, "You've been assigned escorts to see you safely to Resembool. They're waiting for you outside."

I whipped my head around to face him. "Resembool?! What— Why Resembool?!"

He threw his hands up in the air. "Don't ask me! I already told you I don't know!"

A scowl crept across my face. Maybe my earlier theory didn't hold as much water as I'd thought. I blew a sigh through my nose before exiting the office and slamming the door shut behind me.


Despite the newborn conspiracy theory bogging down my mood, the next few minutes of my day sailed smoothly. Once I'd stepped outside, the sight of my brother waiting for me by the fountain lifted my spirits. Not one cloud marred the sky. The wind carried the scent of the wildflowers that grew in peculiar places around the city. It was a beautiful day.

As soon as Alphonse spotted me, he rose and jogged over to where I'd stopped.

"Brother!" he asserted happily, "Guess what happened when you were gone. Go on, guess!"

I tilted my head and scratched my scalp. "Umm…. You found another stray cat?"

"Nope! You're close though. Guess again."

I sighed. "Al, we don't have time for this."

"Come on," he whined, "Pleeeeeaaase?"

I took a quick glance at the clock tower before rolling my eyes and guessing, "Another squirrel walked up to you?"

"Bingo! Only, this time it actually climbed up on me. When I moved, it jumped off and ran away, but isn't that cool?!"

"Sure, Al. Now let's go." I said, beginning my gait southward.

The armor fell in step with me before asking, "Where are we going, Brother? A new mission?"

I frowned. "Not exactly. The Fuhrer is sending us to Resembool to wait out a case outside Central. But I have a feeling there's more to this than what he's letting on."

"Sir! Mr. Elric, wait!" a far off voice wheezed.

Knitting my brow, I halted and scanned the area. Finally, my eyes fell on a couple of soldiers running to catch up with us. A man with bronze hair and a woman with short black hair. They appeared to be out of breath. I scowled and sneered at my rotten memory.

"Who are they?" Alphonse asked.

"They're our escorts," I spat, turning around again.

"Sir! Please wait! We have orders—"

"You have orders to hound me!" I finished angrily. "That doesn't mean I have to wait for you to keep up. C'mon, Al."

Instead of walking with me, the armor pulled back to fall in step with the soldiers. He then greeted them politely and introduced himself. I mentally scoffed at this. Nonetheless, I ignored them as I continued on my way.


Two hours later brought us to the next train for Resembool. With our bags packed, the military dogs nipping at our heels, and the bright sun casting great shadows from anything that stood, we boarded at sunset. Not the timeliest portion of the day to begin one's journey south, but it was the only train we could find that left that same day.

Nonetheless, once we were all seated, I watched as a beautiful array of colors struck the sky one in the waning daylight. Sunsets always fascinated me, as they had with a lot of other people, I was sure. It was a satisfying closing note, a cheerful farewell, and a happy ending all wrapped into one amazing display. Down here on earth, happy endings were a rare happening, at least they were rare in my lifespan so far.

But anything was possible in the sky.

An enormous, burning gas-giant planet could be seen from millions of miles away, and it heated our planet to the perfect temperatures to sustain life. Countless other gas-giants from countless other solar systems could also be seen from here, and they appeared to us in the form of a breathtaking ceiling of glowing dots. A ceiling that, if gazed upon at the right time of night, made you feel so small and insignificant in comparison to the epic vastness of the universe.

I'd hoped that I could one day explore that vastness. Maybe become an astronomer and work as a geologist on the side. But those silly dreams were destroyed in the same disaster that took my brother's body. Now, after so long of trying to amend my horrible mistake, I often forgot how my life might've turned out if I had just stayed young and ignorant to the world's unforgiving cruelty.

It wasn't long before my prolonged zoned-out state arose concern.

"Brother?" Alphonse asked, tapping my shoulder.

I blinked before pulling myself from my thoughts and looking up at him.

He continued, "You were making that face again."

I could feel my expression soften. "Sorry, Al. I was just… thinking."

When I looked out the window again, the light of the sun had waned completely. Without my notice, the train's lights were dimmed to accommodate the slumbering passengers. It wasn't long before I joined them.


Twenty minutes later, I jolted awake from my short nap. A stinging shock zipped through my arm port, jarring both my mind and my shoulder. After a moment, I let myself relax again, blaming it on the need to adjust my port now that I was getting older. A few minutes later, the pain returned with a vengeance, causing me to clench my teeth and hold my shoulder.

"Brother?" Al asked worriedly, keeping his voice down, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm fine." I growled through my teeth.

The armor sighed. "It's your automail, isn't it?"



"Okay fine!" I snapped, "So what if it is? It's not a big deal."

Alphonse crossed his arms. He would've scowled if he could.

"Brother. You can't ignore something like that. What if it's an infection? You could lose even more of your shoulder if you don't treat it in time!"

"It's not an infection! It just aches! It's probably going to rain soon or something."

The armor didn't look convinced, but he said, "I hope so, Brother. If it is an infection, Winry will want to remove the port."

I paled. Before I could open my mouth to speak again, someone else asked,

"Are you alright, Sir?"

I glanced over my shoulder to see my escorts' worried faces. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"I'm fine," I answered tiredly, giving my armored brother a pointed look.

"Are you sure?" the other one pressed, "I know first aid, if that helps any."

I turned around to face them. "Really, I'm fine. You can go back to spying on us now. Silently."

My words probably didn't dissipate their worries, but they sank lower into their seats and said nothing else.

I sighed. I knew the train ride to Resembool was a long trip. And on most days, I actually enjoyed the prolonged journey before getting hit in the head with a wrench. But now, I found myself wishing the distance wasn't so lengthy. Even if I'd have to deal with a crazy, wrench-throwing woman when we finally arrived.