CHAPTER 0 - Prologue

A few weeks had passed since Bakugou's rescue mission without any anomaly; however, today was unusual. Midoriya was dead exhausted on a Monday morning. Prior to being late for class, considering he was already living in the school's dormitories, Midoriya got ready and ran as fast as he could.

It was official. The torch had been passed on and Midoriya would be bearing the responsibility as the successor of One for All. And since then, he had been experiencing insomnia for the past three days. It felt like the weight of the world and people's expectations were putting him on the edge—their light, their hopes, and their dreams; all of it were circulating in his head. Whenever he got too fidgety, he did some reviewing to take the stress off his mind. It was one of his coping mechanisms.

Currently, his body was running on adrenaline and made it in time just before Aizawa entered the room. The moment Midoriya settles down on his seat, he was sure that he'd succumb to sleep.

The minutes passed on and Midoriya was now finding a hard time to concentrate. It felt like his strength was slowly being sapped. He was reaching the point of hallucinating from the drowsiness. He thought he'd seen Bakugou's hair spick and span as Best Jeanist had done before. He shook his head and his vision went back to normal.

The exhaustion was getting harder to resist now, and so Midoriya tried every method he knew to prevent it from happening. He tried pinching his arm; he tried slapping himself from both sides of his face; and mildly, he tried knocking his forehead on his desk, but all of it weren't very effective.

Bakugou turned around at one point to see what the commotion behind him was about. He saw only Deku making a fool out of himself and got irritated, but nevertheless, kept the words to his self.

Midoriya noticed this and gestured an apology to which Bakugou clicked his tongue and went back to face the board.

The urge to nap was getting intense by the passing minutes. Even the desk looked so tempting to sleep on... After a few more minutes spent in desperately trying to keep his body and mind awake, it was then he came to a decision.

'I've already reviewed this...' Midoriya thought. 'A nap wouldn't hurt, and Aizawa-sensei might let this pass.'

Aizawa was writing on the board at that time. This was a perfect chance. Slowly, Midoriya slumped, head resting on his arms as his eyelids began to feel heavy and soon, closed.

Asui was erasing a stray line in one of the equations on her notes during lecture when it happened. Just as she released her grip on her eraser, it didn't quite settle on her desk and instead floated, roughly about four centimeters.

She turned behind to brown-haired girl at the far back. "Ochako." Asui whispered, pointing at the said object.

With hands raised up beside her head that shook sideways, Uraraka gestured.

"Not me." She mouthed, equally surprised.

Asui shrugged and went back to writing. The eraser wasn't going anywhere after all. Other than the new lesson, the day was as uneventful as it could get. In fact, it was rather mundane until Kaminari whispered a bit harshly at Ojiro.

"Oi Ojiro, quit blocking the view with your tail."

"My tail?" Ojiro asked, before his eyes widened in shock. "My tail! I-I can't seem to place it back down. It's like gravity won't let me!" He kept applying some pressure to sink his appendage down. He even tried smacking it down with a considerable amount of force, but to no avail.

"J-jiro! What's up with your earjacks?" Sero called behind her. Jiro's jacks extended for a meter above her. She remained completely oblivious about it until now.

"W-what the-!" Jiro exclaimed. She quickly retracted her earjacks but her hair, tie, and soon after, her body seemed to have a mind of their own as they went upwards with the unseen force.

"Woah, I'm floating!" Hagakure called, sounding extraordinarily thrilled of the occurrence. She flapped her arms up and down like she was mimicking a bird. She was doing an excellent job at it as well, considering she managed to move from point to point throughout the room in just a short amount of time.

By this moment, almost everybody in Class 1-A was in turmoil. Even the biggest and probably the heaviest of the students, Shoji Mezo, wasn't spared from the situation, but nevertheless, he acted cool and composed compared to the others; moreover, he sat crossed-legged and crossed-arm with eyes closed while his other limbs formed Buddhist-like gestures as if in mediation.

On the other hand, Mineta, being the pervert he is, has been trying to get a peek of Jiro's underwear.

"The view is getting pretty nice though." His usual face of vulgarity appeared on his face with his sweat dripping profoundly. 'A bit more... Just a bit more!' He thought.

A vein popped up from Yaoyorozu's forehead. She clutched her hands in irritation, shaking mildly from the containing her rage. Then an idea popped in her mind and decided creating something 'Anti-Mineta' worthy.

"Tokoyami, if you please." She smiled sinisterly as she tossed a steel ball to the raven-headed student. It drifted sluggishly due to the disturbance, but nevertheless, he got the hint.

Using Black Shadow, Tokoyami grabbed the ball and spun 360 degrees, similar to a disc tossing olympian, and released the ball straight at Mineta's head, instantly knocking him out cold. It didn't end there. Sparks flew out from the ball as if discharging electricity and Mineta got roasted, badly.

A comical "K.O" was felt as the grape-headed hero drifted out an open window along with his burnt smell. Tokoyami gave Yaoyorozu a thumbs up, to which she did the same; they were in silent agreement.


The class got even more rowdy as Bakugou started fuming around his area. Clearly, he was irritated of the idea of floating, including the noise that was gradually increasing, but mostly because of Hagakure's upbeat attitude as she went from corner to corner like a fucking nincompoop.

"This is what would be happening if you lost to Uraraka in the tournament." Kirishima sniggered, and unfortunately, it didn't go unheard by the red-eyed blond.

"YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Bakugou shouted, eyes throwing daggers. "Are you fucking asking for a death wish, hair-for-brains?!" He kicked the wall beside him and sprung forward with his right fist ready.

"Oh, bring it on, bomb prick!" Kirishima replied as he dodge the punch.

"Uraraka, quit it!" Ashido complained. "Cancel your quirk already!" Her usual cheery face was replaced with a beastly 'momzilla' attitude. Using her hands and feet at her disposal, she was doing all that she could to separate the two fighting knuckleheads. "If you guys don't stop fighting, I swear...!"

Meanwhile, Sato took out his lunch and was eating portion after portion of his cake, seemingly enjoying the scenery. It was like watching a live action of a wrestling match for free and he simply didn't want to miss this opportunity. Beside him, he offered some to Koda who was petting a dove that flew into the room as soon as Mineto went out.

"It's n-not me! I-I swear!" Uraraka stammered as she too was floating. "I'd have to have touched all of you guys, objects included, beforehand and this much would have made me feel nauseous already." She repeatedly opened and closed both of her hands to see if it would cancel the quirk; however, there seemed to be no effect. She was in distraught and didn't know whether the incident was her fault or not.

"Anything is possible with the power of love." Aoyama teased. He was obviously making her reminisce that moment when she was in reconciliation of her feelings for Midoriya. At that moment, he was laid back and carefree in the air, twinkling as always.

"That's out of context, Aoyama." Iida sighed. "Look, don't be so hard on yourself, Uraraka." He then gently patted her shoulder. "I'm sure it's not your doing."

"I can attest that." Aizawa had activated his quirk, looking straight at the Uraraka, but only in vain. It wasn't working, and it proves she wasn't the cause.

"Sensei, what is going on?" Todoroki asked. He froze his desk, chair and lower body in place to prevent himself from drifting like the others. A smart move it was.

"I should be asking the same thing." Aizawa replied. His face clearly unamused as ever. While the class was in chaos, however, he searched the room and noticed one lone student who remained unaffected by the disturbance and in no need of any fancy methods like Todoroki's to keep himself in place.

'Could it be...?' His eye drop slipped from his pocket and levitated beside him. He grabbed it and applied a drop on each eye before he focused his gaze on Midoriya.

As soon as he did, with a brief delay, the whole class and objects simultaneously fell in one swoop and collective gasps were heard.


It was quite a questionable scene. Ashido had her breasts on top of Kirishima's face; Kaminari was buried under Ojiro's massive tail; Aoyoma fell on his face ungracefully followed by Hagakure on top of him; Sero tried to catch Jiro with his quirk but she was too heavy to balance and instead she fell on top of him; Iida caught Uraraka just in time using his Engine quirk; Other than Asui, Bakugou, Koda, Sato, Shoji, Todoroki, Tokoyami, Yaoyorozu, and of course, Midoriya, the rest were in awkward positions with the exception of Mineta... Err... He's out there somewhere.

The sound of impact from falling desks, objects, and students were strong enough to shake the sleeping Midoriya awake, accidentally activating his One for All in the process. Both of his hands smacked on his desk flatly and instantly broke it to pieces.

"I'm awake! I'm awake! Sorry for causing you trou-" Midoriya paused, before finishing. "...ble." He scanned the surroundings.

The whole Class 1-A stared at him. A defeaning silence then coaxed the atmosphere. That is, until a certain explosive blond teen marched towards Midoriya.

"Fucking shithead, Deku!" Bakugou grabbed the collar of Deku's polo with his left hand, slamming him on a pillar near the window, while the other threatened to form sparks. "Did you do this!?"

"I-I did what?" Midoriya looked confused. "W-what do you mean, Kacchan?"

"I'm asking if you fucking made us float, bastard!" Bakugou gripped tighter with impatience.

"Me? Make everyone float? I don't have that kind of quirk. Of course, Uraraka is more than capable in such cases using her Zero Gravity quirk. But then, she would have had to get all five of fingers to do so and even if she was the culprit, she could only keep everyone afloat for so long before she gets nauseous, especially someone as large as Shoji. Speaking of Ura-" Bakugou covered Midoriya's mouth with his free hand. The green haired boy was such a blabbermouth especially when quirks are the topic. Sadly, it didn't please Bakugou at all and got even angrier.

"Goddamn it, shut up! Say one more word and I'll explode you to bits." Bakugou glared. "First, you were quirkless, and then you gained one. Okay, I get that." He paused, breathing out. "And now, you're fucking showing me that you been hiding another quirk all along!"

Midoriya brushed off Bakugou's hand from his face. "I really don't-!"

"I thought I told you to-!"

"Bakugou." Aizawa interjected. "If you would be so kind to put Midoriya down, I'd appreciate it. Otherwise, I'll be condemning you again on taking out the trash."

Bakugou gritted his teeth but nonetheless let go of Midoriya. He placed his hands in his pocket and avoided everyone's gaze as he leaned his back beside a wall not too far from his childhood friend.

"At least it was fun while it lasted." Hagakure sighed, wiping off some dust on her skirt as she recomposed herself from the fall.

"I want all of you to clean the room and answer the set of problems written on the board then proceed with your classes as usual. Asui will be in charge of collecting." Aizawa announced. "Just leave it at my desk after." He turned towards Deku. "Midoriya, with me."


The nervous teen followed behind without a word no further. He left his bag despite of having most of his stuff in disarray. He trusted his friends enough for them to bring his stuff back at the dorm before Hero training.

When the two figures were out of sight, the class had arranged the chairs and tables and collected their respective items.

"Do you really think it was Midoriya?" Koda asked, a bit rhetorically.

"Considering he once mentioned that his mom's quirk is to attract small objects, it's likely that his would be a variation of that." Iida replied while copying the equations on the board.

Todoroki picked his pencil from the floor then said, "But even if what you say is true, that doesn't explain why it surfaced only now when most quirks develop at the age of four?"

"Or why he even has two quirks to begin with?" Tokoyami joined the conversation.

"Or why it activated in his sleep?" Uraraka added as she scanned at her fingertips. "I've never had any problem with mine during sleep."

"Or why, though it's rather early to ask, there didn't seem to be any drawbacks in using the quirk?" Ojiro questioned.

"Bakugou might know." Jiro chirped as she slumped on her seat. And suddenly, the whole class had their eyes fixated on the blond boy.

Bakugou flinched slightly at the mention of his name. "Why are you all fucking looking at me like I had something to do with this?"

"Everybody here knows you're his childhood friend." Yaoyorozu said. "We are kind of expecting that you might know a thing or two."

"Look." Bakugou scowled. "Let's make it clear that we're not friends anymore. Like hell I'd know anything about his life!"

"And yet, he still treats you the way he always does, even calling you by the nickname, 'Kacchan'." Aoyoma pointed out in a matter-of-factly tone.

"I agree." Kirishima said. "I mean, you can't just deny that you know nothing about the guy when you two grew up and practically live in the same neighborhood, schools included."

"That pine-headed Deku is just acting like a Deku, always nerding all over Heroes and their quirks." Bakugou clicked his tongue. "You're all being so annoying! Leave me the fuck alone."

"Hot-headed and prideful as usual." Yaoyorozu placed a hand over her forehead, sighing but went back with finishing her solution on the paper.

"In any case, we are in no place to make judgement and Aizawa-sensei has already taken action." Asui concluded. "For now, we should all focus on our classwork."

And so they did.

For a moment as everyone quietly answered their seatwork, Bakugou noticed a familiar burnt shabby notebook on the ground below his desk. He picked it up and swatted some dirt off. It was Midoriya's scribbles and doodles about the Heroes. With a bored look, he closed his palm to make some moisture. Sparks were forming as he his hand drew near the cover's edge.

But then, he paused midway. Suddenly, on instinct, he decided to open his bag and place the notebook inside before anyone else could notice. He just couldn't seem to burn it. All intention of malice were gone and he couldn't shake off the feeling that it felt sentimental somehow. Maybe because he was kind of curious of what Deku had written inside it all these years? Who knows?

'Can't believe that I'm actually planning on reading trash when I get back to bed.' He thought, soft pouting, as he pulled a piece of paper and started writing.