Naba Prison…

Ever heard of it?

It's one of the most classified, if not the only, secretive prison in the world. It is the hardest prison that anybody in the world could break out of. It is built on an isolated island, floating on sea.

No one can get in or out of it.

Equipped with the latest technology and guards recruited around the world give it Japan's largest, and the world's highest-level, security network. Even the famous Alcatraz Island is full of holes and opportunities to escape when compared to this place.

The full truth of this place will never be revealed to the world. That is because this is Nanba Prison. No one has ever escaped successfully from this prison.

Except one…

The Warden of Nanba Prison is known as Momoko Hyakushiki. She is in charge of it all. The main tower, you could say. And, being a Warden of Nanba Prison, she usually handles large piles of paperwork daily. Those papers vary from inmates, to paychecks, to ministrations in the prison, and guards. At this moment, she was going through papers of guard requests.

There is technically an academy for training to get into the Nanba Prison as a guard, but sometimes the warden herself will gain administrations or requests from people. Going through each paper, one caught her eye.

"Hm…" She picked it up and eyed the paper. 'I recognize this name…'

Name: Alloisia (ah-lo-EE-zee-ah) Nicci (knee-see) Agilulf (A-gil-loaf)

Sex: Female

Age: 20

Ethnicity: Italian/German

Nationality: American

Height: 175 cm (5'9")

Weight: 71 kg (156 lbs)

Blood Type: AB


Has a family of both parent and three younger siblings. Lives in America. Has a criminal record of multiple misdemeanors; vandalism, resisting arrest, petty theft, and simple assault. She began doing them starting of age 10, admitting to knowing what she was doing and "simply not caring for the consequences." She has done her multiple years in different prisons, but has escaped a few because she couldn't stand their health treatments, or because she "got bad vibes from them." She was even sent to Nanba Prison at age 15, but has been passed through multiple buildings and wardens from her supposed wide "variety" of talents.

Health History:

Has been diagnosed with Hereditary Sensory and Autonomic Neuropathy (HSAN). States that she cannot feel or sense things like the normal human can. She has the inability to sense pain unless it's severe, like slicing her hand open, all the way through the muscle. Even with this handicap, she she has strong senses of sight, taste, and hearing. She tends to be unaware of injuries on herself, but is usually sharp at catching them.


"I wish to be apart of the jail guards in Nanba Prison. Finding jobs are hard and sustaining a house, much less an apartment, is practically impossible. From being in Nanba, I have found a way to clean up my act, and have sworn to myself and others to make a new beginning for myself. I know that I can be of service to this prison. If I am given the chance, that is. All I ask for is to be a guard. I am willing to go through the academy if I must. All that I ask for is a chance to prove my worth. ~A.N.A."

The blue haired warden gazed through the paper again. Placing it down, the woman stood from her desk and began opening files until she found the one she wanted. Once found, she went back to her desk to sit down while reading the inside of the envelope. She compared both files before placing them down. She put her finger against her lip as she thought about this file.

"How strange…" Muttered the Warden.

Knock knock. A knock could be heard from the door. Snapped out of thought, the woman raised her head up and gazed at the door.

"Come in." She instructed.

Opening the door and peeking their head in was none other than Building 5's Supervisor, Samon Gokuu. He stepped into the room and greeted the Warden with respect. The last thing he wished to do was anger her, especially so early in the morning…

"Hello, ma'am. I came back here with those papers of the new inmates you wanted." Said Samon.

"Bring them here, then." Momoko said with her hand raised out for the papers.

Samon quickly walked to her desk and handed her the papers. She took them carefully and gazed through a few while Samon talked.

"Each new inmate in alphabetical order, just like you asked for, ma'am." He said. "I made sure that each one was accounted for as well."

"Good." Momoko looked away from the papers and to Samon. "May I ask you a question, Samon?"

"O-of course, ma'am!" Samon nervously replied, trying to act calm.

"Tell me what you recall from this past inmate." Said Momoko as she twisted the file on her desk so it faced Samon. "Inmate No. 7, Alloisia Nicci Agilulf."

"Ooh, her. I almost forgotten about her…" Muttered Samon as he glared at the file. "Everyone, including her past prisons, thought she was really a he. With her build and talent for crossdressing, she got away with being a male for a long time. That is, until she came to Nanba."

"She became our very first female inmate, correct?" Asked the warden.

"Yes, but nobody but us knew of her true gender." Samon said before gazing back to the Warden. "She… Wasn't great at keeping it a secret, but she did a damn well enough job at keeping it hidden. She continuously hopped from building to building because of her acting skills until she was finally placed into Building 5. Her ability to watch someone and copy them is unique in itself, but she couldn't master it completely. If anything she just found her own in making it look professional when in reality she was pulling at straws. But her acting saved herself plenty of times…"

"Is there anything else about her?" Asked the warden. "Did she have any grudges with any of the inmates?"

"Actually, no." Samon answered as he thought carefully. "She actually got along with many people. Even though she had a pretty bad temper, she made up for it by being nice to her fellow inmates and even us guards. It was pretty weird, considering how she could make almost anybody her ally by just talking to them."

"I see…" Muttered the warden as she gazed at the picture in the file.

"If I can ask, why did you ask me about her?" Samon questioned his superior. "She's been gone for at least 2 or 3 years by now. Don't tell me she's being brought back here."

The warden's mouth twitched upwards at Samon's concern. She gazed up at him as a smirk graced her lips.

"Not quite the way you would imagine it…" She replied. She then closed the request paper and handed it to Samon. "Please give this to the Supervisor of Building 4, Kenshirou. Tell him that I ask for this request to be given, and to bring the person here to my office immediately."

"Uh, alright." Samon took the file from her hands. "I'll head over there right away."

"Thank you. That will be all." Replied the Warden before turning around in her chair.

Samon eyed her for a moment, wondering if she would ask him anything else. When a response wasn't given, he turned and walked out of her office. Once he was out, he was very curious about why the sudden mention of one of his past inmates. When the door closed behind him, he took a peek at the request file. As soon as he saw the picture he couldn't help but exclaim in shock.




