Hey guys and... Happy birthday to LunaSoraYamiMoonlightCrystal!

I have a new story for you all. It's a little different from the stories I usually write, but it was really fun to write! I'm still currently writing this story and on chapter 7. I hope you all enjoy this story and wish LunaSoraYamiMoonlightCrystal a happy birthday!

Now, time to begin chapter 1 for Vanguard Burst!

Valt won his match against Rantarou in the regional tournament and was hyped about the battle win. He believed that he could defeat anyone. After the first day of the tournament, Shu was doing his special training in the park as always.

"Valt did well today… I should step up my game." Shu thought as he launched his Beyblade again. He felt something and turned to see a boy a lot younger than him walking on the sidewalk. He had blue hair, he looked at Shu for a while before continuing to walk cautiously down the sidewalk.

"That was strange." Shu thought to himself. He launched again and again until it was getting really late. He decided to walk back home.

When he did, he once again saw the boy sitting outside of his apartment building. He looked asleep. "Hey! Wake up! You shouldn't be sleeping on the streets." Shu called. He shook the boy and he slowly woke up.

"Huh? Who are you?" The boy asked.

Shu noticed the launcher and Beyblade holder on the belt he was wearing. "He lives in this area and never heard of me?" Shu thought. "Nevermind that, you should go home."

"Go home...?" The boy responded nervously.

At that point, Shu knew that something was wrong. "Do you have a home or family?" Shu asked.

"I don't… I don't remember." The boy answered shyly.

"Amnesia?" Shu thought.

"Come on, you can stay with me today. It is safer than sleeping out here." Shu suggested. He helped the boy up from the floor.

"Are you sure this is okay?" The boy asked shyly.

Shu smiled. "It is not a problem." He answered. He walked behind the boy while heading inside the apartment building and up to his apartment. It was bigger than Aichi expected.

"Do you live here alone?" The boy asked looking uncomfortable standing near the doorway.

"My parents are usually away because of work, so I often live here alone. Sit down, make yourself at home." Shu answered. He pulled out a seat on the kitchen table and Aichi walked over and sat on it.

"Um… Thank you," the boy thanked.

"It's not a problem. Do you remember what's your name?" Shu asked.

The boy thought. "Aichi," he answered.

"Aichi… Well, my name is Shu Kurenai. We should find your parents as soon as possible, but for now. I can ask my parents to have you go to my school, Beigoma Academy." Shu responded.

"Go to school?" Aichi asked.

"Yeah, you're around the same age as my friend's brother and sister, so you should go to school," Shu answered.

"I'm sorry, for causing you so much trouble." Aichi apologized.

"It is really fine. You know, we should have a BeyBattle sometime." Shu responded.

"BeyBattle?" Aichi asked.

"Yeah, I noticed that you had a launcher with you," Shu replied. Aichi looked down at his belt.

"This?" Aichi asked.

"Anyways, you should wash up. I'll let you wear some of my old clothes for now. I'll start making something to eat." Shu said. Aichi nodded. He took off the belt with his Beyblade things and left it on the table in front of the couch. "Get a towel from the closet in front of the bathroom, I'll leave some clothes outside when I'm done preparing the food."

"Thanks again. You seemed really interested in Beyblade, you can look at the one I have if you want." Aichi responded.

"I will, thanks," Shu answered. He already began pulling out food from the refrigerator after washing his hands. He quickly made spaghetti for the both of them and went to get the clothes for Aichi. "Aichi, I'm leaving the clothes outside."

"Okay," Aichi answered from inside.

Shu sat on the couch and took Aichi's belt in his hand. The launcher looked normal, but his Beyblade was something new. "I've never seen this Beyblade before." Shu thought. It was white with blue linings, but he felt something up with the Beyblade.

Aichi walked out of the bathroom and put on the clothes Shu left for him. He was carrying his dirty clothes in his hands. "You can just put those aside for now. I finished making food for us." Shu informed.

Aichi left his clothes on the table in front of the couch and sat on a chair on the dinner table. "Thank you for the food." Aichi thanked as he started eating.

"Can I ask you where you got your Beyblade? Or do you not remember that much?" Shu asked.

"Um… I remember, but I'm just not sure why or how. The best way to put it is, Blaster Blade came to me like he chose me to be with him." Aichi explained.

"I see. That gives a real meaning to Beyblades choosing their Blader." Shu answered.

"But it was strange, I felt like I've met Blaster Blade before," Aichi informed.

"So the Beyblade's name is Blaster Blade? I never heard of it before." Shu responded.

"I think I hear Blaster Blade's voice in my dreams talking to me, but that's probably impossible," Aichi said.

Shu looked at Blaster Blade closely and found something attached to the side of the Beyblade. "What's this?" He pulled it out and it was a chip, like a tracker chip. "This looks like…" Shu said.

Aichi looked confused, that was when they heard a knock on the door. "Who can that be? It's really late at night already." Shu asked himself. He walked to the door. Aichi followed and shivered as he got close.

"Shu. Don't open it." Aichi cried as quietly as he can as he curled up on the floor against the wall.

"What's wrong?" Shu asked whispering. He went to comfort Aichi who was on the floor when another knock hit the door. "It doesn't seem like they're going to leave. Go hide in my bedroom, alright?" Shu handed Aichi his Beyblade back and kept the tracker with him.

Aichi nodded before slowly getting up and doing as Shu told him to. Shu opened the door, it was an older boy with white hair. "Hello, sorry to intrude, but it seems there is a boy here that I must retrieve," the white haired boy said in a boring tone.

"And who are you exactly?" Shu asked.

"I'm not really interested in speaking with you. I just need to take a blue haired boy named Aichi Sendou with me," The boy answered. He held up a tablet with a blinking blue dot at his location.

"I won't let you take him," Shu responded. He pulled out his launcher and Beyblade.

"So you're a Blader? Now that I look at you closely, you resemble Shu Kurenai. Listen, kid, this doesn't concern a little boy like you. So get out of my way!" The boy demanded pulling out his Beyblade and launcher.

"Then let's settle this with a match, how about that?" Shu asked. Aichi was at the corner watching.

"Sure, I accept your challenge." The white haired boy answered. "But he is coming with us to watch this match and once I win..." The boy had a large smirk on his face.

Shu turned to Aichi. "Come Aichi. I promise that I'll win." He promised. Aichi slowly walked to Shu's side. He held his launcher and Beyblade close to him making sure to stick closely to Shu.

Aichi looked at the white haired boy's Beyblade and shivered after seeing the darkness hidden inside. "Shu, be careful," Aichi warned.

"Don't worry, we'll both be just fine," Shu responded. They went to the apartment building's Beyblade room. There were a few Beyblade stadiums where people can battle each other. Luckily, there was no one there because it was really late.

Shu took his stance, the boy also did. Aichi just watched nervously. "Aichi, I'll make short work of him. He doesn't have the strength to rival this special Beyblade, unlike you and your Blaster Blade." The boy said.

"Spryzen. We can do this." Shu said.




"Let it rip!"

Spryzen occupied the center first. Shu looked at the boy's Beyblade's speed and it was quicker than any other Beyblade he had ever seen. "Infinite Zero, send that pathetic blade to another dimension!"

Infinite Zero attacked and knocked Spryzen out of the stadium. Shu watched with wide eyes. "What?" He ran to Spryzen and picked it up. Because of the strong impact, Spryzen made cracks on the wall.

"Too bad, it didn't burst. It must be stronger than I've expected." The boy commented. "One more launch and he will be done for." He laughed.

The boy pulled out a collar. "You won't be running away from us this time, Aichi." The boy laughed spinning the collar between his finger. Aichi ran to Shu and Spryzen.

"Shu!" Aichi cried. Shu turned to him with Spryzen heavily damaged in his hands. "Shu, Blaster Blade can help. He told me." Aichi held out Blaster Blade and closed his eyes. His aura accelerated as he reached out for Spryzen and Shu's hand.

"Wait! Aichi! Don't you dare!" The boy shouted sending a dark aura over. But it was already too late, Shu had a strong blue and red aura and Spryzen was red and blue as well. Aichi fell over onto Shu unconscious and Blaster Blade seemed to have lost all of his colour.

"He chose you?!" The boy exclaimed. Shu looked at his hands seeing the blue and red aura surrounding him before placing Aichi down on the side.

"Spryzen, let's do this!" Shu said.

"It doesn't matter if he chose you! I will still defeat you even if you have his power." The boy shouted.

They got ready once more.




"Let it rip!"

Spryzen's speed was much quicker than before, enough to rival Infinite Zero's. "Go, Spryzen!"

"Infinite Zero, destroy him once more!" Infinite Zero went on the attack. Infinite Zero pushed Spyzen back, opening the window for an attack.

"Spryzen, use your Counter Break!" In the end of the clashing, Spryzen burst Infinite Zero.

"No! That's not possible!" The boy shouted. He disappeared with his Beyblade. Spryzen returned to Shu as everything changed back to normal.

"What happened?" Shu asked. He quickly went to Aichi's side. Blaster Blade was once again blue and Aichi started to wake up.

"Are you alright?" Shu asked. Aichi nodded.

"I listened to everything Blaster Blade told me. Focus on your inner power and transfer it over to Shu. He is our last hope." Aichi answered.

"Thank you for helping me out. He was too much for me to handle. Anyways, do you know that guy?" Shu asked.

"I don't know much about him, but he's been trying to capture me for a while now. He always knew where I was at any given moment. I heard his name once, I think it was Takuto…" Aichi answered.

"I see…" Shu responded. He looked at the clock. "Come on, it's getting really late. We should sleep."

Aichi nodded and followed him back to his apartment. When they got there, Shu took the tracker chip and broke it. "You should be alright for now. But if you stay here, they might come here to get you again. I have a friend that will let you stay with him. I already broke the tracker they put on you, so that can't track where you are anymore." Shu said.

"But if I leave, you might get into trouble," Aichi responded. "You had trouble defeating Takuto, who knows what would happen to you if you're alone."

"You don't need to worry about that, as long as you're safe I'll be fine," Shu answered.

"Don't say things like that. You helped me, so I'm going to help you. I don't want to be the one protected anymore." Aichi replied. Shu patted Aichi's head.

"Fine, you can stay here. But no heroics alright?" Shu asked. Aichi nodded cheerfully. It was the first time he'd seen Aichi smile. "You can take my bed tonight. I'll call my parents and sleep afterward, you should head on first."

Aichi walked to Shu's bedroom and laid on the bed. He held his Beyblade in his head as he drifted to sleep. Shu called his dad. "Shu, is something the matter? You never call much less call this late." His father asked.

"I met this boy today, he had nowhere to go, so I told him he could stay here until he finds his parents. I want you to try to help him find his parents, he can't remember anything because he has amnesia." Shu explained. "There are also some people after him, so that had me concerned." His dad knew that he was really concerned after hearing the tone of his voice.

"Well, he can't be alone while you're at school. It is best to have him enroll in your school for the time being and I'll take care of trying to find his parents." His father responded.

"Alright, thank you. Oh, dad. I'm doing well on my own, so you don't have to worry." Shu assured.

"I know, Shu. Thank you for always understanding why your mother and I always need to be outside." His father responded.

"I understand alright. With Aichi here, I'm not living alone anymore," Shu said.

"Sorry, Shu. I have to take an urgent phone call." His dad apologized.

"It's okay, it's nice to talk to you. Bye," Shu responded

"Good bye, Shu. Sleep well." The call ended and Shu went inside his room to make sure Aichi was asleep. Aichi was sleeping soundly, Shu quietly got his pajamas and took a shower, before doing laundry and sleeping on the couch.

The next morning, Shu woke up to his alarm clock. He got up and changed before heading out for a morning run. When he got back he walked into his bedroom to wake up Aichi. "Aichi, wake up. We need to go to school." Shu said. Aichi was still fast asleep with his Beyblade tightly in hand.

"Blaster Blade… My avatar…" Aichi muttered in his sleep. Shu shook him awake.

"Aichi." Aichi's eyes slowly opened up. "Good, you're awake. I'll start making breakfast. I washed your clothes for you last night. They should be dry by now, so you can wear them to school."

"Thank you again, Shu. You are really kind." Aichi thanked. "But why are you so nice to someone you don't know?"

"You were in trouble, so I felt that I had to help you," Shu answered.

"I understand, you really are really kind, Shu," Aichi replied with a smile. Shu was finishing cooking omelets for them to eat as Aichi sat on the table.

They ate and walked to school together. "I'll get you to the principal's office, they'll handle placing you in a class," Shu said.

"Okay…" Aichi responded. Shu walked with Aichi to the principal's knocked on the door.

"Come in," the principal inside said. Aichi held the long strap of his bag. He was wearing his belt with his launcher and Beyblade. "So this is the boy your parents spoke of. He is a young one and he doesn't remember his age either am I right?"

"No, he doesn't remember anything," Shu answered. Aichi shuffled a little looking like he wanted to say something.

"Um… I want to be in the same class as Shu." Aichi said.

"You can't Aichi, you probably don't know anything we are learning about," Shu replied.

"I can. I might be…" Aichi responded.

"I'll assemble a test to see if you can join the grade 6 classes. Depending on your score, I will assign you a class from there." The principal said. Aichi's expression lightened up. "Shu, you can get to class, I'll handle him from here."

Shu nodded before leaving. Aichi sat on one of the chairs on the side of the room. The principal took out a sheet of paper from his desk and started writing down some questions.

The bell rang, Shu was sitting at his desk with Valt nowhere in sight. "Valt is late again…" Shu thought. 20 minutes into class, the class heard a bang, like something fell from outside.

"Ow…" Everyone looked outside to see Valt getting up from Aichi. "Sorry about that, kid. Are you lost because this is the grade 6 class."

"Hey, Valt. I see you're late again." The teacher said angrily. Shu helped Aichi up, he was holding a note.

"This is for the teacher from the principal," Aichi said. He handed it to the teacher and he read it.

This boy will be joining your class, his name is Aichi. He has exponential academic talent and can easily do all questions at the grade 6 level. Please welcome him to your class."

"Alright, everyone get inside the classroom and in your seats." The teacher ordered. Everybody went inside, Aichi stood in front of the class. "It seems a new student will be joining us. His name is Aichi Sendou."

"It is nice to meet you all." Aichi greeted shyly. He looked a lot younger than everyone in the class, so he was pretty intimidated.

"Your seat will be at the back beside Shu." The teacher said pointing at his seat. Aichi nodded before making his way to his seat. The lesson continued.

"Does anyone want to come up to the board and answer these questions?" The teacher asked. Shu raised his hand. "Shu and… How about you Aichi?"

Aichi and Shu got up from their seats and wrote answers on the board. For some reason, Aichi's answer looked more complex than Shu's. "C-correct. Good job." The teacher said.

At the end of class, Aichi was given a package filled with everything that was learned prior to when he arrived. Valt immediately noticed Aichi's launcher at the corner of his eye. "You're a Blader!" Valt exclaimed.

"Huh?" Aichi responded confused. He reached for his Beyblade pouch found that nothing was there. "Huh? Where's Blaster Blade?" He muttered to himself.

"Let's battle! I mean I'm the best, I can do a Rush launch and-" Valt bragged, but Aichi ran out the door before he can finish.

Shu also left, he tried to act calm, but he knew that something was wrong. "Aichi, what's wrong?" Shu asked after seeing Aichi looking around.

"Blaster Blade is missing, I must've dropped him somewhere," Aichi answered. He felt a sensation and looked out the window to see a mysterious man looking at him holding a blue Beyblade. "Is that?"

Shu also took a look. "That's it! It's Blaster Blade, I sense it." Aichi confirmed he ran to the exit.

"Wait!" Shu shouted. He followed. When they got to the place where they saw the man, he was gone.

"Over there!" Aichi cried pointing at the other side of the gate. He wanted to run there, but Shu pulled his arm.

"We can't leave school property until the end of class, Aichi. We'll go after him later okay?" Shu said.

Aichi looked down. "But… I need to save my partner!" He responded.

He ran past the gate, the gatekeeper saw him and ran after him shouting, "Hey! Kid!"

"Aichi!" Shu called as he followed too. The gatekeeper looked around.

"That kid just disappeared." The gatekeeper said. "You! Get back inside the school right now."

"Shu!" It was Aichi's voice. "Help!"

Shu looked around and spotted Aichi's aura in a car. "Over there!" The car started driving. Shu took note of the license plate on the back.

Meanwhile, inside the car, Aichi was struggling against the people holding him down. "Let me go!" Aichi demanded. There was a screen in the car, it was split from Takuto and a black screen.

"Void, we've successfully captured Aichi Sendou. I don't believe Takuto wasn't able to capture him, how pathetic." The man driving the car informed.

"Little Aichi is much easier to handle than older Aichi." The other one said.

"Shu! Help me! Shu!" Aichi cried.

"Kai, shut his mouth please," Takuto ordered. The main man holding Aichi down covered his mouth.

"Shu!" Aichi cried but was muffled.

"Who is this, Shu?" Void asked. Takuto sounded nervous. "Link Joker explain yourself!"

"Well… While I was trying to capture him yesterday, I had to battle with this boy that was with him. And I wasn't able to stop him from giving his power to that boy." Takuto explained nervously.

"And you didn't bother to mention that important detail in your report?" Void asked.

"Place the collar on him before he gets away again, Kamui," Kai ordered the boy on the other side of Aichi.

"Haha, it's funny of you to mention that," Kamui responded.

"You forgot it, didn't you?" Takuto asked.

"As long as we keep an eye on him and Blaster Blade, everything is fine," Kamui said. He placed Aichi's belt on the front passenger seat.

"How are you planning on resolving the problem with his connection with this Shu boy? With his connection still there, I won't be able to use his power for myself." Void asked.

"Only defeating him while he is using Aichi's power will it break the connection, but we can always just dispose of him," Takuto suggested. Aichi's eyes widened as his struggling paused.

"Aichi can just break the connection with his own will," Kai said. Their conversation was cut short when the police stopped their car.

"Please step out of the car and release the boy." The police officer demanded. They complied with the police, the call in the car closed before the officer can find anything. Shu was inside the police car.

"Shu!" Aichi called as Shu stepped out of the police car along with a second officer. He turned back and wanted to go back inside to get his belt. The police retrieved Blaster Blade from inside the car. Aichi walked away from Kai, Kamui, and the driver cautiously and ran to Shu, Aichi hugged him tightly. "Shu!"

Shu patted Aichi's head. "It's alright, you're safe now," Shu assured.

"So that is the boy Aichi chose," Kai muttered. "We're retreating for now. Let's go."

"Right, fine…" Kamui replied. They all disappeared into red mist before the police can take them away.

"What just happened?!" The officer that was watching Kai and the others exclaimed.

They tried to remain positive. "Shu Kurenai, we will further look into this. For now, we can take to boy off your hands. We'll take his care into our hands and find him a safe place to stay." The officer suggested.

"No, it's fine. He can stay with me, I really don't mind." Shu said.

"Okay, call when you feel something is wrong. We'll head to you immediately." The officer said.

Shu smiled and looked at Aichi. "Let's get you back to school."

Aichi nodded before getting into the car with Shu. "Aichi, what did they do to you?" Shu asked.

"I'm not really sure. There was this screen in the car, Takuto was on one side and the other was just black. They talked about how I connected my powers with you and that… they will defeat you while you are using my powers or… They will 'dispose of you'." Aichi answered. "They also said that I can break the connection with you then they won't be after you and you'd be safe."

"You don't need to worry about me, Aichi," Shu assured.

"Really?" Aichi responded. Shu nodded. They soon got to the school and got out of the car.

"How about you stay with me while I'm doing my training?" Shu asked. Aichi nodded cheerfully. They went together to the roof after taking a quick stop at their classroom to get Shu's bag.

"Shu, why did you bring your bag?" Aichi asked.

"I packed food for lunch. I made enough for the both of us, so while I'm practicing here you can eat." Shu answered.

"How about you?" Aichi asked.

"Actually, I was thinking that you should learn how to battle too, in case I'm not there to help you for any reason," Shu answered.

"But I never played before," Aichi responded.

"I'll teach you the basics, then you can learn on your own from there," Shu replied. Aichi nodded cheerfully holding onto his Beyblade tightly. "You should start eating first, when you're done we can switch."

"Right!" Aichi said as he took out a food container from Shu's bag. There were two in the bag. "Thank you for the food."

Shu nodded before starting to shoot his Beyblade. Aichi ate while watching Shu practice. Once Aichi finished eating he got up to his feet with his launcher and Beyblade in hand. "Shu, I'm done."

"Good, then how about we switch?" Shu responded picking up his Beyblade. Aichi tried to put Blaster Blade onto his launcher, but he was having a hard time.

Shu walked to him before sitting down to show Aichi how to do it. "So just place your Beyblade like this, and lock it in like this," Shu explained while showing Aichi. Aichi watched carefully and nodded. Shu took it off so that Aichi can try himself.

"So like this?" Aichi said as he locked on his Beyblade.

"Right, just like that. Usually, you hold your launcher with your non-dominant hand and pull the launcher with your dominant hand." Shu explained. Aichi held the launcher with his left hand and held the trigger with his right. "Since you don't have an opponent at the moment, you can just launch whenever you're ready."

Aichi knelt down and shot his Beyblade. At first, it was really slow, but it rapidly sped up afterward. "Wow! That wasn't that bad for your first time. But it looks like your Beyblade sped up on its own." Shu commented he was finishing up eating. He put his container away in his bag before getting up and picking Blaster Blade up.

"Do you mind if I try shooting with your Beyblade? I want to see something." Shu asked.

"Okay," Aichi replied. Shu took his launcher and went on his stance, he shot and Blaster Blade was spinning incredibly fast. "Wow!" Aichi watched amazed.

"Just as I thought, it can go really fast," Shu commented, he picked up Blaster Blade and handed it to Aichi. "You will have to try out some stances that works for you, and to bring out your Beyblade's full strength you'll have to develope some arm strength too."

"Alright, I'll practice. But Shu, can I just watch you for now?" Aichi asked.

"Sure," Shu answered.

It was starting to reach the time where lunch ends and Shu started packing up. "Shu, I'll take your bag back," Aichi said as he lifted up Shu's bag.

"I just need to put this stadium back, you go to class first," Shu replied.

"Okay," Aichi answered walking inside the building. He was approaching the classroom when he suddenly heard footsteps like someone was running. Aichi turned around and Valt crashed into Aichi once again.

"Owww. Not again." Valt cried. He got up and saw that Aichi was below him. "Sorry about that again."

"I'm alright," Aichi replied.

"Hey, you're the new kid!" Valt exclaimed then he noticed Shu's bag. "Wait, why do you have Shu's bag."

"Um… Shu told me to…" Aichi muttered.

"Are you stealing?!" Valt shouted.

Aichi looked really nervous. "No, I'm not," Aichi muttered again, he looked like he was going to burst into tears any moment.

"Hey, Valt. What's the matter? You shouted so loud." Shu asked as he walked to Valt.

"The new kid is trying to steal your bag," Valt replied.

"No, he's bringing it to the classroom for me," Shu answered with a smile. He saw that Aichi was about to cry. Shu patted his head. "It's alright. Don't be scared, Valt really isn't a scary guy."

"Wait, do you know him?" Valt asked.

"Yea, he's staying with me for now, until he remembers everything," Shu answered.

"Remembers?" Valt responded.

"He has amnesia," Shu said.

"Amn… What?" Valt asked.

"Amnesia, a condition that makes you forget your past memories," Shu explained, he helped Aichi up and took his bag from Aichi.

"Wow! He can come over to my house and have some of my mom's amazing bread and some BeyBattles! I mean I'm one of the best players around you know, with my Rush Launch." Valt suggested. Aichi just hid behind Shu.

"I guess, you are right. Maybe he should hang out with other people." Shu replied.

"Yeah! And you also agree that I'm one of the strongest Bladers around right?" Valt asked.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Valt." Shu responded. Aichi looked at the clock in the hallway and tugged on Shu's shirt. "Right, we should get inside the classroom."

~After Class~

Shu wanted to do some more training before leaving school. Aichi was on the side reading the textbooks the teacher gave him to catch up on. He was reading about Beyblades.

Two hours later, they heard Valt and Kiyama arguing near the entrance to the roof. "Could you guys be quiet?!" Shu shouted as he tried to concentrate. Aichi continued to read the material as Valt and Kiyama looked through the corner.

"It's Shu," Valt said as he ran out. "I'm crossing over to the winner's side." He hit Shu's shoulder and found that he was all sweaty.

"Ew! Why are you so wet?" Valt asked.

"I've been practicing," Shu answered.

"How long have you been at this?" Kiyama asked.

"I don't know, 2 hours?" Shu guessed.

"2 hours?! I can't even practice for more than a minute! Right! I need to practice!" Valt said.

"I'm not telling him that it isn't going to work out." One of the twins commented. Aichi felt something and turned at the entrance gate to see people with dark auras waiting outside.

"Shu…" Aichi whispered. Shu took a glance to Aichi who turned to the entrance gate, he knew what that meant.

"But I beat Hiyama with my Rush Launch with this launch, I'm unstoppable." Valt bragged. Aichi packed his stuff and carried Shu's bag with him. Shu was also making his way to the entrance.

"You're already leaving, Shu?" Nika asked.

"I think I can even beat you, Shu!" Valt added. Aichi made it to Shu's side.

"Someone so confident after one win won't make it far," Shu responded. He left with Aichi.

"What?! You are supposed to be on my side!" Valt shouted. Shu and Aichi heard it from inside.

"That loud mouth," Shu commented.

"Is it really alright for you to leave things like that?" Aichi asked.

"It's just fine, don't worry about it," Shu answered with a smile taking his bag from Aichi. They walked through the hallways. "So they are back, huh? They don't stop."

"Shu, are you alright with this? You will always have to battle them with no end." Aichi asked.

"Yes, I am. Because you need help, so I will provide it." Shu answered.

"Thank you, Shu, for everything." Aichi thanked.

Shu smiled and ruffled up Aichi's hair. "It's fine. Now, stop thanking me for everything." He responded. They reached the entrance to see Kai and Kamui waiting there.

"There you are, Aichi." Kamui said. Aichi stood behind Shu.

"We meet at last, Shu Kurenai. We didn't get an introduction last time," Kai said.

Shu looked with serious eyes. "Who are you and why are you trying to capture him?" Shu asked.

"Oh, so scary." Kamui joked.

"I'm afraid that you will have to find that fact on your own." The blond haired boy answered he turned to Aichi. "Aichi, be a good boy and cut your connection with Shu Kurenai and come with us."

"I won't." Aichi declined.

"We aren't going to give you much of a choice." Kamui said as Kai reached in to take hold of Aichi's arm. Shu held his hand out to block his way.

"If you want him, you would have to beat me in a BeyBattle first. I assume you have a Beyblade." Shu challenged.

"You're on!" Kamui accepted.

"I'm afraid you'll have to beat both of us in a 1-on-1 match each." Kai said.

"Can't it be a 2-on-2? Aichi is here and able to use his power on Shu, am I right?" Kamui asked.

"You'll decide the match up, but as long as I'm undefeated, I will not allow you to take him." Shu answered. He looked at them and noted that Kamui was probably in middle school and Kai was in high school.

"Great, then it's decided. A two on 'two'." Kamui said.

"We have a stadium set up, come with us." Kai said. They left to the battle stadium through the car that Kamui and Kai had.