Chapter 11: Fanglorious Reunion

Scott didn't run a cartel like the Gecko brothers, or a fight club like Kisa, he reunited his band Fanglorious. Formerly a Christian rock band they changed their style to heavy metal, the Culebras that worked for him became his roadies, he turned people that he deemed useful; Sound techs, stage crews, and his manager. They all listened to Scott's command, he ruled with an iron fist. They were on tour through the southern United States, their show tonight was in El Paso, Texas. Scott was backstage with his band, they were making out hot and heavy with groupies. One in particular, a beautiful red head named Karen, was making out with Scott. "You're so sexy." She told him. Scott smiled and kissed her neck, he found her vein and fought the urge to bite her. "You too." He replied. "I can just eat you up." He told her. He started sucking on her neck, his fangs hinged down and were exposed. Scott grabbed Karen by her hair and sunk his teeth into her neck, he sucked out just enough blood to satisfy his hunger, he then gave her his venom. Karen felt a sudden pain run through her body, like she was being tortured. She screamed in agony, the pain went away and her eyes turned into that of a reptile. She quickly turned back into her human form making her eyes normal, she continued making out with Scott. The door opened and the stage manager walked in, the band stopped and looked at him. "Five minutes guys." He told the band. He walked backwards out the door and shut it as he exited.

Scott and his band tore up the stage, their hardcore metal music blasted throughout the arena. The fans cheered, and the fangirls were flashing the band. Scott was singing into the microphone, he finished the chorus and his guitar player did a solo. Scott stage dived into the crowd, they passed him through the arena. Scott moved through the crowd in a circular motion and back around to the stage, he grabbed the mic and started singing again. The band finished the song and walked backstage, Carlos was waiting for Scott. "Great job homey, you're band did great. For a bunch of pinche kids." Carlos said sarcastically. "What the fuck do you want?" He asked Carlos. "Oh me, I want a trillion dollars, a mansion in Mexico, a beautiful woman. Let's not talk about what I want, let's talk about what you want." Carlos replied. "I have all I want." Scott told him. "Oh do you cabron? I think you want more, I see your potential Scott. Me and you, we can rule the whole Culebra race." Carlos replied. "Why did you come here?" Scott asked him. "I came to recruit you, mine and your branch of the Culebras, we can take over the race." Carlos replied. "No thanks, I've been in enough of your bullshit." Scott told Carlo before walking past him.

Seth, Richie, Kisa, and Kate pulled up in front of the arena in Richie's Charger, Seth who sat in the front passenger seat looked at his brother. "Is this it?" He asked him. "Yep, Scott's in there. Probably getting it on with some groupie." Richie replied. The four got out of the car and walked up to the entrance, the security stopped them at the door. "Whoa, do you people got tickets?" He asked them. "Yes I have mine right here." Seth replied drawing his pistol. He aimed his gun at the security guard's head and cocked it, the guard trembled in fear. "Now unless you want to get a front row ticket to the what your brains look like tour, you'll step aside and let us through." Seth told the guard. The guard nodded and let the four pass, they walked in and found their way to the arena hall wherete the concert was taking place. Kate spotted Fanglorious finishing their final song and heading backstage, she and the rest of thr group made their way toward the stage. As they rushed onto the stage and headed backstage they were stopped by security, the guard who was tall, built, and bald looked at Kate. "Sorry people can't come back here." He told them. Kisa, Richie, and Seth showed the guard their Culebra form he in turn did as well. Scott approached the security guard, he looked at the group and at him. "It's ok, these are me friends. Let them through." Scott told the security guard. "Yes my Lord." The security guard replied. He stepped aside and the group walked backstage, Carlos waited with a smile. "Ahh the band's back together I see, what happened? You decide to have an orgy?" Carlos asked. "Shut the fuck up Carlito, we know what you're planning." Kisa replied. "I see, that egghead Gecko had a vision. War is coming and you can't stop it, Sex Machine is already on my side." Carlos told the group before turning around. As he walked away, he turned back to Scott. "I'll be seeing you again." He told Scott menacingly. He turned back around and walked away, Scott looked at the group in confusion.