My Siren…

/Warning/: This chapter contain, fluff, some hard time, violent(?) And The most important SMUT! All reviews are appreciated.



flashbacks or dreams…

Chapter 4.

He was running.

Running away from those pirates that were after him, he know that if they catch him he was nothing but a dead meat. At least the two sirens are save in the depth of the ocean, he hoped that they had warn his love about those pirates. He was supposed to meet Levi today, he was going to tell Levi that he was in love with him, he was going to tell Levi about his past. But it seems like it was too late for him.

Eren growled as he felt the bolt that was fired graze his arm, a flash wind and nothing more. Eren reached his house only to freeze at the sight of flames destroying the last memory he had from his mother. Eren looked at the person who had done that with hate, only to see Jean looking at him with a smirk holding a torch in his fucking hand.

"Why?" Eren hissed as he glared hard, hoping that the fire will burn Jean alive for what he did. Jean just hummed at that and walked to Eren with a happy face.

Once Jean stood before Eren he hummed. "You should have chose me instead of that siren." He said making Eren stiff and look at him with a cold eyed and smirk, spiting in Jean's face making the man growl at that.

"I prefer to be with a demon then you." Eren said as he heard a sound of running coming near, Eren just look at the moon and start walking until he was waist deep in the water, he then took off the key he always wore since he was 2 after his mother had given it to him. "I love you." Eren whispered as he throw the key into the depth of the ocean, he hoped that the massage will reached his beautiful mate.


Eren heard Jean yelled and he closed his eyes and give a soft smile as he felt the ocean's wave caress his body. It was fine if he had to die, the only thing he beg of the Gods is to keep his lovely mate save. Eren felt himself being pulled away from the water and something hard slammed into the back of his head making him lose his conscious.

Levi's face was the last thing he thought of before everything become dark.



Kuchel giggled softly as she looked at him with a coy look that made Eren smirk at her, Eren hummed at that, tomorrow was their mating night or as some liked to call wedding. Eren sighed softly as he looked at Kuchel with a gently look. "How much do you love me, Kuchel?" he asked her making her look at him.

"I love you as wide as he oceans will go." Kuchel said with a smile making Eren hummed at that and give a soft smile.



Eren hummed as he put his book down, because Levi just had threat to drown the book. Eren snort at Levi's pout and kissed him on the lips making the pout disappear into a shy smile. Eren sighed softly as he felt Levi crawl into his lap and snuggle to him. Eren looked at the moon and bite his bottom lip softly. "How much do you love me, Levi?" he asked making Levi grin at that and nuzzled him.

"I love you so much, that I wanted to turn into a human to stay with you." Levi murmur kissing Eren's cheek. "I am going to ask father to turn me into a human." He said softly to Eren. "I heard that he had a charm that is able to do that. and once I am human, we can have our own family." Levi said making Eren look at him with a teary smile and kiss his tiny mate on the forehead.


Eren woke up with a shrike as he look around the place wildly, he growled and hissed as he saw two strange people headed toward him fast. Eren growl at that and tried to claw them as they came near him. one of them the blond one looked at Eren and give a challenging growl, that made the female beside him squeaked in confuse and fear.

Eren didn't know why, but when he had heard that growl something in him just snap. With that he give an inhuman roar and attack to kill.


Levi was sniffing pitifully as he sit on the floor near his father throne. His sister and her mate, a merman named Armin were looking at him with concern face. he could hear his mother and father screaming at each other and looked at the key in his hand. The key was a charm, his mother had said, a charm as strong as time that will turn a siren to a human and the other way around.

His mate was a siren, and a powerful one at that. so powerful that his memory had been erase and given to a siren that had decided to mate a human.

His mate was a titan.

"IT IS YOUR FAULT!" his mother screamed making Levi flinch at that and look at his parents. "YOU JUST WANTED HIM TO BE GONE! WHY? BECAUSE YOU WANTED YOUR THRONE TO BE THEIR? BECAUSE YOU WANTED ME TO MATE YOU INSTEAD OF HIM?" that made Levi freeze as he and Mikasa looked at their mother in shock. Did that meant she was Eren's mate?

Levi give a whine at that and shook softly, did his mate only wanted him because he looked like his mother? Levi shake his head at that, it can't be true! After all Eren was too gentle to do that to a person, he was his loving mate that will dot on him and kiss him every time Levi had wanted him to spoil him. Eren was his mate, not his mother's! Eren was his and his alone

"HE WAS A DANGEROUSE! HE STILL IS!" Kenny yelled as he looked at Kuchel. Kuchel had never understand the real reason for him erasing Eren's memories and sending him to the human world. Still bitter about him sending her best friend and future mate away from her.

it was true that she was promised to Eren as a mate when she was young, they were best friends, lover, and all he had ever wanted to have with Kuchel. But she didn't want him and she had already chosen her mate, and he had respect that, until the titans had nearly attacked them wanting Eren's unique power to be theirs. Because of that he had sent Eren away from the ocean, with a siren named Carla. Carla had asked to be turned into a human, as a price to take care of the siren who he had turn into a useless child because of him, and he had accept. Though he had never guess that Levi's mate was Eren, he had changed so much in the last 18 years. Who would have thought that Levi will fell for Eren just like how Kuchel had fell hard for him, and in some corner in his heart it made him feel bitter about it.


Armin gulped softly as he saw Levi's dark look and Mikasa's blank one. He wasn't worry about what Mikasa will do, rather he was worried about how Levi will take the news, that his mate was his mother's original mate. "Are you going to take him as your mate?" Levi asked in a soft voice as he looked at his mother.

Kuchel looked at Levi in shock and give a tired sigh, she then swim to where Levi was and hugged him gently. "He is your mate Levi." She murmur softly into his ear making him give a trampling smile at that. "I am just bitter that I had lived all this year believing that my best friend had died, it is only when you had brought the charm I discover the truth. I am sorry if you felt like I wanted to take your mate away from you." She said hoping that Levi will understand.

Levi looked at his mother with a smile and nodded at that. then they all freeze as they heard a roar that was coming from Levi's room, where they had put Eren so he could rest. Levi whine at that and break from his mother's hold swimming to his room as fast as he can. Once Levi had reached his room he freeze in his place as he saw Eren was about to kill Erwin, Hanji was shivering in the far corner away from the two. Levi give a high pitched whine, making Eren freeze in the middle of a struck and look at him with a golden eyes. just as Eren saw Levi, he throw Erwin away and swim where Levi was standing and held him in his arms, crooning and nuzzling his little mate, making Levi purr softly at that and start cooing softly to calm Eren even more.

The sirens who were able to follow Levi froze as they saw how Levi was able to make Eren as harmless as a kitten with just a few coos and purrs. Even Kuchel who was Eren's friend couldn't calm him down when he go into his killing mood. Kuchel smiled at that and narrow her eyes as she saw Erwin in here, she then looked at Hanji who were shivering softly in fear. "Hanji." She called making Hanji gulp and look at her. "What had happened here?" she asked softly hoping that Hanji had calmed enough to answer.

Hanji sighs at that and float softly and swim until she was in front of Kuchel. "Erwin had challenged the titan for the right to mate Levi." She murmur making the sirens narrow their eyes at that. "The titan then snap and attacked Erwin nearly killing him."

That made the sirens growl and looked at Erwin who looked at them and flinch. "I think that you need to be taught a lesson Erwin." Kenny said as he swim to drag Erwin outside his son's room. Eren saw that and hissed at Erwin, returning his attention to his tiny mate and croon holding him tightly to his body. He had missed his mate so much. That made Levi hummed and nuzzled Eren under his jaw, and coo as his mate give a soft growl in contemned. Kuchel saw that and smiled happily dragging the rest outside Levi's room leaving the mated pair alone.


"Eren! Levi! Hurry up! The mating season about to start!" Mikasa yelled at the two as she saw Eren swimming to her with a smirk and a flushed Levi behind him, she blink at that and shook her head she didn't want to know.

It had been a year since that day, and a lot had changed in it. It seems like years to Eren but you could say that he was finally happy! He had restore his memories back, it had hurt at first and the confusing was too much for him in that time, but Levi was there for him and that is all Eren had ever needed. Eren had remembered that Carla wasn't his mother, but for him who didn't know who his mother was, Carla will still be his loving mother that he had adore even now, after all of this years that seems to run away. As for Eren and Kuchel they return to be the best friends they were before everything had happened. The titans had gone extinct when he was in the humans world, so Eren was quite thankful that his tiny little mate wouldn't have to see the horror of the titans.

"Coming!" the two of them called out as the swim to reach Mikasa, Eren and Mikasa had become friend/enemy of sort. it seems like Eren won't let go of that accident two years ago, and Mikasa was still angry at Eren for being impolite. though Eren Become a best friends with Armin much to Mikasa's charge, as she didn't like the idea of her mate near a titan.

The mating season had rear it is head this time finally! Eren and Levi will seal their mating with the mating dance and mating song! Siren use their voice not only to hunt, but also to play around, attracting mates, and sealing the bond of the sirens that were about to mate. no one had heard Eren singing before other then Kuchel and Armin, so the other sirens were a little nervous about the song.

Once Eren and The other reached the mating ground everyone took their places with Eren and Levi in the middle of the ground. they waited until the moon shine on the couple in the middle of the ring once it did, Eren and Levi start glowing!

Eren opened his mouth and start singing stunning Everyone with his beautiful and stunning voice! Levi start following Eren's lead as they start dancing and singing as signing that the mating season had already start.

"I love you." Levi whispered softly holding Eren closely.

"I love you too." Eren hummed as he started singing in Levi's ear making his little mate smile at that.

After the song had finished Eren took Levi away from the group of sirens, his instinct is causing a trouble for him right now. His only goal is to protect his mate before the heat hit him fully. Eren hummed a soft song to his mate causing his mate to purr at that as they reached their room, far, far away from everyone.

Levi purr softly as he lay on the bed and looked at his mate who was smiling and humming softly looking around the room.

Levi stretched himself out, arms above his head, at that Eren knew it was time. He needed to claim Levi, finned ears flickering in the water. Levi knew what he needed to do to make his mate go lose it and mate him, his demeanor changing at once. Eyes that went half-lidded in the water (having previously been wide) he bite his bottom lip and start purring softly.

Eren give a soft growl at that, Putting a hand at the curve of Levi's scaled hip Eren's fingertips moved to a subtle slit in the scales and lightly started to massage them(He had learn the hard way about sex from Kuchel, let's just say he didn't want to hear 'The Talk' again as long as he lived) Eren didn't need to massage the soft scales in front, instead they split of their own accord to bring forth Eren's length from its confines. The scales Eren had been touching on Levi separated more to allow Eren entrance. Eren's tail swished forward and the fins there wrapped around Levi's tail to keep him in place for the Alpha. Leaning over and another hand moving forward to massage at the soft spots on Levi's front, making his mate sighs in pleasure.

Grabbing Levi's hips Eren pressed closer as he leaned down to nibble and lick at his Omega's shoulder blades on one side of his fins with a resonating growl. Eren could feel the bond urging him to claim Levi and he would happily oblige. He eyed his mate to make sure he was okay with this and when Levi threw his head back and arched, Eren knew he was in the clear right now. He would always eye his mate to make sure that he was comfortable with that they were doing, watching for the subtlest of clues if he wanted to stop, to see when Levi's limits were tested.

Pushing his tapered length forward Eren penetrated Levi with no issues. For as long as he lived he knew he would never get tired of this. Levi was hugging him in all the right ways, muscles quivering and clenching before releasing only to do it all over again.

Eren couldn't help himself when his force and velocity picked up. Placing his claws of his right hand at Levi's left side, he waited, only to have Levi arch even more, any sounds he made were muted and low.

"Yes! mark me. Make me yours. Don't stop." Levi whine softly making Eren growled at that and look at his beautiful mate, that was begging him

Raking his claws along from side diagonally to hip Eren couldn't be more pleased his Omega wanted to be marked in such a way by him.

The water rocked and swished, Levi occasionally swimming forward and Eren only slamming his hips forward time and time again, a beast in what it wanted and merciless in getting what was his to submit. Levi's body language telling him to do just that, force him to submit! Make Levi Eren's in all the right and bad ways, while never letting him get away for anything. Eren's hands grasped at whatever part of Levi he would get at, his growls silent, as he marked his mate with his claws and soon enough, his teeth. He bit at Levi's shoulders, and neck. Whenever Levi quaked and bucked, fingers tightening at the bottom of the bed Eren knew he'd nailed his prostate countless times, constantly hitting it to bring his mate to an edge. Reaching around, Eren began to stroke his mate.

Suddenly Levi bucked, causing Eren to lose some of the balance he had and his mate swam away to the nearest wall. Eren sidled closer, clawed fingertips scraping at the ground. Levi pressed his back against the wall and beckoned him forward with not only his tail, which was bent, but also a hand. When the Eren got close enough to his mate Levi wrapped his tail around his waist and drew Eren in the rest of the way. With a thrust of his hips he was back into his mate with an accuracy that was spot on and discerning.

With another heat kiss, linking the two new mates in both upper and lower junctions, the Alpha continued his earlier actions, hands on the wall to keep them from going anywhere. Levi had one arm around the Alpha's shoulders, claws scratching and marking, with the other at his chest doing the same. Eren used his tail as a bit of a propeller to deliver more brutal thrusts towards his mate and when it became too much, Levi had to break the kiss, head tossing back. Taking the opportunity Eren began to nip and bite at his mate's collarbone, tasting him even in water.

Pushing his knot into his mate was when Levi could no longer help it and came while biting into Eren's neck above his gills, which quivered at the nearness of a bite. They came roughly around the same time, Eren pushed over the edge of Levi's depths having him in a vise grip. Eren this time had his head tilted back, one hand lazily stroking his mate through his climax as both of them were throbbing firmly. Each throb lingering as it faded away as he flooded Levi's insides with his seed, trapping it there.

The mates left panting and trembling. Levi tugged at the nape of Eren's neck to bring their foreheads together. Tipping his chin up Eren brought Levi closer for a kiss, mouth moving against his slowly and tenderly, heads switching from side to side every so often. Eren wanted to wake up to Levi every morning. Sleep next to him every night, cradling him in Eren's arms and never letting go. He didn't want to stop kissing him, stop moments like these. There was nothing in this world that would tear Levi from him and he would sooner dismember people, leaving corpses in his wake, than allow that to happen. Endure all injuries he could before his body gave out from it.

A hand now at Levi's cheek again before he reached up to gently fist it in his little mate's hair. Eren sank to the bed, tail curving in the opposite direction as Levi's, Eren's to the right. having his mating sitting in his lap while his mate littered him with kisses, unashamed in his growing affection.

It was easy to tell when Eren was able to pull out; the fit not quite so tight around him and it was easier for him to move his hips around rather than be glued to Levi. As one, once detaching, Eren growled softly as he held his mate against him showering him with love, making Levi purr at that and nuzzled Eren.

"I love you." Levi mumbled snuggling to Eren making his mate smile at that.

"I love you too, my siren." Eren said making Levi smiled at that and kissed Eren once more.

So what do you think?

The end!

Finally! The first time I wrote this fanfic it was only one chapter in length, and now look at it! it Is grown up now :)

Read and Review.

and let me knew what you think. I am always open for suggestions.
