Hey all! It's moi! Sorry I havn't gotten back to my bioshock infinite/doctor who story yet. I've been at a loss of ideas. But I'm here with a brand new story! Thanks to a good friend of mine for the idea for this story. (You know who you are. ;) )

Shaman Kombat


Nightwolf breathed heavily as he held the spiritual tomahawk in his hand. His entire body was covered with cuts and bruises, and he was pretty sure his leg had been broken.

But he could not give up now. The fate of this world and many others depend on the outcome of this.

"Why do you still fight?" said the low voice of Quan Chi as the sorcerer turned to the shaman. "You have lost, Nightwolf. Give in."

"Never..." replied the Native American shaman, throwing his tomahawk at the sorcerer of the Netherrealm.

The white-skinned demon caught the weapon with his bare hand and sighed. "You disappoint me, shaman. You could have been a part of this."

"Me? Help... you?" Nightwolf was struggling to get his words out. "N-Never..."

"We could have made this world better." Said Quan Chi as he began to channel necromantic magic, green and purple and red energy swirling around him. "But no. You had to stick with your petty principals. How pathetic."

"I do this... for BOTH my worlds..."

As they spoke Quan Chi began to chant. The energy swirling around him began to take shape, aligning into the basic form of a man. Nightwolf tried with all his might to conjure another spirit weapon, wanting, no, NEEDING to stop Quan Chi from what he was about to do. But he was too weak. The fight had gone on too long.

He had lost...

"NO!" screamed a voice as a ball of green energy appeared, somehow being drawn towards what the sorcerer was making. "I will not be a part of that monstrosity!"

"You have no choice." Said Quan Chi as the ball was drawn closer.

"NO!" At the last moment, the green ball zoomed away, escaping it's would-be captor, but not before a part of it's glowing energy was sucked into the swirling mass of necromantic magic.

There was a bright flash.

Then all was silent...

The man groaned as he woke up, placing a palm against his aching head. He slowly began to open his eyes, adjusting to the brightness.

"Good, your'e up." said a voice. Above him he could see the voice of a teenage boy with spiky brown hair and a slight tan, a pair of headphones covering his ears.

"Where... where am I..." said the man, slowly sitting up. He grunted as a pain went up his back.

"Easy there." said the boy, helping him up.

"Who... who are you?" asked the man.

"I'm Yoh. Yoh Asakura. And you are?"

The man squinted as he looked around, racking his brain for an answer.

"I... I don't know...

Please favorite, follow and review! Next chapter soon! Cheers!