"So, this is it. This is really it," said Wasabi. He rubbed the back of his head to alleviate his itch. Honestly, it was a mechanism to keep himself from crying. There were a handful occasions he had used that technique: at his friend's funeral, at his mother's funeral, and at his own wedding. Adding to the pile was his dear little brother and best friend, Hiro Hamada, as he prepared to move to Boston today. He snorted a bit; trying his hardest to expose any emotion. He wanted to stay strong. He wanted to give Hiro and Aunt Cass a proper sendoff.

"It is big bro. Time can no longer spread with us here." Hiro said calmly. Wasabi watched him turn into the a gentleman. His peppered hair waving in the wind; his facial hair exposing his former adolescence. He also thought that Hiro got a little taller. He kept that final thought to himself. He did not want to do anything to inflate Hiro's ego.

Wasabi and Hiro sat on the floor of Hiro's former bedroom. The outlines of his stuff were the remaining evidence that was left. Wasabi realized that he has only been in Hiro's room twice in his life. The first time was when he came across Hiro's suicide letter. He now sat thinking that he should have visited his room on occasions that did not remind of somber. Bittersweet memories, he thought.

"It's crazy," said Hiro. He chuckled while bending his legs and grabbing hold to them. "One day, the doctors tell you that you are going to be a genius." He faced Hiro. "But they never tell you the repercussions of having such a gift."

Wasabi stood in silence. The only thing on his mind was to enjoy Hiro's company while it was present. He did not want to waste time with his words.

"My skills got me a chance to leave elementary school when I was eight; enrolled in high school when I was ten; and started college when I was fourteen. To any kid, that would be one of the most awesome things you can imagine."

"I must say, Hiro," said Wasabi, "You had the skills. You had the gift. You were amazing."

"Thanks, but no credit due for you, Tadashi, and the rest of the gang," said Hiro. "You all have been my rock over the past few years. Through the storm, we weathered it together. The good times, the bad times, and of course, the ugly. You all have kept me and raised me like any siblings would. And I love you all for that."

"We love you, too, Hiro," said Wasabi. His heart became warmer. Seeing his Hiro becoming a man made their journey worthwhile. What pleased him was there was not any survivor's remorse from Hiro. Since GoGo's arrest, Hiro have not once mentioned the name of GoGo. Seeing her going into the hands of the court was the final piece of the puzzle to put away. He was happy to see Hiro at peace.

"Wasabi, I want to thank you for keeping me close," said Hiro. "For believing in me when I didn't believe in myself. For covering me when I was in my worst. Running the cafe, taking charge of me and Aunt Cass in our worst. Over and beyond you were. You an angel in my eyesight. A true friend indeed. You are forever in my and Aunt Cass's debt."

"I appreciate the recognition, Hiro," said Wasabi humblily. "But I don't accept the credit. You owe me no debt. Seeing you alive in front of me, happy, is the biggest gift that you can give me. I would have done it for anybody. When you have a gift of serving, you just do what God tells you. I hate the ordeal that happened with you, but I am just happy to know that you are growing up to be a gentleman. Tadashi and your parents would have been proud. I know that I am."

"Thanks," said Hiro. Wasabi could tell that Hiro wanted to say more. The atmosphere was becoming emotional as the duo were bonding in their friendship. Hiro rested his elbow on Wasabi's shoulder. Hiro smiled. The wisdom of Wasabi was heavensent to Hiro.

"Can I ask you something, Wasabi," asked Hiro while turning his face in Wasabi's direction. "Were you comfortable with the verdict they gave GoGo?"

"I think we did not have much of a choice," said Wasabi. He looked at the ceiling. Hiro could tell he was in deep thought, pondering on what to say next. "It was not easy to sit there and watch the proceedings. Giving every detail of what she did to you, to Chi, and to everyone else. It hurt the most for the lackluster of a charge they have given her. That is a slap on the wrist compared to what others have done in the past." He sort of chuckled. "I can do twice the sentence for carrying a concealed weapon, if you know what I mean."

"Really well, big bro," said Hiro. "But tell me something. How can you forgive her?"

Wasabi was silent.

"How can you forgive a person that was so detrimental, so powerful. A force she was," said Hiro. His hands were balled into a fist. His teeth were clinched. Wasabi noticed that the subject was not easy as they were making it out to be.

"Forgiving is hard," confirmed Wasabi. "It is a trait that can be challenged for the most moralist of people, including myself."

"At night, when I am all alone, I used to look at the moon," said Hiro. "If there was any calmness from the storm, I look at the moon. It is bright, it is shiny, it is beautiful. Through it all, I ask myself what can I do to get away from here. Sometimes, I shut myself out and imagined some place far away from here. A place where no one can find me, no one can hurt me. An inner sanctuary."

Wasabi remained silent. Rubbing his knees and nodding with Hiro with their conversation.

"I prayed that I was a bird that can fly far away from here. Even the times when she raped me, I quietly prayed amidst the tears that God can grant me the spirit of flight to get away from her." Hiro laughed, but in a self-deprecating manner. "He never answered. I didn't have my gift of flight. My conscience faded away after passing out or suffered another blow from GoGo."

He stood up. He walked back and forth. He was pacing. His breath was becoming ragged. Wasabi tried to stand, but Hiro gave him the signal that he was fine.

"Back to my question. How can you forgive someone that made do things that you hate? How can you forgive someone after being forced to perform cruel acts. How can you forgive someone after wanting to take your own life?" Hiro faced Wasabi with his smile still on his face. "I hated myself. The words she told me. "I had no control.' 'I was a worthless bitch.' 'Tadashi was twice the man I would ever be.' 'I am her toy, her slave, her bitch, her master.'"

"After a while, Wasabi. You began to believe it. It becomes part of you. It's like sewing a seed and watching the roots grow. I wanted to die, Wasabi. I wish I was dead. When you saved me, I felt like a jackass."

Wasabi was still silent.

"The first time I could have been successful. The first time I could have been freed from her hardship. I was the master of my life. But instead, I managed to fail that easily after you rescuing me."

"Hiro," said Wasabi.

"A long rough road began after that ordeal. I did not feel like I was Hiro. Imagine being caught in the middle of a being. One shows yourself and the other shows out. I wanted the latter. I wanted out from this world, from the pain and the suffering. But you and only you stopped it."

"The prayer I asked for was to be a bird to fly away. Granted I never got my wings, but he did sent me an angel. That angel was you, Wasabi."

Wasabi blushed, surprised at Hiro's complement.

"Once more. How can you forgive someone that did these type of things? My answer only came from you," said Hiro.

Wasabi nodded his head.

"In that courtroom, you kept your head up high when being testified. You were calm and kept your cool. You told everyone what went down with GoGo. From knowing her involvement with me to my suicide attempt to my rescue in the cabin. You were even relaxed when they described the scenes with Chigusa's rape. Even when I spoke, you kept your calm. In the end, when you the court asked how you felt about GoGo, you told them that you forgive her. I was speechless. You carried on such a burden for everyone and you quickly forgave. You make it look easy."

"Easy like crossing the Red Sea," interjected Wasabi. "Easy like destroying the walls of Jericho; or easy like being the president. Hiro, forgiveness is a trait and it is a very challenging trait. To tell you the truth, I hated GoGo. Never in my twenty-something years have I hated an adversary like her. She was my friend. She was my partner. She was my best friend's girl. She played us like fools the entire time before she came across you. She wore a facade for so long that her past caught up with her. I wasn't hurt on what she did to you and Chigusa. I was betrayed because she was my friend. That old saying is true. Keep your enemies close and your friends closer."

"Hiro, watching you suffer under her hands killed me. Knowing she was doing it was worse. Seeing a divide between loved ones create stress. Couldn't sleep, lost weight, gave me doubts. My faith was challenged through this trial and tribulation. For the first time in my life, Hiro, I cursed God, I cursed Tadashi and I cursed you."

"I understand," said Hiro.

"I was torn down, defeated. I was anguish. I was full of hate. I couldn't forgive nobody. But suddenly I felt this calmness in my spirit."

"Calmness," retorted Hiro.

"God knows your limits and how far he take you. Doubling back to GoGo and your question on forgiveness, it was about overcoming your obstacle. GoGo was our obstacle. She was the devil in disguise. She challenged everything about ourselves. It made you depressed. Aunt Cass was a nervous wreck. Our friends were in a state of shock." He sighed. "Hiro, I didn't want to tell you this because I was afraid to make things worse. This stress made me had a mild heart attack."

"Oh, my God," said Hiro. "I didn't know. I am sorry. Why did you tell us?"

"It was not that serious. It happened during the time you were confined your room. I was in and out on the same day. The doctors and Chigusa wanted me to rest. But I didn't. No rest until I took care of GoGo. I played it cool because I did not want you to worry. That is what big brothers do, to protect."

"You are an angel. I mean it," said Hiro.

"Thanks, Hiro," said Wasabi. "I refuse to give GoGo any more power. That is why I am able to forgive her. If not for her, then for myself." He coughed. "It was a hard pill to swallow. Very hard. Knowing that this woman killed my brother-in-law; involved in the rape of my wife; and most of all, tormenting you. This forgiveness is from the Lord himself because I did not have my faith, I would have murdered that bitch in that goddamn courtroom."

"So, now what," asked Hiro.

"We move on. We move forward. We live. Look at every day as a blessing," said Wasabi. "This is now a new normal and we all must accept it. I don't think I can ever be the same Wasabi I was before this new era."

"I don't ever think I can be the same Hiro before this new era as well," replied Hiro.

"With GoGo's pregnancy," said Wasabi, "What are your plans?"

"Put them up for adoption," said Hiro. "Aunt Cass and Honey Lemon have been looking at different people who might be a suitable match for the twins. The search will continue, despite us going to different places. We just hope that it will work out soon."

"A wise choice," said Wasabi.

"I don't think I want them to meet me," said Hiro. "Plus, I am not ready to be a father. I don't want them to know that they were a product of rape. Also, the product of a sister-brother relationship."

"Neither of those things you are at fault," replied Wasabi. "You did not know that you and GoGo were siblings. Crazy as it sounds."

"You know, in a way, I think she knew the entire time," said Hiro. "She is a very bright girl and played her chess piece when the time was right."

"Checkmate," asked Wasabi.

"Checkmate," concurred Hiro.

"May be one day, perhaps," asked Wasabi.

Hiro nodded his head in disagreement. "This is my choice. I wanted them to have a healthy and loving life. I want them to be surrounded by those who will love and care for them. They will never know that their mother was a psychopathic, rapist and their father suffered from it. I want nothing but happiness."

"You are the father," said Wasabi. "Fit what you choose best."

"Thanks," said Hiro.

"Let me ask you a personal question." Hiro said to Wasabi and faced him with intent. "Sure, I don't mind," answered Wasabi. "You knew the entire time about GoGo and her tirade over me. You sworn secrecy of not revealing anything to the police. Most would have gone to the police, but you didn't. Most would have leaked it to someone, but you didn't. Why have such a burden inside to protect me?"

"When a brother tells you to keep a secret, it a secret. You confided to me, Hiro. It didn't matter what I've felt, it was for you. If I have told, then where is the trust? As much I wanted you to go to the police, I thought." He stopped for a moment to clear his throat. "I thought when you had suffered enough, you would confess on you own. Unfortunately, I did not go as planned. So, instead I decided to take matters into the hands without you saying a word. That is why we have angels. They watch over people that could not watch over themselves."

"I see," said Hiro. "I have another question. What did you and Tadashi discussed in private whenever we weren't around? The more he worked, the more I felt I didn't know him. Around the time he was separating himself from GoGo and his death, he was different person. I was just wondering is all."

Wasabi stretched his legs. He rubbed his knee to ease any stiffness. He laughed to himself about how his age was getting to him. Either that or being a father was taking his tow. "Your brother and I spent time throughout college talking about life. He always talked about you. He mentioned you without fail at least once a day. You were the world to him."

Wasabi took a breath. He cracked his knuckles. He stood up and looked at the window. The day was drawing near a close. He had seen the San Fransokyo skyline numerous of times. However, it was sweet and somber. Endless clouds in the colors of blue and pink scattered throughout the sky. The sun was cresting into the horizon. It was beautiful. To him, he did not know where heaven ended and the earth began.

"He told me everything about the trials and tribulations you have witnessed. I know what happened with your uncle." Hiro's eyes widened. "Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me." He looked back at the window. "I knew about your hustles that you have done. I am aware of the encounters you had with Diana. Tadashi told me everything because he knew that he could trust me."

Hiro sort of blushed at that thought.

"Birds of a feather flocked together, Hiro. I came from the same cloth as him. I did what I did to survive. We are only human, Hiro," said Wasabi. "What made Tadashi and I gain a stronger bond was the love we had for family."

"Family," asked Hiro.

"Tadashi wanted to have a family with GoGo. He told me many times that he wanted to have children with her. He was really in love with her," said Wasabi. "Alas, it didn't happened fortunately, for the sake of GoGo. He wanted something to recreate the bonds of his father and his mother."

"Tadashi told you all of that," asked Hiro.

"Well, most of it," said Wasabi. He pulled out a notebook from his backpack. It was the very notebook that Tadashi wrote his private thoughts. He gave it to Agent Uchiyama before GoGo's arrest for evidence. After GoGo's trial, Agent Uchiyama returned the notebook, citing that it was his brother's turn to hear his side of the story.

"What is that," asked Hiro.

"This is Tadashi's notebook. Everything you want to know about your brother is in his book." Wasabi gave Hiro the notebook. "Now it is time to give it to you."

Hiro remained silent when given the sudden gift.

"Agent Uchiyama kept it as evidence during GoGo's trial. But there was something in the notebook that I didn't catch until she returned it to me. And I think you have to read this."

Hiro touched the tattered notebook. In his hand was the only physical thing he had of Tadashi. He opened the book. Page after page of his thoughts and feelings were on this notebook. It was like having the Rosetta Stone or a holy religious text, Hiro thought. On the last page of the notebook, there was something written. It was sloppy and in cursive. Hiro laughed as Tadashi was not perfect in penmanship. He began reading the passage.

To my little bro,

I want to say that it is a pleasure to have God allow me to become a big brother to an amazing young man like yourself. Grateful as I can be to nurture and to see you grow. I look back and think about the hell we have been witnessed. Homelessness, sleeping in cars, hiding from our uncle, and the like. No matter, God pulls us through this. Aunt Cass instilled upon us to become men. In the honor of our mother and father, we must do that.

Lately, I have this aching feeling in my heart that my life is more than I can bear. I never believed in things like premonitions or intuition, but something is in the midst. If I should die, let this journal be a testimony of the shortcomings and the overcomings of our life. Treat it like a history book, a book of accomplishments. We did it.

Like I said, I never believe that kind of stuff of the what if's. Nevertheless, don't forget on how much I love you, Aunt Cass, and the gang. You are a Hamada. Represent us with pride.


P.S. Go look inside the closet. There is a false tile beside the door. Enjoy life, bro!

Hiro immediately closed the notebook and went into his closet. Wasabi watched as Hiro went inside. He heard a shuffling noise coming from the floor. When he returned, he saw a safe deposit box. Taped to the bottom was a key. Hiro pulled the key and placed the key inside of the slot.

"Okay, here we go," said Hiro.

Hiro opened the box and dropped it. In one time, Wasabi saw the tears coming from Hiro's eyes. When Wasabi looked inside of the safe deposit box, he saw pictures of Tadashi, Hiro, and their parents. He saw pictures of them and Aunt Cass. He saw pictures of him and Tadashi back when they were in college. Wasabi saw pictures of football and basketball programs. He also saw letters.

"What are these," asked Wasabi..

"He kept them. He really kept them," said Hiro. "These letters were letters I wrote to mom and dad. I was trying to write them to heaven. However, heaven does not have an address." He chuckled. He picked up the programs. "Back when we younger, my brother and me used to hustle as bookies. We used to be good at predicting winners. It was a good score back then."

"I can tell they were treasures," said Wasabi.

"These are the things that are kept best for last, Wasabi," said Hiro. Something got Hiro's attention as he saw something in a brown paper bag. Hiro pulled the bag and unwrapped it. Inside were multiples rows of money. Inside was a note.

Appreciate the good times, little bro. Now, it is time to get your own. Take care of Aunt Cass for me.

"Your brother was a man of wonder, Hiro," said Wasabi.

"He was. Scratch that. He still is," said Hiro while he was smiling. "Tadashi is not here physically. But he is here watching over us all."

From behind the window, the pair heard the moving van. The sound was alerting onlookers that the parking space was in reserve. Time was running out for the duo. They were going to make it count as possible.

"Look out for the restaurant for us, Wasabi," said Hiro. "I know that you and Chigusa are going to keep it in good hands."

"And you know this, Hiro, dude," said Wasabi laughing. "The Lucky Cat Cafe might be going under new management, but we and Baymax will keep this thing rolling."

"Yeah. Baymax will always be in your care," said Hiro.

"We had some great times here, didn't we," said Wasabi. "I hate that it is over."

"Not necessarily, my friend," said Hiro. "I learned that it is just another chapter of our life being closed. Things don't last forever, but we can enjoy the good times while we can. I look at the future for me and Aunt Cass. You should as well for you and Chigusa. Like you've told me, we can't stay in this bubble forever. We have to go and make our own venture."

"My little bro is becoming a man," said Wasabi.

"What can I say, Wasabi, dude," said Hiro.

"Hey, Hiro," said Wasabi.

"Yeah," asked Hiro.

Wasabi came and hugged Hiro. The pair embraced for a few moments. "I love you, man," said Wasabi.

"I love you, too, Wasabi," said Hiro.

"Don't ever change who you are," said Wasabi. "Love yourself a little more. It's great for the healing."

"Stop that, or you are going to make me cry," replied Hiro.

"Love yourself, bro," said Wasabi. "That is all I want you to do. Live!"

"I will," said Hiro. "Not just for Aunt Cass, not for Tadashi or mom and dad. For myself."

"Take that value piece of advice and sail forth on your new adventure," said Wasabi.

Hiro and Wasabi went downstairs to the restaurant. They were met by Aunt Cass, Honey Lemon, Fred, Chigusa, and Mitsuko.

For a moment, they all have stared into each other's eyes. It was somber and bittersweet. Without saying a word, they all embraced as they knew that this was going to be their final time before going their separate ways. Although the hug lasted minutes, but it felt like a lifetime to them.

They all went outside and watched Hiro and Aunt Cass entered into his vehicle while waiting for the moving van to leave.

None of them wanted to speak. They all feared that they were going to cry. It was Hiro who broke the silence.

"I am going to miss you all," said Hiro. "Thank you for everything." He faced Chigusa and Wasabi. "I love you, guys. Take care of the restaurant, Baymax, and Mochi. Keep plenty of pictures of Fuyuko for us. Tell her that her uncle and aunt loves her."

Wasabi and Chigusa, while holding hands, quietly nodded.

Hiro turned to Honey Lemon and Fred. "I will miss you. Enjoy Toronto. If I am ever in the area, you know what to do, right?"

Honey Lemon smiled. "Of course, little brother. You will always…" She stopped as tears began flowing from her eyes. "You will always be important to us. You will always be dear to us. We love you. Thanks Aunt Cass for everything as well."

"Yeah, dude," said Fred. "We will miss you. Don't forget us, bro."

Hiro faced Michiko. "Thanks Agent Uchiyama for everything. Even when I was afraid to talk, you spoke for me. Sorry if I have caused any trouble."

Michiko smiled. "You are never trouble, dear. I am just doing my job. Thank you for staying strong through this ordeal. Now you can close this chapter and began your new life."

"This is not goodbye," said Hiro. "This is not goodbye."

"It's not," said Wasabi.

"I agree," said Chigusa.

Aunt Cass turned on the vehicle. "Goodbye, everyone," said Aunt Cass as she put the car into drive. She waved her hand for the van to drive forward. Hiro shouted from the car window. "Goodbye, guys."

Honey Lemon began running and screaming. "Goodbye, little brother. Goodbye, Aunt Cass. We love you."

The remainders were shouting and waving goodbye. Hiro continued to hear it before it was fading away. By that time, tears were flowing from his eyes. Suddenly, he felt the presence of his aunt stroking his cheek.

"It won't be the last time, sweetheart," said Aunt Cass.

"I know, but it still hurts," said Hiro. "I will really miss them."

"I will as well, dear," said Aunt Cass.

"I love you, Aunt Cass," said Hiro.

"I love you, too, Hiro," said Aunt Cass.

Aunt Cass wrapped her hands across Hiro's hands. Hiro blushed by her warm hands. Aunt Cass leaned to the passenger's side and pursed her lips. Hiro closed his eyes and enveloped his lips around hers. The kiss lasted a few moments before it was broken.

"I am looking forward to our new life together," said Hiro. "The many discoveries we can explore."

"Me too, my love," said Aunt Cass. "New adventures, new discoveries, and even surprised expectations." She winked as she rubbed her stomach.

Hiro's eyes widened. "Aunt Cass, you mean. You, me."

She smiled. "I am not telling."

"But you just rubbed your belly," said Hiro.

"That could have meant other things," she laughed. "I mean we did have a big breakfast."

"It is never easy with you, isn't it," asked Hiro.

"And back at you, my dear," said Aunt Cass.

Aunt Cass and Hiro shared another kiss with each other.

Hiro sat and watched the city he grew up all of his life were fading into the distance. As soon as he saw the sign of the city limits of San Fransokyo, he knew that it was reality. He loomed over the window and saw the endless beach and ocean. It shined brightly with the sun and the sky was a beautiful color of orange. Hiro did not know where heaven ended and earth began.

He sat back comfortably as he took the free time to reflect on his ordeal. The final thought before falling asleep were on the thoughts of his parents and Tadashi. He remembered their image when he thought he was in heaven. Unsure it was real or in a temporary state of paranoia, he was happy to have another glimpse of them. It mattered not about the circumstances of his parents, but was happy to know that he was loved. And that was all he ever wanted was to be loved. He had Wasabi, Diana, Chigusa, Fred, Honey Lemon, and most of all, his beloved Aunt Cass.

Will ever repeat the ordeal in order to know that, he had hoped not, he thought. He smiled and fell asleep. Hopefully when he wakes up, he thought, they will be at a restaurant to order some french toast and fried chicken wings. He was having a craving for it.

My little fishy, my sweet little fishy. I will let my princess rest for now. However, nothing can stop the power of love. Enjoy your rest while you can. However, when you shut your eyes, remember. I can be anywhere at anytime. So dream a little sleep for me. Rest your head easy. Like I have told you. I am going to make sure that you pay for this, little brother. Until then, good night, my loving Hiro.