The rain came down gently, its drops pittering and pattering against the leaves of the surrounding trees. Roy snorted, his hands deep in his pockets as his Lieutenant adjusted the umbrella she was holding.

The other men of his group were strewn about, doing miscellaneous jobs in preparation for the larger one at hand. Before them, the mouth of a large cave opened up, decorated with sprawling vines and stray patches of moss.

The only reason he and his team were called in was because it seemed like the cave was inhabited. The military sent down several spelunkers, all of which had come back completely terrified at the claim of encountering monsters. The claw and bite marks on them seemed to be plenty of proof.

So not only was there a potential civilization, but they were dangerous.

Really, Roy wasn't too worried overall. It was raining outside, but inside the cave should be nice and dry. There was only one little problem….

"So are we gonna just stare at it all day or are we going in?" Edward demanded, shoulders hunched and arms crossed. A keen eye can see him tremble slightly due to the cold, but the stubborn boy would refuse to let it show that it's bothering him.

Roy sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose "In a little bit, FullMetal."

Edward and Alphonse he could deal with. Just Edward was a bit more difficult. Whatever was down there, the military wanted to keep it confidential, so Alphonse was forbidden to join the expedition. So now he was stuck with a pouty, reckless, rude, punk-ass-


Roy was stuck with Ed.

After several more minutes of little preparations, the group eventually headed in.

"Keep your eyes peeled." Roy said over his shoulder. His soldiers nodded, and even Ed gave a short grunt of acknowledgement as he glared about. Roy smirked and turned his gaze back forward.

Say what you will about Edward, but he was no idiot.

The group travelled in relative silence, studying their surroundings intently, looking for any signs of sentient life. They found some quickly. Not too long into their walk they came across what appeared to be a throne room. Yellow flowers littered the ground around a single standing throne, and a cape and what appeared to be a trident stood vigil over a large mound of dust.

Roy studied it skeptically, running his fingers along the engravings of the trident.

"Looks ceremonial." Roy hummed, noting the flower carved into the end of the shaft.

"Perhaps it is." Riza said with a slight tilt of her head.

While the two muttered to one another about the purpose of the cape and what the dust may have been, Edward's attention drifted to the entrance of the room. A frown creased his face and he heard…..something.

"Hey." the boy interrupted Roy and Riza's chat. They both turned to look at him. "I think I hear something from the other room."

Roy nodded, pulling his glove on tighter. "All right. Let's go."

With a nod, the group set off, Roy in the lead. As they moved forward they all caught the noise. It sounded something like claws on marble. One of the monsters, perhaps?

They went down a short hall, and soon found themselves in a much larger hall. Tall columns stood guard, set in rows on either wall. The hall itself seemed to be made of gold, dimly reflecting yellow. The sound of rain was distant.

Ed looked around briefly, and a flicker of movement caught his eye. The sound of claws moving echoed down the hall and the brief flicker of something yellow disappeared around the corner at the end.

"Hey!" Ed yelled, breaking into a run "Get back here!"

"FullMetal-!" Roy snapped after a moment's surprise "Where the hell are you going-!?"

Ed yelled back at him "I saw someone run off, so I'm chasing them d-AH!" Ed's sentence was interrupted as his foot caught on something that was lying on the ground. Whatever it was, it had slid backwards as his foot made impact with it and the rest of him plummeted to the floor, landing face-first in a pile of white dust.

Ed threw himself out of it, coughing up the pesky stuff while at the same time trying to wipe it off his face. Riza had approached him while he fell, and was now helping him up.

"Thanks." He muttered.

"Of course." Riza said with a nod. Roy stood behind her, his eyes locked down the hall.

"You said you saw someone?" he said. Ed nodded, shaking off his coat.

"I definitely saw something move." He said. Roy frowned, giving a quick motion to the rest of his group. They all gave a stiff nod, holding their guns at the ready.

"Let's keep going, then." Roy commanded. They all gave a quiet 'sir' (except for Ed) and approached slowly.

No matter how lightly they stepped, it seemed as if their footfalls would echo off the walls, coming back to them twisted and mangled. What should've been a quick stroll seemed to drag on as they all waited in apprehension for whatever Ed saw to appear again. The sound of rain grew louder.

The group exited the hall, finding themselves in a narrowed, less glamorous one. A pair of metal doors was to their right, and a little further down there was an overlook of a city of sorts. As they all took a moment to examine it, Roy made an observation.

"People definitely live down here."

"No shit." Ed snorted, glaring up at him "What makes you think that?"

Roy gave him a look that was a cross between a glare and pure annoyance.

"Alright, enough of that." Riza interjected. She glanced around "Perhaps there's a way down from here?"

"Might be." Roy said with a frown.

"Should we look?" Havoc asked, smothering the ember on his cigarette on the bottom of his boot.

Roy nodded "Keep your guard up."

They all gave a 'yessir' and began to search the area.

Ed glanced about, still trying to get all of the dust off of his face. Frowning a bit, he looked over his shoulder at the way he came.

"Colonel, I'm going to go back." he said.

"Getting cold feet, FullMetal?" Roy said without even looking at him. Ed snorted, whipping his gaze around angrily.

"Not back outside!" He snapped "I just mean back to that hallway!"

Roy eyed him a moment, then gave a nod "Yell if you see anything."

"Right." Ed mumbled, turning on heel and storming off.

His anger was quickly forgotten, however, as he re-entered the hall. He knelt by the pile of dust he had fell in and picked up what had made him slip. Ed shook some dust off of it and gave a tilt of his head. "A jacket?"

Ed blinked his yellow eyes, turning his attention to what was underneath the jacket. A dark red streak was smeared into the dust. Curious, Ed discarded the coat to the side and laid on the floor to get a closer look at it. With a quick sniff, he caught the whiff of….something. Kind of reminded him of food. Hamburgers, to be exact.

"Ketchup?" He blinked, brow furrowing as he tried to puzzle together what it could mean. Ed gave a quick shake of his head, getting to his feet and making his way further down the hall. He was beginning to think the piles of dust were a bit more than that, although he couldn't come to any conclusion as to what they were… So for now, he'd investigate the first pile they came across and-


Someone was running towards him. Ed turned, expecting to see Havoc or one of the others. But imagine his shock when he saw a child running towards him.

With a psychotic grin.

And a knife.

Ed yelped, twisting to the side as the knife swung down in an arch.

"What the hell-!?" He snapped, dodging another swipe of the knife. "Kid, what are you DOING here-" he ducked under the blade "AND WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME!?"


I know what you're thinking.

'Hey dont you already HAVE a FMA-Undertale crossover?"

Yes, Yes I do.