Catering to my latest obsession, Lizzie McGuire. This story is almost painfully L/G, because that's the way I like it. ^^ Let's see...takes place after the events of "Bye Bye Hillridge Jr. High", but happens before any of the stuff in TLMM supposedly takes place. In other words, no Rome.

Please review? Please? Peace out.

Disclaimer: no one mentioned belongs to me, I guarantee it.

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The Sweetness: Applied Science

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Lizzie sighed, adjusted her book bag better on her shoulder, and pulled at her locker door. It was stuck fast, as usual, and the sheer effort required to wrench it open knocked her to the floor. She rested on the cool tile a moment, wishing this didn't happen virtually every morning.

"Hey, Lizzie, need some help?"

Lizzie glanced upwards, and saw Gordo standing over her, extending a hand.

"Yeah, sure, that'd be great." He hoisted her up, and she dusted off her jeans, irritated. "I can't wait until we get to high school. Then I'll finally be rid of this stupid locker."

"I've been to high school," Gordo said, "and the lockers aren't much better there."

"I think I may kill myself," Lizzie muttered. She reached into her locker and pulled out her books for the first couple classes. "At least today I'll get rid of these. Last day of junior high forever, can you believe it?"

"I'm beside myself," Gordo said dryly, and Lizzie just rolled her eyes.

"It totally bites that Miranda's still stuck in Mexico." The two started off to class, glancing at the hallway. Lizzie couldn't believe it, but she'd actually miss this place.

"She'll be back for graduation," Gordo pointed out.

"Yeah, but still."

"Hey, you still have me," Gordo said, and they glanced at each other, smiling awkwardly. Lizzie felt her cheeks heat up as she quickly looked away. They hadn't talked at all about Lizzie's public display of affection on picture day, and sometimes Lizzie felt the issue hanging over them like a black cloud.

"Yeah, still got good old Gordo." Okay, so it wasn't the most witty response ever, but she was kind of pressed.

Gordo said nothing.

They stopped in front of Lizzie and the absent Miranda's math class. Gordo was taking advanced math in another wing of the school. "This'll totally suck," Lizzie said. "It's the last day, so we won't be learning anything, and without you or Miranda, I'll have nothing to do."

"I've found that doodling absently in your notebook passes time."

Lizzie half-smiled. "Yeah, guess I'll have to do that."

"I'll see you next period, then," Gordo said, and they stared at each other for a few seconds before heading in separate directions. Lizzie turned into her classroom, lost in thought about Gordo. She tossed her math book on the pile on the front desk, and slid into her seat.

"Hey, McGuire, alone and friendless?" Kate sneered meanly as she passed. Lizzie didn't really hear it. She'd spent the past couple of weeks alone for first period, but today it really sucked royally. Everyone was breaking into groups, chattering about summer plans and what high school would be like. Lizzie put on her headphones, opened her notebook to a clean page, and began to doodle.


Lizzie and Gordo sat at their usual lunch table, in their usual spots. They'd thrown their backpacks on Miranda's spot, to try and ignore it's glaring emptiness. Although by this time they'd sort of gotten used to it.

"You know, being here without Miranda doesn't bother me as much as it used to," Lizzie remarked, then stopped herself. That had sort of sounded like she was happy to be alone with Gordo. Which, she was, really. And why shouldn't she be? Gordo was her other best friend, and they'd known each other their entire lives. They'd spent plenty of time alone together.

"Me neither," Gordo agreed through a mouthful of sandwich. He chewed and swallowed, and added, "I mean, I feel kinda bad about it, but she's been gone so long it's like I don't even notice anymore."

"I know what you mean. Does that make us totally horrible people?"

"No, no!" Gordo said quickly. "I mean, we miss her. We're just...comfortable."

"Yeah. Our threesome has become a couple." Had she just said couple? "I mean, a duo. Our trio has become a duo."

Gordo was staring at his sandwich. "Um, Lizzie, about picture day--"

The bell rang, cutting him off. Lizzie wasn't sure if this was a good thing or a bad thing. She knew Gordo liked her, or at least she thought she knew, but that didn't mean that he couldn't be trying to reject her. Which would totally suck. And what if something did happen? What would that do to their friendship? Or their friendship with Miranda? Would everything be totally weird? And it was not like she even knew for sure that she liked Gordo like that.

"We should get to class," Lizzie said quickly.



They looked at each other, and looked away quickly. They headed off to class, not talking.

Between last day festivities, and worrying about Gordo all day, Lizzie was totally exhausted by the time the last bell rang. Gordo came up to her while she was cleaning out her locker. "Hey."


"Wanna...uh, wanna do something?"

"What, like go to the Digital Bean?"

"Or the mall, if you want. We could go shopping."

"Gordo, you hate shopping."

"Yeah, well, you seemed kinda sad, so..."

He was being so sweet. It was weird. Well, it wasn't that weird, really, because Gordo was always a really nice guy. "It's just that I'm gonna miss this place, sorta," Lizzie said quickly.

"Me too." There was a long, thoughtful pause, and finally Gordo said, "So, do you want to go to the mall?"

Lizzie frowned. "I can't, I'm sorry. Today my mom and I are throwing pots."

"Oh. Okay. Sounds fun."

"Yeah, it is. But we can still walk home together."

"Of course," Gordo said.

"Great," Lizzie answered, and swept the last of the stuff in her locker into her book bag, then slammed the door shut for the last time.