

"Dragon Speech/Magic"

'Dragon thoughts'

Harry James Potter was having a bad day.

First, he learned that Ginny had been taken into the Chamber Of Secrets. Then, as he went down to save her, Flophart had accidentally Obliviated himself, Then he had to fight the overgrown garden snake, that bit him, now he was unconscious in his very own hospital bed.

And to top it all off he was in the middle of an argument with his magical core.

"The fuck you mean my magic is changing?!" Hary shouted glaring at his magical cores which took the form of two different entities one was a large white eastern styled dragon, while the other was an equally large black western dragon.

"Exactly as it sounds, kid." The black dragon spoke, its voice was gruff and masculine,

"Now Now, there is no need for rudeness." The white dragon said its voice was feminine and far more soothing.

"But still. What the hell does that even mean?!" Harry shouted the black dragon rolled his its eyes,

"Calm down would ya? Nothin' bad is happening." The white dragon nodded its head,

"Indeed, your magic is changing for the better." Harry took a few deep breaths calming down.

"How?" Both dragons seemed to grin, the black dragon spoke first.

"Well, your body is gonna get a lot stronger than before, while also fixing the whole, not enough food thing."


"That's what I said. Also, your senses will be enhanced making them better than normal humans, and your bones will become far more durable." The black finished its grin showing off razor sharp teeth. The white one spoke next.

"Your magic capacity has already increased tremendously, which lead to the two of us being created, also you will be able to consume certain types of magic, like spells that have 'light' or 'dark' alignments." The black one interrupted grinning like mad.

"Which just so happens to include most of the spells that your pathetic wizards seem to use." The white continued where it had been interrupted from.

"Doing this refills you magical container, along with healing things like small bruises and minor cuts. At the most. The changes will begin during the summer." Harry nodded,

"Okay, also is there something I can call you two?" both dragons tilted their heads.

"Call me, Dato." The black one spoke,

"I'll go by, Zeo." The now named Zeo said. Harry nodded

"O.k. So what now?" both dragons blinked,

"You're taking this rather well now." Harry shrugged,

"I just fought a thousand-year-old basilisk with a sword and a talking hat. After I thought about it this doesn't seem that shocking." Zeo sweatdropped while Dato roared in laughter,

"He's got us there! HAHAHA!" Zeo sighed smacking Dato upside the head getting him to stop laughing,


"Now then Harry, we must begin your training." Harry gulped as he saw both dragons eyes glow green,

"W-what?" Dato grinned maniacally

"Your magic is far more powerful than it was before, meaning you gotta learn to control it all over again." Harry shuddered when the two dragons towered over him,

"Let the training begin."

'I'm gonna die!'

Harry's eyes remained shut as he awoke from his mental 'training' if he could even call it that, spending the equivalent to seven months training in his mind while a few days had passed in the real world was a very strange experience,

'How long was I out?'

'Two days, kid.' Dato replied while Zeo hummed in agreement.


His inner mussing were cut-off by the sound of someone's voice

"Can you tell why he isn't waking up yet?" a female voice asked, concern evident in her voice

'Hermione?' Dato gave a mental shrug

'Guess she got unstuck while you were out.'

'She was petrified.'Zeo said

'That's what I said.'

"He should be awake but something seems to be blocking him from waking, but whatever it is, it doesn't seem malicious."

'Oi, kid, I got an idea.' Dato grinned, telling him the idea. Harry mentally smirked,

"Well if the-" Hermione was cut off when Harry sat up and turned towards her and Madame Pomfrey, his eyes opened revealing them to be pure green,

"He has awoken, the balance has been broken, prepare for the chaotic reckoning, the Dragon King shall come, bringing shadowed vengeance and white redemption." The glow in his eyes stopped.

Harry looked around in 'confusion' before he saw Hermione,

"Hermione you're awake!" Harry shouted bringing the girl into a big hug, causing her to blush slightly,

"Mr. Potter, what just happened?" Poppy asked while scanning Harry again finding nothing out of the ordinary aside from an increased magical core. Harry looked up at the nurse

"What do you mean?" Hermione looked up at Harry.

"You don't remember? You started saying stuff about a Dragon King." Harry tilted his head,

"I did?" Hermione nodded slowly

"Well, that doesn't seem very good." Hermione sighed at his lack of reaction before turning to leave missing Harry's mischievous grin,

'I bet the old man is gonna over think this.' Dato said,

'Most likely.'Zeo and Harry thought,

"So since I was clearly snoring for a while, anything unusual happened?" Harry asked in curiosity.

"Other than you being unconscious for a couple days? No." Hermione said,

"Then again I only got un-petrified yesterday."

Harry nodded as they continued their way to the Great Hall, apparently, Ron had visited them but was then kicked out of the nurse office by Madame Pomfrey for some reason Hermione wasn't sure why but had a few ideas. When they finally got to the Great Hall dinner had already started,

"OI! Potters awake!"

Harry was promptly dogpiled by the Weasley family and a few of his other friends, Ron who had gotten up last was standing over them with a sandwich in his hand.

"Are you people trying to send me back to the nurse?" Harry deadpanned from underneath the heap of wizards, causing everyone to laugh,

"Sorry, mate." The twins said pulling Ginny off him,

"You had us quite worried Harry," Fred said, George grinned

"Ginny here was constantly worrying over you." Ginny turned red and glared at the diabolic duo.

"I'm fine guys," Harry said, then he noticed that Hermione was farther away from Ron than usual. He narrowed his eyes slightly.

'Something happened.'