Clarifiction- last chapter WAS Zelda's nightmare, I got a Guest review about that, so here you go. The he/she/they/it was the person shrouded in shadows, aka the mystery character FROM the nightmare.

Zelda sat bolt upright in the bed she usually shared with Link. He was nowhere to be seen, though she guessed he was making breakfast. Getting out of bed showed her that he wasn't in the house, which supported her theory that he was making food for the both of them.

Getting out of bed, she realized that she hadn't changed into sleep clothes when she had fallen asleep, being fairly certain the clothes she had on were the clothes she'd put on the morning before.

Her bedhead was exceptionally messy that morning, and she took a few moments to run a brush that was conveniently on the desk through her hair. Then of course, it got tangled in her hair and due to a particular stubborn tangle, she had to (painfully) untangle it.

When she'd changed and brushed her hair, she decided to join Link outside. And lo and behold, he was cooking breakfast, seeming to be making omelets.

"Hey." she said. Link nodded at her, and Zelda noticed that he hadn't changed his clothes or even attempted to fix his hair.

The second omelet had finished cooking, and Link went to make his way inside, food in hand. Zelda had left the door open, so Link simply walked through and set the food on the table as Zelda followed him and closed the door.

He sat down in his usual seat, which if the other four were there would be between Teba and Yunobo. Zelda sat across from him, where she would have been between Riju and Sidon. If you were to face the table after walking in the house, when all six were there, Sidon and Yunobo would be the closest to you, Sidon on the right and Yunobo on the left. Link had gotten four more chairs once they all realized that spending time at Link's house would likely include eating meals together.

Beginning to eat their breakfast, Zelda was getting a little bored with the awkward silence. "So... did you sleep good?" Link shrugged. "Meh. It was okay. Can't remember what I dreamed about. How about you?"

Crap, why did she ask that?


Reluctantly, she told him about her nightmare: the deaths of the New Champions, the way they all died in their "element" (i.e. Riju died to lightning/electricity, Sidon drowned), and the shadowy figure.

Link was silent as she spoke. When she had finished, she could tell that the thought of the New Champions just... dying unnerved him. It did the same to her. Besides, if the New Champions died, Hyrule was likely going to follow suit. Link wouldn't have been able to defeat the Calamity without the Old Champions, and since they no longer held much power, it now resting with the New Champions... Zelda wouldn't want to think about it.

But what about now? Enough time had passed to declare them missing, but... what if they were dead? Or what if they were close to it?

A figure was huddled close to a fire. The figure was a Rito- one with snow-white feathers that nearly blended in to the snow. He was freezing. The blizzard had not let up ever since his daring escape from his captors. He was injured badly, but there was nothing he could do to bandage the bleeding- except use pressure. He was helpless in this position. Any wandering monster or- goddess forbid- a Guardian could finish him off.

He had been fighting the urge to fall asleep for at least half an hour. If he did so, he knew for a fact that he would die.

Soon, however, the urge became too much and he passed out.

He didn't hear the footsteps crunching through the snow.

She was terrified. Did he escape? Where was he? Would he live?

Her long red hair and dark skin, and desert-culture-like clothing were dirtied.

He better be alright. If he wasn't... then the rest of them had no hope.

Link and Zelda had come to a conclusion. They would leave a note at the house in case they were wrong, and then leave for Zora's Domain. They would visit, and see if Sidon was there. First, however, Zelda had to brush Link's hair.

"You know, you should have done this when you got up." Zelda stated. Link winced as the brush ripped through the tangles.

"Well, I was hungry when I got up." Link attempted to explain himself. Zelda huffed.

When she was finally done, Link speed-walked away to gather supplies for their trip. She was by the pond outside, with her horse. Zelda was left with her thoughts.

She, without thinking about it, reached up to grab at her hair. She hadn't braided it today. Her fingers braided the strands automatically.

Zelda remembered un-braiding, brushing, and re-braiding Riju's hair. That had always taken forever to do, but it was extremely hard for the Gerudo to do it herself. After all, Riju had a LOT of hair. Zelda also remembered that after days when they'd done a lot outside, Riju's hair was littered with grass and wildflowers. Once, she even found a Silent Princess in Riju's hair. From then on, Riju's hair gained a reputation for getting stuff lost in it... Just like... Urbosa...

No. Zelda couldn't get sucked into a memory right now. So, she thought about the wildflowers.

Wildflowers like the ones sprouting up all around Hyrule. Wildflowers like the purple ones in front of her. She absentmindedly ripped a few up from the ground and fiddled with them.

"Hey." Link had come outside. He boarded Levi, his trusty horse. Levi was the third horse Link had caught since his sleep in the Chamber of Resurrection- the first two had sadly passed away.

Zelda climbed onto the back of Bianca, the descendant of her old horse from 100 years ago.

Once Link had made sure they had all the supplies, they headed out.

Sorry I haven't updated this story for a while, I wasn't sure how to transition the scene properly.