You've heard of Accidental Plot? Well get ready for Accidental Epic. I shit you not, this is the longest thing I have ever written. And I planned none of this. I did not want it, I did not ask for it. At least with my other longfic, I knew what I was getting myself into. Not here! This shit just kept growing. As if that's not enough, it was an absolute bitch to write. No seriously, I had to write this in sections because I couldn't write a goddamn linear story. Add to the fact that half the cast are people I have never written before and am not familiar enough with. I've seen these movies like once. But did that stop them from getting involved? Fuck no. So everything is a mess and I am done with this shit. If you like it, fucking kudos. The easiest part for me to write was the porn. And I don't actually write porn. (This is only my 3rd time and oh my god the kinky sex in this!) So done. Peace the fuck out.

The prompt that started this all (from frostiron kinkmeme on tumblr): Tony is Loki's reward for successfully leading the chituari army in New York. Loki is possessive of him, drapes him gold chains and rubies, has him trail submissively behind him, sit at his feet, and satisfy him at his slightest whim. Tony's not naturally a submissive sex slave but they have to put on a convincing show for Thanos and his minions while they plot to overthrow him and save the world. (Please no actual rape/non-con)

Thanos presence, when he arrives, is a physical thing. It is possible to note the exact moment he enters the Tower. It is the feeling in the air – tense and trembling with power. Anyone with any sort of common sense would have fled immediately. That is not trait the two men waiting for him had in much abundance.

Or maybe, they have too much of it instead.

"Ah, little godling," Thanos greets with a smirk, "You have done well I see."

"Indeed I have," Loki smirks back, "It was as easy as I promised. Midgard was no match for the might of the Chitauri."

"And I see you have already taken a pet," he motions to the kneeling figure on the floor beside him. He is bathed in the green light of Loki's magic, restraining him. His arms are shackled at the elbows and wrists, ankles and knees bound as if in a spread bar. Loki grabs a handful of hair and lifts his face for Thanos to it. A blank face looks up at the Titan, brown eyes vacant. "One of its mighty protectors," he sneers, "and the only interesting one of the lot. I do believe he will make an excellent pet."

Thanos laughs. "Little godling taking his reward already?"

"My reward is ruling Midgard. This is just an extra treat," he leers, not looking at Stark as he kneels at the god's feet.

"I see. Are you sure it will hold up? Midgardians are such fragile things. Here one second and gone the next."

"He will serve his purpose," Loki assures.

"Well then, how about a show? I would hate to see that you did not know how to use it properly."

"And what makes you think I would share?"

"Because without me, you would still be falling little godling. Never forget that it was I that saved you from the Void and gave you purpose again. Without me, you would be nothing."

Loki nods in acceptance. "Very well then. Shall you make yourself comfortable, or are you just going to stand there, staring?"

Thanos smirks and goes over to sit on the couch. Miraculously, it holds him. He waves a hand, "Proceed little godling. I believe you will have work to do after this. Ruling can be so tedious after all," he mocks.

Loki smirks viciously. "Nothing I cannot handle." He snaps his fingers and Stark is released and moved into a better position, via the magic shackles. His arms are lifted above his head, legs spread wide. Clothes vanish with another snap of the god's fingers.

"You have strange taste godling – so many scars. A sign of a true warrior yes, but hardly an attractive one. And what is that glow in its chest?"

"A mere trifle of technology. He is considered a genius, but nothing compared to the rest of the Realms. It powers a weapon of his, not that it is any use to him now. But I do not mind it. I find that I like the shine of it." He trails his fingers along said chest, fingers sparkling with magic as he does.

A shudder runs through him and Loki smirks. "Do you like the feel of that pet?" he purrs.

Stark makes a strangled sound as Loki moves farther down, over his stomach and down to his cock. It is twitching, slowly growing hard as magic caresses the genius' skin. Loki takes it in hand, covering the length in green light.

It twitches more, becoming fully hard under his touch. He moves farther into it and Loki draws his hand back with a chuckle. Green light continues to surround it. He continues to shiver at the constant sensation. Small gasps escape his mouth.

Loki smirks wickedly and waves his hand. Magic gathers into it, forming an average size plug. Stepping behind Stark, he inserts it in one smooth motion.

"Ah!" Stark cries out, arching farther than before. He clenches down even as he seems to move away from it. The god leaves him like that for a moment before he takes hold of it again and pulls it out almost all of the way before pushing it back in harshly. Stark bucks again. It is such a lovely reaction, Loki does it again before releasing it, leaving it buried in the genius' body.

"This is not the show I was expecting," Thanos comments idly from the couch.

Loki turns to him, eyebrow raised. "What fun is it if your pet is not begging for it? This," he taps Stark's cock, "ensures he does not find release until I wish him to. And as you said, Midgardians are such fragile things. It would not do if I broke him the first time I used it. Besides, you have to admit the reactions are rather exquisite. But now," he turns back to Stark, magic forming once again. This time it is a riding crop that appears in Loki's hand.

He trails the tip over the man's chest, rubbing a nipple before drawing back and striking a breath away from it. Stark gasps and attempts to move away. He can't get far and Loki hits him again, just beside the first. And then a third time, right on the nipple itself.

"Fuck!" Stark yelps. Loki rubs against it before repeating the motion. Stark whines, a high pitched sound. Behind them, Thanos chuckles. Loki ignores him, concentrating on moving the crop just as he wants. He switches to the other nipple, giving it the same treatment as the first.

The genius hisses at the treatment, withering to avoid Loki, but it is no use. The god takes a moment to step closer, taking the now hard nubs into his fingers before rubbing and twisting them himself. Stark bucks, rubbing his cock against Loki's thigh. "My, my pet. What a deprived thing you are. Let us see how you like this, shall we?" He moves back, smacking Stark's thigh with a resounding thud. Stark shudders.

Loki grins and begins to systematically paint his thighs red. The small gasps and breathy whines now grow louder, turning into full fledged whimpers and moans. Once one thigh is a nice shade of red, Loki moves onto the next one. Stark shudders and shivers all the while. Moving behind the genius, he runs the crop down the center of his spine. "Tell me pet, would you like to know what else this," he taps the plug with the crop, pushing it in farther briefly, "can do?"

"Oh," he groans.

"That's not the answer I want pet," Loki tells him, striking the crop hard again the center of his ass. He attempts to move forward, away from it. It doesn't work. He strikes him again. "Let's try again shall we? Do you want to know?" He nudges the plug a second time.

"Master," Stark cries out.

"Very good pet," Loki praises. He makes a small movement of his finger and Stark jumps in surprise before letting out a loud groan. Loki smirks wickedly at that. "Does that feel good pet? A lovely vibration for my lovely pet."

Stark whines, hips moving now, seeking friction against the stimulation. The god walks closer, rubbing his own groin against the genius ass. "Do you feel that pet?" he asks, "I hope you are prepared for soon, I shall enter you. And I assure you, that plug is smaller than I am."

Stark whimpers, pushing back, rubbing against him. "Please," he begs.

"Begging already? And we are not even to the main event yet. My, what a wanton thing you are going to be. How excellent for me." Loki backs away again and eyes his back. "Although not yet I think. Your front looks so charming, why not make the back look the same?" At that, he moves, hitting his back, a few inches above his shoulder blades.

He makes his way down, careful to achieve the shade of red he desires. By time he reaches Stark's ass again, the man is a shivering mess. He squirms and withers at reach strike, wanting it to stop, yet begging for more at the same time. He hits the center of his ass again and Stark bucks violently. "Feeling good yet my pet?"

Stark sobs.

"What was that?" he strikes again.

Stark whines, words obviously beyond him by now.

Loki smirks and begins to hit his ass and thighs. When he is finished, Stark is a trembling mess. Sobs and whimpers come from him as if he cannot stop. His body twitches at the slightest touch. "Now, it is time," Loki announces, drawing the plug out of the man and vanishing it without a thought. A finger inserted shows he is loose enough not to be damaged by this next act. Loki takes his cock from his pants and thrusts it into Stark.

Stark screams.

Loki grabs his hips, pulling the genius against his. He doesn't move at first, just keeps the man trapped there. He squirms and wiggles, trying to move. "How does that feel pet? My cock inside of you. Your flush red ass against my skin. You are enjoying yourself, aren't you?" He pushes harder, making sure to put pressure on the sore skin in front of him.

"A-a-ah!" Stark sobs as he moves, "Y-ye-yesssss," he manages to answer.

Loki takes that as a sign to move. He draws out until only the head of his cock is inside the genius. Then he slams back in. He sets a brutal pace, thrusting in and out harshly. His nails dig into the skin where they grip hips. Stark is crying out all the while, clenching around him at each thrust.

The god takes care to hit his prostate at each thrust, making the man more and more desperate each time. His breath is ragged now and Loki moves in and out of his body. He is taunt, muscles flexed as each touch sets fire to his nerves. Loki takes care to run a hand along the skin he had previously hit, stimulating it even more. "You feel exquisite pet," he praises, "so tight and hot around me. So desperate for more. You would like that, would you not?"

He moves his hand down to caress Stark's cock and the man howls in pleasure.

"Ah, I see you enjoy that," he comments and continues to stroke him in time with his thrusts. It makes the man shake and clench around Loki all the more. Finally Loki can take no more and comes with a cry of his own. He presses himself fully against the genius and bites his neck as he does. When he pulls out, tucking himself back in, his come runs down the genius' leg.

He does not notice. He is still hard and fully aroused, seeking friction from the air. Loki move around to his front , letting the man rut against him. "Remember pet, you cannot come without my permission. I am the one who controls your release. I am the one who controls everything about you now."

Stark gives a particularly hard buck and whimpers. "P-plezzzz," he hisses.

"Who am I now pet?"

"M-ma-mas'r," he slurs, "plez mas'r. Plez," he continues to beg.

Loki steps back. "Very well," he grants. At the same time, all of the magic surrounding Stark disappears.

The genius falls to the floor with a cry, unable to support himself. The floor is hard beneath him, but the god doubts he notices now that he is finally allowed to come. He arches up, back completely off of the floor as he does, sobbing. Come covers his body in a contrast to red skin. He slumps to the ground, exhausted and panting.

Thanos claps. "Well little godling, it appears you have potential at least. I will be expecting nothing but success from you," he says threat clear. He stands and leaves the room. In a few moments, he is gone.

Loki wards the room and kneels down. "Are you fine Stark?" he asks, running a hand over him as he does. Green light passes over him again, but this time it heals instead of arouses.

"Fuck that was intense," Tony says, still panting slightly.

"That was the point," Loki says dryly.

"Please tell me we are going to do that again without the audience?"

"It can be arranged," he answers, smirking.

"Great. Fuck. I might have to reconsider my stance on magic after this. Hell that was amazing. Although I have never been more glad to be found ugly in my life. Fuck, evil Barney is creepy."

Loki snorts. "You need rest," he tells the man.

"What are you going to do?"

"Deal with the dear Captain and Thor," he sneers. "Do not worry, I shall put wards around you so you are safe. My magic can keep you stabilized until I can return to your side." He caresses the genius softly.

"Cool. We going to keep the two here?"

"It would be wise. This shall be our base of operations. The two agents escaped, just as you predicted."

Tony nods. "Good. They'll take care of SHIELD. Fury will know not to strike until they are ready. They will give us enough time to assemble ours." He sighs, "We are also going to need other allies. I can make a list after I sleep."

"Very well then. I shall be with you momentarily."

"Sure thing Rock of Ages," he agrees as Loki picks him up and sets him on another couch than the other Thanos had occupied. He cover Tony and lets his magic surround him, guarding him. He strokes messy hair once before he exits. "Sleep well," he tells the slumbering genius.


Tony lands on his platform, intent on paying time and getting his new suit. He waltzes in, smile charming and snark going full blast. He watches Loki, but more to make sure he doesn't try to kill the genius, not for his reactions. He blames that on the reason it took him so long to see it. As is, he notices when he pours a drink.

The expression on the god's face is one he is intimately familiar with. It is the same expression he wore after he escaped from Afghanistan. For months he couldn't bare to look at himself in the mirror because of it. It was always the same haunted look. The same broken yet defiant all the time.

He hides it well, Tony can give him that. He can see why everyone would miss it, even in a flying castle full of spies. But Tony was good at hiding his too. He knows exactly how to do it. Hide it behind another mask, one they expect and they'll never know. His is arrogance.

It looks like Loki's is 'crazy I am going to rule the World'.

"Have you finally realized how futile this is?" Loki asks and Tony realizes that he is staring silently at the Trickster instead of snarking him.

"No, I just realized there is more going on here than I know. Tell me, the thing that sent you, he's powerful, isn't he?"

"What makes you think anyone sent me?" he spits.

"Because you're scared," he answers bluntly.

"How dare you accuse-"

"And because you're desperate," he interrupts. "This? This plan you have? It's not going to work. We're too united by now. Too forewarned. The element of surprise has been lost and the defenses are ready. But that's what you're counting on, isn't it?"

"What deranged notion do you speak of mortal?" Loki hisses, "I am here to rule and I intend to win."

"Yeah," he agrees easily, "but not against us. Let me tell you something Reindeer Games. I once spent three months in a cave. I was captured to build weapons. I did, but not the one they wanted. I made a way to free myself and burnt them to the ground. I know exactly what the look on your face means."

"And what is that?"

"You mean to lose. You're playing the long game here. Whoever it is that is behind this is too powerful for you to take on. You need help."

"And I suppose you would be willing to do so, even if this insane idea was true?" he sneers at the genius.

Tony just smirks. "Sugar pie, I was a weapons manufacturer for a reason. I like to blow things up. The bigger, the better. And I have a feeling this would be the biggest one of them all."

"You are arrogant enough to think you could win against Him?"

"That's my middle name. I live to do the impossible. Besides, I know people who can help. I am a king on this planet, even if no one knows it."

Loki stares at him a long moment.

"Why are you doing this?" he asks again.

"Because," Tony answers, serious, "who else is going to? And no one messes with my planet and gets away with it."

"There is more."

"I got out," Tony says, staring straight into Loki's eyes, "why shouldn't you?"


The first thing Loki does once he has New York secure is make the announcement to the rest of the world. He makes a general broadcast, with Tony kneeling at his feet and then goes, with a select number of Chitauri, to visit each leader himself. Just to get the point across. And to leave some Chitauri behind to act both as sentinels and as a visible reminder.

Well, actually the first thing Loki does is illusion him some pretty shackles and all that. He's planning on making Tony some real ones, but these will do for now. Then he warded a room where he and Tony can talk and plan and build and shit without worrying about eavesdroppers. Then he went off to visit the world leaders.

Meanwhile, Tony gets to make the call to Pepper. Yea! This is going to go so well. Not. He takes a deep breath, mentally preparing himself. He loves Pep, he really does. It's just she yells when she's worried. And with what she just saw? She is probably freaking the hell out. In retrospect, he probably should have called her before this... Live and learn an all that. "JARVIS, call Pep."

"Very well Sir. Might I suggest a video call so that she can see you are unharmed."

"Good idea J, do it."

Moments later, Pepper's face pops up on Tony's tv screen.

"Tony!" she shouts, "are you okay? Are you hurt? Can you escape?"

"Pepper-" he starts, but she keeps on talking.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Pepper-" he tries again.

"I told you this was dangerous. Do you have long? Is he coming back?"

"Pep-" Nope, not this time.

"Do you need help escaping?"

"Pep-" Or this one.

"Can you-"

"Virginia!" Tony finally shouts. That stops her because in the history of knowing each other, Tony has never called her by her real name. Ever. He duped her Pepper from the first moment she barged into his office, threatening his security team with pepper spray.

"I didn't even know you knew my real name," she says, sounding a bit dazed. "Tony, what is going on?"

"First of all, I'm fine. I'm good. I'm not hurt at all."

"You're in shackles," she adds.

He looks down and oh yeah, illusions still on. He brushes them away with a touch of his hand. "See?" he asks pointedly. "Fine. I'm sure you're going to be shocked, but there's more going on here than we were told."

"SHIELD didn't tell us everything? You're right, I'm shocked," she agrees dryly.

Tony flashes her a grin. "I know right? But even SHIELD doesn't know everything. Hell, even Thor didn't. Turns out Loki isn't as willing as we've been lead to believe."

Pepper closes her eyes and looks as if she is praying for strength. "And how did you get pulled into the middle of this?"

"I volunteered?" he offers.

"Tony!" Pepper shouts again.

Tony winces at the sound. "I had to Pep."

"And why, out of all the qualified people on Earth, did you have to volunteer to help the supposed psychopath trying to take over the world?"

"Because he had the same look in his eyes that I did... once," he answers, not wanting to come out and say it. He avoids talking about Afghanistan at all costs.

He knows Pepper figures it out when she sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. "Are you sure?" she asks.

He nods. "I've seen the... man himself," Tony ends up calling Thanos, although there is nothing 'man' about him past his gender, "He's a big evil powerful Barney. You could feel the power coming off of him. There was no way Loki could have taken him on by himself. Not that he planned to - clearly his plan was to lose and be taken back to Oz, but..." he shakes his head. "Pep, we would have been battling him one day. I don't know when. I don't know how. But I do know this was eventually going to be our fight. This is just speeding the timeline up a bit."

Pepper just stares at him for a long moment. "Oh Tony," she sighs, "I think this is the worst thing I have ever caught you doing."

"Are you sure?" Tony grins, "I thought it was the time I invited-"

"No," Pepper tells him, "we are not discussing that. But yes, I think you have finally topped it."

Tony fist pumps. "Success," he cheers. He has been trying to live that night down for years. Sure, it's telling that it finally takes an alien invasion and him acting as a sex slave to top it, but it does. Pepper said it does, so it totally does. Rhodey can suck it.

Pepper rolls her eyes before asking seriously, "What do you need me to do?"

"Keep running the Company. Make Davison the new Head of R&D. He can handle it. Make sure everyone stays safe, especially my interns. Reassign Parker to... Juliana, she'll take care of him. If she can't keep up with him, have her double team with Christian. That should give the kid enough to do. Don't let the geezers give you shit, you're my CEO for a reason. Hey," he perks up, "if they do, I can always send Loki after them."

"Tony no," Pepper tells him.

"Tony yes," he corrects her. "That is a great idea. Even they can't be stupid enough to argue with the Supreme Ruler of the World."

"Please don't tell me that is his actual title."

"Sure it is. I made it myself."

"That explains a lot," Pepper mutters, smiling slightly.

"I'm going to make him a banner and everything. Maybe even a plaque. Definitely a plaque. What a great idea. But that's no surprise, I'm full of them." He grins widely. "Tell me, what color scheme should I use. Normally I would use red and gold, but red would look terrible with his complexion. Green and gold I suppose, but that it so obvious. Is it too obvious? Tell me the truth Pep."

Pepper laughs, which was the point. "Is that all Mr Stark?"

"That's all Miss Potts. I'll be sending a phone along soon for easy contact. And remember my offer for the Board. It'll totally work."

"Goodbye Tony. Stay safe."

"Don't I always?" he asks.

Pepper hangs up on him instead of replying. Rude. So rude.

He pauses a few seconds after she does and then releases a breath of relief he had been holding back. That could have gone so much worse than it did. He always knew Pepper was the strong one. This just proves it. She will totally kick ass and take names and no one is going to stop her. Hmm... maybe they should send her after Thanos. She could do some major damage at the very least, he's sure.

But he shakes his head. No. He is going to keep her as far away as possible from all of this. Keep her safe. Not because she can't protect herself, but because this isn't her world. She made that clear when he put her in danger that first time from Stane.

Yes, she stuck with him. Yes, she pulled through for him. He isn't saying she's not one of the best friends he has ever had. But this? Superheroes and aliens and magic. This isn't her world. Hers is the business world. Running his Company, keeping order and stocks up and advancement. That is where she belongs. That is the world she excels at. The world Tony is living in right now? That's a whole new ballgame right here.

Speaking of, he needs to get those phones ready. He has a feeling his next few months or so are going to be a little bit full for him to invent. This is going to take some serious acting to pull off, especially on his part. The sex part doesn't worry him. The sex is going to be great. It's the submissive part that has him worried. Since when has he been submissive in bed? Or ever?

He isn't. He can't be. It's not what people expect. He is Tony Stark. He has to be loud and obnoxious and an 'in your face genius'. He is a master performer and he gives the people what they expect. Not to say he's not any of those things without performing. He totally is. But he has a way of playing it up for the crowd. It's always easier to give them what they want.

And he has a 500 Fortune Company to run. He can't afford to be submissive there, even if he wanted to. He has to fight and win there, even if the fights aren't physical. Although there was that one time... But no, that doesn't count. No matter how much Ty deserved it.

Still, the point remains that Tony has never been submissive in his life. And now he is going to have to if he wants a life left. It would help to know how intelligent the Chitauri actually are. Are they free thinkers? Observers? Hive thinkers? He'll have to ask Loki when he gets back.

He heads down to the workshop, mind on other things than what he is building. As if he can't make one of these phones in his sleep. Ha! Better make several of them, to be sure. Lets see, how many is he going to need. There's Pep and Rhodey obviously. Which reminds him. "JARVIS, order Pep a new dress and shoes. Pick out something she'll look gorgeous and lethal in. You know her taste by now," He tells his AI.

"Yes Sir. If you'll look to the screen on your left, I have such a dress in mind already."

Tony takes on look at the dress and whistles. It's a dark blue three quarter length number that will cling to her in all of the right places. There's a slit on one the side that runs up to her lower thigh and a vee cut on the neck line to get everyone curious, without giving them a show. "Perfect," he proclaims.

"After all of the shopping I have done, I am an expert Sir," JARVIS answers back.

Tony puts his hands on his hips and looks towards one of the AIs cameras. "Careful J," he warns, "it almost sounded as if you were accusing me of something."

"I would never Sir," JARVIS replies innocently, "I was merely taking into account all of the previous times you have had me shop for Miss Potts when necessary."

Tony rolls his eyes and gets back to work, "So much sass around here," he mutters to himself.

"I learned from the best Sir."

Tony smirks at that and continues working. There is some significant truth to that statement. JARVIS definitely learned his sassing ways from Tony. Because ninety five percent of Tony's speech is sass or snark. It comes naturally.

Tony is still working when Loki returns. "Stark," he greets.

"Hey Reindeer Games," he answers without looking up. "How'd it go?"

"As well as could be expected. I see you have had a productive evening."

"Yeah, just working on our communication system. Figure we can smuggle these out to anyone who needs them. Shouldn't be too hard, everyone has a StarkPhone these days."

"I require use of your tools," Loki announces, changing the subject.

Tony finally looks up, frowning. "Fro what?"

"I have need of them to easier craft the cuffs you will need to wear. I could do without, but I need time to add the protective runes to them."

Oh, that makes sense. Tony waves him off. "Go for it. If you need any help, just ask JARVIS. And watch out for Dum-E, he's going to want to help."

"Dum-E?" the god inquires, eyebrow raised.

"Dum-E, U, Butterfingers, come out and greet Loki. It's alright, he's not going to hurt you. He's a new friend. You'll be seeing him around," he reassures them. "Normally they're rather curious, but you startled them by appearing out of thin air," he adds to Loki.

His bots creep out from where they were watching. Dum-E, of course, is the first. He rolls up to Loki and starts beeping excitedly.

"Hello," Loki greets.

Dum-E beeps back, waving. He reaches out and pokes Loki's leather coat in curiosity. Soon he is surrounded by bots, all beeping and poking him.

"Hey, give the god some room you three."

"It is fine," Loki reassures, running a hand over framework and metal, "These are fascinating creates you have Stark."

"That's one word for them," Tony snorts, "another would be disaster. Their code is old compared to the tech of today, so they can be a bit clumsy. Especially Dum-E. He's my eldest and the one currently petting your hair. He has the most interesting quirks. Such as spraying you with a fire extinguisher – whether you are on fire or not," he gives the bot a pointed look.

Dum-E beeps and droops in reply.

"Oh no, don't give me that Mister, you know you're guilty. Don't try to place the blame on me here."

Dum-E beeps again and goes back to inspecting Loki.

Tony rolls his eyes. "The one of your left is Butterfingers, don't hand her anything breakable and the one trying to steal your jacket is U. He's a bit of a magpie, so watch out. I have to buy extra tools just so I can find anything after he steals the other ones."

Loki has a small grin on his face as he takes a seat at one of his work tables. "If you will assist me, I will allow you the excess I have," he tells U and then dumps his contents on the table. Oh yes, a deal is going to have to be made if Loki wants any of that left. The table is covered in gold and rubies. "And if you are extra helpful, I will create some jewelry just for you."

U whirls and beeps excitedly. Looks like his bot has just found his new favorite person. The other two crowd around.

"I shall make something for all of you if you assist me, but your brother will still have the loose excess. Yes?"

They beep and nod.

Tony has to look down so none of them catch him staring. Oh my god, that is... well frankly, it's the cutest thing he has ever seen. No one has taken to his bots so quickly before. Not even Pep or Rhodey. Well, to be fair, Rhodey was there when he made Dum-E at MIT and has seen first hand what an unholy terror he can be. It was a learning process for all three of them at that point. Especially when the bot 'ate' their homework. The look on their Professor's face when they had to prove it to him...

It got better when he built the other two, but he is sure that somewhere in the back of Rhodey's mind, are those first few months of learning. There's always some slight caution when dealing with them. Not that it doesn't stop him from being a little shit and teaching them all kinds of bad habits. High fives and fetch are definitely his fault.

It makes something in his stomach flutter. He ignores it because that is the last thing he needs right now. The last thing either of them needs. They are preparing for an all out space war, there is no time for feelings. Tony doesn't even do feelings anyways. Feelings are for the weak. He is not weak. Stark men are made of iron.

So he goes back to work, ignoring the god he has aligned himself with and concentrating on his own projects. They are going to need a number of things in the coming months. Better to get the simplest done now. Who knows what tomorrow is going to bring.

"Stark," a voice startles Tony out of his thoughts. He looks up to see Loki standing on the other side of the table, cuffs laying on it. He takes a minute to admire them. They are beautiful, gold with sparkling rubies circling them in a double row. When he picks them up, he can feel the magic humming through it. Runes are carved on the inside, invisible except by touch.

Tony whistles, "Impressive workmanship. Anyone else going to be able to sense the magic in these babies or is it just me?"

"A certain amount of skill is required. Beyond that, I have a number of protection and dampening spells woven into the gold and gems. None will be able to unless they have both the ability and are safe."

Tony nods. "Alright. Anything else before I get slaved up?"

"To keep the illusion that you are my slave, there are also some obedience runes woven in as well. Nothing that can be taken advantage of but myself, but it is necessary for our game."

"Jewelry imperius. Awesome," the genius mutters.

"In a word," Loki agrees.

Tony jerks his head up, surprised. "You know Harry Potter?" he asks incredulously, "How? I mean, obviously you know because you read them, but this means this isn't your first rodeo. You've been on Earth before."

"Not all those who wander are lost," Loki quotes, "I have traveled many places in my time. I am a Trickster, the change in the wind. No place can tie me down for long. Asgard is advance, but stagnant. For all that you mortals live short lives, you live them to the fullest. Change is in your very blood. And I happen to find Harry Potter amusing."

Tony grins. "Let me guess, your favorite character is Snape."

Loki scoffs. "How very stereotypical of you. I suppose you assume I am a Slytherin as well? I am as much a Ravenclaw as a serpent. And while I find the spy interesting in some regards, no he is not my favorite."

"Hmm," Tony rubs his chin, "Draco would be too obvious as well. Weasley twins?"

"Not quite. I am fond of those characters as well, but I admit I have a soft spot for Luna Lovegood."

Tony grins. "Like looking for Nargles, do you?"

"It is those that society sees as lesser than hold the key for change. Would not things have ended differently if Cassandra had been believed?"

"Please don't tell me those guys are real as well?"

"Unfortunately, I cannot. And I assure you, Zeus is as big of an arse as the legends would have you believe," the god says with a roll of his eyes. "Not matter though, they never come down from their mountain anymore. Now, are you prepared? And how do you feel about piercings?"

"Where?" Tony asks warily.

"No where you mortals have not thought of before. It is easier to hide one strong spell in such a piece while ensuring it is on you at all times."

Tony nods.

"Strip," Loki commands and gets to work.

In the end, Tony is dripping in gold and rubies. He has the cuffs, obviously, with a matching collar to go with it. Then come the piercings – and it's a good thing he doesn't mind because hell the piercings he now has. Three rings in his left cartilage and a ruby in his lobe, with a matching twin in the other side with another cartilage ring at the bottom and a bar across the top. Next he has an eyebrow piercing, and a nose ring. Then he has traditional nipple rings along with a belly button bar. That's not to mention all the rings on various fingers. Lastly is a spell akin to nail polish, only more permanent, along with some eyeshadow and liner.

He takes himself in, looking critically as he turns this way and that. Something twinges as he notices just how heavily scarred his chest is around the arc. Evil Barney may be a class a douche canoe, but he was right about the scars. They trail from the glowing circle like an abstract design. Or a demented maze, depending on how you look at it. Now is not the time to confront that issue however, so he pushes it to the back of his mind.

All in all, he either looks like an expensive whore or... well, a pleasure slave. One in the same really, only one gets paid for their work and one doesn't. Loki had put each one on him with care, his touch gentle. That somehow surprises Tony, although he isn't exactly sure why.

Loki joins Tony who is staring at his reflection in the mirror the god had conjured for him. He nods in approval. "Excellent," he declares, but frowns. "What exactly is the device in your chest?" he inquires, "It's energy is... familiar."

Tony snorts. "It should be. It's an arc reactor. Howard built the first one after he found the Tesseract looking for Capsicle. I sized it down. And it keeps me alive," he adds shortly, not wanting to get into it.

Loki doesn't ask, he simply nods. "I see. That is something that we will need to address in the future. It could prove to be useful. For now, sleep."

Tony would like to protest, but he knows he can't. Too much is riding on him for the genius to get sleep deprived now. "This way then," he motions and leads the god to the elevator.