"So, how was your Valentine's Day? I texted you about your Saturday plans, but I guess you were too busy?" Tina nudged the brunette, as they gathered their things from the Glee club.

"Quinn and I got carried away, I guess." She blushed, going back to the hours spent in the girl's bedroom doing very interesting things to each other.

"Oh my god, Rachel!" Tina squealed in happiness, hugging the brunette and also earning the attention of some of the fellow Glee club members.

"What are you two squealing about? Did Berry get laid or something?" Santana walked down the stairs to the front row seats, pinkies intertwined with Brittany's, as usual.

"None of your business, Santana." Rachel blushed even harder. How could something so private become so interesting for anyone else? It was her business. Hers and Quinn's, of course.

"Good for you, Berry. It was damn time you joined the club, but I wouldn't have wanted you to have that experience with Man Boobs over there. Was Goldilocks as good as she looks like?" Santana smirked. She was not even that interested, but seeing Finn's constipated and furious face was too entertaining, to miss it.

"You slept with her? With a girl? You are not even gay!" Finn walked up to his ex-girlfriend, towering over her with his height.

"Quite the opposite, stupid giant." Santana snickered, earning a furious glare but she was not even shocked. She knew he was going to kick some chair and cry over this. It was what he always did.

"Stay out of this, Santana. This is between us!" Finn turned to the petite singer, who had her arms crossed over her chest. "How could you do this to me? I thought you wanted to wait until you were 25! You fed me that bullshit because you didn't want to sleep with me?"

"I don't owe you any explanation, Finn. We are no longer together and whatever happens with Quinn is none of your business." She tried to move past him, but he stepped in the way blocking her path. Both Mike and Santana tensed at the guy's reaction. "Do you want the truth? Quinn never forced me into having sex with her. She didn't make me feel like I owed it to her, only because we were together. I wanted it and I wanted it with her, more than I had ever wished with you. Happy?"

"You are such a bitch. You left me hanging for years and you spread your legs for the first girl that spared you with a glance, after I dumped you? You are just a pathetic whore." He shouted at her, ready to get closer when someone else stepped in and made him stumble back, into the drum set he loved so much.

"Stay away from my girlfriend, asshole!" Quinn stood protectively in front of the brunette, with Dave hovering her left side, ready to step in. "How dare you! Try that again and I'll make sure to stick that chair up your ass." She kicked his bag his way, hitting him square in the stomach with it. "Are you okay? Did he touch you?" Turning around, she searched for any sign of injury but she was relieved to find none.

"I'm fine, baby." Rachel dropped her bag and stepped in her girlfriend's arms, which closed around her back and just held her safely. "I'm sorry…" She whispered, buried in the crook of her neck.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, star. He needed to be taught a lesson." She kissed her temple, pulling her closer when she heard Finn go back to his feet.

"You are pathetic for needing your girlfriend to fight your battles. I'm so glad I dumped your ass." He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Watch out for that burden, she is going to drag you down."

"You better leave her the fuck alone or I will do more damage, Hudson." Quinn barked after him, as he left the choir room.

"He is not worth it, Fabray." Santana squeezed her shoulder in acknowledgement and walked out as well, followed by Brittany who smiled at them both.

"We'll be outside, if you need us." They all left the room, letting the two girls have a moment on their own.

"What triggered that reaction? He's always been an asshole, but this was too much even for him." Quinn led the brunette to the piano bench and took a seat on it, pulling her into her lap.

"He got mad because I gave my virginity to you and I left him hanging, for all these years." Rachel wiped an angry tear, chuckling at her own reaction. How could Finn still manage to ruin the beautiful things in her life? She only wished they had never emerged from Quinn's bedroom and just stayed there, forever.

"He doesn't deserve any of your tears. It was your virginity and your choice to make. Not his nor mine." Quinn brushed their lips together, trying to reassure her distressed girlfriend the best she could. "I love you and I'd still be loving you, even if you had decided not to give yourself to me last weekend. If he gets petty about this, then he never deserved your love."

"You made it perfect." Rachel sniffed and smiled through the tears. Her lips curled upwards when Quinn brushed another soft kiss over her mouth, almost to kiss her sadness away. How could she not love her? "I'm sorry I'm crying over a moron, who ruined our plans."

"Don't fret about it, I just want you to be okay. Plans can be adjusted and changed anytime." She nudged their noses together, earning a soft chuckle from the brunette who cupped her cheeks and kissed her softly. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yes." She nodded in her lips, locking her hands behind her neck as she sat comfortably in her lap. "I love you, Quinn." She rested their foreheads together, letting the strong embrace chase away any doubt or fear that her ex had made resurface.


"You still do it." Rachel mumbled into the dark and gripped the pillow a bit tighter. She slowly opened her eyes and found Quinn's, who had never closed them not to miss a second of their time together.

"Do what?" She whispered and inched closer, until her head rested beside the brunette's, on the same pillow. Their mouths were mere inches apart and their noses brushed, tickling each other.

"Watch over me when I sleep. No one is going to steal me away from you." The singer smiled at the embarrassed look on the blonde's face. She loved when she rendered Quinn a blushing mess. It was a side of her hidden to most and that she still got to see.

"How do you know I am watching you, if you are asleep?" Quinn smirked. Her hand trailed along her side, under the duvet and cupped the side of her neck, brushing her thumb along the patch of skin below her ear.

"I am an actress, baby…" Rachel scooted even closer, burying her head into the crook of her neck to find the comfortable spot, where she used to fall asleep on. It was the perfect combination of softness and sweetness, that usually lulled her to sleep.

"I missed you calling me that…" Quinn's lips trailed along the side of her face, kissing her cheek and down to her jawline. Her mouth peppered her skin with soft kisses, until she was face to face with the brunette, who had turned her head sideways to meet her mouth, with hers.

"I know, I missed that too." She went to lean in for another kiss, but she ended up yawning in the blonde's mouth, who chuckled in response. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry…"

"I won't take it personally, I promise." Quinn pecked her pouting lips. "You had a long flight, it is expected, Rach." Her arms slipped under and around her head, to tug her into her front as they rolled on their back, in a more comfortable position.

"This is not what I expected to do tonight." She tried to hold another yawn back, without any success. Her hand slipped under the hem of Quinn's shirt, to rest her palm against her lower abs. "I thought we'd celebrate getting back together, in a more spectacular way." She mumbled sleepily, nuzzling herself into the blonde's neck.

"I'd rather wait and take our time to do it, rather than having you fall asleep on me during the act. It'd make me question my skills." Quinn looked down at the brunette in her arms, who nodded weakly at her statement. "Do you have any meeting tomorrow morning?"

"No, I cleared my agenda for the whole week and then I fly back to Lima, on Friday." Rachel fought to open her eyes, to stare back up at Quinn who was smiling down at her. "Are you staying in NY for the holidays?"

"Frannie can't travel anymore, so I'll go down there with Dave on Thursday and then come back to NY by the end of the year. It is the busiest day of the whole year and the club is going to be packed." She lowered her lips against the brunette's forehead, lingering there.

"I'll be stuck in the boring city of Lima, while you'll have to keep flirty customers off you, for the midnight kiss." Groaning, her leg slipped over Quinn's lap, hooking around her other hip – the furthest away from her.

"There's only one girl I want to kiss at midnight, star." Quinn chuckled at the cute jealousy Rachel was sporting. If anything, she was going to be the one worried about Rachel. She was just a pretty face, compared to her.

"Mmm, really?" She grinned sleepily at her and leaned up to brush their lips together, for a tender kiss. "You're lucky you're cute, smooth talker." She settled back on Quinn's shoulder, hugging her arm to her chest to lean on.

"Get some rest, star. I'll be here when you wake up." Quinn whispered, watching the brunette slowly drift off to sleep against her.


"Good morning…" Quinn slipped her arms around her girlfriend's waist from behind, kissing her cheek softly. "You left so early, I didn't get a proper morning kiss." Nibbling on her earlobe, she pulled the brunette back into her, who whimpered and held onto her locker for support.

"I had to sneak in, before my parents found out I was gone." Rachel tilted her head to the side and let the blonde assault her neck, lingering on the darkened patch that she had marked so proudly the night before.

"Right. As if they don't know what I did to you, all night long." The blonde chuckled and turned her into her embrace, pinning her against the lockers behind them. "I can't wait to be off to college, so we don't have to worry about sneaking out or that stupid open door policy."

"Did I turn you into a horn dog?" Rachel couldn't help but chuckle. Her fingers tugged at the yellow cardigan the blonde was wearing, to pull her in and steal a soft kiss from her. "Speaking of colleges, have you thought about it?" Her fingers massaged the back of the taller girl's neck, who braced herself against the open locker with one hand and held Rachel around her waist, with the other.

"I wrote some application letter and Dad was thinking about going out there, to visit a couple of colleges just to see what they can offer." She shrugged and went to lean down for a kiss, but she only met Rachel's cheek.

"College is a very important thing, Quinn. You can't be that casual about it." Reaching behind herself, she grabbed a stack of paper where she had printed out several colleges' information, organized by geographical area and the top majors. "Take these and we can go through them later, when I come over."

"Are you serious? I won't go through this with you, when we can do better things with my parents gone." Quinn stuffed her bag with the papers and went back to her girlfriend, who had her arms crossed over her chest. "C'mon, you want to list them down when we could have sex?" She whispered the last part, but Rachel had heard her perfectly.

"I won't let our hormones get into the way of your proper education, Quinn. We will have time to catch up on the sex part, but this should be your top priority. What colleges did you submit your applications to?" She closed the locker room and tried to take Quinn's hand in hers, but the blonde just pulled back. "Quinn, you can't be mad about this…"

"Why can't I?" She took few steps back and eyed the petite brunette, who was now staring down at her feet. "I know you planned the next 5 years, Rachel, and I admire that but I am not like that. I am not even sure about my major, yet, so don't expect me to sit down and figure it out with a PowerPoint presentation or with some articulate spreadsheet. I need to figure it out on my own and you need to trust me on this, as much as I know you will be landing in NY when September comes."

"Where will you go, then? Where will this take us?" She stepped in and tentatively took the girl's hand in hers, happy that she managed to lace their fingers together, this time.

"I don't know where I'll go, Rachel, but I can tell you this won't be over. I want to be with you." She cupped her face and leaned down to brush their lips softly. "I don't want this to stop because we are moving to college. This is not just a high school romance, for me."

"Neither for me." Rachel raised herself on her tiptoes and kissed her more firmly, not caring about the lingering stares around them. "I want to be with you too."

"I have a free period now, maybe we can go to the auditorium and prep you for the NYADA's audition?" She lowered the brunette back to her feet, who beamed at her and almost jumped into her arms.

"I have Glee, but who cares? I need to be perfect for it and only practice can make me achieve that." Rachel got her music sheets from the locker and pressed them into Quinn's chest, who raised an eyebrow in puzzlement. "I need you to play with me. We need to make it as more realistic as possible, babe."

"I am not that good, Rach. Maybe we can ask one of the guys in the band to play for you?" Quinn looked through the sheets, quickly scanning the notes and assessing the complexity of the tunes.

"I want you." Rachel's arms sneaked around her waist and nose nuzzled up against her neck, finding her "spot" behind her left ear. "No one makes me feel at ease like you do and it's what I need to ace my audition." She kissed her pulse, purring into her ear slowly. "Pleaseeeee…"

"You don't play fair, Miss Berry." Quinn rolled her eyes and nodded.


Rachel stretched slowly in the familiar bed, surrounded by the scent that was so typical of Quinn: a mixture of vanilla and old spices, thanks to her secret passion for male perfumes over feminine ones. Her hand stretched across the mattress, to find her sleeping companion but, sadly, she only found the other side of the bed empty and not even that warm, meaning the blonde must have gotten up way before she woke up.

Reaching on the nightstand, she quickly checked the time and her notifications. Cassie had left her 3 voice mails and 5 texts, urging to call her regarding the Jesse's situation that needed to be addressed as soon as possible. She knew she had shuffled the cards on the table, maybe not even in her own favour, but she also trusted Cassie's ability to handle it and get her out of the impasse. That's why she was so damn expensive, after all.

Sitting up, she slipped out of the warm duvet and placed her bare feet on the carpet by the bed, just to try and locate the warm slippers she had already borrowed, the previous time she had slept over there. Having found her target, she padded across the hardwood floor and slipped them on along with an UCLA sweatshirt, that fell past her mid-thighs and provided her more warmth than the thin t-shirt she was wearing. She burrowed her nose into the collar of the sweatshirt, that carried Quinn's scent and followed the sound of her voice, that was not that loud despite being obviously on a business call. She probably just didn't want to bother her, as she slept.

'Alright, how much is that going to cost us?' Quinn was sitting on the couch, with a Blutooth earpiece in her left ear and her MacBook in her lap. She was reading through her emails, as she listened on the other side of the conversation. 'We need to cut it by the 25%, Mark. That can't be so damn expensive' She fired back, sighing loudly at the response she got. 'I don't care, you either get me that discount or you can find yourself another client.' She aborted the call and threw the earpiece to the side, head dropping against the back of the couch, in tiredness.

"Bad morning?" Rachel had witnessed the whole exchange, leaning against the doorway of the living room.

"Oh, hi. Did I wake you up?" Quinn closed her laptop and sat up, making enough room for the brunette who kneeled on the couch, beside her.

"No, you're fine. I woke up on my own." Rachel ran her fingers through her blonde locks, massaging her scalp slowly. "Weren't you supposed to be there with me, this morning?" She smirked and lowered her mouth on Quinn's.

"That was my plan, but I got pulled in work stuff. I should have switched my phone off." Quinn tugged her across her lap, resting her palms on her bare thighs, left exposed by her sweatshirt.

"Yes, you should have." Rachel nodded softly. Pulling her hair to the side, she tilted her head down and pressed her mouth against Quinn's, who sighed happily welcoming her kiss. Fingers tangled into blonde locks, tugging at them as their mouths parted, to let their tongues come out to battle for a sweet dominance that had no winners nor losers. Quinn's hands sneaked under the hem of the familiar sweater, to rest on the girl's lower back and make sure she didn't fall off, while they were kissing. Her palms slid slowly up and down, moving Rachel into her as their necks craned and angled differently, giving their mouths more territory to explore with their tongues.

"I made coffee…" Quinn's lips trailed up her tight jawline, peppering the bronzed skin with kisses that ended behind the girl's left ear. Her teeth grazed the tender skin of her earlobe, sucking on it hard enough to make Rachel moan and roll her hips down against her stomach.

"You're so considerate…" Rachel's head fell back, between her shoulders, to let those perfect teeth nip at every available patch of skin she could find.

"You're overdressed." Quinn pulled back from her, just to tug the sweatshirt and t-shirt off her, in one swift move, leaving her in her lace underwear. "God, you're even more beautiful now." She licked her lips in appreciation of the sight before her eyes. She had always felt incredibly lucky for her girlfriend's beauty, but the years had managed to make Rachel more gorgeous and sexier.

"You've seen me naked before, Lucy." Rachel chuckled and tilted the blonde's head upwards, to get those hazelnut eyes to stare at her and not at her boobs. "How can you still make me feel like this, though?" Shaking her head, she scooted herself closer and pressed up into Quinn's front. Chest to chest. Stomach to stomach.

"Like what, baby?" Her fingers trailed along Rachel's spine and landed on her bare hips, above her underwear.

"Like the most beautiful thing you've ever seen." Rachel nuzzled her nose along Quinn's, who smiled and pecked her lips reassuringly.

"That's because I've never seen something equally beautiful. Nothing or no one can compare to you Rach." Quinn buried her head in her exposed neck, breathing in deeply. She held Rachel a little closer when she started shivering in her arms.

"Take me back to bed, Quinn." Rachel whispered hotly in her ear, latching around her with her arms and legs when the blonde stood up and carried her across the living room, to their destination.


"You shouldn't have gone through so much trouble tonight, even if dinner was amazing." Rachel rolled up into her girlfriend and draped her arm over her bare waist, palming her narrow hip under the sheets.

"We had to celebrate your first NYADA screening. How many steps do you have to go through?" Quinn looked down at her girlfriend, who nuzzled her shoulder and snuggled up more into her side.

"Two more. My fathers are taking me to New York in a month, for the live audition and the interview at NYADA." The brunette trailed her fingers up the girl's side, tracing the underside of her breast before resting her palm over it, lightly rubbing her sensitive nub.

"Mmm…" Quinn whimpered and kissed her forehead, tightening the grip around her back. "My Dad wants me to go check Columbia out, maybe we can take that trip to NY together. I'd like to be there for your audition."

"Really? Are you sure you won't get bored?" She scaled up to roll fully on top of the blonde, whose hands slid down along her back to hold her by the hips.

"Why should I be? I love hearing you sing." Quinn chuckled, leaning up to meet Rachel's lips who rewarded her with a generous kiss. "I will sit in the back and just enjoy the show and then, we can walk around and be tourists."

"We need to find a suitable location for our apartment, too. It should be within reasonable distance from both our colleges and in a relatively safe neighbourhood, of course." She cradled her face with her forearms, peppering her face and, mostly, her mouth with soft kisses.

"Of course." Quinn smiled and quickly rolled them over, settling between Rachel's legs that she draped around her waist. "Aren't you rushing just a little bit? Haven't checked Columbia out, yet." Burying her face into Rachel's neck, she latched her lips around her pulse, to start over with the same patch that she usually marked. She was almost obsessed with that side of the brunette's neck.

"I know, but I…I would love to share an apartment with you, unless we are moving a little too fast?" she arched up into her girlfriend's touch, spreading her thighs when familiar fingers slipped over her core, rubbing her folds and circling around her clit.

"I want to live with you too, Rach." She kissed the darkening mark and up to her ear, sucking it in her mouth while her fingers slipped back into the brunette below, who moaned loudly into her right ear. She kissed the girl's flushed cheek and moved with her, using her thigh to push against her hand that was now thrusting in and out of her core, rubbing her thumb over her nub at the same time.

"Fuck, don't stop." Rachel held onto her flexing biceps, grunting whenever Quinn's fingers stretched her and hit her inner spot, making her moan louder and spread herself wider, for her. Her feet trailed up the back of Quinn's thighs, before locking above her back to pull her flushed down into her.

"You're so hot and tight, for me." Quinn panted in her cheek, slipping a third finger in and letting her adjust to the new intrusion. She had always done her with two, but it felt even better now. Rachel was clawing at her back, leaving marks along the way, and was moaning her name, over and over again when her thrusts became faster and shorter.

"God, I'm close…" Rachel pulled her face down and joined their lips. Their mouths met sloppily, mostly sharing the same oxygen when the brunette's walls tightened around those long fingers, that curled and took her over the edge, for the umpteenth orgasm of the night. "Quinnn!" She moaned loudly, thankful for her soundproofed room, that kept their intimate moments private enough.

"Fuck, yes." She stroked along her girlfriend's walls, feeling her digits carry the essence of her release. Slumping forward, she rested their foreheads together and watched Rachel slowly come down from her high, holding her close in the aftermath.


They fell onto the unmade bed together, still sharing soft kisses while their hands roamed along their frames with renewed curiosity, to remove any barrier left to separate them from each other. Quinn hovered her on her outstretched arms, placed each side of her head mindful not to tug at her hair or rest her weight down on Rachel; her eyes roamed down the girl's front, taking in every small detail to burn in her memory and safely store there.

"Are you okay?" Rachel's palm brushed against the skin above her heart, feeling it thump loudly against her touch. "You're not having a heart attack, are you?"

"I'd die happily." Quinn chuckled and lowered her lips against her soon to be lover, who pouted and tangled her hands into her locks, holding her close. The blonde's hand slipped between their fronts, trailing along the muscles of her stomach to grip the elastic of her underwear and tug it down her spread thighs.

"I feel underdressed here." Rachel's whimpered in her mouth, feeling the girl's fingertips brush along her inner thighs and nearing her core. Her legs fell open on their own accord, welcoming the other girl in between them who was now lying just against her, still in her boy-shorts.

"I don't think so." Quinn looked between their frames and then back up at Rachel, who had raised an eyebrow in a challenging way. "I think you should stay naked, whenever I am around." She grinned mischievously, cupping her intimacy with her palm, with one swift move. Slender fingertips traced the length of Rachel's folds, slipping with easiness up and down, aided by the abundant wetness that was now coating her fingers and palm.

"Oh, God…" Rachel's head dropped against the mattress. Her eyes focused on the ceiling above them, wishing there was a mirror installed there so she could enjoy the show, without hurting her neck. Her thighs parted and her hips bucked up and down, trying to meet Quinn's fingertips, who was avoiding any contact with her hole and just circled her nub, tugging it off its hood.

"You still feel so good, star." Quinn's lips closed around her left nipple. Her lips sucked on the hard tip, rolling it around with expertise while her fingers traced imaginary shapes around her clit, making the brunette arch into her and buck up, to get more of her touch. "So, fucking good." She switched to the other breasts, nipping at the tender skin around her nipple before assaulting it with her tongue, that thrusted against it.

"Oh fuck, Quinn." Rachel hissed at a particularly hard bite around her nipple. Her fingers pulled the blonde from her breast, to crash their lips together in a hard kiss. Her feet slid along the girl's thighs, to tug the boy-shorts past her legs and finally strip her as naked as she was. "Quinn…" She couldn't help but feel herself gush, at the sight before her. Quinn was still so toned and breath-taking, that she couldn't still believe she had chosen her, over the many women that she could have.

"Yes, star." Quinn lied down against her. Their breasts slid together, deliciously adding more friction to their movements and their thighs slipped over each other's, making it possible for the blonde to grind down on Rachel's leg, while her two fingers slid into her core.

"Don't stop…" Any word got caught in the loud moans, provoked by getting filled by those slender fingers once again. Quinn's fingers slipped in and out of her, thrusting steadily inside her core that covered her hand with the evidence of that arousal. Her toes curled against the sheets and her fingers dug into the mattress, almost ripping into it. Her hips canted forward, meeting each thrust with one on her own, so she could feel Quinn go deeper and fill her knuckles-deep.

"You're still so fucking tight." Another finger was slid into Rachel. Her nails were now scratching along the blonde's back, pulling at her to hold onto. Quinn's face nuzzled into her sweaty neck, lapping at the salty droplets trailing down the column of her neck and alternating it with soft bites, that left light marks all over Rachel's darker skin.

"I'm close, please…" Rachel sobbed into her ear. Her legs locked around the girl's hips, pulling her down and against her, as she grinded down on Quinn's fingers that were still thrusting in and out of her, at a fast pace. "Like that…God, yes!" The brunette breathed heavily, unable to speak or even think coherently. She could only feel. She could only feel Quinn everywhere around her, inside her and against her.

"Come for me, star." Quinn pulled back from her neck and pressed their mouths together, needing to feel Rachel's mouth swallow her own moans as she took her over the edge, tightening around her curled fingers. And so, she did. Rachel's hands gripped the back of her head, scratching her skin while her hips bucked up and down, to ride her orgasm out on her long – and now wet – fingers.

"QUINNNN!" Rachel pulled her mouth off her lover to scream out her name. Her walls clamped down around Quinn's fingers, that were still massaging her from the inside and riding her orgasm out, together.

please review,,,thank you!