A/N: Hello dear readers! It's been a while but I'm finally here with a new chapter. This would be posted a lot sooner but I had some trouble contacting my regular Beta, Ullswater (Ulls, if you're seeing this, please drop me a message just to let me know you're okay, I'm getting a bit worried and paranoid over here with everything that's going on in the world). In any case after weeks of searching for someone to do it the awesome Guitarrat volunteered to beta this chapter so that I could post it. Thank you, Guitarrat! You rock!

A lot has changed in the world since the last update and I hope every one of you and your loved ones are safe and well. For my part I've been cooped up at home for almost two months now. It's been intense. The constant worrying for my loved ones and how this whole thing is going to evolve... How it's going to impact our lives even after the quarantine is over... The economy... Ugh! Writing is the only thing that keeps me sane and going.

Things regarding inspiration for this story haven't changed much. I keep working at it slowly but steadily. I devote a few hours every week. They're not always particularly productive in terms of wordcount but I try to make them count with plotting and layering of all of the elements I've already inserted and those I plan to. I think this chapter will be indication enough that there's a lot more planned for OSAH...

Yes, I'm looking at you guest reviewer who thinks you have a say in which stories I'll work on and when.
I've said it a thousand times, I'll say it again. I don't abandon my stories. Though you do raise my review stats and that rocks, you're wasting your own mental energy! It's not abandoned. It will finish. Just when I feel like it. Not when you do. I'm sorry I have to be so blunt but I'm getting tired of this. I share this story with everyone on here first and foremost 'cause I enjoy writing it. I won't be pressured to work faster on it just because you think you're entitled to this story and my work. You're not. You're welcome to join me on this journey but you're certainly not welcome to try to guilt-trip me and dictate how much time I'll devote to this or my other stories. If my pace doesn't please you, stick to complete works and stop following this one until it's done. Simple as that! This is the last time I'm spending time to spell this out. If you just need the reassurance every once in a while, then stop the anonymous reviews, create an account and PM to ask me. Simple as that!

Now that that's out of the way and I've rambled enough... Enjoy! And review, please! Getting in touch with you, hearing your thoughts, is half the fun :)

Stay safe!
Till next time :)

"I swear, it's like I'm playing with a toddler," Ned exclaimed enthusiastically as he turned to face Peter with a smug expression.

"Screw you, dude! I haven't touched a video game in more than a month," Peter answered with an amused huff, throwing his Xbox controller on his friend's bed. He felt more at ease than he had in a very long while. Being in his best friend's room, playing their favorite video-games, catching up, and simply being with each other made his heart and mind feel light and untroubled. He had almost forgotten how that was.

"You got rusty, my friend."

"Oh yeah? Remember these words in two weeks! Then we'll see who's rusty!"

Laying back till he rested on his back on Ned's bed, Peter trained his eyes on the familiar ceiling. His gaze drifted on the painted solar system. He felt his lips drawing back in a reminiscent smile as he remembered when he and Ned had his father paint it up there. They had created a very detailed design on paper and had pestered the poor man until he got every little detail right and to scale. That same night, Peter had slept over, talking with Ned till well past midnight about their future at NASA as renowned astronauts.

Ned regarded his friend silently for a minute before commenting, "Chances are you will end up visiting space."

Propping himself up on his elbows, Peter looked at Ned excitedly. "You know, I was thinking about that too. I mean, the Avengers do have access to that kind of tech and ships… I'm sure I can get Tony to see it as a field trip or something."

"Do you think he'd let me tag along?" Ned asked eagerly.

"Would your parents let you?"

"Hell no!"

Grimacing, Peter scratched his head. "That's okay. I'll find a way to smuggle you in."

Grinning at his friend, Ned shook his head. "Man… Sometimes this whole deal feels so surreal."

"Tell me about it," Peter scoffed.

"So… Things are going better with you?" Ned asked, a hint of concern in his tone.

"Yeah… I guess," Peter shrugged. "I mean, some days everything feels kinda alright...normal even. Then, other days, I don't want to get out of bed, you know? But everyone's been great and I am managing."

"I'm glad to hear it, man," Ned said with a relieved smile. "So… What do you plan to do today?"

"Other than getting my ass kicked in Mortal Kombat? I'll meet up with Wanda and Quill later to grab a coffee. And then I'll head back home to help cook dinner. We'll have company over, and they want me back by four."

"So… No plans with MJ?"

Peter remained silent for a few seconds before looking at his friend a bit awkwardly. "I haven't gotten around calling her?"

"How come?"

Peter noticed how conversational Ned's tone was but he still felt uncomfortable discussing this with him. Ned was his best friend for many years now, but MJ had become Ned's friend as well, and he wasn't sure what he should and shouldn't share. Hell… He wasn't sure how he even felt about that whole situation.

Choosing his words carefully, he answered, "After May… It's been… Kind of the last thing on my mind. Me and MJ. I mean, I still care for her, I really do. I still like her… I just can't seem to get myself to want to meet and spend time with her. It's just so complicated right now. She doesn't know about half of my life, Ned."

Ned nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I get that. But, she's been pretty upset with all the distance you've put in between the two of you. So… I dunno, just, like… Call her. Talk things through a bit. She's a mess, man. And I know your mess is much more serious with all that happened to you, but she really just wants to know where you two stand."

Peter nodded. Ned was more than right. And he was being a coward. "I will, pal. I will. So… What are your plans today?"

"Don't remind me," Ned grumbled. "We're having company over too. Remember that big job my mom landed?"

"Yeah, an HR manager position or something?" Peter recalled. He was relieved that he did. These past few weeks, he barely registered anything his friends told him.

"Well, she and her boss hit it off. When he told her his son will start attending our high school she got all excited and invited him and the son over for Thanksgiving dinner. So we can meet and be friends or something… They're making me wear a tie!"

Peter grimaced at that. "Ouch! Sorry, mate."

"Yeah… Well… I'm hoping he'll be as annoyed about being dragged into this as I am."

"Well… Best case scenario he'll be cool and you'll hit it off anyway," Peter offered in what he hoped passed for a positive and encouraging tone.

"Yeah… The son of my mom's rich corporate boss-guy, who's new to town, and dragged from his super lux place to our apartment… I'm sure he'll be a joy to be around," Ned sneered.

Glancing at his watch, Peter offered the only thing he could to cheer his friend up. "Well, I got time for another game or two. You in or what?"

Peter smiled widely upon spotting the tall blonde figure that briskly walked toward him.

"Good to see you, Q.!"

The two teens clasped hands and bumped their shoulders.

"Good to see you too, Pete," Quill said with a sincere smile. "How've you been?"

"I'm okay. And I'm not just saying that, I promise."

Quill smiled at his friend with relief. "I'm really glad man, I'm really glad."

"How are you?" Peter asked as the two of them waited patiently for Wanda to arrive.

"Worried," Quill answered laconically, turning somber eyes to meet Peter's. "About Wanda," he clarified. "I know your shit is still fresh and everything, but I really need your help, dude."

Eyebrows furrowing, Peter turned to look at the other teen seriously, "Why? What's going on?"

"I kinda hoped you knew," Quill retorted. "Something's off. She's worked up over something and won't tell me what. And I'm talking real worked up."

"You guys got in a fight or something?"

"No, man! Nothing like that… She's just… Sad and angry…"

"Dude… That's her default mode," Peter tried to reason.

"No… Sarcastic and broody is her default mode. I'm telling you something's up. She keeps asking me to… Uh… Well, she wants to be distracted. All the time. She's constantly on edge."

Peter's eyebrows rose at the choice of words, but he offered no comment. What could possibly be going on with her? His guilt over the last couple of weeks resurfaced. What had he missed? Did Wanda need him and he was so out of it that he didn't see it?

"I'll see if I can find out anything today when they come over," he finally told Quill.

"Thanks, man. And don't throw me under the bus alright? You heard nothing from me!"

Peter waved a hand. " 'Course not. How about you go grab us coffees to go while we're waiting? No point wasting time till she comes."

"Yeah, sure. Regular black?"

"Yes. Thanks, mate!"

Peter watched Quill walk a few feet down the road and enter the closest coffee shop.

When his friend went inside, Peter's eyes trailed to the other side of the busy street and his heart skipped a beat when his gaze met a pair of eyes he knew all too well. MJ's eyes.

She looked at him with a surprised and sad expression, standing still next to her sister, who was currently focused on something she had spotted in a clothes shop window.

Gulping with difficulty, Peter waved hesitantly at the girl.

She didn't wave back. Just stared at him for a few seconds, before turning to her sister and saying something to her. Peter watched the older girl nodding and MJ walking to the edge of the pavement, checking the street and hurrying across it.

Peter watched her in awe. Dressed in a striking red coat and black leather boots she looked more beautiful than ever.

When she finally made it to where he was standing she offered a quiet, "Hey."

"Hi, MJ," Peter managed to get out awkwardly. He felt torn. An intense desire to lean close, to hug her, to kiss her sprung inside of him. But, at the same time, he couldn't bring himself to take a single step closer to her. He felt rooted to his spot on the sidewalk, where he remained standing, rigid and tense.

"So… You're out and about again?" she asked casually.

"Just for today," Peter hastened to explain himself. "And just for a couple of hours."

"Right…" MJ commented with a sad smile. "And I'm guessing you weren't planning on seeing me."

It wasn't a question.

Peter sighed, "It's not like that…"

"How is it then, Peter?" the girl asked, her voice rising a bit.

"Look, I know I've screwed up with you… with us. But it's been so weird, MJ! My life is turned upside down… I just can't focus on too many things at once right now."

"I'm not asking for flowers and dinners, Peter…" MJ countered. "No phone calls, no texts, not even a fucking email. You've completely cut me off. It's like you don't want me in your life anymore!"

Her words hit Peter hard. "God… I'm so sorry. Of course, I want you in my life, MJ."

"Then start showing it, Pete. I get how fucked up everything is right now, I really do. But I can't do this anymore. Not like this I'm gonna call you tonight. If you decide to ignore my call, I won't bother you again. Ever."

Peter swallowed with difficulty at her words. He could see how hurt and tired she was. And knowing he was the cause of it made him feel like a complete ass. "I won't. We'll talk tonight, I promise," he vowed.

MJ didn't acknowledge his words, she simply stared at him. "Bye, Peter. It was nice seeing you."

As he watched the girl walking away, a hand clasped around his shoulder making him jump slightly, startled.

"What did I miss?" Quill asked, his eyes following MJ's figure as she crossed the street and walked away with her sister.

"I'm telling you, he totally flipped," Wanda said in an exasperated tone as she lounged on Peter's bed. She was staring at the ceiling, her hair cascading down the bed's side with the ends touching the wooden floor.

Peter, sitting on the floor, leaned his own head on the top of the mattress right next to hers, his gaze fixed on the wall across from him, as he listened to Wanda's reiteration of Steve's reaction to catching Quill and her in her room. Quill's words from earlier rang in his mind. Turning to glance at the side of Wanda's face, he tried to spot anything different about her. Other than an annoyed expression brought on by the memory of Steve's overreaction, he spotted nothing.

"Well… I can't say I'm surprised. The man was preserved in ice for seventy years! You can't really blame him for being a bit conservative," Peter reasoned. His eyebrows furrowed upon realisation that Cap was technically 93 years old.

"Whose side are you on?" Wanna snapped, throwing him a one-sided-glare.

Hands rising defensively, Peter mumbled, "Sorry, sorry! Yours!" Silence followed as Peter contemplated his next words. "You know… I was supposed to do this discreetly, but what the hell… Quill's kinda freaked out."

Wanda turned her head to look at her friend properly at that. Her nose scrunched up as she asked, "Freaked out with what?"

"You," Peter offered simply. Getting off the floor, he sat on his bed and stared down at the girl.

Wanda's eyes narrowed a bit as she also propped herself up on her elbows. "Why?"

The one-shoulder shrug Peter offered made her raise her eyebrows demandingly. "Pete! Spill!"

"Not much to spill. He just told me something's feeling off with you. That you're worked up or whatever," Peter said, his tone concerned as he peered at his friend gauging her expressions and reactions.

Wanda scoffed, annoyed, as a crease formed between her eyebrows. Sitting up completely she stared in the opposite direction from Peter and shook her head. "And he had to come whining about this to you?"

"He said you won't tell him what's going on," Peter answered. Her suddenly tense posture and annoyed reaction told him that Quill was most probably right.

"I told him a million times, nothing's wrong!" Wanda said with a huff.

"Hey!" Peter said curtly, making her turn and look at him. "I thought we were done with lying to each other," Peter said solemnly.

He watched the girl's expression falling and her eyes clouding. "Wanda… I know I've been the crappiest friend anyone could possibly have lately. But things are finally getting to some sort of new normal, and I really, really want to be here for you. But I can't do that. Not if you don't let me."

Wanda's eyes glanced at Peter's face for a second before turning back to stare at her now fidgeting hands.

"I'm not a holiday person," she said quietly. "Not since… Not since Pietro."

Peter felt his stomach churn at her words. "I know what you mean," he said quietly.

Turning to meet his eyes, she nodded, "I know you do. That's one of the reasons I didn't want to draw too much attention to this… I mean, it's your first holiday without May. And it's still so fresh for you…"

"That doesn't mean your own feelings aren't valid, Wanda."

Letting out a scoff the girl shook her head. "You spend way too much time with that therapist of yours."

Ignoring her attempt to change the subject Peter asked, "That's all then? Thanksgiving? Christmas approaching?"

Wanda bit her lip and nodded. "I just wish he was here. That he'd also have all these wonderful opportunities I have now. That we could bitch together about Steve's overbearingness, and train with Nat and Sam, and have fun with you and the guys, and go to school…" her voice started trembling and she stopped.

Peter watched her taking in a few deep breaths and felt a lump forming in his own throat. "I wish he was here too," he offered quietly, clasping a hand on his friend's shoulder.

Shaking her head, Wanda shot to her feet and kept her back to Peter as she willed herself to get a grip on her emotions. This wasn't in any way helping her, and it sure as hell didn't help Peter. Turning to face him, after a few seconds she said, "Enough of this shit. I refuse to sit here and wallow in misery. Let's get downstairs and see if Pepper and Tony need any help.

"Yeah," Peter nodded with a sigh of his own. "Let's go. Pepper seemed a bit stressed this morning. I'm sure she'll appreciate any help she can get."

"Wine, Pepper?" Natasha asked as she poured her second glass of merlot.

"Wine?" Pepper scoffed. "Live with Tony 24/7 and you'll understand why I can only function with Irish coffee, Nat," she said, raising her mug for the other woman to see before taking a long sip. Turning to shoot a warning look at Peter and Wanda she immediately added, "And that's a perfect example of "do as I say, not as I do", kids! You don't need alcohol to function!"

"I'll drink to that," Natasha quipped with an amused smirk as she took a sip from her glass.

"I object to this no alcohol rule for the wee ones!" Sam intervened pausing the chopping of the baby spinach. At the incredulous looks he received from Tony and Steve who had just walked in the kitchen to hear his words, he elaborated, "It's Thanksgiving! They should get to drink a glass of wine, it's not the end of the world!"

Tony rolled his eyes, "They're allowed to have some cider with dinner, Sam. That's more than enough."

"We're right here," Wanda called out annoyedly.

"With the ability to hear you and everything," Peter added in the same tone. "And I back Sam in his statement completely!"

"Go Pete!" Sam whooped with a clap of his hands.

"Sam will lose his own alcohol privileges if he doesn't tone it down," Steve intervened only half-joking.

"And you two will go to bed without supper if you don't move your butts to actually help out," Pepper quipped, waving the wooden spoon she used to stir the vegetables she was sauteing.

"You heard the lady, Rogers! Grab the plates from the counter and get them to the dining room. I'll fetch the glasses," Tony said dutifully, walking to Pepper to exchange a quick kiss.

Steve spotted the plates, stacked on the counter right next to where Wanda was standing, currently preoccupied with folding festive napkins. He walked up to her and extended a hand with the intent to tuck her hair behind her ear. When the girl simply stepped to the side and out of his reach without even looking at him, he let his hand fall and stared at her for a few seconds.

"Still not talking to me then?" He asked quietly, as to not embarrass her. When she offered no answer, Steve sighed and grabbed the stack of plates. He followed Tony, who was now carrying a tray lined with glasses, out of the kitchen and towards the dining room.

Natasha, who was chatting with Pepper, noticed the interaction between the young witch and the Captain and wondered what she'd missed.

Pepper's mumbled, "Shit!" made Natasha shift her focus to the woman, who hastily left the kitchen yelling over her shoulder, "Keep stirring that please!"

Wondering what this was all about, but seeing it as an excellent opportunity, Nat held her wine in her left hand, grabbed the wooden spoon with her right and started stirring the sizzling ingredients in the pan. Turning to Wanda she said, "Hey, Wanda? Can you grind some pepper in here for me?"

Wanda turned to look at the woman and paused her folding. With a sly smirk, she quipped, "You know that if you put your glass down for just a second you can do that yourself, right?"

Raising a playful eyebrow Natasha retorted, "Don't disrespect your aunt, missy! And lay off my wine!"

Shaking her head, Wanda scanned the counter for the pepper mill, grabbed it, and walked next to Nat, grinding some pepper over the steaming pan. The smell of the cooking pepper, sweet potato, onions, and carrots filled the girl's nostrils and left her with a sense of bittersweet coziness and familiarity. The glimpse of her mother standing over the stove and the house smelling of freshly cooked food invaded her mind.

Natasha watched the girl's focus drifting and her gaze darkening. "You okay there, kid?" She asked quietly.

Blinking rapidly as if waking up from a dream, Wanda turned to Natasha, offering a forced smile. "Fine, Nat."

"Sure? Even with Steve?"

Wanda glanced at the woman gauging her expression. Deciding Natasha didn't look prying or judgy she shrugged. "Steve's got it coming."

"You two had a fight?"

Setting the wooden mill down, Wanda turned to better face Natasha. "Kinda."

"What about?"

Cheeks flushing a bit, Wanda mumbled, "About my room's door being closed when Quill's over."

"Ah," Natasha said with a nod and a sip of her wine. "Now I get it."

Wanda glanced at her once more. "You don't seem mad," the young girl observed.

"I'm not. Why would I be?"

"Ask Steve," Wanda shrugged.

"Oh, come on," Natasha rolled her eyes. "You can't seriously tell me you're shocked by his reaction!"

Wanda's eyebrows furrowed at the unexpected question. "The fact that it's expected doesn't make it right you know…"

"Well, technically, closing your door with Quill in your room isn't right either, but that's beside the point…"

"And what's the point?" Wanda asked gloomily.

"That Steve loves you and that it's Thanksgiving. Cut him some slack. It's not his fault he's a grumpy, elderly man," Natasha winked at her.

Wanda snorted at her comment but she quickly schooled her expression, biting her lip.

"Who's a grumpy, elderly man, now?"

Natasha's head whipped around startled at the sound of Steve's voice. When her eyes locked with his mock-serious face and his twinkling eyes she smirked. Handing the man the spoon and pointing to the pan with a wink she walked away to where Peter was helping Sam with the salad.

Steve started to stir the cooking vegetables, his eyes stealing glances at the silent girl on his right.

"Wanda, I understand you're still angry with me..."

Wanda shook her head with a light scoff. Turning to stare at the man she spoke to him for the first time that day, "No, Steve. You really don't." After a short pause and holding the man's startled gaze she added, "But Nat's not wrong. It's not your fault you woke up seventy years after your time."

"Wanda that's not…"

Touching a hand on the man's shoulder Wanda managed to form a smile. "It's alright," she said quietly. She knew this conversation wouldn't lead them anywhere and Nat was right. It was Thanksgiving. Wanda had a lot of things to be bitter about, but she also had one major thing to be thankful for. And that was Steve. With that thought, she got to her tiptoes and landed a peck on the man's cheek, before walking to the small gathering of people hovering over the massive salad bowl.

Peter glanced up from where he worked and realized Pepper had yet to come back.

Using a towel to clean his hands, Peter tossed it playfully to Sam, who easily snatched it before it even came close to his face. Walking out of the kitchen Peter almost bumped onto Pepper as she rounded the corner of the hallway.

"Oh, Pete!" She gasped as she halted to avoid colliding with him.

"Sorry, Pepper," the teen offered with an awkward smile. "I was just coming to check if you needed any help with anything," Peter explained his eyes lingering on the woman's tired face. "You okay?"

Pepper smiled warmly and brought two hands to cup his face. "I'm great, honey! It's just been a hectic week with work."

"Okay," Peter smiled.

"Go and see if Tony needs any help finishing setting up the table. The turkey is ready, and with any luck, Natasha didn't ruin our veggie side."

Peter nodded and followed the directions as Pepper hastened back to the kitchen. Fifteen minutes later, the party of seven were seated in front of the table, loading their plates from the numerous platters, chatting and laughing.

Tony watched Peter vigilantly. He was quieter than usual, but that was to be more than expected. "How are you doing, kid?" He asked.

Peter turned to look at the man with a small smile. "Okay I guess," he offered. He knew he sounded far from confident, but he didn't see any point in pretending everything was peachy.

Not knowing what he could possibly say, Tony simply ruffled the teen's hair before shifting his attention back to Sam and the story he was sharing.

Once all plates were practically licked clean, Tony stood up and made sure every glass, Peter's and Wanda's included, were filled with wine and cider. Once he was finished tending to his guests, he got back to his seat but remained standing. Raising his glass, he looked around him at the expectant gazes.

"Thankful," he said in a clear voice. "First and foremost for my queen and our spider," at the light chuckle from Pepper he sent her and Peter a wink before he continued, "and for all the rest of you. Those that sit at this table today and those who do not. We're a Goddamn weird kind of family. But we're family nonetheless. To all of us. To those we love, to those we lost, to those we'll forever remember," Tony's eyes scanned the faces around him. Pepper's tender smile, Peter's lowered gaze, Wanda's distant expression and Steve's concerned eyes trained on her, Natasha's sad smile and Sam's approving nod.

"To family," Tony concluded.

"To family," the small group repeated.

The sound of porcelain hitting porcelain as Steve stacked the plates together mixed with the metallic clanking of the forks and knives that Natasha gathered in the almost empty salad bowl.

Each focused on their own task, they looked up slightly startled when their hands touched as they reached for the same platter. Natasha offered a small smile and broke the eye contact first as she grabbed the serving spatula she had reached for.

"I didn't get the chance to thank you," Steve said in a quiet voice, his gaze lingering on the woman's face.

"Thank me for what?" Nat asked, her eyes scanning the table for any silverware she hadn't spotted so far.

"For whatever you said to Wanda," Steve answered knowingly.

Natasha turned to look at him with a wave of her hand. "Don't be silly. I didn't do anything."

"No, Nat. You did. And I appreciate it. I'd hate it if we went to bed tonight and she still wasn't speaking to me."

"Well, the night's still young," Natasha quipped with a teasing smirk that made Steve chuckle. Her smile widened at the small burst of laughter. Steve Rogers didn't laugh often, but when he did, he filled the air around him with a warmth and comfort nobody else could.

Steve noticed her gaze not leaving him and his eyes fluttered to his stack of plates momentarily. Something about Natasha's stare made him fidgety. And there weren't many things in this world able to make Steve Rogers fidget.

"You know… She didn't say anything, but I get the feeling this goes deeper than her annoyance with you being a prude," Natasha offered.

"A prude?" Steve asked with a scoff and raised an eyebrow.

Rolling her eyes Natasha quipped, "Don't pretend you aren't. It's part of your charm."

"My charm?" Steve asked, raising his eyebrow even higher and cocking his head slightly to the side.

"Can you focus for a moment?" Natasha huffed, pointing a finger to the balcony.

Steve looked to where she pointed and spotted Wanda, standing alone, her back turned to them. Turning back to Natasha, his face now concerned, he looked at her questioningly.

Grabbing the bowl filled with the silverware, Natasha shrugged. "Don't look at me like that! I told you, she didn't say anything. It's just a gut-feeling. And common sense. Not that hard to piece together what's eating her, now is it? So, get your posterior out there and check on her!"

Letting out a disbelieving snort the man asked, "Posterior? Who says that?"

"Wouldn't want to shock you by saying ass," Natasha quipped, her eyes teasing once again. Sending a wink at the man, she left the room.

Steve stared at her departing figure for a few seconds before shaking his head and shifting his focus back to Wanda. He walked out the screen doors to the dark balcony. Walking up to the girl he rested his forearms on the high railing and stared ahead in the general direction she was looking.

After a few silent seconds, he turned to peer at the girl. There was a heaviness about her, and he didn't know how to break the silence. "It's a bit chilly out here, aren't you cold?" he finally said lamely, noticing she had no coat on.

Wanda simply shook her head, keeping silent, her gaze unfocused.

"Not in a talking mood?" Steve attempted again.

A shake of her head.

Steve nodded and let out a soft sigh. Moving closer to the girl he draped a hand over her shoulders and tugged her close to his side affectionately.

"Holidays aren't my favorite time of the year either, you know," he said quietly. Unfazed by her silence he continued, "It's hard not to focus on all those I've lost. All those I never got to say goodbye to, all those who I'll never see again."

Wanda's eyes fluttered to the Captain's face at these words. She would've never thought this could be hard on Steve too. He always seemed so put together, so pleasant, and calm. Leaning her head on his shoulder, she said quietly, "I'm sorry you're feeling this way, Steve."

"I'm sorry you're feeling this way, too," Steve answered. Pressing a kiss on her hair he added, "We can't bring them back. But we do have each other. If you try to focus on that you might find some comfort. I know I do. When I think of our people, and especially of you… We got our weird super-family thing going, here Wanda. Tony was right. I know this doesn't make up for those we've lost… But we've found each other. And that's the crack. The crack from which the light comes in."

Wanda felt her eyes well up at the man's words. As a few tears trailed down her cheeks she remained still in his arms, soaking up his warmth and comfort. He was right, she knew he was. But right now, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't bring herself to open her eyes to see the light. Because each time she did the image of her brother's face faded.

The two of them remained still, staring into the night in companionable silence.

"So… On a scale from 'kinda-nice' to 'wanted-to-scratch-your-brain-out-and-feed-it-to-the-birds?'... How bad was tonight? " Tony asked as he plopped down on the couch next to Peter.

The two of them had sent Pepper to rest and did most of the cleaning and tidying up after their guests left.

Peter rolled his eyes at the man's theatrics. "It was fine, Tony. It was nice having people over. Kinda distracting, but in a good way I guess."

"You sure?" Tony insisted, his eyes serious.

"I'm sure."

"You know… I had to be nice and include everyone in that toast, being the host and whatnot… But for real, kid… What I'm most thankful for is having you in my life. And having this chance to be your father."

Peter turned to stare at the man's face. Taking in a deep breath to fight off the lump that formed in his throat he nodded, "That's what I'm most thankful for, too, Tony. I don't know what I'd do if it wasn't for you and Pepper."

"You'd go on to dazzle the world kid, there's no questioning that. You'd shine no matter what. We're just grateful to have the honor and chance to have your back, to guide you, to love you, to take care of you…"

Peter's face broke into a grin as he shook his head. "Thanks for everything, Tony," he said quietly.

"No, kid. Thank you for everything," the man said, sending a hand to ruffle his hair.

"Dishes are in the dishwasher, leftovers in the fridge, kitchen back to a pre-bombarded state, and spiderling tucked in bed and already snoring," Tony announced as he stepped into his and Pepper's bedroom.

Pepper's face scrunched up at the loud voice. "Pipe down then, you're gonna wake him up!"

Scoffing, Tony shook his head as he started unbuttoning his shirt. "That kid won't wake up, even with sirens blaring, once he's down. You okay? You seemed a bit off your game all day today."

"I'm fine," Pepper mumbled, fingers rubbing her moisturizing cream into her palms and wrists.

"You don't seem fine," Tony observed.

"Can you stop talking for just a moment?" Pepper snapped.

"Whoa! What did I do? Did I say something I shouldn't? You know how my brain can't always keep up with my mouth… If I said something…"

"Tony, I swear to God if you don't shut up…"

Noticing the tension in her shoulders, and her stormy gaze registering for the first time, Tony's eyes narrowed. Walking to sit next to her on the bed, he peered at her blue eyes and studied her face.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked. His tone now was serious and laced with concern.

Pepper brought a hand rub at her forehead, eyes closing for a few seconds. With a soft sigh, her eyes turned to lock with Tony's.

"I'm pregnant."

Tony blinked. Once. Twice.

Pepper watched him shaking his head lightly, his lips opening and closing again, with no sound coming out.

Feeling her patience running thin she glared at him, "If you so much as think of having a stroke right now…"

Tony let out a sound between a scoff and a gasp. "Pregnant?" He finally managed to whisper.

"Excellent listening skills," Pepper mumbled, rolling her eyes.

"How? When…?"

"I'm gonna pretend you never asked 'how'," Pepper said in a tired voice. "As for when… I just found out today. I'm six weeks along. With my PCOS I never suspected my late period could mean… well… this. But I was starting to feel weird. Tired all the time, nauseous… So I thought I'd test… And it was positive."

Tony's hands moved to clasp both sides of her face making the woman look back at him. His face broke into a huge grin. A disbelieving, exhilarated expression. Pepper's own lips twitched upwards and a small smile formed, even though her eyes remained worried.

"Peps, you can't imagine how immensely happy you just made me," Tony said in a voice thick with emotion.

Pepper brought a hand to cup over his right palm as she whispered, "I'm happy too… But… This is complicated Tony… With Peter, with everything that has happened… I'm so scared this might upset him."

"No, no, no, no! Don't think like that," Tony said with a shake of his head. "Peter is doing so much better now. And he knows how much we love him. He will be just as happy as we are, you'll see!"

Pepper's eyes shone with the tears that welled up. "You really believe that?" She asked in a hopeful tone.

"I really do," Tony nodded, his smile only widening.

Pepper stared back at her man's face, her smile finally widening and reaching her eyes.

"We're gonna have a baby," Tony whispered.

"A newborn in eight months and a super-powered teen… What could possibly go wrong, right?" Pepper said with a small teary laugh.

Chuckling, Tony wrapped her in a tight hug, his lips pressing against her temple kissing her repeatedly.

A/N: Eagerly waiting for your thoughts!

I thought "I Owe you 3000" would be an interesting way to foreshadow this last bit, but I'm not sure if anybody connected the dots and saw this coming in this chapter!

For those of you who haven't read that story yet, head over to my profile and check it out. It's a short Morgan-Peter-Tony one-shot.

Also... Any ideas who the new guy (the son of the boss) that Ned's about to meet is?

Please drop a line to let me know how you liked this chapter people :)