Hello! I'm back :)


Now that I had successfully secured a date with Bella the nerves were really starting to set in. It was absolutely ridiculous! I had fought in wars, going into battle without a second thought, and a date was what made me nervous? I started to completely doubt my plan for the date. Should I have asked to take her to a fancier place? Maybe the beach? Could she even swim? What if she was a vegetarian and I offended her by telling her that the diner had great burgers? Maybe the movies was a better idea? Was there even any interesting movies out? Was she too scared to watch horror movies so I'd be stuck watching some shitty romcom? All of the doubts in my head made my temper rise.

Growling lowly in frustration I decided to go for a hunt. After all since Bella was human I should probably hunt more regularly to be on the safe side. I sped through the forest in the search of some animal that was at least a carnivore, I don't think I could stomach a deer right now with my stomach already in knots. Finally finding a cougar near a herd of deer I fed and went for a stroll in the woods to clear my head.

Isabella is my mate which means that she is my perfect match. There's no way that my perfect match would be some stuck up girl that would throw a fit over some fancy dinner. I needed to relax and just get to know my girl and just try to make her the happiest woman in the world. I know that she will be the happiest woman in the world when I'm fuc-.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. Thinking about that will definitely not help me keep a level head.

"Just focus on dinner dickhead." I mumbled to myself

I looked up and realized that it was already dark out meaning that it was probably late.

"Shit." I said "I better not be late for the first date with Bella. Happiest woman ever, my ass." I mumbled while running back to the Cullen house and getting in my car to drive over to Bella's house.

When I finally got to Bella's house it was 6:59 a bit too close for my liking but I had stopped to get my girl some roses. I looked at the house and waited for a second while I gathered up the courage to go knock on the door.

"I'm going to finally get my girl." I said with the biggest smile I think I've ever had.

I got out of the car and walked up the porch steps to the door and knocked. I heard fishing footsteps down some stairs and then there she was. My girl. She was wearing a red shirt and jeans that clung perfectly to her killer body. I groaned in my head I was such a sucker for red. She had a beautiful blush across her lovely face that was framed by her dark wavy hair. Her eyes were bright and sparkled as she looked up at me.

"Hi." We both breathed at the same time


Okay so don't kill me! It's a bit of a cliffhanger but I just wanted to get this up to let you guys know I'm back! I'm going to try and get the next update up by tomorrow! I want this story to be influenced by you guys too so feel free to let me know if you guys have any ideas for what you would like to see happen! See you soon! :)