5: Battle For Mission City! For Earth!

Minata Namikaze: The disclaimer: I don't own Naruto cause if I did then Sakura would have taken her training as a Kunoichi seriously sooner wither then later and I also don't own Transformers cause if I did then Bumblebee would be able speak by the Third movie. I, however, do own the original female character, Senju Mikadzuki. Remember to Read and Review to let me know what you think. Also if you don't like any twist that I make then stop reading and find something else to read plus don't leave a review that's a flame or I will block you. Ja ne!

...My Line...

Senju Mikadzuki, who is the eldest child and only Daughter of Senju Tobirama, the Second Hokage of Konohagakure no Sato, was thrown forward a good 52 years into the future from a fuinjutsu gone wrong. After getting use to the fact that her Father, Mother, younger Brother, and her nephews that she never got to meet are gone, the young Senju takes her grandnephews to raise them outside of the Village and the Elemental Nations until their 12 before allowing them to return for the Genin Exams. It's outside of the Nations that she find love with a being from another Planet called Cybertron. Slow going Optimus Prime/Original Human Femme Character(s)

...My Line...


The pinkette panted as she stood in front of the cave facing three ninjas wearing headbands with a cloud curved onto the metal platting. She held a blade in front of her while from the shadows of the cave a pair of glowing blue eyes watched what was going on with worry for the young teen in them.

"Lightning Style: Piercing Arrows!" one of the pinkette's opponents called out.

He than started to charge lightning chakra to two of his fingers, however, before his could finish charging the jutsu, Mikadzuki had already done hand signs for a jutsu of her own.

"Wind Style: Great Tornado Jutsu!" she called out as she unleashed a large and very powerful gust of wind resembling a tornado.

The jutsu managed to disrupt the lightning jutsu allowing the young Senju to shoot forward and run him through with her sword. His two teammates could only stare in shock they were also cut down by the pinkette, who was still panting before she fall backwards. However, before she hit the ground a man, who looked to be in his late 20s to earlier 30s with short hair that was so dark that it looked like it had a red tint to it while his eyes were a glowing bright azure blue eyes, caught her.

"Mikadzuki?" that deep baritone voice of the man asked.

She gave him that all to familiar small smile before she swipt some of her blood from her chin and then over the palm of her left hand before going through some hand signs.

"Summoning Jutsu!" she called out as she held out her hand.

There was a puff of smoke before it cleared to reveal a snow white tiger with amber eyes standing there.

"Mika-chan!" the tiger yelled with a female sounding voice before it moved to her side.

"Torako (Tiger Child)," the Senju managed to get out before she started to cough up blood. "I need you too use your Medical Ninjutsu." The tiger nodded before she got to work while Mikadzuki looked up at the man. "I'm fine, Optimus."

The Prime gave a small smile of his own as he held the young girl in his holoform's arms as her tiger summons worked on the healing.

...My Line...


Mikadzuki, Sam, and Mikaela got out of the black vans that pulled up to what the three teens were able to deem as the Hoover Damn where they noticed a group of army men were there as well.

"Team attention!" who Mikadzuki thought was the leader of the men called out. "Present arms!"

"At ease," the Secretary of Defense told them. "Captain, Sergeant. Got your intel. Excellent work."

"Thank you, sir," the Captain thanked him. "What about the gunships?"

"They're being retrofitted with sabot rounds now," the Secretary answered. "If they hit us again, we'll be ready for them. But, uh, it won't do us much good if we can't get world communications back up."

The Senju stood off to the side as both Sam and Mikaela walked forward towards the edge to look over as Simmons walked up to them wearing clothes along with sunglasses making her anger to sky rocket.

"Hey, kid," Simmons greeted Sam. "I think we got off to a bad start, huh? You must be hungry? You want a latte? Ho-Ho? Double venti macchiato?"

"A bad start?" asked the pinkette. "A BAD START!" By now Sam and Mikaela had moved away as she leveled her KI at the idiot which had the army men and Secretary of Defense. "You came into Sam's house, put them in handcuffs, and tried to interrogate them. All of this without a warrant and that's not even getting into the sexual harassment of a minor, threatening a minor, and then threatening a minor's Father." The group of soldiers were all looking at Simmons with glares of their own. "So, I would call that more then a bad start and go right into a law suit." Simmons ended up backing away from him. "Now, where is Sam's car?"

"Sweetheart, I need you to listen to me very carefully," another man in a suite spoke up. "People can die here. We need to know everything you know. We need to know it now."

"Okay," agreed Sam with a nod of his head. "But, first, I'll take my car, my parents. Maybe you should write that down. Oh, and her juvie record. That's got to be gone. Like, forever."

"And if you have anything on the Elemental Nations that has to go has well," the pinkette growled. "Seeing as only the world leaders are suppose to be in the know with that knowledge."

"Come with me," the guy said again. "We'll talk about your car and the Elemental Nations."

"Thank you," thanked Mikaela with a smile.

With one last glare at Simmons, the pinkette spun on her heels and slack away like a predator while the Secretary of Defense and the soldiers watched her.

"All right, here's the situation," Simmons told them as they headed for inside. "You've all had direct contact with the NBEs."

"NBEs?" Epps asked.

"Non-Biological Extraterrestrials," Simmons answered him. "Try and keep up with the acronyms."

"And how are we suppose to know that seeing as this is our first time here?" Mikadzuki asked. "Or are you just stupid?"

Simmons looked back at her with a glare that she was all to happy to return with her own that made him to look back in front of him fast in fear of her.

"What you're about to see is totally classified," Tom Benecheck informed them as they walked into a hanger.

The young Kunoichi moved back away from the giant robot that was as tall as Optimus Prime and hide behind William Lennox.

"Dear God," the secretary breathed. "What is this?"

"We think when he made his approach over the north pole, our gravitational field screwed up his telemetry," answered Benecheck. "He crashed in the ice, probably a few thousand years ago. We shipped him here to this facility in 1934."

"Oh, so everyone in S-7 is stupid then," snark the red head making Lennox to snort in amusement.

"We call him NBE-One," Simmons stated as if she hadn't said anything.

"Well, sir, I don't mean to correct you on everything you think you know, but-I mean, that's Megatron," stated Sam. "He's the leader of the Decepticons."

"He's been in cryostasis since 1935," stated Benecheck as he looked Sam. "Your great-great-grandfather made one of the greatest discoveries in the history of mankind."

"Fact is, you're looking at the source of the modern age," Simmons told them. "The microchip, lasers, spaceflight, cars, all reverse-engineered by studying him. NBE-One." He got up in Sam's face. "That's what we call it."

"Look, who fucking cares what you call him!" yelled the pink haired Senju making them all to look at her. "Cause all I fucking care about is that you should have kept him in the North Pole! For the love of Kami-sama, if something happened to the generators than he'll be free to kill people. Fuck it all to hell! Fucking Bakas!"

Sam and Mikaela let out sighs as they both knew that once she was pissed off enough then she was going to rant and let people know that their idiots.

"And you didn't think the United States military might need to know that you're keeping a hostile alien robot frozen in the basement?" asked the Secretary just as pissed off as the young Senju.

"Until these events, we had no credible threat to national security," stated Benecheck.

"Well you got one now," growled the Defense Secretary.

"So why Earth?" Lennox finally spoke up.

"It's the Allspark," Mikadzuki answered him.

"Allspark?" John Killer asked as he looked at her. "What is that?"

"Well, yeah, they came here looking for some sort of cube-looking thing," the pinkette stated.

"Anyway, mister NBE-One here, a.k.a. Megatron, that's what they call him," Sam went on for her and got into Simmons face. "Who's pretty much the harbinger of death, wants to use the Cube to transform human technology to take over the universe. That's their plan."

"And you're sure about that?" asked Simmons

"Yeah..." Sam answered to only trail off as all three teens looked at him.

"You bakas know where it is, don't you?" growled Mikadzuki.

"Follow me?" Benecheck asked them before walking away.

...My Line...

The group all walked into another hanger next to the one with Megatron where a giant Cube was station and this had Mikadzuki even more ticked off.

"You're about to see our crown jewel," Simmons told them as they all stood in a room with a glass window.

"Carbon dating puts the Cube here around ten thousand BC," Benecheck told them. "The first Seven didn't find it until 1913. They knew it was alien because of the matching hieroglyphics on the Cube as well as NBE-One. President Hoover had the dam built around it. Four football fields thick of concrete. A perfect way to hide its energy from being detected by anyone or any alien species on the outside."

"Wait, back up," the blonde said. "You-you said the dam hides the Cube's energy. What kind exactly?"

"Good question," Benecheck stated as he took them to a different room. "Please step inside." They all walked inside the room as the door closed behind them. "They have to lock us in."

"Oh, wow."

"What's that?" Epps asked when he noticed claw marks. "Freddy Krueger done been up in here or something?"

"Oh, no, man," the blonde's friend told him. "Freddy Krueger have four blades, man. That's only three. That's Wolverine! Hrr! Right? That's Wolverine!"

The pinkette looked at the guy with a raised eyebrow before letting out a sigh while shaking her head.

"That's very funny," Simmons sarcastically said. "Anybody have any mechanical devices? BlackBerry? Key alarm? Cell phone?"

"I got a phone," Gen answered as he tossed the guy his phone.

"Ooh," breathed Simmons. "Nokias are real nasty. You've got to respect the Japanese. They know the way of the samurai."

He then placed the phone into the box while the pinkette raised an eyebrow as they all placed some kind of protective glasses on.

"Nokia's from Finland," Maggie whispered.

"Yes, but he's, you know...a little strange," Killer told her. "He's a little strange."

"I think he's a baka," stated the young Senju quietly.

"We're able to take the Cube radiation...and funnel it into that box," Simmons explained to them as he pulled lavers while looking at the box.

The pinkette watched as said radiation hit the phone and it transformed into a small Cybertronian making Glen, Sam, Mikaela and the others to give a short and surprised yelp. Mikadzuki ribbed off the protective gear as she moved towards the box and the little Cybertronian as she figured that was what the Autobots race was called.

"Mean little sucker, huh?" asked Simmons.

The little Cybertronian moved closer to where the pinkette was looking at her with blue optics as it chirp, clicks, and whirls in Cybertronian.

"That thing is freaky!" Maggie breathed.

The young Senju flashed a glare towards her before turning it onto Simmons with what he said.

"Kind of like the itty-bitty Energizer Bunny from hell, huh?"

The Cybertronian placed it's little servo (Hand) onto the glass of the box at the same time as Mikadzuki, who gave it a small smile, and only Sam along with Mikaela noticed.

"Wha-" Maggie finally noticed what was going on between the pink head and the little Cybertronian.

Without thinking about it and moving on instinct, Mikadzuki had her blade unsealed and held Simmons up against the wall with a death glare leveled at him when he had moved to offline the little 'bot.

"You offline that that little guy and I well remove your head from your shoulders," she growled before she pulled away from him, resealed her katana, and then moved to open the box while keeping an eye Simmons while reaching her hand inside slowly while giving the little 'bot a smile. "It's ok, Sweetheart, I'll protect you from mean, evil Simmons." The little one made a chirping sound before it climbed into her hand and allowing her to pull it out. "Your name shill be Notan which means Darklight in my native language of Japanese."

The rest of the group all looked at her in shock as they had no idea what she was saying before they all looked up when the lights started to go flicker.

"Gentlemen, they know the Cube is here," Killer told them.

"Benecheck," called the main man. "What's going on?"

"Well, the NBE-One hangar has lost power-," one of the S7 Technician told him.


"-and the backup generator is just not gonna cut it," the S7 Technician finished telling him.

"Do you have an arms room?" Lennox asked him.

Both Simmons and Benecheck nodded their heads.

...My Line...

"Get everyone to the NBE-One chamber now!" Benecheck called out to them as they ran through the dam.

The pink haired Senju looked at him as if he was insane and she has no doubt that he is.

"Move it!" Lennox called out to them. "Move it! Let's go!"

"They're popping our generators!"

'Thank you Captain obvious,' Mikadzuki thought sarcastically with a roll of her eyes.

...My Line...

"Forty millimeter sabot rounds on that table," Simmons told them as they came into an arms room with all kinds of weapons.

A pair of dark blue-gray eyes fall upon a folding bow with a quiver full of 150 exploding arrows and an excited grin appeared on her face before the pink head picked them up with glee.

"That's good," Lennox told him before turning to his team. "Get all the ammo you got. Everything you can carry. Bring it."

Will looked over at the pink head, he now stood next to and noticed that she had the archery equipment with a gleeful look shinning in her eyes and on her face. That had Lennox almost feeling sorry for the Decepticons. Key word being almost. Mikadzuki had just placed the quiver onto her back with the arrows over her right shoulder while attached the bow to the back of her left hip when the place shook and the lights flashed making them all to pause to look up.

"You got to take me to my car," Sam told Simmons as he walked up to the man. "You have to take me to my car. He's gonna know what to do with the Cube."

"Your car?" Simmons asked as he went back to reloading his gun. "It's confiscated."

"Then unconfiscate it," growled Sam in anger.

"We do not know what will happen if we let it near this thing!" argued Simmons.

"You don't know-"

"Maybe you know, but I don't know," Simmons interrupted.


"I have people's lives at stake here, young woman," Simmons growled at her as he glared.

"Take them to the boy's car," ordered Lennox as he suddenly pushed Simmons up against some of the boxes while holding a gun to his heart.


It was then that all hell broke lose as the army men followed their captain as they all took out the S7 Agents though the pinkette stepped in when once of the agents pointed their gun at Lennox's head by pointing one of her 9. mms at him.

"Drop it," she ordered him as Lennox wondered where she keeps all those weapons at.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!"

"Drop your weapon, soldier," Simmons ordered him. "There's an alien war going on and you're gonna shoot me?"

"You know, we didn't ask to be here," Lennox informed him as he glared.

"I'm ordering you under S7 executive jurisdiction," stated the idiot.

"S7 don't exist," both Epps and Mikadzuki stated at the same time making them smile.

"Right," Lennox agreed. "And we don't take orders from people that don't exist."

"I'm gonna count to five," Simmons told him.

"Well, I'm gonna count to three, mm?" asked Lennox.

Mikadzuki smirked as she pulled out her second 9. mm gun and pointed it at Simmons head.

"And I'm not going to count at all," she informed him with a sadistically smile.

All the soldiers and agents looked at her afraid at the same time.

"Simmons," Keller spoke up.

"Yes, sir?" asked Simmons.

"I'll do what he says," Keller answered. "Losing's really not an option for these guys. And that young lady really would love to kill you if given the chance."

Simmons looked back at Lennox before looking at Mikadzuki and then to Keller.

"Alright," he agreed. "Okay. Hey, you want to lay the fate of the word onto the kid's Camaro? That's cool."

The pinkette gave a pleased smile as she put up her guns and then followed them out.

...My Line...

Upon reaching a pair of doors, Mikadzuki kicked them opened when she caught the sound of pained pained electronic moaning behinds and what she saw when they were opened made her see red.

"BUMBLEBEE!" she yelled as she shot into the room like bullet looking like a blur only faintly hearing the others telling them to stop.

"No, no!" Sam yelled. "Stop! You got to stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!"

"No, no, stop, stop, stop!" ordered Benecheck.

"You got to let him go!" Sam told them. "Let him go!"

"STOP IT AND LET HIM GO NOW OR I SWEAR TO KAMI THAT I WILL DYE THIS ROOM RED WITH YOUR BLOOD!" Mikadzuki yelled having finally lost her cool making all agents in the room stopped and did as she ordered before she moved closer and climbed up onto the young Scout's chest. "Bumblebee?" The Autobot quiet down confused on why they stopped torturing him and when he onlined his optics the first thing that he saw was the pinkette, who gave him a smile. "You okay?"

Bumblebee made squealing like sound before he looked around the place for Sam and Mikaela to see that soldiers and agents watching them.

"They didn't hurt you, right?" Sam asked as the young Scout cupped the kunoichi in his servos while setting up with a cannon pointed them.

"Yeah!" Bumblebee answered with an electronic growling as he masked dropped down.

"Listen to me," Sam told him. "The Cube is here and the Decepticons are coming."

The young Autobot made more electronic growling noise while Mikadzuki looked over his servo and down at them,

"Bumblebee, your okay," she told him. "They won't hurt you."

"No, no, don't worry about them," Sam joined in. "They're okay." He then looked at them. "Right? They're not gonna hurt you." The young Kunoichi looked worried for Bumblebee as he continued to point his cannon at them. "Just back up a little bit. He's friendly. He's fine. He's just protective of Mikadzuki seeing as his leader has taken an interest in her. Okay, come on."

"Bumblebee!" She called up to him making him look at her for a moment before looking away. "BUMBLEBEE! LOOK AT ME?!" This made him turn his attention onto her. "Everything is okay, Sweetheart." She gave him a smile while cupping his face. "You're okay. They won't hurt again cause if they do then I will not be Miss Nice Girl." Bumblebee turned his attention back at the other humans before looking back at her with a shake of his helm. "Darling, I'm alright. They won't hurt Sam or Mikaela or me. And they sure as hell won't hurt you again." She gave him a soft smile. "Sweetie, I need you to put your cannon down, okay?"

The pinkette's smile grew bigger as the sounds of the cannons got softer and the mask lifted before the young Scout nuzzled her finding comfort with her. He now understood why Optimus has taken an interest in her cause she was bit like him, but different as she wasn't afraid to bloody her hands with human blood or Cybertronian energon.

"Here, come with me," Sam told him as he noticed that Bumblebee was starting to calm down. "I'm gonna take you to the Allspark."

Mikadzuki looked up at Bumblebee for a moment thinking that he was going to put her down, but instead he started to follow Sam and the other humans making her fall back onto his servo. This got a laugh out of him which had her to lightly smack his chest with a smile of her own.

...My Line...

Upon reaching the hanger with the cube, Bumblebee made an electrical squeal before he placed Mikadzuki on the ground next to Sam before he turned to cube and placed his hands onto it making it shrink in on itself.

"Ah, okay, here we go," Epps said as he moved around a bit. "He doing something. He doing something."


"Oh my God," both Mikaela and Mikadzuki breathed as the Cube grew smaller.

"Message from Starfleet, Captain," Bumblebee's radio played once he had the cube in hand. "Let's get to it."

"He's right," Lennox agreed with a nod. "We stay here, we're screwed with Megatron in the other hangar." Bumblebee bent down and gave the cube to Sam. "Mission City is twenty two miles away. We're gonna sneak that Cube out of here and we're gonna hide it somewhere in the city."

"Good!" the secretary nodded in agreement. "Right!"

"But, we cannot make a stand without the Air Force," Lennox went on.

"This place must have some kind of radio link!" Keller exclaimed as he turned to Simmons.


"Shortwave, CB!"

"Right! Yes!"

"Sire, you got to figure out some way to get word out to them," Lennox told him. "Let's move."

"In the alien archive, sir!"

"The alien archive-"

"There's an old army radio console."

"Will it work?" asked Keller.

"I don't k-anything's possible!" Simmons answered. "Did you see that? Poof!"

"Alright," Lennox said as they quickly moved. "You three, get it in the car!" All three teens quickly got into the Camaro after the young Scout transformed down. "Mister Secretary! Get our birds in the air." Bumblebee took off while Lennox still talked. "When we get to the city, we're gonna find a radio, and I'll have Epps vector them in, okay?"

"Affirmative!" Keller called out as the soldiers and agents got into vehicle.

"Set a perimeter around the yellow vehicle!" ordered Lennox as they took off after Bumblebee.

"This way, this way, this way!"

...My Line...

Mikadzuki sat in the back with the cube while Notan sat on her shoulder looking at it in confusion.

"Cube's okay?" Sam asked as he looked back at the red head.

"Yeah, it's fine," the young Senju asked as she looked at it.

"Put the seat belt on it," Sam suggested making the kunoichi to roll her eyes before she did.

After a few more miles, they where able to catch sight of the other 5 Autobots speeding towards them from the other way.

"Wrong way, Prime!" Mikadzuki yelled out to him with a giggled.

"It's Optimus," called Sam.

Notan made a little chirping noise wondering what has his Adopted Carrier so happy. The teens watched as Optimus slammed on his brakes and skidded around just behind them with Jazz, Ironhide, Ratchet, and Arcee all coping his actions.

...My Line...

::Bumblebee to Optimus Prime:: the Scout commed as the three teens talked about the cube.

::Optimus here:: the Prime answered with his voice colored in relief. ::Are you okay Bumblebee?::

::Yes sir:: the young Autobot answered.

::Bumblebee is Mikadzuki with you?:: Arcee asked as she joined in sounding worried about her charge.

::Of course:: Bumblebee answered sounding angry that she would think that he wouldn't try and protect her. ::I'll protect her until she is back with you, Cee::

::Thanks Bee:: laughed Arcee. ::I am glad that your alright, Youngling::

::Can't keep...:: Bumblebee started to say before he trailed off when he picked up an presence inside of his alt mode making him to turn his scanner inwards. ::WHAT IN THE PIT?::

Arcee and Optimus from where they were speed up at that along with the others as they drove behind them.

::Bumblebee, what's wrong?:: Ironhide asked as he joined in.

::Youngling:: Ratchet spoke up.

::Yo, Bee::


...My Line...

Bumblebee made a squeal noise upon hearing the chirp and when his scanners picked up on the Sparkling, who sat closer to the pinkette's face.

"Mikadzuki, what's that?" the radio asked.

"What's what?" all three teens asked.

"That little guy upon your shoulders," was the answer they got.

Three pair of eyes turned to the little Cybertronian, who let out a chirp as the dark blue-gray eyed kunoichi took the Sparkling from her shoulders and held him close to her chest thus her heart.

...My Line...

Bumblebee didn't answer right away, but when he did there was an awe tone to his voice.

::Mikadzuki has a Sparkling with her:: was the answer they got.

::WHAT?:: all of the other Autobots yelled in shock.

::How is that possible?:: Ratchet asked him. ::Did she tell you?::

::It would seem that S7 was using the Allspark to bring to life Sparklings before killing them:: informed Bumblebee sadly.

::I see:: breathed Optimus sadly. ::But, how did she get this one?::

Bumblebee went to ask her, but made sure that he put the Comm link where they could hear.

"S7 used the cube and activated him." Mikadzuki answered as all of the Autobots heard the anger in her voice. "They were going to kill him, Bee, so I saved him." They felt happy that she was able to help little one. "I was hoping that Ratchet could tell me a bit more about Cybertronian young."

::Of course:: Ratchet's voice heard coming from the radio. ::After we get the Allspark somewhere safe and end this fight then I'll be more then happy too::

A smile came to Mikadzuki's face as she held the little bot closer to her chest.

"That'll be great," she told him. "Arigatou (Thank you), Ratchet."

::No problem Youngling:: the CMO told her.

The pinkette smiled down at the little bot as he let out a chirp.

::So, you going to adopt the little guy then?:: Arcee asked

Bumblebee cackled a bit while Jazz and Ironhide laughed out loud while the Prime was speechless.

"What do you think, Arcee?" was her answer.

::I think that you are a Carrier:: she laughed a bit more. ::So, what's his Designation? Huh...that is so say his name::

"It's Notan which in Japanese is Darklight," was the answer she gave her.

::A perfect designation:: Optimus finally spoke up.

The young Senju couldn't help, but smile bigger at hearing the Prime give his blessing in a round about way. Just than a familiar police car was seen following them with a few vehicles.

"No, no, no, no, no," Sam chanted making the two girls to look at him.

"What?" Mikaela asked him.

"It's the same cop!" answered Sam as they looked behind them. "Block them, block them, block them."

Jazz, Ironhide, Ratchet, and Arcee pulled ranked around Bumblebee as a Decepticon started to transform before he started to destroy all the cars in front of him which had Optimus also transforming.

"Oh my God," breathed Mikaela when both the Prime and the Decepticon went over the edge of the bridge.

"Is Prime going to be alright, Bee, Arcee?" the pink head asked with worry coloring her tone.

::He'll be fine, Mika:: the disguise Motorcycle answered through the comm.

...My Line...

"Come on, let's go!" Lennox called out after they pulled into Mission City and came to a stop. "Mount up!"

"Move out!" a soldier called out as Lennox ran into an electronic store. "Move out! Go! Go!"

Mikadzuki quickly got out of Bumblebee and rushed over to Arcee's Alt Mode before she climbed on just as Lennox ran out of the electronic store.

"Here, I got shortwave radios," Lennox stated as he ran up to Epps and placed some radios into his Second-in-Command.

"Wait?" Epps asked as the Captain got into their armored jeep. "What am I supposed to do with these?"

"Well, use them!" he exclaimed with annoyances. "It's all we got!"

"This is like RadioShack dinosaur radios or something, man," Epps complained as they drove to the middle the of the city. "I'm only gonna get 20 or 30 miles out of these things." The Sergeant held up one of the radios. "Are there any aircraft orbiting the city?" Epps looked up when he heard what sounded like an engine making him to look up to a fighter jet. "F-22 at twelve o'clock."

...My Line...

"Alright, I want planes for air cover and get Black Hawks on station to extract that Cuber," ordered Lennox as they started to pull to a stop in the middle of Mission City. "You got it?" Everyone got out of their vehicles while the Autobots all remained in their alt modes. "Air Force has arrived! Pop Smoke!"

"Raptor, Raptor, do you copy?" Epps asked through the radio while the pink haired Senju glared up at the sky as few of the soldiers popped smoke. "We have you visual." The F-22 flew over head and a little to low for Mikadzuki's comfort. "Green smoke is the mark. Provide air cover and vector Black Hawks for extraction."

"Arcee," the dark blue-gray eyed Kunoichi spoke up.

"It's Starscream!" Ironhide yelled as he transformed making the pedestrians scream and run away.

"Please tell me, you copy?" Epps bagged.

Mikadzuki was flying through hand signs that her hands looked like blurs.

"Back up!" Ironhide ordered them as he rushed forward. "Take over!" He ran over to a furbie truck. "Bumblebee!"

"No, no, no!" yelled Lennox. "Move!"

The group of soldiers, Sam, and Mikaela rushed away at the same time as the young Mikadzuki slammed her hands onto the ground.


"Back up!" Ironhide ordered as he and Bumblebee lifted the furbie truck as a wall of Earth lifted up in front to add an extra layer of protection. "Back up!"

"Retreat! Fall Black!"

"Incoming!" shouted the Weapons Specialist before a blast form the F-22. "Unnnh!"

The missile hit the slab of Earth and blasted it apart while also destroying the truck that Ironhide and Bumblebee was holding up sending the two Autobots flying along with those around them and behind them. The pinkette went flying through the air form the blast, but she flipped over in the air and landed on her feet while using Chakra to make sure that she didn't hurt herself.

"Anybody hurt?" a soldier asked as they all got back up. "Everyone okay?"

"Clear the area!" another soldier yelled out.

"Oh my God," gasped Sam once he got up from the ground. "Bumblebee?!"

Mikadzuki spun around at Sam's shout and what she saw angered as the young Scout had no legs because of the blast.

"Bumblebee!" she cried out as she rushed to his side. "Oh my Kami, Bumblebee." She placed a hand on his cheek plate. "Don't move Bumblebee. It's going to be okay." She then started to look around when Sam and Mikaela came up to join her. "RATCHET!"

"Here," Sam spoke up as he waved Jazz back. "Here, back, back, back!" Jazz revered back at Sam's request. "You alright?" This made the young Senju to roll her eyes at him. "What happened, Mikadzuki?"

"It was the explosion caused by that missile from that bitch Decepticon F-22 jet," she answered with a growl as she glared up at the sky before looking back at Bumblebee, who tried to move forward

"What the hell was that?" Lennox asked Epps from nearby.

"What are you talking about?" Epps asked right back.

"What do you mean, what am I talking about?" the Captain once again asked. "They shot at us!"

The pink head looked over them with narrowed eyes.

"F-22 pilots would never fly below buildings," Epps informed him. "That's alien. That ain't friendly!"

"And you call yourself a Soldier," she called out to Lennox making Epps to snort as she turned back to Bumblebee just as a Decepticon tank asked. "What in the hell?!" She then looked around before she spotted a tow truck nearby as the other Autobots all took off to fight the tank. "Mikaela!" The dark haired girl looked over at her. "Do you see that tow truck over there?"

Mikaela looked over to where she was pointing to see the truck in question.

"Yeah," she answered.

"Do you think that you can hot wire it so we can use it to get Bumblebee out of here?" the pinkette asked her for a second

"Yeah," the blue-eyed girl answered with a nod before taking off to get the truck.

Mikadzuki looked over at the fighting before turning back to the young Autobot.

"IT'S MEGATRON!" she heard Jazz yell as the Leader of the Decepticons made an appearance. "RETREAT!"

"MOVE!" Ratchet joined in.

"FALL BACK!" Jazz yelled once again as he and other three Autobots open fire at the tell mech.

"FALL BACK!" Lennox ordered his men as Jazz was sent to the ground from a blast that Megatron fired. "Get our guys out of the way!" All the fighters ran back leaving Jazz to fight Megatron on his own. "Get out of here! Go! Get them out of the buggy! Move out!"

"We need air cover down here, now!" Epps yelled into his radio as Megatron made off with Jazz in his clutches.

Mikadzuki took off like a shot from a gun looking like a blur to all, but the Autobots before she pushed chakra to her soles and ran up the side of a building that had a better birds eye view.

"That all you got?" asked Jazz as he fired at the titan. "Megatron?"

"Come here, little cretin," growled the Decepticon as he grabbed Jazz by one of his legs.

The pinkette removed the bow she took from S7's base, reached behind her on her right side to the quiver that she has on her beck, took an exploding arrow than nicked the arrow into the bow, and raised it to shoulder length as she pulled back the string while taking aim as the tall gray mech.

"You want a piece of me?" asked Jazz as he continued to shot. "You want a piece?"

"No!" growled Megatron as he started to pull on Jazz making the silver Autobot to scream not noticing Mikadzuki firing the arrow that sailed through the air before it attached to his right shoulder. "I want..."

Jazz let out a cry of surprise as he was dropped when the arrow that attached itself to Megatron exploded. Once Jazz hit the ground on his peds there was a pink flash and the young kunoichi appeared on his right shoulder with a smirk on her lips.

"Are you alright, Jazz?" she asked as she replaced the bow back into place.

"Thanks little lady," the Saboteur thanked with a smirk of his own as his visor light up in amusement.

Without anymore words the young Senju jumped into air using Jazz's shoulder as a springboard, lifted her right leg into the air, and brought it down when she reached the ground. Creaking started to appear before it exploded sending debris up into the air while the bigger piece the human soldiers used to hide behind before she flashed back to Bumblebee, Sam, and Mikaela.

"Wrap it around the head," Sam informed just Hoshibi returned.

"About time you've returned," Mikaela said as the pink head moved to help them.

"Sorry," the kunoichi apologized. "But, Jazz needed help."

The dark haired girl smiled at her before they got back to work.

"Sam!" Lennox yelled as he ran up to them with a few of his men. "Where' the Cube?"

"Right there," answered the young Witwicky as he pointed at it.

"Okay," breathed the Captain as he took off.

"And take that and wrap it around the base and then put it around his neck," Sam went on telling the two girls just Lennox returned. "Okay?"

"Okay," panted the army soldier.


"Alright, I can't leave my guys back there, so here, take this flare," Lennox started to say as he handed Sam a flare. "Okay, there's a tall, white building with statues on top." The violet eyed kunoichi raised an eyebrow. "Go to the roof. Set the flare."

"No," breathed Sam.

"Signal the chopper and set the flare-"

"No, no," Sam repeated. "I can't do this!"

"Listen to me!" ordered Lennox as he pulled Sam down to look him in the eyes. "You're a soldier now! Alright? I need to take this Cube." The captain thrust the Cube into the boy's arms. "Get it into military hands while we hold them off or a lot of people are gonna die."

"I'll go with him, Captain Lennox," Mikadzuki told him. "I have a skill set that the Decepticons have never gone against before."

The army Captain looked at her as he thought about what some of his men have told him of what they saw the young pinkette do from running at speeds that make her look like a blur than up the side of a building, flashing onto Jazz's shoulder after saving him from being offlined, and then destroying the ground with just her heel without breaking anything or bring harm to herself.

"Alright," he agreed with a nod though he didn't like it before he turned to Mikaela. "You got to go." Both Sam and Mikadzuki jumped down from where they were standing on the truck. "You got to go."

"No, I'm not leaving," the dark haired teen told as she continued getting Bumblebee hooked up.

"You need to go," ordered Lennox again. "No, get out!"

"No, I'm not leaving till I get Bumblebee out of here, okay?" she asked him as she walked by him to get Bumblebee onto the truck.

Lennox watched her for a few minutes before he ran off.

"Army Black Hawk requested," Epps spoke. "Immediate evec for civilian boy and girl with precious cargo. Headed to rooftop marked by flare."

"Sam," Ironhide spoke up.

"Mikadzuki," Arcee joined in.

"We will protect you two," Ratchet finished for them while Jazz nodded his helm.

"Okay," agreed the Witwicky.

The pinkette just pulled out her bow again and ready an arrow.


"Epps, were are those planes?" asked Lennox as he ran over to his Second.

"Sam!" Mikaela called out as she ran over to him while Mikadzuki moved over to Arcee. "No matter what happens, I'm really glad I got in that car with you."

"You be careful," the cycleformer told her.

"I'll try, Cee," the pinkette stated with a nod.

"Sam, Mikadzuki!" Ironhide called out as the pinkette joined Sam's side. "Get to the building!"

"Move!" ordered Ratchet as the two humans started to run with the four Autobots falling them.

"Decepticons, attack!" they heard Megatron order.

"Cover fire," Jazz told them all.

...My Line...

"Watch out!" the Weapons Specialist yelled as he and the others all attacked the Decepticon in front of them before he took off. "Keep moving, Sam, Mikadzuki! Don't stop!"

"Whoa!" Sam yelled as Starscream landed as he transformed in front of them. "No!"

"No!" Ironhide yelled as he and the other three Autobots opened fire. "GAH!"

"IRONHIDE!" Sam yelled out form his hiding place.

"ARCEE!" the pinkette yelled out with worry as fired off her arrows and detonating them on connect with the seeker.

She cried out when the four Autobots where hit and hurt as Starscream took off.

"Sam, Mikadzuki, get to the building," ordered Ironhide.

The two teens didn't need to be told twice as they took off.

...My Line...

Sam and Mikadzuki reached through the streets as Megatron appeared behind them making the young pinkette to wonder where Optimus was.

"Give me that Cube, children!" she heard Megatron growled.

Sliding to a stop, the young kunoichi turned to face him as she flew through a few hand signs.

"Sam, keeping going!" she yelled before taking a deep breath and than letting it out. "WATER STYLE: WATER DRAGON JUTSU!"

The people and soldiers that were still around watched in shock and awe as the moisture in the air came together in the shape of a large form of a giant and powerful dragon behind the pinkette. Mikadzuki than unleashed the dragon at the 'Con once it was completely formed before she spun around on her heels and took off no evening staying to see if it hit Megatron or not.

...My Line...

"Sam!" she called out.

The Witwicky boy let out a sigh of relief when Mikadzuki appeared next to him quickly as he reached the building. The two teens rushed inside where they found a set of stairs that would get to them to the roof when the sound of a glass window breaking behind reached their ears.

"You're not gonna get us," Sam mumbled as they ran up the stairs. "You're not gonna get us!"

"I smell you...children!" the Decepticon Leader growled from somewhere behind them.

"OH SHIT!" Mikadzuki cried out as the floor behind them exploded as Megatron tried to get them.

"MAGGOTS!" roared the tall mech.

"I TAKE GREAT OFFENCE TO THAT MEGABITCH!" shouted the pink haired kunoichi as she throw kunais with exploding tags attached them to try and delay him.

...My Line...

To the young 17-year-old dark blue-gray eyed girl's relief they managed to reach the roof where they took noticed of the helicopters.

"Heeeey!" Sam yelled as he slammed the flare against the building. "Heeeey! I'm over hereeee!

He waved the flare wildly with the sparks dancing as he did so while Mikadzuki urged him to go faster when she took noticed of one of the army copters slowly hovering up towards them.

"We've got the kids," a soldier said as he leaned out while reaching for the Cube that Sam obliged and held out for him to take, but when they were only an inch apart both Sam and the young kunoichi noticed Starscream.

"Watch out!" Sam warned to late as the seeker fired at the copter.


Reacting quickly Mikadzuki tackled Sam to the ground as the copter spun out of control which made the tail blade slice through the building's roof.

"HANG ON, YOU TWO!" she heard Optimus called out to them.


Looking around quickly as relief flooded her body at hearing the Prime's voice, Mikadzuki pulled over to a statue just as Megatron burst through the roof top. The two teens quickly climbed up on the edge as the pinkette looked down at the ground.

"No! No!"

"Is it fear or courage that compels you, fleshlings?" Megatron asked them as he moved closer.

"Ooooh..." breathed Sam as he looked down at the below them. "Where do we go? No. Ah. Hh. No. No no no."

"Give me the Allspark and you may live to be my pet while the femme will be my bonded," Megatron told him.

"Whoah!" Sam breathed as a look of horror crossed Mikadzuki's face before disgust took control. "Oh, no, no, no, no." Sam looked at Megatron. "I'm never giving you this Allspark"

"And I would wither die than to ever be your bonded, you son of a bitch!" the kunoichi yelled in anger.

"Oh, so unwise," growled the Decepticon Leader as he transformed his servo into a wrecking ball and slammed it into the statue that Sam and the young kunoichi was hiding behind.

The two teens let lose screams and at the speed that they were falling, Mikadzuki would never be able to grab Sam and flash to the ground, but to her eternal relief both her and the Witwicky were caught in a large hand.

"I got you both," a familiar voice spoke up making both teens to look up to see the Prime. "Hold onto the Cube, Sam." Optimus then started to slid down the buildings until a large figure slammed into him and sent him flying to the ground while the two 17-year-olds held onto him like a lifeline before they crashed into the streets. "Sam?" The young boy looked up at him as the pinkette looked up over at Megatron. "You risked your life to protect the Cube."

"No sacrifice," Sam told him while panting. "No victory."

"If I cannot defeat Megatron, you must push the Cube into my chest," the Prime told him making a pair of dark blue-gray eyes to widen as the owner's head snapped towards him. "I will sacrifice myself to destroy it."

"What are you crazy?" the pinkette asked him angrily.

To her surprise and wonder a sad look passed across the Prime's face as his optics meet her eyes before it disappeared.

"Forgive me, Sweetspark," the Prime breathed.

"Optimus," Mikadzuki started to say only to be cut off when Optimus put her and Sam on the ground.

"Get behind me," he ordered them as he stood up. "It's you and me, Megatron."

"No, it's just me, Prime," Megatron growled as he also got up.

The dark blue-gray eyed kunoichi grabbed Sam by the arm and pulled away form the fight.

"At the end of this day, one shall stand, one shall fall.

"You still fight for the weak!" the Decepticon Leader yelled. "That is why you- lose!"

Mikadzuki turned her dark blue-gray eyes onto Sam as the fighting between both leaders continued.

"Sam, we can't offline Optimus," she breathed. "It's not right and it's not fair." Sam nodded his head in agreement. "So if putting the Cube into Optimus' chest while destroying them both than maybe it will do the same if it was put into Megatron's chest instead."

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"It worth a shot, Sam," was her answered. "The Autobots can't lose their leader and without Optimus, we'll lose against the Decepticons." She looked at the fight to see Megatron having the upper hand. "There's also the fact that I really don't want to lose him like how I lost my a good bit of my family." Sam nodded his head again before they watched Megatron get hit by a lot of missiles from all sides and then get tripped by Optimus which caused him to fail to the ground. This made Sam, who had tried to get away to scrambled away from the Decepticon. "SAM!"


"Whoa!" the Witwicky gasped. "Oh. Hh! Woah! Whoah!"

"I'll kill you!"


"Mine!" growled Megatron as he started to crowle. "All-spark-k!"

"Sam!" Optimus called out to him. "Put the Cube in my chest! Now! Sam!" Sam Jumped up onto his feet where he fallen and held the Cube above his head making the red head to smile at him. "No, Sam!" He then thrust the Cube into Megatron's Spark Chamber and they all watched as the red energy form the Allspark vanished into Megatron making him stumble back, weak from the raw power of the Cuber and then fell to the ground, dead. As the young violet eyes kunoichi came out of her hiding place as Optimus stood back up walking over to the dead Decepticon. "You left me no...choice, brother." This startled Mikadzuki and horrified her as Optimus then knelt down to Sam's height. "Sam, I owe you my life. We are in your debt."

The 17-year-old turned around and a face came to her face as Mikaela and Bumblebee drove up before she looked over to Jazz, who smirked at her, as he sauntered over to her and held out his hand to her. She cackled before she stepped onto it and he brought her up and closer to his face.

"Am in your debt lil' lady," Jazz stated.

"Thank nothing of it Jazz," she told him with a smile. "I was happy to help."

He then put her back on the ground as the little bot that she had saved back at S7 came out of hiding to her surprise though she smiled big as she felt relief when Arcee walked up to her.

"We have gained new ones new comrade," Optimus spoke up. "Thank you. All of you. You honor us with your bravery."

"Permission to speak, sir?" a voice asked making Mikadzuki to look over at Bumblebee in surprise.

"Permission granted, old friend," Optimus answered.

"You speak now?" asked Sam in shock.

"I wish to stay with the boy," Bumblebee told him.

"I would also like to stay with Mikadzuki," Arcee stated.

"If that is their choice," Optimus informed them.

"Yes," Sam answered.

The pinkette walked over to her Guardian Autobot with a smile while gently touching her leg.

"Of course, you can, Cee," she stated.

The Prime smiled at seeing the close bond between Guardian and Charge that the femme and the pinkette had with each other already.

...My Line...

It has been a month since the battle in Mission City and to Mikadzuki's amusement as well as joy Sam was dating Mikaela though she didn't know where she stood with the Prime even though they are friends have been since he first came to earth. But, right now all the Autobots, Sam Mikaela, and her where the hilltop that the young Scout had his first break down.

...My Line...

With the Allspark gone, we cannot return life to our planet.

And fate has yielded its reward a new world to call home.

We live among its people now, hiding in plain sight, but watching over them in secret, waiting, protecting.

I have witnessed their capacity for courage. And though we are worlds apart.

Like us, there's more to them...than meets the eye.

I am Optimus Prime.

And I send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars.

We are here.

We...are waiting.-Optimus Prime

...My Line...

Mikadzuki looked over at the Prime as he sent a message into space trying to wondering how he seems to know that she wants to ask about why he asked her to forgive him for being a suicidal baka and is able to avoid her or the change topic. Though she had first gave him a scolding of a life time for his stupid stunt that his team in stitches as they watched and listened to a little human girl chow out their leader. Hell, the human soldiers were also laughing at the sight that made. Ironhide had even said that he deserved it for being suicidal when the Prime had asked them why they were just laughing and that even they knew not to piss off a femme no matter the race. With a sigh, she pulled her mind out of the past before she turned her dark blue-gray eyes onto where Sam and Mikaela were making out on top of Bumblebee much to her amusement and pity.