Disclaimer: I own nothing

Day:6 - Christmas in July

Name: Why are Christmas Movies Airing in the Middle of Summer

Katsuki came home from work, utterly exhausted from another hard day of hero-work, when he heard the TV playing. Deku must've got with his missions earlier than he did and has been chilling at home. Walking into the living room he sees the shorter one, his eyes glued to the screen before him. When he sees Katsuki walked in, Izuku looked over to him and smiled.

"Hey, Kacchan, welcome home!" Katsuki gave him a small smile in return, something that to most people would barely be a grin, but Izuku knew better. Katsuki then looked over to the TV at whatever Deku was watching so intently and looked confused.

"Why the hell-"

"Kacchan..." Izuku whined, which Katsuki groaned.

"-heck are you watching a Christmas movie? It's fucking July," Katsuki continued. Izuku pouted at the curse word the explosive blond said yet again, but let it go. He'll remind him to tip the swear jar later.

"Well, Halmark's doing some Christmas in July, and I wanted to watch them. C'mon, watch with me!" Izuku patted on the couch cushion next to him, motioning for Katsuki to sit with him. Katsuki rolled his eyes, but smirked at him, sitting next to his freckled boyfriend. The genuine smile given to blond made his face feel somewhat warm, but he decided to watch the movie, knowing Izuku won't be up for conversation as it's up.

Once when he figured out the movie's genre though the blond almost laughed. It was a romantic comedy. Deku can be so sappy sometimes, but Katsuki knows that's just part of the reason he loves the little nerd. The movie seemed to be about some ice sculpting competition shit that Katsuki was really trying to follow, but it was kind of hard when you walk into the movie part way and Izuku decides to lean on you for comfort and you're trying to relax so he doesn't move away. Sometimes Katsuki really hates the fact he gets flustered with this kind of shit.

When the movie cut to commercials, Katsuki decided now was the time to question Deku about his movie choice.

"So what's up with your sudden urge to watch Christmas movies in the middle of Summer?" When Katsuki asked, he could feel Izuku shrug next to him.

"I don't know, I remember when I was little, my mom would always love watching Halmark movies, especially the Christmas one. She always loved those kind of stuff to watch. I used to get all disgusted over the kissing scenes, but after awhile the movies grew on me," Izuku replied, then added, "Besides, 'Ice Sculpture Christmas was always one of my favorites, although I'd hate to see you anywhere near an ice sculpture. You'd probably blow up the thing with your explosions."

Katsuki laughed at the last comment. Whether intentional or not, he can see that happening, but like hell he'd admit that to Deku. After hearing Izuku's little flashback though, it made Katsuki feel adamant to watch this movie with him. Although he much preferred a good action movie over something like this, like hell he'd take that way from his nerdy boyfriend. It was probably one of the few good memories he had of his childhood.

Once when that thought came up, Katsuki suddenly was overcome by a familiar, heavy feeling of guilt, but Izuku must've noticed him spacing out, because Katsuki felt his shoulder being shaken, and his freckled boyfriend beside him was no longer cuddling close to him.

"Hey, you okay? The movie is going to go out of commercial soon, I think," Izuku said, although Katsuki could sense that the last comment was more of an excuse to just make sure his spiky-haired boyfriend was alright. Before Katsuki might've brushed him, ignoring Izuku's acts of kindness, but right now all he could think of was even after apologizing and at least attempting to try to make it up for him, how the hell did Katsuki deserve this bundle of kindness before him?

Katsuki shook off his earlier thoughts. Although Katsuki was still trying to make up for all of the shit he's caused, he knows thinking back on it won't change anything, and thinking forward will, so putting on the best smile he could pull (it is Katsuki after all), he replied to Izuku's question.

"Don't worry, nerd, I'm fine, let's continue watching this movie. By the way, what the hell is it about? I literally walked into this in the middle, so i have no idea what the fuck is suppose to be happening." At this, Deku's eyes lit up, happy that Kacchan didn't seem disinterested to the movie, and happily explained.

Katsuki just listened to his explanation, glad to see his little Deku so happy.

A/N: So I WAS thinking of doing the final day, but I got caught up with stuff, so this was actually my last prompt for the week. Hope you enjoyed!