Jaime II

The morning came, and Jaime got up to break his fast with his brother. They were eating in Tyrion's solar. Bronn was somewhere else, probably whoring somewhere with the coins Tyrion gave him. Qyburn had his own room somewhere else in the castle. He didn't speak to many people, in fact the only person he spoke to was the Tarly boy. Their conversations wouldn't last long, but once Jaime stalked them, he only saw that the former hand and maester took great attenion to the Tarly boy, though he wondered if he knew of Qyburn's interest in him. Samwell Tarly would bring him his meals and whatever he needed, Qyburn was working on something.

"So, you don't mind if we talk loyalty again do you?" Tyrion asked, while chewing a piece of bacon. He had taken Jaime out of his thoughts.

"I told you. I-"

"I know what you said. But I'm talking about you, and your vows, your original vows of the kingsguard." Tyrion said

"To whom? The Targaryens? Your queen only tolerates me because I saved the man she fucks. She won't allow me to join her "Queensguard" especially after I not only broke the vows to her family by killing her father but I also charged at her during the Goldroad."

"My queen is forgiving. And it's her husband now. Not just a bed-warmer, her king. Still, I wonder, by serving the Targaryens, do you need to serve her specifically?"

"She's the last of her line." Jaime said, even though he knew Tyrion was going to pull out a mind trick. They simply finished to break their fast. Tyrion was done before Jaime and simply stared at him with a smile. He liked his brother, even after he killed their father, in fact he never truly hated Tyrion but he felt like he was made fun of and hated that. Jaime then asked "Who's this secret Targaryen?"

"Did you really think Ned Stark would have fathered a bastard? He has too much honor. I thought he was quite a boring person until I figured this out." Tyrion asked. Jaime didn't say anything, but his facial expression made sign for Tyrion to continue. "Rhaegar, he fell in love with Lyanna Stark didn't he?" Jaime nodded, he remembered during his time as kingsguard for Aerys, he wasn't one of Rhaegar's closest kingsguard, but he knew from Ser Barristan that he loved Lyanna Stark to a full extent. It was to an extent that after Harrenhal, Rhaegar never bedded Elia Martell again. He visited Summerhall once, Jaime had been present and Rhaegar only sang about Lyanna. Though he never knew how his relationship with Lyanna was consensual or not. "And if I told you that Rhaegar annulled his marriage with Elia Martell and married Lyanna instead, would you believe me?"

"Get to the point!" Jaime said.

"When Ned Stark found Lyanna Stark after defeating Arthur Dayne, he found her child. The Trueborn son and heir of Rhaegar Targaryen. Ned Stark knew that he couldn't tell anyone or else Robert would have killed the babe himself. He raised him as his bastard son, Jon Snow." Tyrion continued to stare at Jaime with his smile, that Lannister smile he, their father and Cersei used when something was going their way. Jaime excused himself and left to his dresser. He opened a chest he never dared opening again for years. In it was the armor he once wore many years ago, when Aerys still sat the iron throne, he took out every part of his armor in it. He had kept the armor for many years, he always left it in King's Landing until he left Cersei. He took every part of the armor an examined each piece. The helmet, the arm plates, the knee pads, the boots, the white cloak, and the breastplate. He flew many sigils over the years, Baratheon, Lannister and... Targaryen. He took the breastplate and looked at the sigil on the front of it, the three-headed dragon. He pressed his hand against it. Fire and Blood. "And now where do your loyalties lie, Jaime?" Tyrion asked, still holding his smirk.

Jaime knew why Tyrion had that smirk, he knew that by telling the truth of Rhaegar's son, Jaime was going to accept to serve the Targaryens. Jaime might not have lived an honorable life, but he was going to die an honorable knight. What's more honorable than beholding the vow you originally made? I might not have saved Rhaenys or Aegon, but I can still save them both. If Tyrion was right, then Daenerys would pardon him, and Jon Snow, or Targaryen, whatever his name was, would accept Jaime into his service, or so he hoped. Jaime took one last glance at the Targaryen sigil, the three-headed dragon, and knew where his loyalty was now.