Cold Blooded Lightning Revised

Chapter 4: Longest. Morning. Ever.

A blaring siren loud enough it could no doubt be heard over every packed to the brim inch of Honnouji was the last thing Raiden had been hoping to hear when he woke up… least of all the fact the disturbance had made him fall out of his bed and face first onto the hard floor of the space one could hardly excuse as much of a bedroom. Spacious Aikuro's apartment was not. Raiden's room was less "bedroom" and more "repurposed closet."

Because apparently the teachers in Honnouji didn't warrant much in the way of good housing. Which he found to be utter horseshit, considering he'd seen the mansions in the Two Star District during his various snoopings around the past few days since his encounter with Suzaku.

"What the hell is going on?" Raiden stood up and yawned as he sauntered out of the room and into the still messy as hell "living room", looking out of the window while wrapping his scarf around his neck, seeing it was still quite dark outside. "The hell… what is it, like 4 o'clock or something? Why the hell is such a loud alarm going off now?!"

"I'll say, it interrupted my beauty sleep!" Reiketsu said, shifting around on her hangar nearby.

"You are a blazer and pair of pants, what beauty sleep?" Raiden sniped, pulling on his shirt and hoodie before getting to putting the Kamui on.

"A girl's gotta have it, even if she's clothes! You need to be more sensitive to a maiden's heart boy."

"Maiden is the last word I would attribute to you of all people." Raiden muttered, throwing the window open and looking out. "Now as for the actual priority here, what in the hell is with that siren?"

"That would be the alarm for No Late Day." Aikuro sauntered into the room, dressed in naught but a speedo and with his hair pulled back, Raiden giving the man a lidded look as he turned to him. "It's a day when the No Star students have to make it to school through an obstacle course, else they risk expulsion. I wouldn't worry about it though. Considering you live with me you can just sneak up to class on the teacher's route."

"Hold up a moment. You said obstacle course, right? Actually sounds like it would be fun to do." Raiden said, Aikuro raising a brow. "Besides, Matoi is counted as a No Star right? Which means she'll be down there too. Perfect chance to get in some observation, right?"

"Well, I can't deny the logic of that." Aikuro said, throwing on his clothes and immediately switching to his scruffy teacher look. "Just don't actually be late."

"Haha, like I would be!" Raiden said, throwing on his belt and picking up his wrapped sword, jumping up onto the window sill. "Just who the hell do you think I am?"

And then he jumped.

"And there he goes." Aikuro sighed, watching as Raiden, leapt from one wall of the close together buildings to the next on his way down to the No Star area. "He'll be fine, I'm sure of it. I doubt they can whip up anything that'd actually slow him down."

"So… this whole No Late Day debacle… seems like another Darwinian ass thing. How draconian can this school get huh?"

"I don't think it can get much worse honestly."

Raiden nodded along to Reiketsu as he walked along. But not on the road, or the rooves. Rather, atop the densely packed together heads of the students. The fact not a single one of them voiced any sort of complaint… or they were just too hyper focused on the coming doom for them all to actually care about the fact they were being used as a walkway. Either way, it made things easier on Raiden.

"Hmm… weird… we passed Matio's Kamui not that long ago actually. Strange." Reiketsu murmured, Raiden putting a hand over his eyes.

"Maybe even stranger, I can see her up ahead." Raiden added, Reiketsu making a surprised noise. Raiden just chuckled. "Let's go say hello why don't we?"

And true to form, just ahead of the two was Ryuko, dressed in ill-fit-and-rather-tight pajamas that hugged her form close, along with Mako, both girls riding the wave of glaring students via Ryuko's guitar case (or was it?)… Raiden decided the best course of action was to jump over.


"WHAT THE HELL?!" Ryuko screamed as Raiden landed, the white haired boy snickering as she threw her arms around, Mako then popping up. "You're that Kamui guy!"

"At least remember my name will ya?" Raiden muttered. "Morning you two."

"Mornin' Raiden! How've you been?" Mako immediately asked, Raiden electing to sit on the edge of the case, Ryuko clicking her tongue.

"Perfectly fine. Had a rude awakening, but other than that I'm good." Raiden side, scanning the tide of students once more. "Quite the faces. This No Late Day thing sounds fun from what I heard! Apparently it involves an obstacle course."

"Huh?" Ryuko only made the flat noise as Raiden said that, Mako otherwise nodding rapidly.

"Yeah! No Late Day is a day of reckoning, of judgement that all No Stars dread!" Mako said, Raiden's smirk only growing wider, and it looked as if his teeth had decided to sharpen to accentuate it.

"And speaking of things, where's your uniform eh?" Raiden turned to Ryuko, who sighed as she folded her arms and looked the other way.

"He's in the wash." Ryuko tersely replied, Raiden whistling. "Also, what the heck is No Late Day?"


As if right on cue, or somebody expecting it really, suddenly as things grew brighter, many of the packed in houses suddenly went flying… and along with it, a massive cart-thing came barreling through it as well. On top of it was a tall young man with dark skin and blonde hair in a uniform marked with a high collar, spikes, and three stars, accompanied by a few other students, and perched on the rail of the cart-thing was none other to Suzaku, holding onto his hat as the thing came crashing to a stop.

"AHAHAHA! Do I detect some confusion Ryuko Matoi?!"The three star yelled, Raiden lifting a brow as things came to a pause with the student's arrival.

"Isn't that dude one of the elites?" Raiden said, tilting his head.

"Bite me Elite jerk!" Ryuko, however, chose to snap at the young man.

"My title is Chair of the Disciplinary Committee! And my name is Ira Gamagoori!"


"Pay attention new girl, as well as you, Vice President's younger brother!"

"Hey there!" Suzaku popped up from behind Ira before popping back away when Raiden attempted to shoot him in response.

"Wait what did he just say?" Ryuko muttered, Raiden clicking his tongue as he holstered the pistol.

"QUIET!"Ira screamed, rendering things quiet again. "You are participating in No Late Day! Once every semester you will be required to run an obstacle course designed by the Disciplinary Committee! It begins at four AM, when the siren goes off in the slums! No Star students will then have to avoid the Disciplinary Committee's traps on the way to school! The objective is to make it to the academy by the time the first bell tolls at eight thirty AM! BUT! If you happen to be late you be expelled on the-WHAT THE HEEELL?! THAT IS NOT A REGULATION UNIFORM!

"Oh hey he finally noticed." Raiden said, ducking when Ryuko swiped her arm at him as her face went red, the girl gritting her teeth as Raiden cackled.

"B-But, my Kamui's still in the laundry, it's getting delivered!" Ryuko said, covering herself with her arms.

"You're not hiding a thing. I can see your panty line by the way." Raiden said, catching the kick Ryuko aimed at him as he tilted his head to the side. "What? You have a nice ass."

"Shut up you damn pervert!" Ryuko snapped, kicking at Raiden repeatedly and having each one caught in turn.

"Hah! Spare the excuses, the evidence is clear! You left for school in a slovenly outfit!" Ira declared, Suzaku again peering out from behind the wall of a young man. "You're a disgrace to the academy and Lady SatsukI! It's a MORTAL INSULT!"


"I mean to be entirely fair I don't think she-where did Mako go?" Raiden looked around as he noticed Mako was not next to Ryuko now… then he saw where she'd somehow ended up.

"It is so not!" Mako said, now somehow on top of the cart-thing and standing on the rails next to Ira, who looked as confused as Raiden was to see her there, while Ryuko just leaned on a hand like she was entirely used to this kind of thing. Which she was. Suzaku just looked like he was ready to laugh as he cracked one of his eyes open. "She was asleep till a minute ago! It's normal for people to wear pajamas when they sleep isn't it? It is and you know it, and you can't deny it! Maybe you don't know about pajamas, is that it? Don't you wear them when you sleep?"

"I sleep shirtless." Raiden called out, purely for the hell of it. Ryuko aimed to smack him again, and again she failed to even land a hit.

"No, I sleep in the nude." Ira answered, and some random girl in the crowd blushed at the word.

"If you sleep like that you'll catch a cold!" Mako said, Ryuko now yawning as the girl yammered on. "What happens if there's an emergency and people need punishing?! You'd be at home in bed!"

"She does have a point there Ira." Suzaku said, flipping around his butterfly knife. Raiden shot at him again, and again Suzaku just vanished behind Ira while cackling.

"Why are you shooting at that guy?" Ryuko asked, Raiden shrugging.

"Hoping for a lucky shot." He answered, Ryuko shrugging. There wasn't any arguing that point.

"W-Well, that's…" Ira, surprisingly, looked downright beaten by Mako in this verbal exchange… which was odd to see considering Ira was more than twice the girl's size and towered over her immensely.

"From now on, please wear pajamas like everyone else!" Mako shouted, then turning to Raiden. "And Raiden, start wearing a shirt too! It may be fine in warm weather but don't sleep shirtless when it's cold! That's bad for your health!"

"I sleep with a heater on when it's cold." Raiden replied, turning a finger in his ear.

"Then I suppose it's fine!" Mako said, Raiden snickering.

"No Star, what's your name?" Ira asked, Mako standing as tall as she could against the young man.

"My name is Mako Mankanshoku! And my jammies have Mt. Fuji, two hawks, and three eggplants on them!" As Mako declared so, Raiden had to wonder why there was a sudden image of the mentioned graphic behind the two students now. These odd things just kept appearing with seemingly no rhyme or reason to them at all.

"Mankanshoku. I'll remember that." Ira said, then turning back to Ryuko (and Raiden.) "MATOI! I've decided to overlook your choice in wardrobe for now! But I'm curious as to how you'll reach the school without your previous Kamui! BEHOLD! THE DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE'S IMPREGNABLE BARRIER!"

And with there mere click of a button, entire sections of the city began to move aside as paths locked out, each stretch leading to all kinds of weird and whacky obstacles along the way to the top of the school.

"Let's see… drills, spikes, a tiger, I think I see acid pits, some more spikes… a ball trap?... alright. Man you are not holding back huh?" Raiden said, scanning the path as far up as he could from here.

"It's like the whole city's become an amusement park!" Mako shouted. "BWAAHHH! Do you see what time it is?! We've only got three hours until first period!"

"It's already five thirty? It does not feel like that much time has passed." Raiden commented.

"Huh. The way he talked it up, I was expecting something scarier." Ryuko said, smirking up at Ira and all his fancy traps galore. "Alright then, I'm up for this!" and to mark the point she also drew her Scissor Blade. "Ya' hear that?! I'm gonna bust through all the lame traps you made!"

"WE'LL SEE!" Ira shouted in reply, a wicked smile on his face. "STUDENTS! YOUR COMMUTE BEGINS! NOW!"

And right on cue, the mob of students began rushing up the stairs that had appeared before them in a mad dash… though the crowd didn't last long as a press of the button caused the stairs to turn into a solid ramp instead, the crowd proceeding to slide down… well, except for Ryuko, who'd used her Scissor Blade to stop herself, and subsequently grab Mako, as well as Raiden who just kept walking up the ramp while sparks of electricity flashed around his feet with each step.

"The hell kind of shit is that?!" Ryuko shouted, Raiden looking back at her with a smirk, jumping up the rest of the ramp, though before he could press the button at the end of it, Mako promptly came flying through the air and landed right on it, causing the screen to light up. Ryuko followed not long after.

"AHAHAHA!" And when they heard Ira again, the young man was riding the way up in a gondola, Suzaku waving at the lot while sitting on top of the thing for… some reason. "Congratulations on clearing the first checkpoint! I forgot to mention, use of the No Star cable cars is prohibited! Obey the rules and stick to the prescribed route! See you at the academy. MAYBE!"

"Tch, out of range." Raiden clicked his tongue as he lowered the gun he'd been aiming at Suzaku, placing it across his shoulder.

"999 more traps to go! That's more than usual!" Mako said, Raiden raising a brow in surprise at her statement of the "usual" remark about this entire thing.

"He's trying to psyche us out. C'mon Mako!" Ryuko took a step forward, though then immediately was bumped into by somebody… who proceeded to give what Raiden could only see as the fakest dramatic fall before whining about the arm she had in a cast… despite not actually having fallen on that arm at all.

"Look it's our classmate, Maiko Ogure!" Mako commented, Raiden raising a brow as he kicked whatever subtitles were in the midst of appearing out of the way.

"Why are we only just now seeing her?" Raiden muttered.

"Are you okay? Can you get up? Can you move?" Ryuko asked, Raiden raising a brow at her.

"What? She looks perfectly fine! That cast is also totally fake!"

"How can you be so cruel?"

"How can you be so blind?"

"You wanna go?! I'll take you on right here red-eyes!" Ryuko slammed her forehead into Raiden's, the boy just sighing as he stepped away and shrugged.

"Don't say I told you so when it comes around she's playing you!" Raiden said, jumping up the stairs leading further on the path, looking back and sighing when he saw Ryuko had indeed chosen to help the very obviously faking girl. "Altruism is good and all but sometimes you need more common sense y'know?"

"Well at least she's a good kid." Reiketsu commented, Raiden shrugging, looking up as she saw the physics defying second obstacle that was a loop lined in, of course, spikes.

"Well this morning is going to be fun." Raiden murmured, rolling his sleeves up as he tightened his gloves.

What followed from there one was what Raiden could maybe have predictably called the "obvious-faker-tries-to-sabotage-the-helper" show he'd ever seen. Through each trap they ended up going across, from the loop, flying logs, a horribly rickety log bridge suspended over broiling… something-maybe it was some kind of stew, who knew?-and one long path with the rolling stone ball. Of which Raiden simply cut it out of the way with his wakizashi than bother letting it get that far along to begin with. Mako getting almost caught in what Raiden assumed was a joke trap of cheese leading to a basket… which as Ryuko found out the comedically hard way only had a cake inside of it to splat on her face.

… hopefully whoever thought that was a good trap got kicked out of the Discipline Committee after it was found out.

What was also there of note, and this started back with the second obstacle, was this: An attempt by the men of the Mankanshoku house plus dog to try and return Senkentsu to Ryuko… failed because in the first attempt, Ogure "slipped" and dragged down Ryuko's pants. To a lack of surprise from Raiden this caused said Mankanshoku men to erupt their noses and crash their car, leaving the son to carry on.

The second attempt was when the lead four had passed firstly, a water pit with crocodiles in it, and then a rope swing over some spikes. Again for all of this Raiden was a decent ways ahead of the three girls. He spotted Mataro rushing along on his bike below the course, Senketsu in hand as he tore up onto the rooves… only to again have his nose erupt when Ogure "slipped" again, and, again, pulled down Ryuko's pants.

"The fact just seeing panties is enough for those idiots is astounding." Raiden just watched as Mataro and the dog sailed by and crashed into a wall, sighing as he shook his head while putting a hand to his face. "What is wrong with the people in this city?"

"I think it's hilarious!" Reiketsu said, Raiden rolling his eyes. "I do feel sorry for Senketsu though. Poor guy's got it rough right now that's for sure. Oh how I wish to see him embarrassed now!"

"Don't start." Raiden grumbled, pinching Reiketsu by her lapel again, earning yelps from the Kamui.

And now some time later, when it was now around eight o'clock, behind the forward group was a slew of students who the traps had beat the ever-loving hell out of, a veritable path of carnage. And it was only just then the group had managed to reach the 1 Star district. Which by comparison to the slums of the No Star district was a series of modern condos and clean streets.

As well as an armored bus going over a minefield.

"Huh… guess we should take that huh?" Raiden popped up near the trio of girls, eliciting surprised yells from them. "What? I think some cheating is in order, not like these people play fair."

"When on Earth did you pop up?!" Ryuko shouted, Raiden rolling an arm. "But… you do have a point! Mako, Maiko, let's hijack that thing!"

"I'll drive." Raiden said.

One act by Maiko later, which for Raiden really only helped prove she was faking, and the group had kicked every 1 Star student out of the bus, and Raiden had taken the driver's seat.

"Question red-eyes."

"It's Raiden."

"Do you have a driver's license of some kind?" Ryuko was surprised when Raiden just flipped a hand. "Are you serious?!"

"Don't worry too much." Ogure said. "Lady Satsuki owns everything in Honnouji. So unless she says so, nobody needs a license to drive around here."

"Fine by me then!" Raiden cackled as he pushed the throttle down while pushing the bus into gear, rolling it forward as fast as it could go… while outside Suzaku was watching from a nearby building, a radio in his hand going off.

"Yello?" Suzaku asked, nodding as the person on the end of the line spoke, mentioning the bus hijacking. "Understood. You have permission to eliminate with extreme prejudice… not that it'll help much."

And on that order, as the bus started making it's way up the central road, every last person in the condo area pulled out whatever kind of gun was available to them and opened fire. Bullets rained down on the bus in a hail of fire that shredded the upper portion of the bus, though the armor plating glanced off the shots that hit it, so at least the occupants had that going for them.

"Okay that's just bullshit!" Raiden shouted, grumbling as he ducked as low as he could while still being able to see.

"Good thing this bus is armor plated!" Ryuko shouted.

"That means it's time for a counter-attack!" Ogure said, slamming her now openly visible hand onto a button near the pedals, causing a turret to deploy from the floor and rise up… with Mako manning it.

"Whoooo!" Mako, not even knowing what she was doing, just grabbed onto the turret, and it started firing on it's own, ripping through whatever it raked over in a rain of explosions. "Hahahaha! Ryuko you gotta get up here and try this!"

"Get down Mako it's not safe!" Ryuko shouted.

"Might wanna grab something too, cause I'm swerving this big bitch as much as I can!" Raiden said, cranking the wheel to make the bus curve as much as he could, especially when RPGs started being fired at them by old ladies for some reason.

Seriously what is this city?!

"Retract the turret!" Ryuko screamed, Ogure pressing the button to do so. The only problem was that Mako didn't stop firing, and the three at the front ducked down even more. And then the roof came off as the gun finally ran out of bullets. Of course though they were still contending with the rain of fire from the residents in the condos.

"I like riding in convertibles!" Mako said.

"Priorities Mako!" Raiden snapped.

"A little further, and we're in the 2 Star district!" Ogure said, Raiden punching the pedal as far down as he could.

"Hold on tight!" Raiden shouted.

Another volley of RPGs were fired, and while they did hit, the bust didn't get blown up… well, it did but in the more literal sense of being sent flying through the air. It sailed up and up, right past the points and through the 2 Star district. Ryuko was grabbing to a seat as she yelled, Mako was cheering, Ogure was gripping the wheel now, and Raiden's face looked like he'd finally just given up on trying to be reasonable and was utterly blank in expression.

The bus crashed right through what looked like the gate, shredding through and falling apart as it did, the occupants flying through the gate and crashing amid all of the parts.

"Hey guys, lookit!" Ryuko shouted, standing up and waving the others over. "It's the school! We did it! We made it!"

"Does nobody else notice that it's missing buildings?!" Raiden looked at the school before them. There was something off about it at the moment, namely the fact it wasn't as imposingly massive as it should be.

"We still have fifteen minutes before first period starts." Ogure said. Raiden was tapping his foot with his arms folded.

"Piece of cake! Awesome!" Ryuko said, pumping a fist, Mako echoing her friend with a similar gesture. Raiden checked his watch like he was counting down to something. "Maiko, you rock so hard! Couldn't have done it without ya!"

"Five… four…" Raiden muttered, lowering his fingers while looking at his watch.

"Not at all! I was just backing you up. But still, you're sweet." Maiko said, Ryuko scratching the back of her head.

"Three… two…" Raiden muttered, and if only to seemingly make the sappy moment further along, the Mankanshoku dog, came careening along with Senketsu riding on his back.

"Hey look at that Ryuko!" Mako called out. "It's Guts, and he's got your uniform with him!"

"Why is Guts bringing it? Geez, your dad's got the goofiest ideas." Ryuko said, Raiden sighing.

"One." And as Raiden finished counting, Ogure feigned a fall and again yanked down Ryuko's pants… and now the dog was subjected to a nosebleed that caused him to slide right past Ryuko, Senketsu freaking out as they did… and then right into Ogure's foot, the girl's fake cast falling away as Guts went flying the other direction. "Called it!"

"The hell?! Why'd you do that Maiko!?" Ryuko shouted, Maiko chuckling as her glasses shaded over.

"You shouldn't have-GUGH!" The girl, however, barely got started before Raiden appeared behind her and chopped her hard on the back of the neck, Maiko falling and releasing Senketsu, Raiden catching the Kamui and dusting him off a bit.

"I would say I told you so but I think the point's been made." Raiden said, handing Ryuko Senketsu and turning to look at Maiko. "I actually remembered something after giving it a bit of thought. This chick is a No Star but she's not the normal type. She's a Disciplinary Committee lackey."

"Say what?!" Ryuko yelped, Maiko standing back up as she laughed.

"Oh he's quite correct. You thought I was just some No Star, but I am in fact the Head of Trap Development for the Disciplinary Committee! Maiko Ogure!"

And as the subtitles appeared yet again, Raiden elected to grab them right out of the air and whack Maiko with them as hard as he could, the girl sailing off with a scream following her. Following it up, Raiden balled up the subtitles and then pitched them after the sailing away girl, dusting off his hands as Ryuko, Mako, and Senketsu watched.

"Okay so… what the hell just went down?!" Ryuko yelped.

"I think I can guess. She overhead the thing about Senketsu over whatever comm feed they have at the school, and decided it'd be such a smart idea to try and steal Senketsu so she could rise up in the academy's ranks. A stupid idea really, Kamuis aren't that simple." Raiden said.

"Preach it brother! A Kamui only has one partner. Anybody else can go suck it! Ya with me Sen?" Reiketsu said, Ryuko raising a brow as she finished putting the mentioned Kamui on.

"I question the need for a nickname, but, yes, Reiketsu is correct Ryuko." Senketsu said, Ryuko raising a brow. "If that girl had tried to use me it wouldn't have been effective. Frankly I would have found it disgusting for someone else but you to try and wear me. Who I allow to wear me is my choice, and only one person may truly wear me."

"Poetic." Reiketsu said.

"WAAAH! Look at what time it is! We've got five minutes before the bell rings!" Mako shouted, throwing her watch up in Raiden and Ryuko's faces. "We gotta hurry!"

"Yeah, about that." While from a certain perspective it could be said it looked like Raiden was walkig to the school, something that became rather obvious once he did was this… his shadow should NOT have been casting the way it was, being vertical as he got "closer." And one roundhouse kick later, the deceptive image of the school fell away… along with another few walls around them.

They were on the highway, of all places. Meaning they had somehow gone to a completely different area on the other end of the school somehow.

"How we ended up this far out of the wall I do not know." Raiden muttered, sighing. "Also! I told you so!"

"Ah don't start!" Ryuko threw a punch at Raiden, only for it to, again, be evaded like it was easy.

"AHAHAHA! I had a feeling you'd get past me!" With a look up, the lot could see Maiko drifting down with a parachute she apparently had with her, the girl cackling as she passed them. "So I prepared this final trap as a contingency! A FAKE SCHOOL! So long suckas!"

"I am so done with all of this…" Raiden just sat down as Maiko pressed a button, causing the platform to start rolling back further down the road, following the curve further and further away from the peak of the academy island as they went. Anything that Maiko was saying was drowned out by the howling winds and the fact they were speeding away from her in record time. "Well this is just greeaaaat!"

"Stop sitting there and help think of a way to stop this dammit!" Ryuko shouted.

"Not how physics works. We're gonna have to ride this sorry thing all the way down and find another way up." Raiden said, checking his phone like they weren't careening down the highway at high speeds. "There should be a cable car station down there anyway."


"We don't have much time! This thing is falling apart!" Senketsu said, at the same time as the platform lost a wheel.

"RYUKO! HELP MEEEE!" Mako was barely holding onto one of the stray metal poles from the platform, screaming as her fingers started slipping.

"Crap! Mako hold on!" Ryuko yelped, then looking at Raiden. "Are you gonna do something?!"

"Nah. You've got this one." Raiden just waved a hand, Ryuko clicking her tongue in annoyance.

"Fine then!" Ryuko snapped, pulling the pin on her own glove.


"Oh hey look she's got it down for real now." Raiden hummed as he saw the improved look for Ryuko's transformed state as the girl jumped to grab Mako, managing to get her friend back to the platform… just as they went careening off of the highway and to the station below. "Attention all passengers, we have officially hit rock bottom!"

"Cut the crap will ya?!" Ryuko snapped, Raiden stepping off some rubble and brushing his sleeves off. "How the heck did we get all the way down here?! This ain't nowhere near the starting line!"

"Even with my help you'll never make it up there in time! You'll be late!" Senketsu said, Ryuko then turning to Raiden.

"Don't look at us! We can't do much more than you two." Reiketsu remarked, Raiden just shaking his head.

"OH MY GOD!" Mako shouted as she finally saw the cable cars, the girl wowing as she looking them up and down. "This is where those non stop express cable thingies are that only the rich kids get to ride on to get to school! Oh I've always wanted to ride one!"

"Told you so. Let's not waste time and get on." Raiden was already in the next cable car on the line, "Oi! Cable car guy, get moving on it alright? Cause if you don't the result is gonna be that either I shoot you or Matoi here cuts you up!"

Ryuko turned and saw that indeed, a student was trying to approach them, and she smirked as she drew her scissor blade and then shoved the boy against the control station.

"You heard him! Get this thing moving and step on it!" Ryuko shouted, the lines starting to scream as the wheels were pushed as hard as they could go, Ryuko using her scissor blade to hold it in place. "Come on Mako get on!"

"Hold on, we have to pay the fee before we get on! Crap, I don't have any money!" Mako pulled out empty pockets from her skirt while Ryuko and Guts were trying to wave her on… Raiden just strolled out of the rail car and dragged the girl into it, Ryuko and the dog following suit after him. As soon as they were on, Ryuko pulled out her blade and the car took off at full speed up the line. Ryuko was glaring at the front as they blazed up, Mako cheering as she bounced around, and Raiden was still on his phone. "Yay I'm riding it! It's like a dream come true!"

"How much time we got left?" Ryuko asked.

"One minute." Raiden answered, pocketing his phone.

"AHHH! We're gonna be expelled!" Mako shouted, Ryuko growling.

"I'm gonna get us to our homeroom on time even if it kills us!" Ryuko shouted, the station drawing closer and closer by the second.

"We've only got thirty seconds!" Mako screamed.

"In that case we won't stop at the station!" Ryuko kicked out a window and jumped to the top of the car, cutting the cables and jumping back into the car as it went flying off the line and right at the school, conveniently towards the area were their classroom was located. Ryuko and Mako screamed as they went flying, Raiden just had the same flat expression on his face.


And the car slammed right into the building, going through the wall and blowing aside all the desks in the room. The door flew open, Ryuko untransformed, being the first off and soon followed by Raiden and Mako. Aikuro simply stared as the three pulled up loose desks and sat down, Mako instantly falling asleep while Ryuko and Raiden looked done with this day already… despite it only being eight thirty.

"Uh… Ryuko Matoi." Aikuro said, Ryuko giving a long sigh and raising her hand.


"And, well… let's skip along a bit. Raiden Ryuken."

"Can't believe it's only eight thirty…" Raiden hung his head back as he sighed even more than Ryuko had, throwing his hand up loosely. "Here!"


Geezus did it take me too long to get back to this but ohh boy am I in gear for it now! I busted this one out in like three sittings between work over two days so whoo boy! Next chapter's gonna be a fun one too! Hehe, time to get this train moving again!