Chapter 8 - There is no such thing as war

"To know your enemy, you must become your enemy."

Kakashi hated silence. He thought of it as a held breath, as if everything around him was edging towards something dreadful, a feather on a pin waiting to be tipped over.

In battle, silence meant death. Whether it was for sneak attacks at the heart of the night, or the last breaths on a battlefield, silence meant everything was lost. There was always something to grasp in the playful babble of servants, the yells of the merchants, the peeps and squeaks of young children. Noise and life came together – noise had always been a reassurance, and an anchor – everything is alright. We are doing good. We are at peace.

The estate had always been eerily peaceful – the inner gardens in the morning mostly were a favourite of his. Life was softly coming anew, and, during gracious spring matinees, it was like witnessing a miracle; a true moment of harmony.

Sparrows were usually chirping in the distance, nesting in the sakura trees along the courtyard, waking up earlier than bigger birds to catch the early insects and bathe in the morning dew. Everything was gradually waking up; and silence was never held long enough to mean anything.

Silence, on the other hand, meant that something was coming.

When he woke up that morning, he felt as if the estate hadn't yet. The sun was slowly getting up, filtering through the plain rice panels in his room, but he couldn't hear any noise – neither the servants nor the birds. It was as if, despite spring, life had halted its course.

Is that it? Am I finally dead?

A sense of dread crept through his heart and clung to his throat. He couldn't be dead; his body was still warm from sleep and he could feel a dull ache at the scar over his eye. This hasn't hurt in a while.

He had to force his breathing to a normal rhythm in order to reach out, leaving the pain and the fear behind. Suddenly, and clearer than day, he heard footsteps coming towards him.


The person was running, and, now that he was calmer, Kakashi could hear him pacing as if he were the man, sweating and huffing all the way to his bedroom.


Kakashi looked around, sliding a wakisahi from under his tatami. His sword was leaning against one panel closer to the entrance of the room – it was too late to take it now. Somehow, the warrior knew the man coming towards him probably meant no harm, as his steps were hurried and careless, almost as if he was worried to fall over at any minute.


The rice panel at room's entance slid brutally and one of the estate servants appeared, panting and visibly shaken.

"Sorry my lord", he started. "I knew I had to come right away to tell you."

"Tell me what?" Kakashi pressed.

"It's Akatsuki, my lord. They have been sightings, and we just got it confirmed. They are here."

Outside, a suzume flew away from a branch. The flapping of its wings echoed throughout the gardens.

The sword that was leaning against the wall fell to the tatami in a dull thud.

Naruto was waiting –rather impatiently- in one of the main reception rooms of the gigantic Hyûga mansion, ideally situated in Konoha's oldest district. The capital was bustling and messy, a true hub of activity in the whole Fire Country, but here, everything seemed to slow down.

He had been escorted through tranquil enclosures, sumptuous gardens, quiet apartments, one coming after the other as if there wasn't really any end to the succession of refined rooms. He finally was asked to wait here, surrounded by painted rice panels depicting a starry night. He could see the moon, bright and almost glowing and the succession of stars looking upon rolls of hills all across the room. The colours, discreet but vibrant, somehow appeased his beating heart.

He had to restrain from letting his fingers drum anxiously at the pommel of his katana, and instead kept his hands clasped in front of him, thumbs softly thudding against each other. As he was trying to direct the restless stream of his thoughts, past came knocking.

"Father, how do you do?"

"Do what?"

"I feel like… Like there is fire, raging in my chest, trying to get out, all the time. It… hurts."

"Keep your spirit ahead. I am never at ease, you know. This is our family's burden, our family's treasure. I just focus on things, instead of letting my mind wander. That way, I direct my energy towards something else than myself, and it helps."

« But mom told me she could feel it. »

"Oh, I can't hide anything from your mother either. She reads through my very soul, and through yours."

« I don't want her to worry. »

« We are your parents, and we love you. No matter what we do, or where we are, we'll always be worried about you. Your mother just wants to protect you and me. Give it time, listen very carefully to her. We will help you grow stronger, so that one day you can protect her too.»

He was pulled out of his reverie by the sound of footsteps in his near proximity. As always when memories of his parents came to him, he found himself soothed, a peaceful warmth radiating through all of his body.

"Hinata-sama is ready to receive you, my lord", said a servant stopping at the edge of an opened rice panel.

Naruto rose and followed him through without a word. Behind that panel, he knew, were Hinata Hyûga's private apartments. The moon princess, as many would name her, heir to the oldest -and richest- clan in the whole Fire nation. Many mysteries would surround her – she was a secret well kept, hidden behind layers of tradition. Her very few public appearances had made her very popular, for her beauty and kindness had made her seen as a jewel kept from view, her presence reserved only for the most deserving.

Naruto knew all of this of course, because what felt like a lifetime ago, back when his parents were still alive, he was set to marry her.

The pact had been broken in dire circumstances right after the coup, Danzô's rise shaking many alliances within the kingdom, the Hyûga's main branch siding with him despite the vocal disapproval of many clan leaders. Supported by the elders and more conservatives war lords, they had decided to remain in the capital to retain power and political influence, even if it meant splitting the clan in half.

The lower branch and allied clans scattered all across the country, siding with local samurai families and joined progressively the ranks of Lady Tsunade in the outer regions, to Danzô's anger. Hinata, as heir of the main branch, was to be kept in the capital to appease the daimyô - a symbol, some would say, or an hostage.

Naruto couldn't help a soft intake of breath at the sight in front of him. Sitting in the middle of the room, surrounded with layers and layers of the richest fabrics, ivory and azure tangled together, was Hinata herself. They hadn't see each other in months, not since Naruto had served as her personal escort in perilous circumstances.

They had finally met that day, the Moon Princess and the Son of the Sun, almost ten years after they were supposed to be formally introduced to each other - almost as if it was meant to be.

As she was in front of him once more, Naruto was awfully quiet. Him usually so talkative and outgoing was lost for words, hung somewhere in his throat, constricting around his treacherous heart. She looked up, her pale lilac eyes rising to meet his, her raven hair cascading all over her robes and the floor, making the rich junihitoe fold and sway under her body like a quiet pond.

As he still wasn't speaking, his eyes stuck to her, she shyly turned her look away, the white powder all over her skin unable to hide a newer shade of red in her neck and on her cheeks - like a thousand love bites, almost like a lover's caress. Naruto stifled a groan. This woman was going to be his demise, he was now certain of it.

He finally managed to get his legs moving, and folded them beneath him awkwardly before bowing in front of her, reluctantly peeling his eyes away to look at the soft tatami under his forehead. He drew one long, noiseless breath. - Keep your spirit ahead - and straightened back up.

He knew his silence would be misinterpreted by the servants, like some sort of defiance - it was common knowledge that his family had once been a vocal ally of Tsunade, and his own life since their deaths, on the roads and seemingly afar from politics, was rising suspicions. To protect her, it was probably the best call - look like acquaintances barely bearing each other's presence in a room due to indisputable political rivalries.

He could feel the look of the servants on him, and the whispers. Good.

« Hyûga-hime, thank you for your generosity. I know how an audience with you is a precious present », he finally managed to spill out, forcing a formal tone out of him.

She remained silent for a while, keeping a stony exterior even he was impressed with. From an outsider's perspective, it looked almost like she was defiantly weighing him up - but they both knew the truth was somewhere else entirely.

« It is my duty to fulfill my clans wishes, and an honor to do so », she evenly replied, keeping a firm eye contact with him - lilac and sapphire, dancing around each other.

« The honor is mine. I'm here to enquire about the land purchases my clan has started at our eastern border, near yours», Naruto started, keeping a small smile from tugging at his lips.

Lands at the eastern border - I have news form the resistance.

« I am all ears, my lord. »

« The terrain belongs to a small Lord, allied with a clan you may be familiar with. »

Allied with a clan you may be familiar with - you have friends in the capital.

Naruto marked a pause, the flicker in Hinata's eyes impossible for anyone to see but him.

« The lord, despite our previous agreement with the clan, had shown some … reluctance at giving its fair share of land, against compensation. »

We are preparing a strike.

Hinata nodded softly, as if this matter was indeed of higher importance.

« I remember this quarrel you mentioned, and i am sad to see it is not yet resolved. »

I know.

Naruto shifted, somewhat uneasy, waiting for Hinata to complete her sentence with another code, a more personal note, maybe? He felt foolish for a second, hung to her lips as always.

« I will… meditate on it tonight. The night herons have kept me awake lately, so I shall use this time to focus on that matter. »

Naruto's shoulders sagged unnoticeably in relief. He bowed once more.

« I shall take my leave then. Thank you, for your assistance on this endeavor. »

He got up and left, servants right behind him closing the succession of panels and guiding him outside of the estate. He fought the urge to smile broadly even on the street. His heart felt fuller, for he knew the meaning of her words - after all, they used that code many times before.

Come see me tonight, when night herons come out.

I will be waiting.

If Sasuke remembered his years serving the resistance with near perfect accuracy, he somehow forgot how freezing their hideout in the mountains was. It was nothing but gusts of cold wind running seamlessly in-between the stone corridors, passing through the furs and in the tiniest gaps. It was the kind of chill that seeped through your bones, never leaving you, relentless and crawling towards your heart.

Many resistance fighters, he had observed, were always in motion, trying to offset the sensation of cold. They were constantly fidgeting, shuffling and moving around, talking in hushed tones, playing quiet games.

The outcome of this association was pretty simple: at the heart of the rocks, and despite the ageless stillness of mountains, it felt as if everything was continuously moving. It took him less than a few days to remember, but after nearly three months in, Sasuke recognized a feeling he didn't experience in many years: an odd mix of motion sickness and frustration, right here, in the pit of his stomach and at the tip of his tongue. It was getting worse at every blast of wind, every rustle of fabric from one of the many men hiding.

The mountains were growing restless - and so was he. Life here was slowly chipping away his countenance and the more impatient he was becoming, the gloomier he got - for he hated not being in control of the turmoil swirling inside him.

There hadn't been any news, either - no one bothered to tell him if there was any information coming from the Capital. The whispers were escaping him, and knowing both Sakura and Naruto in the hands of Danzô flipped his stomach around.

Since his encounter with Tsunade's troops three months ago, he had to painfully gain some respect back from the resistance fighters. Very little knew the truth of his role as an informant for Tsunade while under the Snake, so many soldiers simply saw him as a criminal plain and simple.

Those who knew the full extent of the truth weren't especially tender with him however, for he was a traitor to them and the cause - and it was probably worse.

He had ran errands and taken dangerous, low-grade missions without complaining, mainly to get away from camp and not rot here to his death. Tsunade's attitude however, distant and calculating, was starting to annoy him, not because of his situation, but especially because she was hiding under the false pretense of assessing him to not decide on a move against Danzô - or in favour of Sakura.

He had no other choice but to trust the resistance, and wait - two things he despised more than anything.

He was standing guard on the highest point of camp, overlooking the mountains in the north, wrapped in furs to protect him from the weather and prying eyes. Some eagles was nearby, for he had been following the movements of a female, hunting around the peaks. They were building a nest - spring, despite all appearances here, was finally coming.

He heard quiet footsteps behind him, the wind carrying a strong smell of tobacco to his nose. He could hear the soft ringing of a kiseru bouncing against the man's wakisahi, and, without looking, let him sit next to him on the scouting point.

Soon, the man removed the long pipe from his belt and Sasuke heard the recognizable sound of a firesteel being hit by a stone - probably jasper, by the smell of the smoke that was carried in the wind.

Smoking had always been a meticulous, five-to-ten steps process. You had to light the fire in a tinderbox, roll and put a small ball of kizami tobacco into it, burn it along some charcoal to carefully scoop it into the long, fine pipe. Not to state how much trouble anyone had to go through to even keep a small flame alive under these winds.

Of all people, he would have never thought that it was Shikamaru's hobby -how could a man with such low tolerance for effort would even consider going through the pain of this entire process for no other reason than personal enjoyment always puzzled him.

He had never asked, of course. But the quiet perplexity would always remain.

« Tsunade wants to see you », Shikamaru said. « She has a mission for you. »

He took one long breath in and the smell of tobacco came stronger between them.

« I think you'll like it », he added.« It's linked to Akatsuki. »

Sasuke felt the hair at the back of his neck rise up to meet the wind. Shikamaru took one long breath through his silver pipe, followed by smaller ones, probably meant to keep the small embers alive.

« We thought they were, you know, rebels, just like us », Shikamaru added with feigned nonchalance. « However, we have some very good sources -inside sources- that reached out. They claim Akatsuki has been allied with Danzô for at least a few months now. »

The last Uchiha kept his eyes on the eagle -no, a hawk- flying in-between the pines hung at the side of the mountain. The high midday sun was stroking its wings, and he could see all the colors of spring caught in it feathers.

Shikamaru blew on his pipe once more, the strong wind carrying the thick smoke immediately away from his face.

« Needless to say this changes everything. What a drag. »

Both men stood quiet for a while as the cold sunlight was running along the edges of the cliffs around them.

« Tsunade thinks I still have connections to them », Sasuke said quietly - it was almost deprived of anger, only remnants of bitterness.

Shikamaru kept his eyes fixated on the horizon. Despite those months spent within camp, no one bothered to speak to Sasuke more than what was strictly necessary. The only one sparing him a few words - or company - was Shikamaru. The man however was always elusive, like clouds drifting aimlessly into the winter's sky. Was it his true character, or a play? The rônin knew better than underestimating one of Tsunade's most trusted men.

« Some of our scouts have come back from the northern regions. High Akatsuki activity has been reported there, and they have been following them, gathering intel. You should meet up with them right away. »

The northern regions were once home of the Uchihas. Nestled in-between the mountains in a luxurious valley, it had been once administrated by a rich, bustling city. It was now rampaged, its castle pillaged, and the theater of various claims for territory. It was dead land, cursed land, a legacy the last Uchiha had never wanted to claim.

Without a word, Sasuke stood up. The heavy furs wrapped around him fell to the ground without a noise as he took in the cold, reinvigorating altitude air. He felt good here, he thought - everything was simpler. His breaths were deeper, noises of camp barely reaching his ears. From the peaks, everything looked still, untouched, and grand.

« What does the Slug want from me, then? »

Shikamaru let out a humorless laugh.

« Well, Taka, Danzô has sent his emissaries to Akatsuki in order to bargain such a deal. We are sending ours. »

The streets of Konoha were bustling and noisy as always, but to the observant eye, it was easy to understand this kind of agitation wasn't the usual mayhem someone would expect of a state capital. Families were out in the streets, mothers dragging children towards the main road, going straight from the giant gates to the Daimyô's palace.

Many inhabitants were dressed in their finer clothes, street merchants were handing out sweets and grilled meats glided in spiced honey - a land of Sand specialty. The main road in itself had been kept empty, people lined up on the sides and at the windows, some others on the roofs of nearby buildings in order to get the best view possible.

You could hear easily, over the tremors of the crowd, string instruments and drums echoing from the outside of the city towards the gate, kept wide open and decorated for the occasion.

Dignitaries visiting were common in Konoha - but dignitaries from the all-mighty Land of Sand, invited for the first time in many years to the Land of Fire to negotiate an alliance were a one-time sight for commoners. It was unprecedented, and the stakes were exceedingly high, for this alliance could shape up the whole continent in a very different way for the upcoming decade, if not century.

The parade was a display of power and wealth, as hundreds of musicians and soldiers marched in first, dressed in their richest armor, the Seal of their Daimyô emblazoned proudly on their chests. They were chanting and striding in rhythm, the ears beneath them shaking with their feet.

Soon, the Daimyo's personal guard appeared, men and women all dressed in ivory and gold, mounting horses and camels. To the untrained eye, they were as relaxed and carefree as the first soldiers, but their eyes were trained on the roofs and into the crowd, always ready to respond to any potential threat.

Three people were at the center of the white guard, and the main attraction of this parade. A man and woman, both riding white stallions, dressed in ivory and blue - the Daimyo's color- were on each side of a richly decorated gold and red palanquin, where, behind thin fabrics flowing in the wind, the Daimyô himself was seated. He was young, barely a man, his red hair blazing like a thick fire in-between the draperies.

The woman leaned towards the palanquin. Her hair was the color of shifting dunes, a very unusual sight in the Land of Fire.

« I don't like this. The more we advance in this god-forsaken city, the more I want for us to turn around. »

The man on the other side of the palanquin scoffed and pretended not to pay attention to her. His face was heavily painted with warrior's marks, traditional to their land. He was eyeing the crowd with a fake smile plastered all over his face.

« Bloody occidentals. No taste for anything. Did you see the color of this dress, Temari? It's horrendous. »

« Kankuro, focus! » The woman hissed in between her teeth. « We are not here to play fools. »

« But we are. The more lavish we look, the more shallow, the less they will be suspicious around us. We need to play the exoticism card if we want to win in this court of snakes. »

Temari groaned, knowing very well that her brother was right. It had been Gaara's plan, after all. She needed to trust his judgment. Her eyes drifted to her another brother's figure in the palanquin. He didn't let any emotion cross his features, but she knew he was worried.

The only reason Gaara had accepted these negotiations was in order to reach precious allies within the capital. He couldn't send her to Tsunade's troops as much as they both wanted lately, Danzô's spies closing onto them and forcing them to be more cautious than ever before.

The man was smart, she had to give him this - but what were his real intentions? She knew that many emissaries from various clans throughout the Land of Fire were also here, treated as esteemed guests, and were invited to take part in the lavish celebrations and lighter talks planned during the parleys. Some were clans known to be allies, but others…

Temari thought about their allies, back in the mountains. No one knew about their support to Tsunade, but she suspected Danzô had his doubts. Was this plea for peace a giant ploy to get all of his so-called allies in one place? Did he want to make them confess - or worse?

Shikamaru had told them to be careful, last time he was in the land of Sand, less than two weeks ago. They had allies in the capital - but many more enemies. The thought of the Queen's counselor made some uneasiness rise up in her chest, an odd mixup of longing and irritation. They had known each other for nearly ten years, this war bringing Sand and the rebels closer than ever ; but somehow the presence of this strange man had always left her on edge - seeking something, or running away from it, she didn't know.

She threw one last look at her brother, before directing her gaze in front of her, knowing that, to the piercing stares of Danzô's spies in the crowd, she couldn't look unfocused or worried. Gaara knew what to do. He was wiser and stronger than ever before, and she had to trust that judgement.

Their two main goals, she knew.

One, getting through these negotiations alive.

Two, finding Naruto Uzumaki - and Sakura Haruno.

They had been running for a few minutes in the deep woods surrounding the Estate's northern border, when the first signs of uneasiness started building up in Kakashi's throat.

He had taken a few trusted men with him only, a small party of ten, and had left their horses at an outpost a few kilometers behind. Hidden beneath masks and dark clothes, they were running in the shadows of the giant trees, eyes trailing everywhere around them for a clue on what to expect.

The scout report had been very clear: Akastuki had been sighted by one of their vantage points, seemingly looking for something in these woods. They were notoriously invisible, their fighters highly trained and never to be seen, which had always made them escape state patrols. What had suddenly made them so careless? Kakashi's uneasiness was nearly palpable, a rigid ball in his chest, moving with each of his deep breaths. He was thankful for the repetitive rhythm his body was falling onto, helping him keeping his mind clear.

He could feel the restlessness of his men, some making simple mistakes like tripping or catching small branches as they went. If he was displeased by this negligence, he didn't say a thing : he knew very well that Akatsuki had already spotted them by now, if they were still in the area. His men were trained warriors and he trusted them - but he could understand their apprehension.

A small dark patch on moss made him stop abruptly. He gestured his men that followed his halt, now alert.

He crouched on top of moss and small mushrooms, almost concealed by the shadow of a thick bush. Dipping his fingers carefully onto the patch, he brought them back into the light - blood.

The liquid was thick under his fingers, and nearly dark brown : old blood that had seeped from a wound, probably less than five hours ago. A thick metallic scent clung to the roof of his mouth as he smelled it. It was human blood for sure, but it had been tainted. Poison? Whomever had been injured probably wasn't around anymore… or was dead.

He silently gestured his men to look for more evidence, as he took in their location. They were just a few hundred meters away from their northern border. There were high mountains, sharp and bitter, separating them from the Northern Regions. Whomever crossed their border had to go through the icy peaks during the night in order to remain discreet. Their scouts didn't use poison - the trespasser had been pursued. How long had they been injured for?

One of his men brought back a dart, fallen in-between leaves. He could see remnants of dried up poison on the sharp edge, and blood. There was his answer : the pursuers (Akatsuki? Or were they the pursued?) had followed here, and managed to get a shot.

But where were everybody now?

Kakashi took a whiff of the poisoned blood once more, regretting he didn't bring one of his dogs to track the smell more accurately. He'd have to make do for the time being. Hatake were good at tracking : not as good with dogs as the famous Inuzuka, but they were versed in this art. The wind was soft, and he could smell it carrying relics of scents : deers from the other side of a small river they passed on the way, rich mud warming up under the sun, and right here, on the top of his tongue, blood.

He headed in the direction of the wind, slowly parting away branches, guided by his gut. A small cracked branch on the floor, a drop of smudged blood, parted leaves - he was getting closer. His men were still scouting the perimeter, but he drew his small sword and kept it against his body, alert.

His steps took him towards a drop in the ground, hidden by roots tangling in between large slabs of rock. The smell seemed to stop here - the rich aroma of earth and stone was too strong on the nose for anything to pierce through.

Kakashi lowered himself on the ground, eyeing the natural cavity. It was small, but large enough for a man to hide in- or an animal. His grip on his wakisashi tightened, fingers flexing against the hilt, ready to strike if needed.

The forest was nearly dead silent, so, when he heard a small breath, he nearly flinched. It was distinctive : raspy, desperate to be snuffed out, but here all the same. Someone had been hiding here, alone and wounded. Akatsuki wasn't running from something. They were looking for someone.

The Hatake came out of his own hiding place, guard up.

« Come out now, and show your face », he threw into the shadows in a whisper.

The breath hitched, then stopped. Time stretched and coiled on itself, and Kakashi recognized the thick feeling from this morning : a strange pull with no destination, held between breaths. Silence was back, and he couldn't hear the crisp sound of leaves in the wind, nor the flowing undertones of the river behind them.

« We are not Akatsuki », he added cautiously. « We can help. »

He crouched to be at level with the fugitive that he could almost see an outline of now. They were covered with the same tick mud surrounding the hole in-between the roots, and, if it were not for his heightened senses and years of training, he would've passed them without a second glance.

The mud, suddenly, shifted and rolled as they dragged themselves off of the cavity. It was a man, Kakashi recognized, built like a warrior. Even if crouched, and in a seemingly relaxed posture, Kakashi was alert. The man's face was hidden beneath a mask, and his hand was holding a similar sword as the Hatake, in a semblance of guard. Kakashi, however, noticed the rigidity of the muscles, the slight tremors in the man's chest - the poison was taking effect, and it was a miracle he was even conscious now.

Slowly, his free hand rose up to grab at the edge of its mask, smearing mud and blood all over it, slipping on the clutch holding it a the side. The mask, finally, fell, and Kakashi froze at the sight of the man in front of him.

Jet black hair and eyes - edging towards red. Wide smile, crooked as he remembered, even with his teeth gritted out in pain.

Kakashi remembered Sakura's parting words.

« Obito is alive. »

« So, Kakashi », the man started, in between pained breaths. « No other words for an old friend? »

The Northern regions were a natural fortress. With the mountains at its south, there was only one road that was practicable and not covered in snow during winter. The giant red gates, similar as those guarding the entrance of Konoha, used to keep intruders out and marked the beginning of the Uchiha estate. It was a rich valley, known for its mild weather and fertile grounds, and it had been the only place in the world were Sasuke had ever felt truly happy.

When the red doors came into view after days of travelling, he couldn't help but feel fire rise up in his chest - warm and proud, soon to be replaced with bitterness. The doors had been torn open, the emblem scratched off and burned, the harsh winds beating down naked rocks and faded colors. It had been many years since he didn't cross those doors - he left only a kid to follow samurai training at the Hatake estate and never came back.

Stepping on old Uchiha land with his crest on his back would have been a stupid idea, Sasuke knew. This barren land had nothing to offer but painful memories, and he wanted nothing to do with it. After nearly ten years of civil war, raids and pillages, it was better not to be seen anywhere near the infamous Clan in the Northern regions. The rônin had taken the habit, for discretionary purposes, to travel in plain clothing.

The Uchiha were known to be the best warrior clan there was. Not only there were strategic and military prodigies, but many of their secret techniques had made them ruthless fighters. There were not, however, an expanding clan, and after settling in this rich valley, they had focused on peacekeeping operations for the whole Land of Fire while building one of the most prolific estate there was. Many had tried to overthrow the Uchiha or conquer their land, but there was a tale, entrenched in the Land of Fire folklore: no one could beat an Uchiha on his own ground.

« You have fire in your soul, nothing shall break your bones » was an old saying in his family, for those you loved and those who needed no protection but their own. His mother used to repeat it , lips against his scalp right before a long kiss, like a mantra.

Walking through what remained of the giant doors, Sasuke felt his whole body expanding. His breaths became deeper and longer, puffs of hot hair coming out of his mouth. His whole body had always been warmer than the norm - it was a common Uchiha trait- but right now, it felt boiling hot, needing release. His tongue was dry and burnt and his hair smelled of ashes and fire. It was as if something was missing, there, between his shoulder blades, for everybody to see.

Many had said that Uchiha land was riddled with old magic, giving its rulers god-like powers. Others said the Uchiha had chained a powerful spirit, making earth and trees fight with them against any invaders. The truth, Sasuke knew, resided underground. Geothermic currents were spread under the surface of the valley, giving their abilities -linked to fire- more depth and power. He had forgotten after many years away what it felt to be back here, to feel the power of earth rumbling alongside his beating heart.

It would always be their land, their home. And while in the Northern regions, the Uchiha were unbeatable.

Sasuke felt a pang of deeply-rooted hatred rise up in his throat. It was why Danzô had chosen to attack while the Uchiha clan leaders were all on Hatake ground. They had left their home to the land of a trusted ally - and they were suddenly not so untouchable.

His horse was indolently walking by the giant gates, unaware of the deeds of its rider. The latter was caught in swirls of painful memories, the sound of katanas unsheathing in rhythm with the hisses of the wind.

He carried on with his journey for another couple hours before running into the first signs of life - rabid dogs, some birds fretting away from a tree at the sounds of his horse's hooves on the broken tiling of the main road. Winter had turned the ground brown and grey, freezing patches of wet grass in the valley, its trees bent and beaten down by the harsh weather.

The rebels' camp was soon in view, hidden under the canopy of old trees, at the edge of one of the main forests of the estate. It was away from the roads, and the wind seemed quieter here - a welcomed sensation. Their tents and shelters were scattered into the branches or on the ground, covered in moss and mud, masking most of the smells, noises and various activities happening here.

He sat down in a large hut whose lower half had been dug into the ground, a hole on top of the roof cut to let smoke from a large fire escape into the grey skies. It smelled of earth and animal skin, the ground a mix of beaten ground and hay. He was used to silence and odd looks but this time, people seemed more curious than defiant about him. Didn't they know who he was? Did they think he was just another traveler?

A small women brought him piping hot tea and a thick broth with a small smile as he thanked her with a curt nod. Sasuke watched her, quiet, not knowing why her presence felt almost soothing. It was as if this woman was linked to him, in an imperceptible way, a tenuous bond rooted in their bones. He could tell she was feeling it too, her deep brown eyes lit with something in-between softness and dedication.

She reminds me of my mother.

The woman left without a word, shooting quiet glances at Sasuke on her way out. He was left alone in the hut, waiting for the base leader, a queasiness in his stomach refusing to go away. Soon came in a small woman, younger than him, in thick and warm rebellion clothing. She sat down, cross-legged, in front of the rônin, followed by someone he remembered well - Kiba Inuzuka.

He was expecting the man to speak first, seeing how he could feel his anger and turmoil radiating around him, his mouth stuck into a disdainous grimace. The woman, however, lifted her hand as Kiba was about to speak, and the man shut up immediately. Sasuke turned his eyes towards her, now interested at how anyone could make Kiba Inuzuka quiet, to meet lilac pupils he recognized instantly.

« Welcome to the Northern Regions, Sasuke », she began. « I can imagine how testing it must be for you to be standing here after so many years. »

Taken slightly aback by what sounded like genuine empathy, he nodded without a word.

« I am Hyûga Hanabi. We've never met, but my sister - and her friends - have been telling me a lot about you. »

She was the Princesse's sister, then - which explained the eyes. However, everywhere Hinata was soft, Hanabi seemed strong. Where one was pliant and accommodating, the other exuded of intensity and stubbornness.

« Naruto sends his regards », she added with a small smile.

Even Kiba seemed to loosen at the sound of Naruto's name. He truly was cherished within the rebels - the prodigy son of the sun, beacon of hope for better days. The atmosphere within the small hut didn't seem so heavy anymore and, seeing Kiba's shoulders relax, Sasuke reached for his cup of tea to take a sip. It was bitter, and strong - exactly how he remembered his family brewing it. He felt it seep through his bones, hot and comforting.

« I get that you've seen Ino and Choji back at camp, right? » She asked.

« Yes. They've told me about your Akatsuki reports», Sasuke replied for the first time.

« And what do you think? » Hanabi pressed.

« It doesn't sound like them. »

Kiba came in abruptly into the conversation.

« That's what we were thinking too, but the evidence is everywhere here. There has been sightings of several Danzô emissaries, squad movements led by high-ranking Akatsuki operatives and they've strengthened their policy against us. Danzô's troops, however, have been left alone. »

« What's more disturbing is that some Akatsuki troops have left the region », Hanabi added. « We don't know where - those men are hard to track - but it's worrying. They've never left before, this is their territory, and they couldn't have left in big numbers without Danzô's permission. »

Sasuke took in the information, mind racing. Evidence was piling up against Akatsuki but he couldn't believe the organisation was even remotely considering an alliance with Danzô.

« We know that, with your brother, this situation seems … difficult » Hanabi added.

At these words, Sasuke let out a humorless laugh.

« Difficult ? My brother is an Akatsuki general. Danzô killed our family. This is not difficult. This is impossible. »

« You have to consider the fact that Itachi may have changed. I know it's hard, but the evidence is here. » She paused before adding « And if it's proven true, then … »

« …Then my brother is a traitor. To me, and to my clan- or what's left of it », Sasuke cut short.

Kiba and Hanabi looked at Sasuke without saying a word. The rônin's hands were clasped at his teacup, fingers white from the tension. The porcelain cracked in the silence of the hut, and, as if it was some unspoken signal, the women from earlier entered once more.

Silently, under the three warrior's looks, she took out Sasuke's cup from his hand to put it on a small platter. Her hands were warmer than a normal person's and Sasuke didn't do anything to stop her. She placed another cup, filled it with tea, and handed it over to him.

« Please drink » she said in a small, assertive voice. « The tea is made in these regions. It helps. »

The man said nothing and, without breaking the eye contact, drank some liquid carefully. The sensation from earlier came back, strong, hot, and soothing. It tasted of home and his heart longed for it. He felt a small tremor in the ground around him, imperceptible to others, but plain as day to him. The fire in his heart calmed down almost instantly.

« Good », said the woman.

Without another word, she walked away. Hanabi and Kiba looked at Sasuke, both struck in something between awe and wonder.

« So it is true », Kiba started. « This place. And the Uchiha. I thought it smelled like you here - but I always thought your whole… thing was a myth.».

Sasuke threw the man a questionning look. Hanabi spoke then, softer than her companion.

« Your clan is gone, Sasuke. »

Her lilac eyes trailed over to the entrance of the hut, towards the direction the woman took.

« Your people, and your estate however, are still here. »

At her words, the last Uchiwa felt earth rumble once more under his feet, strong and ancient.

His people.

His land.

His home.

It had been easy to keep a low profile in the bustling streets of Konoha after night had fallen, but Naruto felt like his heart was thumping so loudly in his chest that it might give him away anytime soon.

Only a few passerby were in the streets near the rich estates at this hour, and he could slip in the shadows undetected. It was the hour of the night herons, dusk had gone and night had come ; and everything was going quiet.

He knew the road to the Hyûga estate well, and, having taken mental notes earlier this day, knew exactly where he had to go to reach the Moon princess' quarters. He jumped over the high wall separating the estate from the street, landing silently on his feet in a vast garden. Guards were scattered, walking at a tranquil pace all around, not specifically on edge - in Konoha, there was only peace.

He slipped beneath high trees, their trunks old and wrinkly under his fingers. Jumping from one place to another, Naruto inhaled the cold air of the night with renewed delight- he had missed this, the thrill of excitement that always came with a dangerous situation, the sense of adventure that seeped his bones and powered his muscles. He was not made for court and its nonsense, but dreamed of open spaces and wild winds.

He arrived through the gardens near a concealed terrace. Spotting a small oil lamp, alight and hidden outside for him only to see, his heart leaped into his chest. It was here, and she was waiting for him.

Looking around, he waited for two guards to pass by and jumped on the terrace, finding one of the rice panels slightly askew, only enough for him to hook his fingers into it and slid it open.

He barely got time to close the panel behind him that small hands encircled his neck and shoulders, soft and warm. A body pressed against his and the weight of it made him stumble forward into a world of soft curves and scented fabrics.

Both of them couldn't contain their mix of eagerness and delight, and Naruto had to plunge his face into the curve of a neck to stifle his soft giggles -or so he told himself. He could feel her chest rumble in silent laughter too, her heart pounding into her ribcage like a small bird's.

They stayed like this for a few minutes, relishing into one another's presence, breaths fanning across their lover's skin and clothes, their smells entangled. Honey and steel, myrrh and coal.

« Do you think they bought it? » Naruto mumbled against the Princess' skin.

Her hands were running up and down his spine through his hakama in what probably was expected to be a soothing gesture but only made him shiver. They stopped right under his shoulders, where he could feel the tip of her delicate fingers pressed into his skin like ten small candles, bright and warm.

Finally, Hinata Hyûga let out a small laugh.

« You were so stiff I think they believed you found me incredibly repulsive. »

At her words, Naruto couldn't help but straighten up to look at her face. She was, oh so beautiful, all pale skin and somber hair, rosy cheeks and smudged powder, thin pink lips and lilac eyes. He cupped her cheek in his hand, fingers caught in her tresses, with a care only reserved for her. How he had missed her, dreamt about those eyes, caught himself staring at faces that reminded him of his Princess everywhere he would go.

« Never », he whispered, feverish.

He saw how his tone affected her as a strong blush crept through her cheeks and neck, burning under his palm. Her eyes looked away for a moment, pinched lips fighting a delighted smile, before settling on his own.

Her hands came creeping on the front fold of his hakama, and soon her lips were on his, soft and loving, lifeline keeping him afloat in a midst of a storm. Both his hands sneaked in her hair as he crushed her against him, smiling under their kiss.

The Moon Princess and the Son of the Sun -as it should have always been.

Sasuke couldn't keep his eyes away from the flying embers in front of him. He followed their erratic paths out of instinct and habit, the motion appeasing him somehow. He was sitting in a large hut, a bright fire burning in the center, its occasional smoke flying away through small holes on top of the concealed roof. It felt unnecessary to him, burning such a fire as spring was coming, but the others seemed to enjoyed it.

The last Uchiwa was having a hard time reconciling with his swirling thoughts - and it hadn't been this way for a long time. These lands, strong and rumbling with what he associated with the beating of an ancient heart, heightened everything. There was no anger, but rage ; no joy, but exhilaration ; no love, but…

A gust of wind made the panel covering the entrance of the hut flutter, and a waving shadow danced near him for just an instant, embracing the moving light from the flames. For a moment he swore he saw a woman in the shadows. Her figure was long and strong, taunt muscles swaying with grace, long tresses following her movements - was she dancing, or fighting?

A low feeling pooled in his stomach as he thought of Sakura's last meeting with him under the moon. Were they fighting, or dancing? He should've stayed. He should've come with her.

Never alone. Never again.

The shadow, and the strange feeling that came with, disappeared, and soon Sasuke was left again with embers and bitter memories.

« Care to share what's on your mind, Sasuke? We didn't come here to watch you sulk in silence. »

Sasuke turned to look towards his tent companions. The man that spoke ran his hand through his odd-looking white-blue hair, seating in a laid-back position. His giant sword next to him, however, gave very little doubt on what his livelihood was.

« Do not talk to Sasuke like that, you idiot! He probably has his reasons », a woman intervened.

She was sitting right next to the Uchiwa, sipping a cup of tea with faked serenity. Flames from the fire danced in her red hair like they belonged here.

« Come on Karin, stop sucking up to him like that, we both know you stand no chance », the man replied.

« Both of you, language », intervened a third person.

If his placid looks gave no reason to worry whatsoever, the man in front of Sasuke was one of the fighters he respected the most. He was probably the most dangerous person in this room- and it gave the two others a good reason to stop their bickering.

« Sugietsu, Karin, Juugo », Sasuke started. « You know why I've called you here. »

The air in the tent thickened.

« Danzô », Sugietsu let go in-between gritted teeth. « I've been wanting to take that son of a whore down for a while now. »

« He's made all of our lives hell, yes. But what do you want us to do, Sasuke? » Karin put down her cup of tea, stretching by the fireplace. « According to your intel, he's allying with Akatsuki, and it can't be good for us. I don't see an opportunity here. »

The three of them turned to look at Sasuke whose eyes would not leave the flames. The red was almost licking at his pupils, twirling and making him look like someone else. They all knew the legends surrounding the Uchiwa- and they all had seen Sasuke in combat. Those eyes reminded them of darker times, and death.

It was Juugo who dared speak after, his voice soft.

« Sasuke, why did you call us here? What is your plan? »

The rônin finally looked at them three.

« We are going to join Akatsuki. »

Sugietsu let out a roar of incredulous laughter.

« Look, I know your brother is in here, but if what anything from the Rebellion reports are true, he is far gone, Sasuke.»

« Shut up Sugietsu » Karin intervened, far more collected than earlier. « Sasuke is right. There are things we can only do, or discover, from within the organisation. » She turned to the Uchiwa for her next question. « What I do not understand however, is how we could join Akatsuki. They'll keep a close eye on their ranks and there is no way word from your little escapade at the Haruno estate hasn't gone out. I've already heard about it as if I was here » she scoffed.

Sugietsu leaned in her direction, mischievous. « So that's why you've been so grumpy lately, Karin. I thought you were unusually quiet. »

He caught the teacup she hurled at him without a word.

« Come on now », the man said once more. « Let's play nice. »

Sugietsu put down the cup next to him, staring at it for a moment of what looked like cautious wonder.

« Akatsuki and Danzô know us -especially you. They won't trust us, even more if they are allied », he carried on in a softer voice. « Karin is right. Plus, why take the risk to make all four of us go in? You might have had a chance if going alone, thanks to your brother. As a group, it's riskier. »

« You want us to help you do something. To win their trust, is that so? » Juugo supplied.

To that, Sasuke let out a small smile, flames still reflecting all over his alabaster skin. He sipped his tea in silence before speaking.

« You are right. Akatsuki won't trust us, unless we show up with… a present, of sorts. » He looked at them three. « And thanks to the Snake, we know exactly what Danzô wants the most. »

Karin was now looking at her hands, opened like a cup, making it seem that the sparks of the fire were here, in her palms, almost like a quiet pond.

« The Jintsūriki are children tales, Sasuke. The Snake spent years looking for them, but stumbled in the dark without much results. »

« I'm sorry, the what now? » Sugiestu asked.

« Jintsūriki, you idiot. Descendants of the gods. » Karin snapped.

« They are believed to be 9 of them, descendants of god lineages, bearing great powers. Danzô has been obsessively hunting them, trying to use these powers for himself. » Juugo completed.

« I have to admit that it sounds like this monster to be that interested in god-like lineages », Sugietsu drawled. « That would explain why he was so hell-bent on killing you-… »

« Sugietsu! » Karin barked -but too late.

An uneasy silence fell into the tent. Sasuke's look was back into the flames and none of the three remaining people knew what to do to break it.

« The Rebellion led by the Slug Princess found one », Sasuke said after a while. « In Kumo. »

« Whomever they are, they won't go willingly. At least not without a fight » Juugo noted.

Sugietsu's mouth widened into a large smile.

« Oh, Sasuke. This is what you should've started with.»

Kakashi was engulfed in a particularly boring report on the state of grain in the western parts of the kingdom, the words escaping him and flying away from the paper like a thousand flies. He could not stop the incessant buzzing of his mind, and hadn't slept well the night before, getting up several times to check on Obito's state, but turning away from the door once the room in view.

It was not like sleep came to him easily -he had always been a light sleeper, and nightmares were waiting to lurk around the corner of his mind- but he was in a particularly sour mood.

Putting aside the roll of paper in a huff, he sat down in a more relaxed stance, feet dangling from the small platform opened to the gardens.

It seemed like yesterday to him, this eerie morning when he and Sakura spoke last, on this same platform. So many months had gone by, and spring was almost upon them now. The past few weeks had been a succession of sunny mornings and ruthless showers, and calm moments like these shouldn't be wasted.

The panel door to the platform slid open in one swift move, and Kakashi reached to grab a kunai he hid under his belt.

Obito's eyebrow lifted up as he assumed an amused stance.

« You seem on edge. »

Kakashi let out a huff before putting the small weapon next to him. Obito didn't wait for any formal invitation and sat down next to his old friend, mirroring his position. The soles of his feet were just shy away of the pale yellow, burgeoning flowers of the barberry shrubs right under them, still wet from an earlier rain.

From what Kakashi could see, he seemed pretty fine for a man that had been at hands with death just a fortnight ago - but could he trust his eyes anymore, and his instincts? Up until a few days ago, Obito had been as dead as can be.

« What's on your mind? You've always been a grumpy one, but I don't remember you being like this. »

Kakashi turned to look at Obito, properly astonished.

« You.. » He huffed, before breathing through his nose, his hands coming to cover his eyes for a minute. « You were alive, this whole time. »

Kakashi paused, his voice now edging somewhere in-between contained fury and heartbreak. His voice was muffled through his mask and his hands were shaking, but when he spoke again, through gritted teeth and a tightened throat, it was strong and unrepentant.

« You were alive, and you didn't come to me. »

Obito's feet stopped their careless motion. He looked at Kakashi as the man was now staring at him, his grey eyes like the center of a hurricane, electric and fierce. He had never seen that man loose so much of his temper, not like this, his few memories of him sharp, blunt. The perfect samurai, and the perfect weapon. Somehow, it got him to drop his nonchalant act for a more empathic tone.

« I couldn't. Akatsuki found me, and fixed me. I owed them a debt, and they needed me to stay anonymous. »

« There was no fixing you, Obito. You were dead. »

The man remained silent for a while, and Kakashi turned his look away in a long sigh. He removed his mask and let his hand run through his hair and along his face. Obito looked at the long scar running from his forehead, across his eye and all the way down to his neck. Under his cheek, it was nothing but a thin line, but around the eye the cut was still deep.

« We both know stranger things happened that day. Why me being alive-… »

« I couldn't bury your body. I couldn't bury your body, and, when the time came, I couldn't bury Rin's, either », Kakashi cut him off. « I was alone in the world, and I had no bodies to bury. »

Kakashi's voice stopped in a shaky sigh. Obito was, for once, speechless: Kakashi was supposed to be unbreakable. Kakashi had always been the leader everyone turned to, and echoes of his prowesses came to him even deep within the guts of Akatsuki. Of all things, what he had not expected was the toll of grief and loneliness his friend had been facing.

« They didn't know what to do with me, so they've postponed my genpachu, by years. I helped my father train the new generation. New children, who had not seen the war. They thought it would help me… move on, I guess. Forget, at least. »

Kakashi turned to look at Obito once more, those jet black eyes he had known and longed for for many years, but were now mirrors of this man's treason and ugly secrets.

« Every time I looked at them, it made me think at how alone I was. Misplaced. Spared -the last one standing, with no bodies to bury and no one but tombstones to talk to. »

« Kakashi… » Obito whispered tentatively.

« How could you do this to me?! » The man finally snapped.

A few birds fretted away from a sakura tree nearby. The sound of their wings echoed loudly in the courtyard, in rhythm with Kakashi's labored breaths, physically restraining himself.

« I thought we were friends. I thought we were… »

Obito's hand came resting on the sleeve of his kimono.

« Kakashi, for what it's worth, I wanted to give you a sign, just a whisper, a rumor, but it was too dangerous, for both of us. » He inhaled sharply at Kakashi's look. « Please trust me when I say I thought about it over a thousand times. »

« Why would I trust you? » Kakashi murmured. « After all, you are nothing more but a stranger with the face of a friend. »

Obito removed his hand from Kakashi's arm slowly. He knew he had no right to, but his words cut deep. The Uchiwa turned his eyes away to face the radiant skies opening up in front of them. He inhaled deeply as Kakashi's silence filled the space between them.

« Because, Kakashi… » Obito started softly. « Because I'm alive, and I'm here now. »

He paused, waiting for Kakashi to say something -but the man was stubborn. The samurai's eyes were back in the gardens, his features slowly going back to normal. The storm had passed, even if many things were left to say. Obito could nearly see it, brewing under the surface of his skin. Electricity.

« And also », Obito left his last words hanging in the clear, fresh morning air, « because so is Rin. »

Konoha had once been a place of knowledge and wisdom, hidden jewel in-between the trees of the lush forest of Fire country. Its high libraries, proud castles and gorgeous temples were revered and one of the main sources of attraction of the city, dragging scholars from their towers and their palaces to seek comfort and advice during darker times.

Under Tsunade's peaceful reign, Konoha's inner castle was always bustling with activity, and you could see erudites from all over the world debating with shoguns and lords while strolling in the gardens, enjoying the sound of a biwa or shamisen being played by men and women alike.

Konoha was now a kingdom of strength and order. Milita was constantly parading, and while generals still had their quarters in the main fortress, there was no music in the gardens but the sound of heavy boots and clicking armors.

Now, in order to find anyone interesting and have a pleasant chat, you had to look away from the castle, away from the high streets, and go deep in the entrails of the noble borough, right next to the artisans' quarter, where whispers and rumors could not fall into prying ears. It was beneath the gutters and below the silk shops that you could find secluded spaces, where what was left of the influential circles could meet around a glass of warm shôchu or two.

What used to be done in plain sight was now of secret nature and dealt in the shadows - and appearances were everything. If some of these clubs were well-known by court officials and under some sort of governmental supervision, some where more secretive - and selective.

The smoke of kiserus was flying low and heavy in-between the mahogany seats and luxurious tapestries of the parlor Sakura was seating in. Men were seating in relaxed positions, nearly sprawling all over the cushions and drinking occidental alcohols while the (very few) women around were either waitresses or company hired for the night.

It was, despite all appearances, one of the selected parlors tolerated by the daimyo - and some of his own councilmen could be spotted from time to time in-between the usual crowd of politicians and generals.

Sakura was seating in one of the booths, swirling a cherry inside of her ginger and sake drink with faked caution while trying to pick up any conversation that seemed of interest. From time to time, a general or politician would come and greet her- which was a nice change of pace from what her three months had been. It had taken many lewd looks and comments before she was considered anything but Akamatsu's new pet.

She was very thankful for the man who had been nothing short of precious while helping her navigate through the different layers of court life, introducing her to many more people than she should count.

While putting on her little act of perfect - but inexperienced- Lady of her house, Sakura couldn't help but feel frustrated. How long would she have to act clueless and naïve, how long before there were action to be taken?

She had not hear, despite her visits to Ichiraku's, any word from the resistance. Naruto had encountered the same problem, and that silence was starting to worry her. The owner of the shop -a man with a benevolent facade, but a quiet resistance ally for many years- had assured her that messages from Tsunade were rare, and often information would go the other way, whispers and rumors in the capital travelling all the way to the furthest mountains.

« Anything wrong, Sakura? » Shinzo Akamatsu enquired as he came to sit next to her.

« I'm just thinking about how much more receptive to my border trouble Myôgi-dono would be if I were to suggest I see his wife at least once a week -and how the lady next to him is very much not her», Sakura said with the slightest chin movement in the direction of a man opposite her.

Akamatsu let out a small laugh that he covered by taking a sip of his own drink.

« These man are barely warming up to the fact that you are part of their dirty little secrets and you are thinking of blackmailing them already? If the word goes out, this parlor will soon be empty, I'm afraid.»

«It is very tempting though. » Sakura took a calculated sip of her drink from the tip of her fingers, carful not to let the fabric slide away from her hands. « At least, they are not mistaking me for an oiran anymore » she muttered.

« None of those men are stupid - but your family's… history with the daimyo doesn't exactly play in your favour. Give them time, and in time, they shall know you- and maybe trust you. »

Sakura looked around, defiant. Of all the faces she recognized, very few dared to hold her look. It was hard, to fit in, harder than she thought. She had to act, to stand out, gain their trust, learn about them, and, slowly, climb all the way to Danzô.

« Oh, they will know me. »

She turned to Akamastu with a coy grin he only could see. The man turned to look at the room, visibly pleased by her attention but too much in control to show it. Sakura however, knew exactly what he wanted to hear.

« And, when time comes, with you by my side, they will fear me. »

Shinzo Akamatsu could not contain a small smile this time.

Hello y'all!

Hope you liked this chapter. We are starting part 2, focused on court and politics - hope you'll enjoy what I've planned.

If you are wondering, I'm using the real Japanese word for supernatural or magical power, Jintsūriki (神通力, Literally meaning: God-Reaching Power) instead of the Naruto-world, fictional term Jinchūriki (人柱力, Literally meaning: Power of Human Sacrifice) that is a derivative. Why you ask? Because I'm a words nerd! (And also because I feel like this definition fits a little bit better a piece of the story I have in store for you).

Thanks again for your kudos, comments and overall reactions to my work, it's what keeps me going.

In the meanwhile,


lovelyuglypotato xxx