Hey Minna here is the final instalment I hope it fits the mood of the paper and please enjoy. This has not been reread I wanted to post it as soon as possible so I quickly loaded it. Hope you enjoy it. sorry it will not let me put breaks in between the speaking so if you get confused I am sorry.

She walked slowly down the corridor, toward the throne room. The queen had requested her presence. She slowly made her way to the throne room knowing what was going to happen. She was going to be sent back to her planet and placed in her eternal sleep, where she would be forever she hoped.

She had accepted her destiny when she was told about it. She never thought it would actually happen, for when she had first heard about it she had been a very weak child and could barely stand. But slowly, as she grew stronger, she came to realize that like her ancestor before her, she would become the soldier of destruction. Unlike her ancestor she would forever be the one to destroy worlds. She could not allow anyone else to have give up their life and leave the ones they love.

Tears fell from her eyes as she realized that this would be the last time she would see Endymion, the scouts, the Queen, her friends from Saturn, Serenity and most of all the man she had fallen in love with, Mace. The two most important people in her life, she would never see again. She began to cry harder and had to cover her sobs with her hand, so no one could hear her. She stopped in the middle of the corridor and braced herself against the wall and slowly slid down, letting her emotions over take her one last time. She placed her head in her knees and let all her doubts and hopes out.

That is where Serenity found her moments later. Serenity fell to her knees and placed her arms around her friend, but was shoved away. Serenity looked at Sailor Saturn sadly and placed a comforting hand on her head.

"Sailor Saturn, please allow me to help!" Serenity begged, hating to see her best and most loyal friend hurting so badly. Saturn looked up with bloodshot eyes and a tear covered face. Serenity's heart broke at the look Sailor Saturn gave her. The look was of hopelessness and that frightened her the most. In the time Serenity had known Sailor Saturn, she had always been hopeful and accepting to anything. She never let anything get her down, let alone let tears come from her eyes. She was the strongest person in the world and the one that she wished she could be like.

"You cannot help me Serenity, my destiny was not to protect you, but to become a soldier of destruction and be alone for the rest of my life." She finally said.

"Sailor Saturn, if I could I would destroy that stupid punishment, but alas it is written in the laws of our world. I can not destroy it any more then I can destroy the thing that sustains my life. My mother would take it away if she could, but alas she cannot, the person who created this punishment placed it into the crystal itself. The crystal is what shall deliver your punishment. "Serenity spoke on the verge of crying.

"I know this Serenity and I do not blame you or your mother for what is to be done to me, in truth it was my family's fault for allowing that evil man to rule so long ago. I will accept my punishment and remember you the way you were and how nice you were to me." She embraced Serenity and let her cry.

"Hotaru, I do not want you to leave, I need you!" She cried.

Sailor Saturn smiled and let one last tear roll down her cheek, and then she kissed Serenity's head and pushed her away. Serenity stared at her in shock as she stood up and held out her hand. Serenity took it and Sailor Saturn pulled her up.

"Remember Serenity, you have someone stronger then me by your side that needs you more than I do! Let him protect you in ways I can no longer! He will guard you well, for he truly loves you. Speak of that man!" Sailor Saturn said trying to get the princess to forget about her departure for a little while.

Serenity turned around and saw Endymion walking with a princess from out of the solar system. He looked dreadfully board. Serenity giggled and looked at Sailor Saturn with pleading eyes.

"Go rescue him; I would like to spend some time with Mace after my audience with the queen. This will be the last day I have to spend with him, for he leaves for Saturn tomorrow morning. We will spend all day tomorrow together, okay?" She asked putting her needs away for her princess.

"Thank you Saturn, but please if you need me tell me, he can live without me for a few hours, and you are the person who needs me! Do you wish for me to come with you to the throne room?" She asked remembering that her friend needed her more then her betrothed did right now.

"No, thank you. She requested that I come alone, so we may talk." She said smiling, remembering that her princess would be herself. "See you later Serenity, at dinner?" She asked.

"Yes, you shall sit next to me and mother." She said still unsure on whether to leave her closes girlfriend alone.

"Very well, I must go I am already quite late, thank you Serenity, you helped me quite a bit." She said as she turned around and began walking toward the throne room once again.

Serenity watched her a little bit and then returned her gaze to Endymion, he was laughing. Serenity smiled at him, knowing that it was a forced laugh and not one that was true. She had heard his true laughter and could tell it from his others. She walked toward him and the princess. The princess noticed her first and curtsied, almost falling over. Serenity wondered how women found it so hard to do when it came easily to her. She shrugged the thought away and waited as Endymion's gaze fell on her. In an instant his eyes held happiness, whether it was for her personally or for the fact she was saving him from her.

"Do not be rude, Prince Endymion, bow to the princess of the Moon, she said sounding like a high pitched squeal.

Endymion smiled at Serenity, but took her hand and bowed as she curtsied. They rose together and he swept her into his embrace.

"My sweet Serenity, where have you been all morning? I did not get my morning kiss." He said forgetting about the princess that stood next to him.

"I had an audience with my mother and then I had some training to do, although I tried to find you." She confessed.

"Yes, the generals kept me busy in the gardens for sometime this morning. I suppose that we both had affairs that needed to be done; well shall we spend the rest of the day together?" He asked.

"That would be truly wonderful!" She said glancing at the princess. The princess glared at her openly and she decided to add, "Love!" This sent the princess over the top and she stomped her foot angrily. "But you do happen to be with this young lady!" She said remembering to acknowledge the princess.

Endymion looked over and sighed as he released his love.

"Join us then!" He begged.

"I would love to, but I am meeting with one of the knights of the guard!" She said.

"Well let us follow you then, I'm sure Princess Ka would like to meet some of the royal guard." He turned to Princess Ka with hope in his eyes, "Would you like to meet some of the royal guard?" He asked almost sounding like he was begging.

"I would love to!!" She said smiling brightly. Endymion almost jumped for joy when he heard this, but all he did was pulled Serenity to him. He bent his head down and gave her a kiss.

"I did not get one from you this morning he said reminding her. Serenity smiled and kissed him once again, holding onto it a little longer. They broke apart and began walking toward the guard station.

Sailor Saturn made her staff appear in her right hand just before she opened the throne room doors.

She walked into the room and saw that the queen was not seated in her throne, but standing near the window that looked out into the rose garden.

"Your Majesty!" Sailor Saturn called bowing to her. As she stood she spoke, "You wished to see me?" The queen turned from the window and smiled sadly at her.

"Yes, it is about the punishment." She began.

"What about it?" Asked Sailor Saturn.

"Tomorrow night at midnight you will be placed into your sleep in the rose garden maze. I will be your only witness!" She said with despair in her voice.

"Yes, your majesty I knew that." She said.

"But there is one thing you do not know. You must pick someone to go into sleep with you." She spoke sitting in her throne.

Saturn looked at her shocked and horrified.

"I must condemn someone to the same fate at me?" She asked raising her voice, without realizing it.

"Yes I am afraid so. I was looking into the punishment and it is stated that the warrior who goes into sleep must have someone placed as her guardian, incase there is an attempt in the future to wake you before it is time." The queen spoke with sorrow evident on her normally beautifully happy face.

"How can you ask me to do that? It is hard enough that my life will be erased from all those I love and know me very well. How can I ask someone to give up their life and guard me so I may live to fulfill my destiny?" She asked on the verge of crying again. She held back the tears that she so wanted to let go.

"I have no choice Sailor Saturn; it is part of the curse that was placed on your family three thousand years ago. I am sorry that you were the only girl that was born into the royal family and that you have to give up the life you loved, but it is not my choice. If I choose to fight this the crystal would locate you its self and place you in your eternal sleep along with the man that is closest in range to you. I have given you the choice, but if I must I will pick someone for you! The queen spoke, not daring to look Sailor Saturn in the eyes.

"How long do I have?" She sighed.

"You have until nine pm tomorrow night. At ten all who know you will forget you, but a selected few and the man you have chosen to protect you. At midnight you and your guardian will meet me at the entrance to the maze, we will then proceed to a certain spot and place you and him in your eternal sleep, and from there you will be instantly transferred to the middle of the planet of Saturn where you will sleep until you are needed. The queen finished standing from her throne. She then walked back to the window and looked out.

"Oh look Serenity managed to pawn off Princess Ka on one of the guards." She said out loud.

"That's Serenity for you; she was always able to help someone, while still helping out the pest." Sailor Saturn said.

"May I take my leave? I wish to spend as much of my day as I can with Mace, he leaves tomorrow morning." She said.

"Yes, but before you do, I would like to say that if you asked Mace, I sure he would gladly guard you. He loves you and would gladly stay by your side...." She stopped as she heard the throne room door close with a thunk.

Queen Serenity turned to the door and spoke aloud to no one, "I am sorry that you were the chosen one, we will certainly miss you, for you are the strongest and most loyal of all warriors, not to mention you have done a fabulous job in putting away your feelings and making sure she was always happy. Someday may the spell be broken and you be allowed to live with a family who loves you." The queen said collapsing in her throne. She placed her arms on one of the arm rest and began to cry.

Sailor Saturn ran out of the throne room before the queen had a chance to finish what she was saying. How could the queen expect her to pick someone to take on her curse? The curse was meant only for her and for no one else that was the way it was suppose to be. She sighed and began walking down the hallway. After a few feet she heard the throne room door open. She turned around and saw Mace coming out of the throne room. He walked up to her and smiled.

"Sailor Saturn, I will happily go into sleep with you." He said. He moved to hug her but she pushed him away and turned around.

"I can not allow you to take on my burden, it just would not be right." She said.

"But this is not just your decision; I will happily go into sleep with you if it means that I can always be near you." HE said as he placed his arms around you. "It will be too hard to live without you and if this means that I can protect you while you sleep that is even better." He said hugging her close. "Please let me be with you!" He said.

Sailor Saturn sighed and relaxed into his arms.

"But this is my burden and no one should have to..."

"Hotaru, I would gladly fight to the death alongside of you, if it meant that I would be with you. You have no idea how I felt when I found out that you were going to become the Sailor scout of Destruction. I was devastated that I would never be able to see you again." He said. I was told from day one that one day you would leave. I have been guarding you since I first became a royal knight, I would not let anyone else guard you after I met you and saw that any enemies you faced would need someone strong and no one else would have the strength needed to help you win. The main reason was no one wanted to fight alongside a women, they thought that protecting her was much better, but any way I would not allow anyone to take my place after I met you. You were too perfect and I found myself jealous every time another prince came to visit you, uhhhhh.

"Mace just shut up and hold me!" She said laughing at his babbling.

"Yes my queen!" He said as he held her tightly to him.

The night was dark and omniscient, a heavy cloud of uneasiness hung in the air as two lone figures walked out of the palace. The time was 10:00 pm. The time had finally come for the two who belonged to Saturn to be joined in a peaceful sleep, hopefully for all eternity.

They met the queen at the garden hedges gate and Sailor Saturn hugged Queen Selenity.

"I will miss you and every one of my friends." She said holding back the tears she had been crying for the last hour.

"I am sorry that I will be the only one to remember you, you have been erased from everyone's memories and I am truly sorry." The queen said.

"I have someone who will always remember me, sleeping beside me, I think I will be okay for now. "

They began walking through the maze of the hedges and came to a small area with a white marble stone lying in the middle of the enclosed area. The stone patch could fit two people laying down on it.

"Please make your way to the platform and lie down. Make sure your holding hands." Queen Selenity said.


"Well do you two want to be connected while you are sleeping or do you wish not to be?" She asked receiving a blushed smile from Sailor Saturn.

"Sorry, thank-you" She said.

"Saturn, I have to thank you for all you have done. You trained the young women who will guard Serenity for life, you helped me explain to Sailor Uranus why Endymion was a nice fellow and most of all without you the peace treaty never would have went through. Thank you and may this stupid curse be lifted from you one day. She said hugging the girl one last time before she stepped onto the platform.

Mace and Sailor Saturn laid down on the marble and closed their eyes.

Selenity frowned as she made the Emperium Silver Crystal appear from nowhere. The round little objected glowed brightly as she held it up into the air. The small crystal slowly floated to above the two that lay on the marble and slowly began to move in circles around it, letting a silver sheet of light surround the marble. The crystal began to spin faster and faster, causing the light to keep getting brighter. As the Crystal began to slow down the film slowly disappeared and the crystal glided back to Queen Selenity's hand. She clutched it in one hand and let tears fall from her eyes. She slowly shank to her knees and collapsed completely in the grass and cried.

The spot in which the two lovers lay was no longer marble, but beautiful green grass and yellow roses. There was no evidence of the thing that took life away from two young people who deserved it just as much as everyone else.

The two were sent into the other realm where they were to sleep until Sailor Saturn was attacked by someone other then a scout or until the day she would have to come out and destroy the world they lived in. How many times would the couple be awoken? For now none and hopefully it would forever stay that way.

Well folks that's the end of this story. The peace treaty passed, Sailor Saturn and Mace are together forever and hopefully will never be awakened, but I'm thinking of doing a squeal to it, but it would be way in the future and by this time Serenity and Endymion would have been born again. I'm not sure yet. Well thank you all for reading and sorry it took to crappy chapters till I go the right one. By the way if you don't like the ending I don't care I wrote the fic not you so lay off, and deal with it. This fic went the way I wanted it to go and not your way.