Chapter 1

Had any of you reading this now been following the old Lily Snape I apologise for starting this again. I just didn't like how it was turning out and it seemed that very few people liked it either. I hope people like this version better.

As I sit in my small spanish class on a rainy Friday at the end of May, I can't help but wonder where my class is.

I look around at the eight dreary faces of the kids who decided to show up on senior cut day. All baseball or softball players.

And me, the only one here that knows how much the life of these eight kids is about to change. As I see the minute hand of the clock tick impossibly slow towards the six at the bottom I feel the fluttering of butterfly wings in the pit of my stomach. The quiet girl about to ruin their lives. Good.

Then it hits. The minute hits and I reach over to my bag to pull out the item of my conquest. The incessant object that I will use against these people… who deserve it.

I stand up. All eyes on me.

"Everyone get up." My voice only quivers a little. But is so low I imagine some never heard it.

"Is that what your voice sounds like? Who knew?" I loth him.

This time when I speak I raise it a little. And the power behind it is unmistakable, "Get up and get in that corner over there." I raise my wand towards him and he looks at it and laughs.

"What are you gonna do with that? Poke me?"

This time I feel no regret. I raise my wand towards him.

"Crucio." My voice comes out almost board.

He yelps out, crashing down to the floor almost instantly screaming silently, his face contorted in pain and suffering.

I remove the spell and crouch down extremely close to his face, then filling my voice with the most malice I can muster I say, "Get in the corner."

He nearly crawls over and I turn to the door and lock it. Then I turn to the rest of the class, staring at me in shock and terror.

"Your guys too, all in the corner." The scurry to the corner, avoiding my path as much as possible as I walk to stand in front of them. I seal them in with a magical boundary, they can't get out, but more importantly, Avada Kedavra can't get in.

Then I stand in the center of the room, raise my wand high above my head and with a strong force and gust of wind, I send the Dark Mark high in the sky. I knew he would be here soon.

Then I sense him behind me, at the front of the room. I spin myself around as I fall prostrate on the ground shielding my face from his.

"Oh my most wonderful Lord. I have done it. I have captured the muggle, and more."

His slimy voice crawls over me, "you have made me proud my child."

"I only wish to prove myself, only wish to serve you forever and have your mark upon my arm. And if that means I must kill a thousand muggles if it pleases you."

"Oh it would. Now stand up. Face me."

I stood up and dared to look into his eyes, then I felt him crawl into my mind. A pain shooting through my head as he treads through my memories. When he exits my head I flinch back a little.

"Very well, very well." He says as he eyes the muggles in the corner and touches the boundary, "Your father taught you this?"

"Of course, do you really believe anyone hired by that old coot can teach me anything useful. I do know how to turn a mouse into a cup though." He chuckles a bit, his voice shocking down my spine. The I hear a pop.

"Ah, my Lord." The new addition says bowing down so low his nose nearly touches the ground, "I trust my daughter has been treating you well?"

"Well she caught me nine muggles for me to watch her kill. How displeased can I be."

"Oh, good job my daughter."

I laugh to myself, "I live only to please my master."

"Now you can't just kill them, play with them first. Give me a show."

"I will torture and kill them one by one, then rip out their hearts to feed to Nagini if it will please you My Lord."

"Go on love."

I turn to the group, they are wide eyed and a few of them are sobbing. I give them a look that I kind of hope will seize their nerves so this is as painless as a Cruciatus Curse can be.

Then he speaks again, a tingling being sent down my back again, "That one first."

"John stand up." I say, my voice commanding as can be.

He doesn't stand up, seemingly frozen in shock and terror and he starts to hyperventilate hard.

"Would a Death Eater take that?"

"Imperio." I yell at John, and he is suddenly standing at the front of the group.

"Good girl. Number One."

I point my wand at him again, "Crucio!"

He falls to the floor, his breath coming in little gasps. Finally Elizabeth, who John dumped three weeks ago looked up from his thrashing body and looked at me, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? WHAT ARE YOU DOING PETUNIA?"

"Please, keep it up Elizabeth, your pleading just makes it more enjoyable for my master."

"Good, number two, move on please."

I look at John, writhing on the floor in pain, I raise my wand. Ready for the kicker. I look into his eyes as they periodically open and close.

"Goodbye… My Lord."


"Avada Kedavra!" I shout and see the spell rebound off the magical border. Then come back at me a rebound off my own. It thrashed against a few wall before finally hitting its target. He was off guard. He didn't know. He wasn't ready. But that is what we wanted. It hits him with a strong force. I cast it as hard as I could. His face contorted in horror. His two most valuable allies, his killers. He disintegrates onto the floor. Crumpling under his own pressure. The life of what could have been a great wizard, gone.

I smiled.

Then I feel two arms around me.

"My baby are you okay."

"I think so Papa. I think I'm okay."

I hope some more people liked the start of this story more that the other one.

Please review it would mean a lot. Anything helps!

Thanks for reading.
