A Life Without Regrets Isn't Life

5 Times Peter regretted the decisions he made, and the 1 time he was proud of them.

Chapter 6: In The End (Or the time when Peter wouldn't change anything.)

It was a few nights after Homecoming, when Peter found himself on top of his apartment building.

He sat on the ledge, his legs dangling, and staring at the far drop below. This fall, the one that would lead him straight into concrete morphed into when he was falling through the sky into the lake after the Vulture dropped him. And then the multiple short falls of when the Vulture tossed him around. And then when he and the Vulture were hurtling out of the sky, along with the cargo plane.

Unfortunately every flashback ended with him lying on the ground in pain, surrounded by darkness. Or maybe because he just didn't have the strength to open his eyes.

Honestly, Peter expected this to happen right after webbing the Vulture to a bunch of crates. Maybe even when he got back home.

He didn't expect it to happen tonight, after all it had been multiple days and nights, and he didn't feel like breaking down. But today at school was the last day Liz was going to be here. He couldn't look at her without the feeling of guilt swallowing him whole. She was moving to Ohio for goodness sakes! A whole new part of the country!

It was then, that Peter found himself thinking for rest of the day, how lucky he was. Everything that went right, and how it could have been oh so simple for it to go all wrong.

He had seen the news, Mr. Stark was on it saying how the plane had a problem with its rotors. He hadn't even seen Mr. Stark, nor had they spoken. In fact, Peter hadn't texted Happy since he had his suit taken away. 'They were probably still angry with me. I wouldn't be surprised if they were.'

Peter shook his head and leaned over the ledge. The fall was nauseating, yet at the time where he was falling through thousands of feet of empty air, it was all to empowering. Now it terrified Peter.

With all these negative thoughts running through his mind, it was about time that Peter was raked with sobs.

He was so wrapped up in his inner turmoil that the mechanical suit belonging to his role model didn't phase him. What did phase him was when he was pulled from behind. Peter still crying, stumbled, but stood up. His eyes widened when Tony stood there.

Peter cried. He wasn't going to lie.

Here he was, sniffling and holding on for dear life.

On the bright side, they were very happy tears now.

Peter felt what he was hugging move, and he immediately backed off, wiping his face and taking a few deep breaths.

Luckily, it was so late at night - well now it was so early in the morning - that no one could see Tony Stark hugging a shaking teenager. In fact, Peter had no idea how he even ended up hugging Stark. It was just a minute of his stumbling backwards, and than suddenly throwing his arms.

Peter's face began to flush a red, which wasn't really noticeable, as his face was already flushed, because of his heavy crying. "Sor - sorry! ." Peter quickly cleared his throat and rubbed his eyes. For a second Peter thought that Tony was smiling at him. Tony put his hand on Peter's shoulder, making the teenager bite his lip and stare at his idol.

"So, I was wondering where Spiderman was tonight. I haven't seen him in awhile." Tony moved to sit down on the edge on the building, just like how Peter was before. Peter sat beside him, but didn't make eye contact. "Oh. About that Mr. Stark, I'm really sorry about the vulture, and plane crash and just everything."

Peter heard Tony sigh beside him,

"I'm not mad you know. In fact I brought this back." Peter wondered how he hadn't noticed it before, but Tony, from behind his back, pulled out and handed the Spiderman suit to Peter. He grabbed it, and brushed his thumb over the black spider insignia. He whispered, "Mr. Stark -" Peter stopped when Tony held up his hand.

"Like I said, I'm not mad at you. I'm really sorry that I took it away from you. You didn't say it, but I could see it in your eyes that you wanted to say 'I was doing what you would have done.' That's the problem. I want you to be better than me. I want you to do the things that I failed to do."

Tony took a deep breath.

"I want you to be Peter Parker. The nerdy freshman that's Spiderman. The one who's in the game for the little guys. Not Tony Stark. Don't every become Tony Stark."

Peter took a deep breath and felt his heart stop beating the moment that Stark's arms had wrapped around him. When Peter didn't move, Tony decided to pull back, but the second that he shifted, he suddenly had a crying teenager in his arms. Again. For the second time that night.

Which was two more than any night.

They clutched onto each for what seemed like forever, in silence, before Peter spoke.

"A lot of bad things have happened. But I would go through them all again, just so I could be here. 'Cause nothing will ever change this."

Tony smiled into Peter's hair, and lifted his hand so that he could rub the kid's hair.

"Promise that you never will regret it."

"I could never."

Gosh it has been awhile since I uploaded. But I'm done with this! The ending was rushed to me, but whatever. I think I partially got the fluff thing down. Maybe.

I want to thank you guys for reading this! If you have any suggestions for another story, I'll be happy to try!
