The second I opened my eyes the next morning, the world launched into fast forward. I was yanked out of my warm bed and hurried from pod to pod to give much needed input for the rapidly approaching, surprise wedding that was taking place in less than 24 hours. At some point while I was sleeping, the Queens plan must have been announced because now everyone, other than me (THE FREAKING BRIDE) knew every little detail.

Arranged marriages now a days are so rare that everyone had almost forgotten that they had ever existed in the first place. Of course a lot of trolls were against it from the start, according to Guy Diamond there was even a small uproar when it made known. Though one short speech from Prince Branch later, and the majority decided to support the future kings wedding. A wedding that had the twins screaming and crying in both delight and fear at the prospect of making my wedding dress, and the Prince's suit.

Every step I made was guided by someone different every few minutes, every time I opened my mouth cake flavors where shoved in, and every time I would even look up questions would just start pouring in. "How long have you known?" "Aren't you excited!" "How are you holding up?" "What flavor cake do you want!" "Are you ok?" "Are you going to have kids soon?" for the first time in my life, I wanted nothing more than to be out of the center of attention. What am I even supposed to be doing anyway!? And where the hell is Branch? I haven't even seen that royal pain in my ass step outside ONCE today and its almost 2:00!

SOMEHOW, I'm able to crawl away from the ever growing mob, running a bit extra just for good measure. When I stop, I drop face first into a bed of fresh moss and scream in frustration, how was I supposed to know all the details that went into planning a wedding for the future King…and Queen? A deep sigh that I didn't know escapes my lips, I hadn't figured that part out yet. I roll over so I'm laying on my side, and for a while I just watched light bounce between the leaves. Not a bad view, especially when I could see my pod perfectly from here. Oh man, do I just want to go home, climb into my bed, and prey to Cybil that today was just a really, REALLY weird dream from eating to many Pop rocks.

I just lay there, watching my pod drift in the wind, with nowhere to go and not really wanting to be anywhere else. Huh, I actually can't remember having a peaceful moment like this. Normally I'd be hunting down excitement and building energy right now…but this was nice.

I start to drift off, almost forgetting why I even ran off in the first place. Absently watching Trolls moving in and out of my cotton candy like pod, while my eyes slowly drift shut….Wait….


I'm up and racing towards my Pod before I can even process that my feet are moving. Why are Trolls in my pod? What were they doing? AND WHY does no one ever tell me about anything!?

"Hey!" I call out, nearly crashing into one of the Trolls rummaging through my home. Slowing to a stop to prevent anymore possible collisions, I gape at the team if Trolls dismantling my pod piece by piece.

I take a gulp of air, and remind myself to say calm, and give them a chance to explain themselves. "Uhh…GUYS!" Everyone freezes in place instantaneously, feet still in the air and everything. "Can someone please explain to me what's going on!" I spin to make sure I face everyone, waiting for an excuse for the destruction.

"Uhh…Poppy?" A yellow and purple Troll named Lily (Great Dancer, high pitched singer) awkwardly slides forward. "We weren't exactly sure whether you knew or not…Well, Branch told us to get started on it so that everything was ready by tonight-WHICH DOES MAKE SINCE! You know, given the time crunch and list of things to do I mean-". "Lily" I groan out heavily, annoyed that everyone's been skipping around the bush today. "Please, just get out with it. I'm a big girl, I can take it". I exaggerate a smile and give her a thumbs up. She rubs her arm up and down and looks as if she's expecting me to spontaneously combust any second. "Ok…So you know how the wedding is tomorrow morning?" I flinch at the reminder, but nod. "- And you know how Prince Branches Coronation is tomorrow night?" I nod again, noting how the rest of the group look like their ready to run away at any moment. "Well, we'll be celebrating all day, and there won't be that much time between everything else going on. So, Prince Branch said to move your stuff in today". I keep my face still, looking for any indicator of a joke. "Moving in?…" She fiddles with her fingers "We yeah, I mean…your marrying him! So of course you'll be- Well he says that you'll be living with him, In the royal pod.

Living with him.

I kind of forgot that part of the whole "Marriage" deal.

Oh dear Cybil this is really happening.

I'm marrying Branch tomorrow.

I have to marry Branch tomorrow.