Hi everyone! This is a new idea for a story I had! It was actually partially inspired by a line in a song and kinda just formed into this massive idea in my head that I think is really cool! I think Padme as a character has so much potential where fanfics are concerned and she should NOT just be relegated to the love interest like she is in the movies (the clone wars TV series sort of redeems her though).

This is a story of if Anakin survived the battle on Mustafar intact and Padme survives childbirth. We all know the empire is against everything she stands for, so how would she be if she had been forced to live this life for 17 years? and just how far will she go to restore the republic? She is probably going to seem slightly OOC (or maybe not cause the events justify it?) and this story is probably going to take her character to some dark places!

I'm going to be alternating between this story and my other fanfiction cross over The Chosen Ones which is a story of Buffy summers ending up in the star wars universe so check it out if you like :)


Padme had lived a half life since that faithful day on Mustafar. Anakin returned from fighting Obi-Wan relatively unscathed, and had never deigned to inform her of the Jedi masters final fate and he reacted most angrily should the conversation ever be broached...she hoped this meant that he had somehow survived.

Her heart had broke that day, and then it did for a second time as she went into labour. Anakin...Vader's dark, suffocating presence never leaving her side. What should have been the happiest day of her life tainted beyond all compare, what life will her children have under the thumb of Darth Vader and the newly formed Empire? In a matter of hours everything she held dear had crumbled around her.
If not for her children, Luke and Leia, she would have ended her life long before now...the once strong and proud Padme Amidala reduced to a shell of her former self. She had tried to keep their childlike innocence as long as she could, tried to be the balance that kept them from becoming like their father. Leia was more like her, strong, with morals and a sense of justice and a keen interest in politics. While Luke idolised his father, he had a naivety in which he saw the good in someone nobody else could see, usually a good trait but it worried her greatly. It made him somewhat blind to his fathers many unsavoury character flaws. Whats worse, both her children were almost as strong as their father in the force and Vader was personally involved in teaching them how to control the force.

They tried to function as a normal family, Vader demanded it. One demand he made was that they would sit and have dinner together almost every evening, the awkwardness and resentment in the air somewhat hidden by the twins lively presences. On the rare occasion the twins weren't there and it was just her and him it would usually end in disaster. If she was honest he tried, but he didn't seem to understand their love was long dead and she would quickly make this known should he stray even slightly from small talk, which would then earn his wrath. More than once it had ended in her dangled off the ground, clutching her throat, bringing back memories of that fateful day on Mustafar, the day he had destroyed everything. The day Padme Amidala died.

It was during these times of domestic violence the dark thoughts in her mind became stronger, louder, fiercer. They no longer shared a bed, but she sometimes thought about killing him in his sleep. If she succeeded the galaxy would have one less monster ruling it, and her children free of his influence. It was risky though, they may then fall directly under the Emperors influence, the only man worse than Vader. If she failed, which she suspected was more likely, she would die and nobody would be around to be the counter to his and his master presence.
The Emperor, the only man she hated more than Vader. The architect of the destruction of everything she believed in. The man she had looked too as a mentor, the man she had stupidly believed stood for justice and decency. The man from her home planet whom she thought she knew better than almost anyone. A snake. A deceiver. A destroyer.

The only times she truly felt alive were the times Vader was away on his dark masters bidding, and her and Luke and Leia were alone together. The atmosphere was lighter, there moods brighter and, for Padme, her happiness real. The only moments that mattered to her.

One day everything changed. She was at a public event with her husband that she had been forced to go to, just about managing to crack a smile and look like a trophy wife. Vader was distracted talking to some high level empire officials when she spotted her old friends Senator Bail Organa and Senator Mon Mothma. She excused herself and approached them. It was from them she learnt of The Rebellion. Their had been small scale rebellions before that Vader had quickly crushed, but she knew this one had been a thorn in his side for some time and she could understand why. Bail and Mon were smart, if anyone could organise a successful resistance they could. Them...and her.

After 17 years of living this way. The day finally came that Padme would get her revenge. The day her life would once again have a purpose outside of her children. Padme Amidala would bring this Empire to its knees.

Hope you enjoyed the prologue please follow and review if you think this story has potential! :)