Hey, sorry about the super long wait, hope this chapter is worth it. Please read and review, the more you review, the faster the updates, and don't just leave reviews asking for updates, leave stuff you want to possibly be incorporated into the story.

I saw Nate's eyes widen as he slipped into the seat beside me.

"Cammie, what are you doing here?" I grinned as I glanced around the room.

"I'm your new bodyguard, well, one of them. Seems you actually fooled everyone into thinking you were dead and they don't recognize you. Especially since the last time you were seen, by them at least, you were a toddler." Nate inclined his head softly.

"I suppose that would make sense. What about our arrangement with the Director?" I frowned slightly.

"Met doesn't know your name or the connection to the family, only that you're an informant and have infiltrated the Circle. The deal still stands though. So, don't worry about it." He nodded and closed his eyes for a moment.

"Cam, this painting, it's been handed down through the Circle for generations, they used me to steal it from themselves to hopefully, draw you out. It clearly worked, and I need you to promise me you'll be careful, this is something I don't want you to get caught up in again." I nodded, grabbing a couple bills from my pocket before walking out to the square. I made it a few steps out the door when I ran into a familiar face. I groaned as the boy called out to me.

"Hey, Cammie." I smiled tightly.

"Josh, what's up?" He grinned.

"Not much, I'm just running a few things for my dad." He gestured to the pharmacy and I nodded.

"Great, well, I need to go, I'll see you around." I glanced over his shoulder and noticed a couple of obvious Circle newbies. I nodded a goodbye to him before walking in the general direction of the agents. I was about to walk past them when one stopped me.

"Excuse me, miss?" I smiled at them.


"Could you point me in the direction of the high school? We're new to town." I nodded.

"Certainly, you'll want to follow the main road until you reach the park, take the first left and you'll end up in front of the school." They nodded their thanks and I kept on walking. I turned to go into the park and walked over to the open field. I sat on an empty bench and watched as everyone played and just had fun. A golden retriever came running up to me with a ball in his mouth. I grinned at the dog as he sat beside me and looked over his shoulder. I followed his gaze and chuckled when I saw a girl running towards us, a snapped leash in her hand. She smiled when she reached us.

"Thanks for keeping him. He's definitely crazy." I smiled. She held out a hand. "I'm Isabella."

"Cammie, nice to meet you." She smiled brightly. I looked up as someone walked toward us, calling her name.

"Bella! Don't run away like that, you know mom would kill me if I lost you." The boy with sandy hair and grey eyes smiled at me. "Hey, I'm Lance, sorry if she inconvenienced you. Our parents are here for some art auction and it isn't fun when we're probably going to be the only teenagers there."

"That's never fun. What art auction?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Surely you've heard of the auction being held by Nathen Matthews in a few days?" I inclined my head in acknowledgement.

"Of course, do you even know how old Mr. Matthews is?" Lance shrugged, a lazy grin stretched across his face.

"Not really, I assume he's some old guy." I nodded slightly in acknowledgement before I saw Zach walking toward us with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, it was nice to meet you, but I need to go." He nodded before I stood and walked over to Zach. I grabbed his hand before leading the way back to the hotel. We got back and just hung out for the rest of the day.

…Day of the Auction…

I walked into the library where the auction was taking place and immediately noticed something was up. I glanced over the crowd and spotted the class of sophomores following a smug Joe Solomon into the library show room. I rolled my eyes before glancing around and catching Nate's eye. He nodded to me once before I walked to my 'post'. I stood with my back to a wall, observing the crowd as it seemed the entire town of Roseville was there for the auction. I spotted Hale and Gabrielle walking towards the display, the Bagshaw's pretending to be a maintenance team walking past an entrance to a service corridor, and spotted Zach across the room, scanning the crowd for potential threats as well.

Nate walked over to a podium beside the displays and cleared his throat before speaking. "If I may have your attention, the auction will be starting in two minutes, so please, find your seats, thank you."

He turned to speak with one of the Circle agents there to help set everything up. The crowd moved to their seats, I glanced at Hale again and noticed he was talking with a familiar face, Lance. Lance took the seat next to him as my brother took the podium once again.

"Well, hello, as I'm sure the majority of you know, I am Nathen Matthews and am holding a silent auction for a very expensive painting and the bidding will start in a few moments, but for now, I will show you the piece and if you'd like to read a brief history on it, it's on page five of your complementary program you received as you walked in. The bidding will begin in one minute, thank you." The Bagshaw's walked onto the small dais where the podium was and placed an easel on it, before Kat walked out in a smart business suit, and placed the canvas in it's spot. I caught Kat's eye as she walked back to the service corridor and she winked quickly before I looked back up and met Nate's gaze. I gave him an almost imperceptible nod before rolling my shoulders and looking to the seated crowd.

Lance stood from his seat and walked to a refreshment table before starting to walk back to his seat as Nate made his way back to the podium. Lance slightly shifted the direction he was walking in and slammed into Nate while spilling the water he had just gotten all over him. Everyone stood up in a slight panic before Hale looked over and nodded once to me. He and Gabrielle stood and swiftly made their way out of the hallway as Zach and I walked towards a maintenance door in the back of the room and quickly walked outside. Kat was still inside and spoke over our comms as we got outside.

"Chameleon, we need an extraction of our newbie, Knight. Tonight was a trial run and he was the distraction, come back here and pretend to take him into custody, me and the Bagshaw's are going to merge with the crowd from Gallagher." I pressed a finger to my ear piece and responded.

"Understood, one extraction coming up. I'll take this opportunity to also arrest Mr. Matthews." There was an affirmative before me and Zach walked back into the building. The security company bought by the Circle was calming everyone down as they had Lance being guarded by four guys. Zach went to talk with them as I nodded to Nate. I stepped up to the podium before clearing my throat and getting everyone's attention.

"Excuse me, I apologize for the inconvenience, but the auction is over, namely because Mr. Matthews over there is trying to sell a piece of stolen artwork." Everyone started grumbling but walked out of the building anyways. I walked towards Nate and put him in handcuffs before whispering to him, "Just for appearances, don't worry, we've got the real painting."

He nodded slightly before allowing me to push him out of the door as Zach pushed Lance out after me. We walked down to where Kat had parked a black SUV earlier and pushed them into the back seat. I got into the driver's side with Zach beside me. He turned back and undid their handcuffs before holding out a hand to Lance.

"Don't believe we've met. Zach Goode, pleasure to meet you." Nate glared at me through the rearview mirror, but I shot him a look that said, 'tell you later'. He nodded in acceptance as Lance shook Zach's hand.

"Lance Jackson, I think I've met our driver, but, who are you guys?" I exchanged a look with Zach before responding.

"It'll be better if we get to a more secure location before any information is revealed to you. And Nate, calm down, I can literally see the gears turning in your head and the steam pouring from your ears." He nodded once before looking down at his hands. I drove for the next few minutes in silence until we reached the gates. I rolled down my window and looked at the guard, he was chewing a bunch of gum as he grinned at us.

"Agent Morgan, Agent Goode, you are to report to conference room AS2." I nodded.

"Understood, let them know we'll be bringing a couple of guests." The guard nodded as the gates opened and I drove to the front of the school. We all got out and walked into the main foyer before Zach and I turned down a hallway and stopped in front of a floor to ceiling mirror. The eyes of the painting of Jonathon Blackthorne flashed green and the mirror slid to the side, revealing an elevator. We gestured for Lance and Nate to go in front of us before stepping in ourselves. The doors closed, and we went down about twenty feet before the elevator halted and a metallic voice spoke.

"IDENTIFY. IDENTIFY." I rolled my eyes before speaking.

"Agent Cameron Morgan-Goode, CIA."

"Agent Zachary Goode, CIA." Nate went next, and I rolled my eyes at his grin.

"Agent Nathen Morgan-Matthews, retired CIA." Lance looked at him in shock before going next with a hesitant tone.

"Lance Jackson, thief." The lights of the elevator, that had turned orange, suddenly flipped to green before the elevator started moving again and we calmly waited for it to arrive. The doors slid open and revealed oak floors and stone walls before Zach and I led the way through the confusing maze that is Sublevel 2. We reached a door labelled AS2 and went to push it open. Zach was the first one through and stopped in his tracks, making us all run into him.

We pushed him through though and saw that everyone involved in the operation was seated around a conference table. No adults were there, and Hale was trying to control the Bagshaw's, who had somehow managed to get a lighter. I rolled my eyes before walking past and plucking it from Hamish's hand and sliding gracefully into a chair beside Kat.