A/n: I finally have an idea for a story, please read and review. I do not own FSOG.

*Ayden's Pov*

I was sitting at my desk putting the finishing touches on the presentation I had to give at a meeting. I leaned over and picked up the picture of Lilly and I from when we got engaged a year and a half ago, it was crazy to think in Five days day's we were finally getting married.

*Knock, Knock* "come in," I said putting the picture down back on my desk. "Ayden, sorry to inturpt but I just wanted to introduce you to your new administrative assistant Brittany Young, she will be taking over Kerry's job until she comes back from Maternity leave," Mr. Douglas said. I got up and shook her hand "Ayden Kelly" I said shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Kelly" Brittany said "You can call me Ayden, I look forward to working with you Brittany," I said

Brittany's Uncle is Robert Young, CEO of our company" Mr. Douglas said. "Your Uncle is a great man," I said. All the sudden my phone started ringing. "I have to grab that but it was nice meeting you Brittany," I said "You too" "I will see you in a few minutes at the meeting," Mr. Doulas said.

*Lilly's Pov*

"I can't believe you didn't take this whole week off" My co-worker Ryann said. "Everything is done, there are just a few small details, and besides tomorrow is my last day, then I'm not back till the twenty-fifth," I said sitting down in front of the computer. "Did you give the guy in room six morphine?" I asked Ryann. "Yes I was just about to write it in," she said "I got it," I said "Thanks".

"Are you staying at your parent's the night before the wedding?" she asked. "Yes, we are getting ready there, and the guys are getting ready at our Townhouse, I have to remind my dipshit brother to pick up his tux," I said. Ryann laughed "when does he fly in?" she asked "Thursday Morning I'm going to pick him up, maybe we will do that on the way home," I said. "Crap what time is it?" I asked. twelve forty-five" Ryann said. "I told my Grandma I would meet her for lunch, I'll just page her and tell her I can't," I said

"No go ahead, we are good down here," she said, "Are you sure?" I asked "yes, go," Ryann said. "thanks," I said grabbing my purse and walking out of the ER.

I decided to change my Major Freshman year, I wanted to help people, and with my Grandmother being a doctor I was always interested in medicine, so I became a Nurse and graduated with my RN, BSN, I got a job working in the ER at the same hospital my grandmother works at. Ayden played football all four years and majored in Architectural Engineering.

My Grandmother was sitting at a table reading Medical digest. "Hi sweetie how are you?" she said getting up and giving me a hug and kiss on the cheek. "I'm good you?" I asked "Good, busy but glad I could slip away to have lunch with you," she said. My Grandmother semi retired, she only works a few days a week. "Are you Hungry?" she asked "A little," I said.

"Lilly you need to eat, don't tell me you worried about fitting into your dress, you are going to look great," she said.

"Thank's Grandmom," I said smiling. I grabbed a salad and a bottle of water and sat down. "when are they coming to set up?" I asked "Friday morning, I have work but your grandpa will be there if you want to stop by," She said. "Are you sure you two don't want to rehearsal dinner at our house?" she asked. "it's okay we already have dinner set up at The Bristo for six-thirty" I said. "I can't believe the day is almost here," she said. "I know"

"Your dad is having a hard time, his baby is getting married," she said. "I know," I said. Her pager started going off. "sorry I'll be right back" she said.

"I'm sorry, I have to get back upstairs but i will see you Friday," she said. "Okay love you," I said, "Love you too".

Later that day after work I drove home to our Townhouse, "Hey Brody" I said petting our one-year-old boxer "Want to go outside?" I said. After I let him out I changed into shorts and a loose tank and went for a long run. Running always helps me relax after a long day.

When I got back to the house and I started dinner, I turned some music on and danced around the kitchen.

*Ayden's Pov*

My presentation was hit, Mr. Douglas and Mr. Young loved it. I was in my office shutting my computer down when Brittany Knocked on the door. "Hey a bunch of us are going out for a Happy hour you in?" she asked. "sorry rain check, my fiance and I have some last minute things to do for our wedding," I said. "Oh you're getting married?" she asked. "Yes, this Saturday," I said. "Oh well congratulations," Brittany said. "Thank you," I said grabbing my bag. "I'll see you tomorrow, have a good night"

When I got home Brody came and greeted me. "Hey Buddy, where's your mom?" I said patting him on the head and putting my stuff down. I heard music coming from the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen and stood by the door watching Lilly dance around while stirring something in a pot. "Hey babe" she jumped "sorry I didn't mean to scare you," I said walking over and giving her a kiss. Lilly wrapped her one arm around me leaning her head against me. "what are you making?" I asked. "Baked chicken, baked potatoes corn and salad," she said. "sounds good, I'm starving," I said. "How was your presentation?" Lilly asked "It went really well they like my idea," I said. "that's great babe," she said giving me a kiss. "They talked about presenting it to the head of Wahington transportation" "That would be amazing," she said "I know I hope it happens," I said "me too"

I set the table and we sat down to eat. "I got a new administrative assistant, her name is Brittany she is Mr. Young's niece," I said. "Oh yeah is she pretty?" Lilly asked I gave her are you serious look. "what?" she asked, "she's pretty but she's not you". i said

After dinner we cleaned up, I grabbed the plate from Lilly and put it on the counter next to us. "That can wait," I said kissing her. "Babe," she said I put my hands on her waist and lifted her up on the counter kissing her. "Ayden I'm all sweaty," Lilly said. "you think I care," I said kissing her. She started un buttoning my shirt.

"Lilly are you home?" we heard a voice yell. "shit," I said "In the kitchen" Lilly yelled. Her best friend Brooke walked in.

*Lilly's Pov*

"Brooke what's wrong why didn't you just call me?" i asked "I did I tried calling both of you but you didn't answer," she said. "I don't want you to get upset when I tell you this, but you need to know," she said. 'what is it, Brooke?" Ayden asked. "Colleen is getting out of jail on Thursday for good behavior'

"Wait how did you find out?" One of our Lawyers is on her case, so I shouldn't really be telling you but". she said "Oh god I felt my legs give out beneath me. "Lilly" Ayden grabbed me. "it's going to be okay, she's not going to be able to get anywhere near us," he said. "How do you know," I said "because I am going to make sure of it," I said. I leaned against him and started crying. "shh it's going to be okay"

"I'm sorry I hate to do this but I have to go meet someone from work," Brooke said. "It's okay thanks for telling us," Ayden said "Oh course," she said giving me a hug. "I'll call you later okay love you," she said "love you too," I said.

Ayden stood there rubbing my back until i started to relax, "why do you go take a shower i'll finish cleaning up" he said. "Okay," I said standing up. "You need help, are you okay?" he asked "I'm okay," I said.

I walked up to our bathroom and got undressed and turn the shower on, everything was going so great why now?" I thought.

I showered and changed into a pair of Ayden's sweatpants and one my tee shirts, after brushing my hair and braiding it I got into bed and curled into a ball.

*Ayden's Pov*

I cleaned up dinner and fed the dog, then headed up stairs to check on Lilly, she was curled up in a ball in bed I walked over and leaned down. "I love you," I said "I love you too," she said.

i changed into basketball shorts and tee shirt and climbed into bed next to her till she fell asleep. I wasn't tired so I walked across the hall to our office to do some work.

"STOP DON'T TOUCH ME, LET ME GO! LET ME GO" I heard Lilly yelling I got up so fast my computer chair fell over, i ran into our room. "Lilly wake up it's just a dream, it's okay babe"

she woke up tears running down her face. "shh it's okay" I said she sat up and hugged me. "It was just a dream, it's going to be okay" i said "what if she comes back Ayden?" Lilly asked