It was about an hour later when Caroline came to a wall she couldn't seem to find an opening in. She walked one way, and then the next, and found a dead end in both sections. She looked back to the archway that had brought her that far, and found it had closed up. She had realised that particularly cruel talent of the maze she was in, that it was alive somehow. It moved and changed, before her eyes, and definitely behind her back. Doorways she'd just come through disappeared and new ways opened up, only to close before she could reach them. She wondered if the King was doing it, manipulating her from his castle high on the hill over her. She could already picture his indolent smirk. Irritation flashed across her face as she recalled their previous conversation. Was he watching her now? How long had he been watching her? How much did he really know about her? Was he a goblin really, she wondered. He looked like a man, a terrifying and supernaturally handsome one, but still, nothing like the strangest, twisted little creatures that seemed to surround him where ever he went. As she strode back and forth, locked in the same section, the tall labyrinth walls towering over her on all sides, she felt even more angry at the thought he was watching her… the trapped rat in his sadistic maze.

She studied the wall a long moment, scanning for something, a plan forming in her mind. Seeing something she thought she could make work, she leaned down and rubbed her hands firmly in the red dusty sand on the ground and poured some into her pockets, then she approached the wall.

Wedging her toe into a hold, she reached up for a hand hold, and held her breath. Pulling herself up, she waited a moment to see if the wall was going to suddenly throw her off or something. When nothing happened, she reached for another hold, and slowly started climbing.

It was difficult, and her muscles were tired, but she was in good shape, years of cheerleading had taken care of that.

She was about half way up when a tiny voice spoke near her ear, and she almost let go in shock.

"Ere you! You can't climb the wall! That's against the rules" she looked round to see a small worm, nattily dressed in a small waistcoat and hat looking up at her in outrage.

"What rules?"

"The rules of the Labyrinth, of course" he tutted.

"What are they?"

"I can't tell you that?!" he said, appearing offended she'd asked.

"Why not?" she asked, readjusting her hand as it threatened to slip.

"It's against the rules!" he fumed, and she bit down a laugh.

"Telling me the rules is against the rules? That pretty contrary. Who made this rule?"

"Who do you think? Your Majesty, of course" the worm said, puffing up a little with importance.

"Well, in that case it makes perfect sense" she said sweetly, before turning back to the climb and moving up again.

"Oi! I said stop, I can't just let rule breakers pass me by! I'll loose my job, I will" the little worm seemed quite concerned now. Caroline paused a moment.

"Can you help me then? And I'll go another way that doesn't ruin your job" she offered. The worm considered her proposal for a while.

"Well, I'm not sure. Maybe if you ask the right question, I could answer in a way that was helpful" he said slowly. Caroline thought for a moment.

"Can you tell me how to get out of this section?" she said. The worm shook his head sadly.

"Afraid not"

"Well, I'm sorry then, I have to go my way" she said, starting to climb up again and soon passing him completely.

"What did she ask?" his wife demanded as he went back into their crevice.

"She asked how to get out the section, and I couldn't help her."

"That's strange, why didn't she just ask how to get to the castle?"






In the castle the King paced before the fire. He had just watched Caroline scale a wall almost 30 feet high. She was now walking along the top of the thick walls. She was cheating, it made him furious, but she didn't really know she was cheating, which was even more frustrating. At this rate, she really would be at the castle with time to spare, and their agreement would be void. She would return home with the babies, and there would be no leverage, there would be no deal.

He conjured another crystal, his eyes instantly stroking over her fine hair and features, her cornflower eyes and golden curls. She was tired, he saw it on her brow, but still, so achingly lovely. So determined and yet, so afraid. She had no idea of her own potential, her own power. She was untouched and he longed to show the world to her, wake the queen inside.

He made the crystal vanish and braced an arm over the huge roaring hearth that dominated the room, looked into the flames.

It had been so long since he had dared dream of a soul to stay beside him. His own family had deserted him long ago, flited off for more pleasant realms unknown and their absence was a dagger in his side. And yet, he was the Goblin King. The Goblin King, and this was his kingdom, he could not leave it. He had never ventured Overground, and in truth, few of his kind had. A King certainly never left the Underground, except perhaps to steal a bride from the mortal realm. That was one journey he had long ago given up expecting to make.

He thought, perhaps after all this time, he knew himself well. His avarice and greed, his cruelty and twisted sense of humour. His thirst for power over all things, and his need to be revered and obeyed. Feared.

Yes, he knew himself well. And despite it all, despite knowing his own monstrous traits, his greedy heart still longed for a mate. A companion against the gathering dark, someone to spend the twilight with, and from them, a child to continue his line. A child with cornflower eyes and golden curls.

No, she couldn't be allowed to continue so quickly.

"Stefan, I have an errand for you" he called to his most trusted courtier.







The light never seemed to change in this blasted world, she thought to herself as she decided to simply tear off the hanging bottom of the dress, the heat and dry wind of this realm finally wearing her down. As she trudged along, she started to think of water, and imagine what it would be like to drink a long draught of cool liquid. Her throat was burning with dryness, and she was pretty sure that's why she felt so tired.

Almost as though her mind had conjured it, she saw a small fountain ahead, with a table laid for lunch. There were succulent meats and spiced cakes, and everything she could imagine. And there was a drink of some kind that tasted vaguely alcoholic, but was light and refreshing. She sank down onto a stone bench and drank a little more of the refreshing drink, while looking over the table and deciding what to eat.

"You want to be careful. Eating and drinking new foods in a foreign land… could be anything in it!" a voice called, and she turned around wearily, tired of all the goblins who had already worn her patience thin. This one was the most human looking she'd encountered so far. He was almost as tall as the King, with a sculpted jaw and noble brow. The only thing strange about him were his eyes, which were more like a reptiles eyes.

She stood warily, backing up.

"I mean you no harm! I am merely passing through, and I thought to share some advice for another traveller" he said reasonably. She stood and stared at him a long moment before sitting tentatively down.

"What's wrong with the food?" she asked. He came closer and gestured to an empty bench, requesting her permission to sit. She nodded.

"Have you ever studied the classics? I'm thinking tales of the underworld, Hades and Persephone in particular, though the imagery is ripe throughout much of the literature of the past, and countless tales of the Fair Folk."

"Not really" she admitted. There was another area of self-doubt for the Goblin King to add to his laundry list of her insecurities. Intellect.

"Well, certain fruits, in the story I mention, pomegranates, hold a strange kind of power, and can bind the person who eats them to the Underworld." Caroline shifted violently away from the food, her eyes wide.

"Fear not, you haven't tasted any food, have you?"

"No, but I was going to, and I already drank a lot, I was so thirsty" she said.

"Drinking should be fine, and as long as you don't eat anything, I'm sure you'll be ok" he said reassuringly.

"I'm Caroline" she said in the ensuing silence. A kind smile lit the handsome if somewhat odd face of the young man.

"Stefan, nice to meet you"

"Where are you from?" she asked.

"I was actually born in Chicago, and I was very ill when I was a baby" he said, sitting back comfortably.

"My parents had come over from Ireland, and they still believed in the Old Ways. They took me to a sacred spot and left me for the Fair Folk. So, you could say I'm a changeling child" he smiled at her, his reptilian eyes winking at her. Caroline tried to process what he was saying.

"Are you ok?" Stefan prompted.

"Yeah, I think so. It's just, I'm suddenly seeing the world I know, well, knew, in such a different light. There was so much there that I had no idea about" she said faintly, and then clamped a hand over her stomach as it let out a loud growl.

"Sorry, it's been a long night, or is it day now? I don't even know anymore"

Stefan watched her a moment more, before pulling his backpack open and reaching inside. He held out a peach.

"Here, you look like you need it more than me" he said, that same friendly smile in place.
"I thought you said no eating" Caroline said distrustfully.

"Definitely no eating the food from here. But this peach is freshly picked up at the supermarket this morning… in our world. I always bring my own food when travelling in the Underground." He said, passing her the peach. She stared at it, her mouth already watering.

The sweet smell reached her, and she stared longingly at the ripe fruit.

"Are you sure?" she asked uncertainly.

"Of course, don't worry, I eat them all the time, so long as it's not from here, you'll be fine. How will you survive the labyrinth if you don't have the strength?" he asked and gently closed her hand round the fruit.

"I suppose" she murmured, raising the fruit to her mouth slowly, all other thoughts had fled her mind and all she could think about was the sweet tender flesh of the peach, the nectar filing her mouth –

She bit into it and closed her eyes with satisfaction.

"Wow, that has to be the best feeling" she sighed as she took another bite. Stefan watched her in silence. She held the fruit out to him.

"Do you want to share? I feel bad taking all your travelling snacks" she said with a half-smile. She saw a look pass his features, a fleeting expression of guilty and pity, for a moment before he rose, slinging his backpack on.

"No, it's fine, you enjoy. I'll be seeing you Caroline. Good luck with the Labyrinth." He said rather brusquely, avoiding her gaze. She stood, watching his abrupt departure, the whole thing leaving a sour taste in her mouth. In fact, there really was a strange taste, she realised, and glanced down at the peach. She suddenly saw a gaping rotten spot, right in the core, where she'd already bitten. Dizziness descended suddenly and she slumped down at the table, her arm knocking off plates and bowls, which were suddenly empty.

She fell further to the floor, just needing to lie down a moment, her wrist lolling with the half-eaten peach in it, as she lay her head back. She could hear music from somewhere, it had seemed far away, only moments before, but know she felt like it was all around her, and into that place, she fell.

There's such a sad love

Deep in your eyes

A kind of pale jewel

Open and closed

Within your eyes

I'll place the sky

Within your eyes

David Bowie, As the World Falls Down – Labyrinth OST