The Orphan
Chapter I

Author's note. All characters are the creation of JK Rowling and Rick Riordan and are owned by them. Except Sasha and the inspector, who I totally made up. And the old couple in the diner. And the server in the casino. And they can have them too if they like as this is a non profit exercise. And some of the spells come from First Edition Dungeons and Dragons, owned by TSR. Or whoever owns TSR now.

Feedback is always welcome.

A word about canon. I don't care about canon but try to stick with it mostly. There is clearly a time line shift in this story. It takes place at the beginning of Lightening Thief and Sorcerers Stone, events that in canon are over a decade apart. I don't care. I'm just wild that way.

This story is unrelated to my other story. I may go back to it someday, but candidly, I'm bored with it.

I hope you enjoy! Reviews, critiques and messages are always welcome and I try to respond to all.


"No Albus, you must not, I've watched them all day and they are truly horrible, even by muggle standards."

"Minerva, we've been over this. They are his only family, that alone means he should go to them, what is more, they, by their blood, offer the best protection against the Death Eaters and the Dark Lord should he return. I understand your concer" the headmaster said before Professor McGonagall interrupted.

"Albus, you haven't seen them like I have, the Ministry hasn't seen them like I have... Albus, you've trusted me a long time, and I... well I trust you too. Today, while I was waiting I cast an augury spell"

"Minerva! You should not mention this, to cast an augury on muggles is..."

"I know the law! I served in the Ministry when it was written. It was not for my benefit though, it was for his!" she replied, pointing at the baby in my arms.

"I instructed you to remain transfigured"

"I did, I cast it as a cat."


"That doesn't matter. I have powers too you know. But, I saw the child's future with these people. For the next eleven years his life will be torture. He will be unwanted and treated like a slave, even lower than a house elf. Albus, they will make him live in a cupboard, give him no love or affection, all their hatred of his parents will be poured onto him. Every day, until he returns to us, and they will even fight his return. No, he cannot live here. The whole of the magical community owes him a debt and I will not let you repay it that way. If you leave him here, I will quit the school and raise him myself."

I had not seen Professor McGonagall so upset, ever. And to use a spell that is clearly illegal to use on muggles, for it foretold their futures and had been abused so much in the past, well, I knew she meant it. She would take the child from the steps, leave school, and we would never see either until he returned to Hogwarts. Her words carried the force of a woman who was not to be trifled with, and even Dumbledore was taken back by them.

"Very well. I know of another option. He will be loved, nurtured and protected, but his life may well be just as arduous in the coming years until he returns to us."

"What is that Albus, should I leave schoo"

"No, and don't bring that up again. As we are descended from Hecate, and granted magic by her grace, you must have imagined the other gods had children with mortals."

"Well, yes, I have wondered, but I just assumed"

"Ah ah, do not assume. It is true, they do. And like Hecate's descendants with magic, they are trained by an ancient who has trained the gods offspring since the time of Apollo's birth."

"The Horseman?" I asked.

"He prefers 'Chiron'" I shall contact him through the mist and see if he is agreeable."

With that they apparated to Hogwarts, but I took Sirius Blacks' flying motorcycle. It was all that was found of his possessions after he murdered Peter, though years later I would learn that Black was innocent and Peter alive, at that time I had nothing but hatred and bile for him. Still, the bike was more fun than disapperation.

The next morning we met before breakfast in Dumbledore's office.

"Chiron has agreed, on the condition that the child return to us at age eleven for formal magical education. His wizardly status will be revealed to him when appropriate, but for the time being he will be treated as an infant half god, unclaimed by his godly parent, and orphaned by his mortal one. Chiron asks for his parent's wands, a book of simple spells, and his father's broom, all of which will be given to him at appropriate times. We are to keep the rest of his possessions, and provide him with an allowance in drachmas and muggle money, which I have already arranged. Oh and his name might carry a mark, and he will be outside the protection of the ministry, so he will go by the name "Rubeus McGonagall" until the time is right for him to know."

"Albus, to rob the child of his identity..."

"Is the only way to guarantee the remaining Death Eaters don't find him Minerva, without placing him with his aunt and uncle you so clearly disapprove of. In a few years, when the ado of Voldemort's demise is over and the remaining Death Eaters are rounded up, then he will be told of his true origin. Now, if you would gather his father and mother's wands, and place a permanent stupify jinx on them so that need only give the verbal command rather than the full somatic, and Hagrid if you would see to the broom. I will prepare a cloth sack with a permanent extension charm to carry everything and I will be on my way."

"Is the, uh, Horseman, Chiron, is he going to raise the child himself?" I asked.

"Ah that. See Chiron runs a camp with homes for all the god's children. It has been decided that until he is six or seven, he will reside with the daughters of Aphrodite. Not a bad way to be raised I would think."

"May I add a gift or two?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"Of course, and you as well should you like Hagrid, but remember, he may not see your gifts for a decade, but in case he does, well, include nothing that would reveal himself before Chiron decides it is time. If one of you would add a testing wand as well, we may not see him until after his letters go out."