Chapter 1:

Akashi Seijuuro knocked at his father's office door to inform him of his arrival.

"Come in..."

"Father, you've called for me?"

"Yes. Seijuuro, you are to accompany Mr. Park to his tour around Kyoto this weekend. Do not worry about your trainings, for I have informed your Coach about the matter." Seijuuro remained silent waiting for any further orders.

"Ah, yes... I would like to inform you first that you'll be going into the redlight district downtown since I've heard he's somewhat looking for a good time upon his stay. DO not humiliate me Seijuuro and do not fail me. You may go." Akashi bowed in response and made his way back to his room.

Not a few minutes later he heard his phone ring.


"What is it Reo?"

"Ah! I was wondering if you'd like to come with us this Saturday night? We're going to the *Onsen near the mountains."

"I kindly decline your offer Reo. My father had appointed me to accompany one of our potential business partners on his tour around the area for the whole weekend."

"Is that so? Then maybe next time you'd be able to join us?"

"Yeah, maybe next time."

The call ended shortly leaving Akashi in silence.


"Ah, Coach I'll be going first..." Furihata waved a goodbye to his team mates.

"Ah! Furi! Wait a second!" Kawahara tried to run after the brunette but failed.

"Aah~ Furi's not staying for some more practice again?" Fukuda said as he picked one ball up.

"Well apparently he got a part-time job at some far place from here."

"Eh? But isn't that against school rules?"

"Yes, but he has his parents' consent so he was allowed to."

The two just nodded at their coach.

Meanwhile, Furihata was almost running just to catch his train.

"Oh no... Please let me make it!" He whispered as he got past the station's entrance.

Luckily the doors to the train had just opened and there wasn't many passengers boarding too.

"Lucky!" He hurried and boarded the train himself.

_Few Hours Later_

Furihata got off the train and headed for the bus stop and boarded one.

Not half an hour later, he got off the bus and walked his way through the crowded place of Kyoto's downtown.

He entered his workplace, Raven Haven.

Raven Haven is a well known Omega Strip Club, and yes he is one.

Far from what his parents thought about his work being a waiter at one of the bars around the place, he has actually been working as a stripper for almost three months now. Initially he was accepted as a waiter but once the owner knew about his secondary gender being an omega, she called for him and made him strip, checked his body and offered him to be one of the dancers, ofcourse with the promise of not allowing customers to take him out or anything.

The exact same time he agreed to be one, he knew there would be people touching him and all, but luckily it hasn't gone far from that. His first week was fine and his co-dancers had been kind enough to teach him things around the club and how to properly seduce customers especially Alphas. In just a month's time he had already became the club's star dancer.

"Oh Kou-chan! You're here! I thought you'd miss such a big event for the club!" Aki hugged him as he entered their dressing room.

"That's right Kou-chan! There will be big fishes around tonight! Mama said to do our best and seduce those big fishes out to their wits end!" Natsu giggled as she finishes.

"Eh? Is there an event or something?" Furihata asked his friends as he sat infront of his own mirror.

"Well, kind of. A foreign business conglomerate had reserved almost half of the club you know! And had already give Mama a huge tip and said that he's looking forward tonight!" Fuyu answered as he wrapped his arms around Furihata's shoulders.

"Is that so?" Furihata said as he patted Fuyu's head to make him move.

"Yes! So go on and transform baby boy! We're so gonna make them fall HARD for us!" Haru winked as he flipped his imaginary long hair.

Furihata shook his head while chuckling. There really are no dull moments around the Four Seasons.

He headed to the walk in closet and picked the set of clothing that was already prepared by the four beauties for him to wear. He got himself a short shower then went on and dried himself applying some artificial scent altering perfume. When he finished changing the four went on and applied his make-up and did his hair a bit making it curl a bit, sensually framing his face and dying it black.

"Here, let me help you put your contacts on dear..." Aki made him[furi] face him[aki].

"Ah, thanks guys..." Furihata thanked the four of them which made the latter squeezed him into a group hug.

"Awe! Baby boy's blushing!" Haru teased as he poked Furihata's cheeks.

Furihata just laughed since he was already used to their antics.

Aki, Natsu, Fuyu and Haru are known as the Four Seasons of Raven Haven. They're quite famous around the district. They treated him as a family. Even Mama[the owner] had been really nice to him so he doesn't really mind working at RH.

"Oh! It's time already! Come on Kou-chan! Let's start up the heat!"

The four then went out of the room.

They've been assigned to be the starters for the night. He would be going next.

He looked at himself infront of the mirror.

He can't see any traces of Furihata Kouki of Seirin's Basketball Team all he can see was Kou.

He wore a body hugging lacy see-through top colored in a sensual mix of red and black it was zipped from his back. Under that full clothing is a sinful looking body art [did by Fuyu earlier] it had become his insignia as he was referred to as the Seasonal Empress by their regular customers. It's a tribal art of half-bone wings that wraps around his body which made it look like he was wrapping his own wing to himself making sensual waves each time he moved.

His bottom clothing is a pair of a matching black and red boy leg shorts covering those sinful G-string that the Four Seasons made him wear for that night. He just agreed to whatever they made him wear since he knew that by the end of each set he'd only be left with nothing but his small lacy undies.

He heaved a deep breath and made his way to the back stage greeting the other staffs he passed by.

"Oh hey Empress! Would you need anything tonight?" Furihata glanced at Marco, their half-American bar tender.

"Oh hey Marco! Hmm... I guess I'll have you prepare me Drink 51, would that be fine with you?" Furihata approached him and made his hand caress the Beta's face seductively batting his eyes.

"Anything for you sexy!" He winked at him. Furihata teasingly brushed his lips on the man's ear then went on his way.

"Now that's our Baby Boy!" He looked at the Four who are getting off the stage.

"Well what can I say? It all thanks to my "Senseis"." He joked as he made a pose he'd learned from the four.

They all laughed at that.

"Oh, I almost forgot Kou-chan! The guests Mama was talking about had arrived right in the middle of our set. We've already taken care of the older ones you take care of the young one. There's only one you know, and I hate him... He didn't seem interested with us!" Natsu said pouting.

"Oh? There was actually someone who was able to resist the Four Seasons' charms?!" Furihata jokingly exclaimed.

"Oh come on Kou-chan stop teasing Natsu... You how he gets when neglected..." Haru added which made Natsu pout even more. They all laughed again.

"Anyway, we'll be leaving the brat with you ok? I trust your charms and seductiveness so..." Natsu said then went off.

"See you later after your set Baby Boy..." Haru, Aki and Fuyu kissed his cheek before taking off.

They went on with mingling with the customers while Furihata prepared for his set.

"And now Ladies and Gents! Let us all welcome... The star of all Ravens... The Sexy, Sassy, Empress, Kou!"