"You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen..." The dark-skinned woman rattled of a whole bunch of titles.

Jon looked at Davos when she was finished.

"This is Jon Snow," the Onion Knight quickly said. "He's King in the North."

"Thank you for travelling so far, my lord," Daenerys said.

"It's your grace," Jon corrected her. "I'm King in the North."

"Forgive me, my lord. I never received a formal education, but I believe the last King in the North was Torrhen Stark, who bend the knee to my ancestor. He swore fealty to House Targaryen in perpetuity. Which means forever."

"I know what perpetuity means," the King in the North said. "Contrary to you I did receive a formal education."

He heard a sharp intake of breath.

"You presume-" she started.

"You presume I'm here to bend the knee. Isn't that right?"

"So you're here to break faith with House Targaryen then?"

Jon chuckled. "Break faith? Is that really the word you plan to use? Your father was planning to burn King's Landing to the ground. Where do you think the wildfire that blew up the Sept of Baelor came from?"

She looked uncomfortable, clearly she hadn't expected this sudden accusal.

"And what about my grandfather?" Jon Snow continued. "You know what happened to him?"

"I heard my father killed him." She shifted in her seat.

"Oh," he looked at Tyrion. "I see you spared her the details."

Tyrion avoided his gaze.

"My grandfather went to King's Landing to ask about the kidnapping of Lyanna. The Mad King charged him with treason and left with little choice, Rickard demanded a trial by combat. You know what happened then?"

Everyone was silent.

"Tyrion, I'm sure you know." He looked at the Hand of the Queen.

Tyrion looked away. "He told him that fire was the champion of House Targaryen."

"And my uncle, Brandon Stark?"

"Strangled himself in his chains trying to help his father," Tyrion said, his voice flat and even.

"My father was an evil man," Dany said. "On behalf of House Targaryen, I ask you forgiveness for the crimes he committed against your family."

"The North remembers," Jon Snow told her. "We do not forgive, we do not forget. You burned our loyalty that day."

"I ask you not to judge a daughter by the sins of her father," Dany insisted. "Our two houses were allies for centuries."

"Allies? But you expect me to bend the knee? That sounds more like servants. Ironically I'm here for that exact reason. An alliance, not a submission. Since your house betrayed mine last time, I believe you have something to prove to me. I'm here to see if you're worth our trust as an ally. Every time a Targaryen is born, the Gods flip a coin and the world holds his breath to see on which side it will land. That's what I'm doing, princess, holding my breath. I'm the King in the North, I'm here for a military alliance, not to bend the knee to a potential Mad Queen."


"You hold Dragonstone, you're a Targaryen. Dragonstone is traditionally given to the heir apparent of the Iron Throne, isn't that right, Tyrion?"

"It is," Tyrion confirmed.

"So, that would make you a princess. I'm not denying you the right to the Iron Throne, it is yours by all the laws of Gods and men. But any claim to the North burned alongside my grandfather and uncle. You asked me not to judge you by your father's crimes, so you can't expect me to be bound by my ancestors vows. The North is mine now. I'm here to see what you decide. Do you wish to make us your enemies, or your allies?"

"I have three dragons," Dany said, her tone still arrogant. "An army of Unsullied and a horde of Dothraki. Dorne and the Reach have already sworn fealty to me, you think I need you?"

Jon smiled. "Euron Greyjoy has allied with Cersei. Half of his fleet guards Blackwater Bay while the other half plans to ambush your Unsullied at Casterly Rock. Jaime has taken the Casterly Rock army and plans to march on Highgarden. The Tarly's are with him. If you're fast, you can still take measures."

She paused for a second. How did Jon Snow know about her plan to take Casterly Rock?

As if on cue, the door opened and Varys entered.

"Your grace," he bowed. "I have something urgent to discuss."

"We were defeated at Blackwater Bay?" She asked.

"Well, yes, how did you know?" He was caught off guard.

"It seems you may well be a valuable ally, Jon Snow," Daenerys said, looking back at the King in the North. "How did you know all this?"

"My brother sees things. By the way, it's not Jon Snow. I'm the son of Lyanna Stark and your brother, Rhaegar Targaryen."

Her eyes widened, but she quickly regained her composure. "You have no way to prove that. And even if it was true, you would still be a bastard. Rhaegar was married to Elia Martell."

"His marriage was dissolved," Jon told her.

"Excuse me," Tyrion interjected. "The marriage of the crown prince? A consummated marriage that produced children and was the foundation of the crown's alliance with Dorne? What kind of moron dissolved that?"

"The High Septon, not sure whether he was drunk," Jon said. "In any case, the High Septon married Rhaegar and Lyanna in secret."

"A marriage is a binding legal union," Tyrion said. "Secret marriages are a contradiction."

"Still," Dany said. "There's no way you can prove any of this."

"Maybe. You think your dragons will recognise a fellow Targaryen? I think they will."

"Everyone knows Rhaegar loved Lyanna Stark," Tyrion said. "He has the right age and his story makes sense. A honorable fool like Ned Stark would never father a bastard. If he speaks true, his claim surpasses yours."

"Don't be ridiculous," Dany said. "I'm the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, he is just a bastard boy."

"I have no intention of claiming the Iron Throne," Jon said. "I just wanted you to know the truth, aunt."

She took a deep breath. "Regardless of who you are," she said. "You did help me. The Unsullied and Highgarden can still be saved because of the information you gave me. If there is anything I can do for you in return, don't hesitate to ask." She hated to be in his debt. This smug good-looking northern bastard.

"As a matter of fact, there is. I need to mine obsidian, dragonglass. I know there is plenty of it on Dragonstone. Stannis told me himself."

"Dragonglass?" She looked puzzled. "Well if it is of any use to you, you're free to mine it. I'll even give you some men to help."

"Thank you, princess."

"I have things to discuss with my advisors now," she said. "But please, stay on Dragonstone."

"Am I your prisoner?" Jon asked.

"My guest. Please make sure their weapons are returned. Don't betray what little trust I have in you, Jon Snow."

He nodded and left the throne room.

"Shouldn't we talk about, I don't know, the army of the dead marching on Eastwatch?" Davos asked as they were walking back.

"Should I hold up a sign with 'the end is near'?" Jon snow's tone was slightly mocking. "Even a glacier moves faster than the White Walkers. I need to earn her trust first, then convince her to take a little trip north to see the army for herself. The Wall is still between us. We can mine dragonglass, that's already a big step forward."

"I'll get to it," Davos said. Someone would have to oversee the mining.

Jon was left alone. Like he had expected, this Dragon Queen had little experience in politics and was very arrogant. The dragons had simply fallen into her lap which had probably gained her half of her army. The other half were enemies of Cersei who simply saw an opportunity for vengeance. Like all rumours, half of them were untrue. Daenerys Stormborn wasn't a terrifying force, she was just a girl, a girl with three dragons and a bunch of allies with sometimes questionable loyalty. But one rumour was true: she sure was beautiful.

You know nothing, Jon Snow.

Oh, Ygritte, you have no idea how wrong you are.