Winter's chill still held onto the air like a child trying to be pulled from his mother. The long weeks of overcast skies were starting to weigh on the entire city. The sun and warmth felt like a distant memory. Kaminari seemed to be one of the few that didn't mind the seemingly dismal time. Though wrapped in a dark plaid scarf and bundled in a thick grey coat and doubling her layers of pants, she still felt the terrible sting of icy winds on her nose and cheeks. Her ears were covered by her silvery hair which had been set in place due to the dark purple knitted hat on her head.

Moonbeam blue eyes gazed behind thick black rimmed glasses at the massive city in front of her. Things had changed since she had last been to the top of the tall hospital where her sister was currently having surgery on her tonsils. The bone chilling breeze caused her to shake, but the warmth of her clothing seemed to keep her in one place. After a year in Europe in a study abroad class she had managed to pay for, she would be returning to school in the fall.

She didn't miss school, though she had attended it in various countries that felt like another world. Everything seemed so simple over there. The drama on the trip seemed much worse than it did at school, but she was able to escape from it by exploring entire cities filled with strangers that didn't know her or care about her. In Europe, she had been free.

Her phone vibrated. With a sigh, she pulled it from her pocket and put it to her ear, "Kaminari speaking."

"Chiho is out of surgery now," her mother said. "Go to MgRonalds and tell Maou, would you?"

With that, Kaminari closed the phone, sticking it back in her pocket. People had been treating her differently since her return. Only when someone asked did she speak about her time in Europe, so she was almost certain she didn't sound obnoxious. She had called and sent gifts on everyone's birthday, though she was pretty sure they arrived a day late because she never got the full grasp of time zones. A day late was better than nothing at all. She remembered to call on Christmas and sent gifts then, as well. And yet, still something had changed.

She left the hospital, choosing to walk to the MgRonalds nearly ten blocks away rather than a taxi or the car. As she passed the various streets, crowds would get thicker or be nonexistent. The area where MgRonalds was seemed to have a perfect balance of people.

The doors slid open as she stepped in the restaurant. Heat swallowed her as well as the smell of greasy burgers and fries. The face of one of the first people she met upon her return greeted her with a warm, charming smile. "Welcome to MgRonalds!"

"Hey, Maou," Kaminari greeted as she approached the register. "Chi's out of surgery."

"That's a relief," Maou replied with a smile. "So, can I get you anything, or are you heading back to the hospital?"

"Oh, yeah, can I get a number one with pepper fries?" She asked as she smiled, the dedicated employee's red eyes lighting up. "Oh, go ahead and upgrade it too."

"No mayo, right?" He asked as he typed in the order.

"Right," she replied with an embarrassed smile. "Thanks for remembering."

"Here at MgRonalds, we do the best we can to please our customers," he replied with a wide smile.

"Is it okay if I wait until you get off?"

"Huh? Yeah, that's fine," he replied with a smile.

Though she didn't know Maou, he seemed to be the only one that hadn't changed. She had been back for nearly two months and he was the only one that was still just as happy to see had been when they first met. The formalities had faded, but nothing else had changed. Everyone else had, though and she didn't know why.

She sat in the corner, contemplating what had happened. Before she knew it, Maou had placed a tray in front of her and had sat down on the other side of the booth, a tray of his own with a burger and fries. He must have clocked out since he was wearing a black t-shirt and jeans.

"Don't you want to visit Chi?" She asked him.

"Well, yeah, but you ordered food, and I'm hungry, so I figured we could just stay and eat before we headed to the hospital." He replied as he ate a few fries.

Kaminari had found Maou easy to talk to, but now that she was eating with him, she felt uncomfortable, almost awkward like she was sitting with a stranger.

"Hey, you okay?" Maou asked her as she sipped her soda.

"No, not really," she replied honestly as she picked up some fries and dipped them in ketchup.

" you want to talk about it?" He asked awkwardly.

"Do you want to know about it?" She countered while looking at him.

"I mean, I guess," he replied, starting to warm up to the bizarre situation. "It can't be that bad, right?"

"I don't know how bad it is," Kaminari replied. "Everyone is acting weird around me, almost like they're ashamed of me or they don't want me there."

Maou stared at her for a moment, his red eyes curiously confused over her statement. "You don't know?"

She shook her head as she crumpled up the paper from her burger, "Do you?"

He scratched his cheek for a moment, looking away from her, "I think I might have an idea, but you would need to talk to Chi about it."

She nodded as she got up and threw her trash away, placing the tray on top of the trash area. Maou shrugged on his jacket as they stepped into the cold evening air. The two walked in silence through the sometimes busy, sometimes empty areas both comfortable with the silence.

When the two walked into a Chiho's hospital room, her parents and a girl she had yet to meet glared at her, while Chiho just stared with this terrible pain in her eyes as she blushed and paled at the same time. The girl's jade gaze left Kaminari as she stood up, her long red hair flowing behind her as she stormed by, taking Maou with her.

Kaminari moved across the room, folding her arms across her chest and leaning against the boring tan wall.

"What took you so long?" Her mother asked.

"I waited for Maou to get off so we could walk back together," Kaminari replied trying to hold back the annoyance that would have otherwise shown.

Her mother stood up and walked out of the room, grabbing Kaminari by the arm and taking her out to the waiting room where there fortunately were no people, otherwise they would have been on the roof.

"Do you ever think of anyone other than yourself?" Her mother asked angrily. "Chiho has had a crush on that boy almost a year now, and here you are trying to take him away from her!"

"I'm sorry, what?" Kaminari questioned, some of her anger starting to show. "That's why all of you have been treating me like I'm some sort of disappointment? I consider him an acquaintance at this point, but yes, I think we will be friends one day. Now, you better get your facts straight because I am not interested in him at all. I know it might be hard for you to believe a teenage girl doesn't have a crush on someone, but it's true. Now, you can go in there and tell your daughter to get over herself because if I do it, Dad will have to arrest me, and I would like to avoid that."

She stormed out of the room slamming into the girl that had taken Maou out of the room. "Hey, I need to talk to you!" The red head said as she grabbed Kaminari by the arm.

Kaminari slapped the girl's hand away, frustrated with the whole situation, "If you want to talk some bull crap about Maou and me being a thing, you had best step away from me because I will put you in this hospital."

Immediately the girl released her allowing Kaminari to go to the elevator. When the elevator opened, Maou stepped out as he hung up the phone. "Hey, Ashiya is coming to pick you up to make sure you get home safely."

"Tell him to not bother. I might not even go home," she replied as the doors closed. She slammed her finger onto the G button to take her to the bottom floor that would allow her to go to the outside world.

When her phone vibrated, she pulled it out and hung up on the caller then turned her phone off. As she left the hospital, she headed toward her home, but had no intention of returning there. In all actuality, it would have been best to wait for Ashiya to take her home. In her anger, she had walked until she didn't know where she was anymore.

She sighed and shivered in the cold night breeze, her eyes going back to the bright city lights. That was where she needed to go.

"Excuse me, but are you lost?" A careful voice asked.

She looked up at the pale haired man who stared down at her with some concern in his golden eyes. "Little bit," she replied with a smile. "It's crazy how you can get so angry over something then end up lost somewhere just because you weren't paying attention."

"Well, come with me," he said with a sigh. "The girl I was supposed to escort disappeared."

"Oh, are you Ashiya?" She asked as they walked away from the city lights.

"Why, yes," he replied with a curious look on his face. "Have we met?"

"No, but I'm Kaminari Sasaki, Chiho's sister," she introduced with a faint smile. "Although, it seems I can't carry that name with pride anymore."

"Yes, Maou did give me a brief insight of the situation," Ashiya replied with a sigh. "I fear ever since Chiho and Maou met, she's become quite jealous over even the smallest things. On the bright side, I rarely have to cook anymore due to Suzuno who lives next door. Between her cooking and Chiho's jealousy, we're saving quite a bit on money as far as food is concerned."

Kaminari rolled her eyes, "Well, hate to tell you, but I'm not a cooking person. Although, I do owe you for taking care of me tonight, so maybe I'll make you some cookies or something."

Though Ashiya declined the offer, Kaminari noticed a visible change in his step. Were they so focused in making meals, they had forgotten to give the guys desserts as well? She didn't voice the question while she followed him up some slick, metal stairs to a door that had his name, Maou's name, and some one named Hanzo Urushihara.

"That's a lot of people," Kaminari noted as she stepped in, easily slipping her shoes off as she closed the door behind her.

"Since it's so late, you can stay the night," Ashiya said. "I believe it would be best for you to head back to the city during her day."

"Who are you talking to?" The guy at the computer asked as Kaminari started taking off layers until she was in a long sleeved brown shirt and jeans.

"This is Chiho's sister, Kaminari," Ashiya said with a glare. "Show some manners and greet her properly."

"I'm Urushihara," he greeted without looking at her. He suddenly turned to her, his purple gaze wide with excitement. "You're the one Chiho got so upset over?"

"Now isn't the time," Ashiya scolded.

Kaminari sighed slightly as she sat down at the table and just stared at it. "Yes, I suppose I am."

The purple haired boy moved to the table, sitting with her as he watched the strange sadness take over the girl's spirit. Though some of his hair covered his face, his left eye still held enough intensity to not need to see the other one. Some of his hair was longer, resting just at the base of his neck, some pushed behind his left ear showing the double piercings.

"So, what did you do? And why hasn't Chiho talked about you before?" He asked.

"I've been out of town for a while. I'm not really sure what I've done. They can't honestly think Maou would be interested in dating someone. He's too goal oriented for that."

"Oh, I see," Urushihara said as he rested his elbow on the table, a smirk on his lips while he looked at the girl. "She's mad because you don't have a crush on him. You haven't even shown any sort of interest in him."

Ashiya handed Kaminari some tea and sat down, "That's absurd!"

"Unfortunately, it can actually happen," Kaminari told him. "That might be what's wrong." She sighed as she rubbed her face. "Hey, Ashiya, can I have a crush on you?"

The pale haired man paled then blushed, "I am afraid that will cause too much tension in the house. What about Urushihara?"

Kaminari looked at the boy for a moment, "You are sort of cute. Can I have a crush on you?"

The purple haired boy just stared at her for a moment. "And just how do you act when you have a crush? I don't see you being like Chiho."

"I will avoid you like a plague," she said with a smile. "I won't look at you, talk to you, and I will do everything I can to subtly not be near you."

He shrugged, "Works for me. You know she's going to freak out, right? She hates me." He smirked, "Can we keep this a secret from Maou?"

"We'll have to," Kaminari said as she looked at Ashiya. "Unless Maou won't blow it."

"He's pretty good at keeping secrets," Urushihara commented as he looked up at Ashiya. "We all are."

Kaminari smiled some as she looked at Urushihara, "Good at keeping secrets, huh? Guess I'll have to see what I can find about you, then."

Urushihara chuckled, "Good luck."

The trio stayed up for a while until Ashiya finally went to bed, leaving Urushihara and Kaminari awake to keep talking about everything she had missed while in Europe, and she told him about her adventures in Europe. Only after Ashiya had demanded they go to bed did the two stop their conversations and go to bed.

Kaminari groaned as she sat up but fell back down when her head slammed into a table.

"I tried to tell you." Sliding away from the table, she sat up again, glaring at Urushihara who was on his computer. Ashiya was cooking breakfast and making tea.

"Maou called this morning," Ashiya told Kaminari as she scratched her head and ran her fingers through trying to get rid of the knots. "Chiho wants to see you. He didn't give me any details."

"Because she knew I wouldn't come," Kaminari sighed. "Well, I guess I'm off then."

"At least stay for breakfast," Ashiya said as he looked at her.

"Yeah, stay for breakfast," Urushihara agreed. "I like having a normal person around."

"Yes, the change is welcoming compared to the screaming and arguing the others bring when they come over," Ashiya agreed as he brought some bowls to the table.

The three ate with a steady conversation, mainly Ashiya asking about various places in Europe he had read about that were seemingly haunted. She told explained various castles that she got to visit and the rumors there, but she made sure they understood the Dracula's Castle.

"Vampires aren't real," Urushihara said as he put down his empty bowl.

"No, but Vlad the Impaler was," Kaminari said in an almost mysterious voice, wicked, but charming at the same time. She started the history lesson with the meaning of Dracula, son of the dragon, and how he earned that title. Her excitement in the subject of the man's bloodthirsty way of living, and the torture methods he used bothered Ashiya, but Urushihara seemed just as fascinated. She continued on naming more psychos that lived throughout history killing and bathing in blood, though she didn't really get to visit some of those places. She spoke highly of the Vatican almost with the same passion as she spoke of Dracula.

By the time Ashiya had started washing dishes, Kaminari decided it was time to go. It was ten in the morning and Maou had to have called around seven, and she still needed to go home and shower. With a brief goodbye, she left the apartment just to find the red haired girl waiting at the bottom of the stairs, a glare in her green gaze once again.

"Why are you here?" She asked dangerously.

"Unless you live here, it doesn't matter what I do," Kaminari replied in a tone just as deadly. She walked down the stairs and moved past the girl, starting her way back to the city so she could go home and get dressed.

It must have taken an hour for her to walk all the way back home, but by the time she got there, she almost didn't go back to the hospital. She had stayed up way too late talking to Urushihara, and it was starting to show. After a much needed shower to wash off the winter chill, she got dressed in multiple layers again, putting the grey coat on once again with the plaid scarf around her neck.

Upon her return to the hospital, she found her sister asleep while her parents were missing, but Maou was still in the room, reading a book. "Oh, good morning, Maou," Kaminari greeted.

He smiled when he looked up, "Good morning, Kaminari. Ashiya said you stayed there?"

"Yes, he's a wonderful host." She smiled.

"Yeah," he sighed. "Look, I'm sorry about last night."

"Yeah, me too," she replied with a frown as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Urushihara was pleasant as well."

"That's what Ashiya said. It's hard for me to believe he would stay up so late to have a conversation with someone. He also told me about your plan. Do you really think it will work?"

"I can hope," she replied as she frowned.

"They made it sound like it's happened before," Maou commented as he returned to his book.

She scoffed quietly as she crossed her arms over her chest. "The only thing I've taken from Chiho is proof I'm willing to get what I want. I heard about the study abroad program, and I worked three to four jobs for three years to save up for it because my parents said I would have to pay my way. So, I paid my way. When Chi asked if she could go with me, I told her no. If she wanted to go to Europe, she would have worked like I did, but she didn't want it as bad as I did." A ghost of a smirk formed on her lips when she noticed the change in Chiho's heart rate. Maou noticed it too as he changed the way he was sitting. "But, you know, I think there's a chance with Urushihara."

Maou smiled some, "Well, he's a good guy. I don't know how he is about relationships though."

Chiho slowly opened her eyes and moved to sit up, which Maou helped her with just as her parents walked in. When her parents noticed the smile on Chiho's face, they smiled at their eldest daughter as though nothing had happened.

"Well, I'm glad you're alive, Chi," Kaminari said with a smile. "I'm going to find a job."

"Will you get Chiho's room ready?" Her dad asked. "I'll see if dispatch will hire you on."

"I'm on it," Kaminari replied with a wide smile as she left the room. When she got in the elevator, she pushed the G button. Before the door closed, Maou jumped in with a smile. "She's much happier now. But, you know she hates Urushihara, right?"

"I asked Ashiya first, but admittedly, Urushihara is cuter, so," she shrugged. "Besides, Ashiya is probably too old for that to be believable."

"So, how do you act when you have a crush?" Maou asked.

"I actively avoid them as best I can, so expect a lot of forced visits on my part and Chiho trying to make me sit by him. Unfortunately, it's going to be kind of hard to act like that around him since he's interesting. It was nice to hear someone not talk about you."

Maou sighed, "Man...I'm sorry it's been like that. I've never been in this situation, so I don't really know what to do."

"When I left, I lost all my friends. All I've had is Chiho, and all she talks about is you, so it's nice to have other people to talk to. I appreciate your existence, Maou."

He smiled, "Thanks. Actually, I'm going home to get ready for work, and I'm sure Ms. Kisaki would like to see you again."

"I don't think she'll hire me back since you took my place, but she might want me to give you a few helpful tips on how to be the best."

The two chatted over her time as a shift manager at MgRonalds and how she moved between branches all the time. The MgRonalds by the amusement park couldn't hold down a shift manager, so she was constantly sent to take over until they found one.

"I'm back," Maou announced as he walked into his apartment. "Kami's with me."

"Hello, Kaminari," Ashiya greeted while Urushihara gave an uninterested wave.

"What did Chiho say about your secret love for me?" He asked, his focus still on the computer.

"She got her tonsils removed. She can't talk," she replied as she took a seat at the table where she had been the night before.

"Hey, don't fall asleep. You might wake up under the table again," Urushihara told her as Ashiya handed her some tea.

"I'm starting to think you put the table on me," Kaminari replied while eyeing him suspiciously.

"I think Chi feels better now that she thinks Kami has a crush on you," Maou said as he stepped out of the bathroom. He was rubbing his head with the towel, trying to dry his hair before going out in the cold again.

"You need a hair dryer," Kaminari told him as she raised an eyebrow at the shirtless man. "Can you put on a shirt?"

"No, actually, I can't," he replied. "If the shirt gets wet, I will get cold and die."

She laughed at his ridiculous explanation, "I'll tell Chi to buy you a hair dryer."

"We've tried that," Urushihara said. "It wasn't pretty."

"Did you blow dry it, or did you let someone else?" She asked.

"We did each other so we wouldn't have to deal with Emi, Suzuno, or Chi," Maou replied. "Urushihara is right, though. Hair dryers are a no go."

"Well, whenever you get tired of walking around freezing while waiting for your hair to dry, just let me know and I'll blow dry your hair."

Maou sighed, "Fine, you can blow dry my hair. No one else can know."

"Not a word," Kaminari agreed as she got up. Once they found the hair dryer, Kaminari went to work at Maou's hair, carefully blow drying it to where it kept its natural straightness without any sort of fluffy sheen to it. The process only took five minutes, and wouldn't have taken that long if she hadn't been so careful, but to a woman's eye, if she hadn't been careful, the use of a hair dryer would have been obvious. "There, all better."

Maou smiled as he slipped a shirt on then put a long sleeved shirt on over it. "You'll have to teach me that. It definitely will help in the winter."

"Yeah, whatever," Kaminari replied as she started packing her layers on again. "Thanks for the tea, Ashiya."

The two left to head to MgRonalds. Maou grabbed his bike so he would be able to use it on his journey home when he got off work. The walk was quiet, something they didn't mind.

"Do you think Chi would mind if you worked there again?" Maou suddenly asked.

"I would be an employee on her level," she replied as she shoved her hands into her coat pockets to get them warm. "I can't be shift manager again until I graduate, so it would just be a part time thing. Ms. Kisaki would probably send me to the MgRonalds by the amusement park. But, it's nothing I can't handle with school work."

"I don't know how you did it, working all those jobs plus school to pay your way through the study abroad," he sighed. "But, it sounds like an interesting country. I might have to go there one day."

She smiled, "It's definitely worth it. All the places, all the history. It's almost like reliving the past in some places. Some of them were terrifying to be around, while others...some had this way of crushing your spirit, destroying all hope and happiness in your soul."


She repeated the story of Dracula to him as they stood at a red light, waiting for the green to allow them to walk. Just like Urushihara, he held onto every word she said. By the time she was done, they had reached MgRonalds. The two stepped in after he locked his bike to a post.

"Kami, you're back!" The black haired manager of MgRonalds greeted.

"Yeah, I've been back for about two months now," she replied with a smile. "Just looking for work again."

The woman huffed with a smile as she put her hands on her hips, "You're going to regret working your way through high school. Your uniform is still in your old locker. You won't be shift manager, because Maou has that position now, but I'm sure you can help him get better since he's still new to the position."

"Of course, Ms. Kisaki," Kaminari replied with a smile. "When do you want me to start?"

"Now," Kisaki replied. "The lunch rush is about to come through and we'e short two employees. I want you on the register."

"I-is that a good idea?" Maou asked.

Kisaki chuckled, "You'll see."

Kaminari and Maou stood in the break room, both looking her over. It was all too big. "Well, I'll have to order more," Kaminari said as she tightened the belt around her waist, creating a new hole in the leather so her pants wouldn't fall.

Maou was blown away by Kaminari's customer service and speed. She had far surpassed him the moment she put the uniform on. He almost felt unworthy of working next to her on the register while she went through three customers just as he finished one. Her ability to look customers in the eye as they brought up certain complaints or questions seemed to destroy any chance of needing Kisaki from interfering.

"You're rusty," Kisaki said as the lunch rush ended. Her attention turned to Maou who wiped some sweat from his forehead. "That is why she was shift manager."

"Yeah, no doubt," Maou agreed while Kaminari wiped down the counter before heading to the dining area to clean tables. She was silent as she cleaned the tables, asking typical questions to the few customers around the areas she cleaned.

Once she was back in the kitchen, she remained quiet while cleaning some dishes that had been put to the side. "You're on a whole different level," Maou commented as he stood next to her. "I really didn't expect you to be that good."

"The key is eye contact," Kaminari told him. "You can't be afraid of the customer's, but you can't show that you think you're better than them. Treat every customer like you would treat Ms. Kisaki and everything just falls into place."

"I see," Maou said thoughtfully. "And what else do you recommend?"

"You should put the guy doing the burgers on the fries and the guy out there wiping down tables on burgers."

"But Kenji is always on burgers," Maou replied. "Miko can't be put on burgers. He's too easily distracted."

Kaminari just shrugged, "Whatever you say, boss."

"Who would be on fries?"

"Me," she replied with a smile. "It's only fair as a beginner employee to be on the fries."

"You're not a beginner, though. You're just returning after a long vacation."

"Where do you want me?" She asked as she put away a now clean spatula.

Despite his better instincts of not listening to her, he complied with her unusual way of doing business. While he manned the register alone, Kaminari cooked the fries while the other two employees were put to their places. As the night moved on, Maou realized how smoothly everything was going. Customers were being well taken care of, and even when he did call Kaminari to the register for help, there were still fries ready to give to the customers. She had never worked with the two, but already knew where to put them and how to get them to work together.

As Maou began closing, he watched as Kaminari began washing the grill while Miko headed to the front to clean. He was about to ask, but he realized she could reach the hard to reach spots with her smaller hands while Miko could wash the tables faster since his arms were longer.

"You have to teach me everything you know," Maou said as the two left the dark MgRonalds.


"I can't become the head of MgRonalds without that sort of intuition of how people can best work together."

"You want to be the head of MgRonalds? Like, Ms. Kisaki, or are you planning on climbing the cooperate ladder?"

"I'm going to become the head of MgRonalds," he replied with a triumphant smile. "At the rate I'm going, it might be in fifteen years, but it will happen!"

"Have you been to college?" Kaminari asked. When Maou gave her a confused look, she continued on, "They won't take you seriously unless you have a degree in something. Preferably business, but some places don't really care."

"But, that will take up so much of my time! And all the work I'll miss!" He whined. "I just can't catch a break."

"I'm sure Chi will help you out. Even though I've got a thing for Urushihara, she will still get jealous if I try to tutor you."

"But that was your job, too," Maou's reminded.

"I know. Chi lost one of her boyfriend's due to me tutoring him. He decided he liked me more, and left Chi. I have better things to do with my time than deal with that drama, so I dropped him as a student and found someone else. He was my student before he was Chi's boyfriend, so it didn't start out like that."

"Humans are so weird," Maou mumbled.

Kaminari chuckled, "Yeah, they are."

He stopped walking as he looked down at her, "Do you know?"

She stopped walking as well as she looked back at him, "Know what?"

"T-that...Urushihara...has a crush on you?" Maou questioned awkwardly.

"I'm pretty sure he doesn't, but that's not relevant to anything human related. What are you talking about?"

Maou stared at her for a moment, his mind clearly moving as fast as it possibly could to come up with an excuse. Just as sweat started to break out on his forehead, he sighed. "Come with me. I have some things I need to tell you."

Kaminari frowned, "I can't. I've got to take care of Chi. Maybe another time?"

Relief flushed all the stress from Maou's system as he watched the eldest Sasaki sister walk toward her home. His secret was safe for another day.

"Chi, I got you that dry erase board so I don't have to play charades. I'm not in the mood to play pictionary either. Just tell me what you want." Kaminari demanded as she glared at her sister's bizarre drawing. She had been doing research on Urushihara since he said he ad secrets, but after a basic search, nothing had come up, so she was getting ready to dig deeper.

She rolled her eyes when she saw Chiho's request, "You have a phone. Just text him and ask him. Oh, and Kisaki hired me on again." The amount of anger radiating from her sister made her roll her eyes, "Relax. I'm not taking Maou's job. I'm going to be working with you rather than over you."

When that didn't appease her sister's rage, Kaminari had to hold back all of her annoyance while sitting on her sister's bed, "Look, I'm not into Maou. His roommate is pretty cute though." She smiled at her sister's curiosity. "Urushihara was his name."

Chiho's jaw dropped and she immediately began scribbling on the white board for a solid three minutes before letting her sister see what her rant was about. Kaminari read over the words many times. She kept calling him lazy and worthless and that he never helped around the house and didn't deserve to live there.

"Then, what's keeping him from having a job?"

Chiho was suddenly panicked as she tried to think up an excuse. Kaminari smiled, "Is this one of his secrets? He said he was good at keeping secrets, and that I wouldn't be able to find anything about him."

Chiho quickly scribbled down something then showed it to her sister which earned a glare, "He doesn't have a crush on me. Now, tell me what it is."

Before the brown haired sister could write an answer, Kaminari's phone went off. She huffed as she looked at the screen then answered, "Hey, Ms. Kisaki."

"I'm going to need you at the amusement park for the rest of the month to train their new shift manager." The head manager said with a frustrated sigh.

"Okay, I'll be there tomorrow."

"You're the best."

Kaminari sighed as she closed her phone, "I'll be at the amusement park branch for the rest of the month. Well, I've got a long day tomorrow, so I'm going to bed. Mom's in charge."

The pale haired sister wandered to her room and closed the door. Twice, her sister and Maou had prevented her from knowing the truth. It was annoying, but she was going to figure out the truth, or at least some of Maou's secrets. She had to, just to prove Urushihara she could do it. Everyone had a history, she just had to find it.

First thing in the morning, Kaminari took a shower then checked on her recovering sister. With the younger still sleeping, Kaminari left their home to head to the amusement park on the edge of the city. She knew what would happen when she got to the amusement park. Though she was 17, she was still far too young to know anything about anything, much less train a manager, but that's what her job was.

"You're early," the head manager, Tai said when she arrived. "It's good to see you again, Ms. Sasaki."

"You as well, Mr. Tai," she replied with a smile.

"Chances are, Misa is going to be late," Tai told her with a sigh. "She's directionally challenged at best, so she's probably here, just lost."

"Do you want me to teach her about the park or just how to do her job?" She asked.

"Both," he replied. "When the delivery orders start coming in, help her get them done so she'll learn her way around and the people here."

The small woman that finally came was probably in her mid-twenties. She had a dedication to this job like no other with her blonde hair cut short to avoid a hairnet. The woman truly believed herself to be the shift manager that didn't need any training as she screwed up time and time again, even though Kaminari had told her what to do.

As the frustrating shift came to an end, Misa had finally started listening to Kaminari's suggestions, but the customer complaints were almost too much for even Tai to handle. With the problems building, Kaminari had to stay to help prevent more problems and to assure great service.

When night came, Kaminari was finally released. She was tired on a new level she hadn't experienced since getting used to the time change when she returned from Europe. As she approached the train station, she started feeling strange, like someone was watching her. Rather than stop to check it out, she put away her human curiosities, forcing herself into the station so she could go home.

The sensation followed her until the stop before the one she needed to take so she could get home. She was too frightened to watch the people get off the train, and the station platform was glared over by the car lights. With a shiver, she sighed, enjoying the sudden feeling of somewhat safety, or at least the comfort of not being watched anymore.

When she was finally on the busy sidewalks to head home, she noticed a familiar face in the crowd. "Hey, Ashiya," she greeted.

When he greeted her, she felt the eyes on her again making her tense up. "Is there something wrong?" He asked as he noted her discomfort.

"I think someone is following me. Can you take me home?" She asked with a wary glance around as she stepped closer to the tall man.

"Of course," he replied as he pulled out his phone. "I must tell Maou so he doesn't worry. He'll make sure to pass on the word to your sister."