Viggo was not the superstitious type. He did not believe in magic or spells or curses. He was practical, a man of business. He knew the worth of every dragon, the rare and elusive ones that fetched a small fortune, the common ones used for their skins and food, the ones that made the best weapons. He knew the value of every jewel and coin. These were things he was raised to understand and held dear. People rarely meant anything to him. They were disposable once their proposes were served. So when Krogan, a man he had considered practical as well, had suggested they speak to a wise woman about an alternate way of dealing with the riders he was a little more than reluctant. Quite frankly Viggo would rather study the Dragon Eye but he was practically dragged along. It couldn't hurt. So far nothing they had done had been effective enough to make a real impact.

He wasn't expecting to meet a Völva, a witch, and he scoffed at the very idea of her being of any help. As far as he was concerned it was a waste of time that could be better used planning their next move against the riders. But she knew things, things that Viggo had told no one, and she knew who Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third was. She told tales of the boy that made little sense. Viggo had to admit he was intrigued but thought it all a fairy tale. He knew the legends of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the First and Second but they were just stories.

She gave them a vial containing a powerful potion that she promised would make Hiccup defenseless and harmless, but only temporarily. Viggo rolled his eyes in annoyance. A simple drugged dart could do the same. He was less than impressed.

The next battle was typical. The Dragon Riders swooped in and the Flyers countered. Viggo watched from a distance, his gaze solely on the Nightfury and its young rider. He admired the boy. Hiccup was quick witted, brilliant even. What Viggo wouldn't give to have the boy on their side. He could use another bright mind that matched his own. Hiccup had so much potential and it was wasted on protecting dragons. If only Hiccup was born a Hunter. All those wonderful inventions would be put to better use capturing dragons. But that was not meant to be and unless he could find a way to neutralize Hiccup, Krogan was likely to kill him, and Hiccup's death was not what Viggo wanted at the moment. For now he had to hope the Völva had not tricked them and the potion she had given Krogan worked. The battle was going well, the fliers concentrating on the riders while Krogan focused solely on Hiccup. Two fliers flanked him, attempting to drive the Nightfury in the direction they wanted it to go. Their Singetails fired repeatedly but their aim for once wasn't to harm – not that they ever had a clear shot with how quickly Hiccup and his Nightfury moved – but it was enough to get Hiccup close enough to Krogan. Viggo watched in a mix of horror and fascination as they tried to dodge Krogan but the bounty hunter was the best of his kind and as soon as they were close enough Krogan attacked.

It wasn't a traditional attack. Krogan shot a blow dart. His timing was perfect. Hiccup jerked back in surprise as the needle hit him in the arm between his should guard and bracer. A second caught him in the neck as Toothless veered to the left. A third just missed him.

The effects were immediate. Hiccup began to list in the saddle. He tilted dangerously to the left, his mind clouding as the drug moved into his system. He shook his head, trying to fight it and right himself but it was no use. He passed out, his body becoming limp and no longer able to control Toothless's tail rutter.

"Hiccup!" Astrid yelled as Toothless banked and tried to get higher in the air without his rider's help. But with his tailfin stuck in one position he could only get so far and not nearly as fast as he needed to. He began to plummet toward the ground below.

"On it!" yelled Dagur, swooping in on Sleuther. He jumped up onto his saddle and balanced carefully as they sped toward Hiccup and Toothless. "Steady…now!" He jumped from Sleuther to Toothless, landing in the saddle directly behind his brother and quickly took control of the foot stirrups. The tailfin opened and Toothless was able to gain control. "Let's get out of here," he told the Nightfury as he wrapped an arm around Hiccup's waist to keep him from slipping off. With his free hand he removed the darts, angrily flicking them at the nearest flier. "Why can't you stay out of trouble for more than five minutes?" he grumbled to Hiccup as he guided the two dragons back to the other riders.

Astrid looked pale with worry but when Dagur nodded that Hiccup was okay, she called a retreat and within moments the riders fled back to Dragon's Edge.

Viggo watched them silently as Kragon landed next to him. "You managed to hit him, I take it," Viggo said, not asking but stating an obvious fact.

"Twice," Kragon confirmed, dismounting and standing next the scarlet Singetail. "The third missed."

"I noticed. You never miss," Viggo pointed out, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"I've never had an opponent like this Hiccup. It's quite refreshing. A pity when I finally kill him."

Viggo frowned. He had plans for Hiccup. His death was not one of them. Turning had his heel, he headed back to their camp. "If this works he will not be an issue until long after I've unlocked the Dragon Eye's secrets. We will find the King of Dragons."

"I hope. He won't stay patient much longer," Krogan grumbled. "We can't afford anymore delays."

. . .

Hiccup regained consciousness shortly before the riders landed on the Edge. His head was muddled and he felt nauseous. It took a moment or two to come to his senses enough to realize Dagur was behind him with one beefy arm wrapped around his waist. He blinked a few times, trying to get his bearings. He was still on Toothless, Dagur was seated behind him, holding him in the saddle while controlling Toothless's tailfin. He gave a small pitiful groan as he lifted his head. That wasn't good. He felt as if he might throw up on poor Toothless's head.

"Don't move too much," Dagur warned, gently pushing Hiccup back down and rubbing his back. "You got down hit by a tranquilizer. It's going to make you feel like Hel for the better part of the day."

"Feelzz ike I whaz hit by Rum-el-on," Hiccup slurred, blinking rapidly.

"Hiccup, don't talk," Astrid called, flying slight below and to the right of them.

It made Hiccup even sicker trying to watch her. His stomach churned and he closed his eyes. Okay, flying wasn't good right now. He hadn't had motion sickness in years but man did he feel bad.

"He doesn't look good," Fishlegs stated.

Even hearing voices was making things worse.

"Let's get him home and into bed. I should have some ginger to help calm his stomach," Heather offered. "Can make it into a tea."

"Sounds good," Hiccup mumbled, nuzzling into black scales.

"He says it sounds good," Dagur called it his sister. He continued to rub gentle circles on Hiccup's back. He had never seen Hiccup so sick before and instantly felt bad for throwing away the darts rather than keeping them to find and antidote. He prayed whatever it was wasn't deadly. Whatever it was had a bad effect on Hiccup. It had to be poison. When they reached the Edge, Dagur didn't wait for anyone. He took Hiccup directly to his hut, helped him up to his loft and tucked him into help, only pausing long enough to remove his armor and prosthetic leg.

Astrid and Fishlegs took over after that. There was no fever but Hiccup remained weak and nauseous. Heather made the ginger tea which helped calm him stomach while Fishlegs placed warm poultices over the wounds in hopes of drying out the poison. Everyone expected the worse, the memory of Odin's curse still fresh in everyone's minds. But Hiccup didn't grow pale or deathly blue. He was a little green until his stomach settled, motion sickness having been at fault and not the poison. Nonetheless, Astrid stayed with him until the fear of something bad happening passed and everyone came to the conclusion it had been a side effect or the tranquilizer and Hiccup had simply had a bad reaction to it. She checked on him constantly, as did Fishlegs and Heather and Dagur, each taking time to watch over him until they were certain he was alright.

Except things weren't alright.

When Astrid went to check on Hiccup in the morning his door was locked. Hiccup never locked his door. Fear immediately filled her. She still had issues trusting Dagur and sometimes feared the Berserker would betray them and attack Hiccup when they least expected it. Biting back that fear she rapped on the door.

"Hiccup?" she called, hopeful he was okay.

He wasn't that far behind the door. "Astrid?" came a slightly higher than normal pitched voice. "Uh…hi Astrid."

"Hi to you too, babe," she responded, confused. "Why is the door locked? Are you feeling better?"

There was some shuffling on the other side.

"Hiccup? How about you open the door so we can talk properly. Heather made breakfast." That usually got him up and going. He loved Heather's cooking.

"Uh…I'd rather not do that," he answered, making her worry more. "Can you…can you get Fishlegs for me? I need Fishlegs. " There was a catch in his voice that only made Astrid worry more.

"Okay," she said softly. She worried her lower lip for one moment before hurrying off to find Fishlegs. At least he was easy enough to find. He was helping Heather with breakfast. Astrid didn't bother explaining what was wrong. She grabbed his arm and dragged him to Hiccup's hut, his vast size not bothering her in the least. "Something's wrong. He won't let in but wants you."

Fishlegs stared at her in confusion before shrugging her off and knocking on Hiccup's door. "Hiccup, you okay?"

"Are you alone?" came the answer.

Fishlegs glanced at Astrid. The girl threw up her arms in annoyance before stomping away. "Yeah, she's headed for the clubhouse. Are you going to let me in?"

For a moment Hiccup didn't answer. Then the lock disengaged and door slowly slid upward. It wasn't Hiccup controlling it but Toothless. The dragon looked just as confused as Fishlegs. He nodded toward the other side of the main room and Fishlegs followed his gaze to the figure sitting in the flickering firelight of the hearth, looking timid and confused.

Fishlegs's jaw dropped. "Oh my Thor!"