I AM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T SUBMITTED IN A LONG TIME! I have been busy with ome stuff and never got around to finishing it. But it's long and hopefully entertaining.

I am gonna make the next chapters shorter so I can update more frequently.

Next chapters will each be one game, simple with some fluff.

Again super sorry its so late! o ;

Chapter 5: Long day

In a strong yet delicate bronze hand was the flower that the Prince had found growing in an unnatural place. The flower was multicolored, a violet-blue contrast that made it interesting to look at.

At first, the Pharaoh only thought it was a rare rose, but after coming to acknowledge the eye that grew in the center of the flower, he found himself turning to the Prince in both horror and wonder.

"So Yugi, what.. what exactly is this?"

At hearing Atem's voice, Yugi was brought back from his thoughts. With a puzzled look, the prince investigated with his eyes what Atem could be speaking of. Spotting the Love Sight in Atem's hand Yugi remembered of the poisonous flower's existence.

"Atem, please put that down.."

The Pharaoh stared confused, why should he put the odd thing down? Hadn't the Prince held it in his own hands before?

"Why should I? Is it dangerous?"

Yugi nodded and as he went to explain he stopped himself.

That could explain it.. the reason I got the urge to kiss the pharaoh! .. and the courage to do such a thing- oh Ra!

Yugi turns red, "T-T-The f-flower is called a L-L-L-Love Sight.. and it uh it-" He mutters a oh ra, hiding his now scarlet face in his hands.

Atem just watched as Yugi tried to explain, he was embarrassed and while Atem didn't understand why, he found it cute.

Thump! Thump-Thump!

The feeling of a heartbeat made Atem jump slightly. He looked in his hand where he felt the thumping, where he held the love sight. This made him change focus.

Could this be what Yugi ment when he said it was dangerous!?

He was about to throw it away, but than the thumping stopped completely, confused and curious, Atem continued to examen the flower.

"S-s-so j-just put it down ok.. a-a-and I'm sorry a-about kissing you- again it was all just- huh? Atem?"

Atem looks up at Yugi at being talked to, Yugi seemed worried but still looked embarrassed. His cheeks were flushed and his big gem for eyes had sparkled- be it with worry and a bit of panic- but they were glowing in gentle sparks.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't hear any of that.. I was distracted by the- what did you call this thing?"

He gave a small smile, "Its a love sight- one that you should put down! L-Look just forget about what I was saying before.. Just put it down and we can-"

They both looked towards the door as three knocks came.

"My Prince! Its me Jerry, I found the Senet board! It was in your chest of games not on your shelf.."

Yugi stood with a groan at hearing the familiars did take offense in him having his room in such a mess, they switched everything around to how his mother liked it, instead of how he kept things.

Yugi opened the door and in came Jerry with the game and a small vase with pink liquid inside it.

"I also brought the vase for the Love Sight- Oh my! Pharaoh don't hold it with bare hands!"

Jerry rushed over and took the Love sight from Atem and placed it in the vase. Once it touched the water, the flower stemmed itself in the vase completely.

Afterward, Jerry placed it on a small wooden table that hide in a corner of the room.

Yugi takes a seat and begins setting up the Senet board with a bright face filled with joy, he was eager for a match against Atem, it would be the perfect distraction from everything that occurred.

"My lords.. your meal stays untouched.. Is there something wrong with it?"

At this Yugi quickly shakes his head, "Of course not! Candy is an excellent cook, we just got side tracked is all."

Atem looked to his meal- he had completely forgot it was there, he was too busy thinking of that odd flower and Yugi's kiss to really pay attention to it, but now that he did he felt his stomach's prayers for food.

"We are going to eat now over a game of senet! We don't need anything else, Jerry, you can go if you want."

With that the little familiar bowed his head and flew out the door, nearly tripping in the process. Once the door closed shut, Yugi turned to his food and began to eat it.

Atem turned to his meal and did the same. He was hesitate at first but at tasting the roasted meat in his mouth, he lost all hesitation.

"Atem, do you want to begin our game?"

Looking up at the prince, even if Atem wanted to say no- which he didn't- he found that the hopeful twinkle in Yugi's eyes wasn't easy to say no to anyway.

"Yes, lets begin! I want to see just how good you really are." with a smirk from Atem and a bright smile from Yugi, they began their game of Senet!

Time passed, an hour or more, they both didn't know. They had finished their meals long ago and they were finishing up their 4th game of Senet. With determined and bright looks, they had no intentions of stopping just yet.

Through the windows you could see that the sun of Aljahim had begun to paint the skies with the warm tones of red, orange, and yellow, adding to the display a bit of blue and purple that danced around in some parts. While others would sit out and take in the magical show of colors that played through the skies, both the Pharaoh and demon Prince preferred to be where they where: sitting across from one another on firm cushioned chairs, at an old wooden game table that held the tales of all the games and their players under each layer of oak; just laughing about them having ended up in yet another tie.

"Oh man! You're really good at this Atem!"

The pharaoh laughs, "Good? You build great defenses against every entry I find, you seem to know exactly how to stop all my strategies, and I must say that I am impressed."

Atem smiles at Yugi, who's face lights up in an embarrassed blush.

"T-T-Thanks!" Atem chuckles at the look on Yugi's face.

As he sees Yugi about to ask if he wanted to play another tie breaker, Atem decided the best answer would be to just smile and set the game up himself. Yugi tried to hide his happiness at this, but he was failing and at this Atem chuckled.

The prince had clearly never had someone give him as much of a challenge as Atem did, and while he wished they could play forever he knew that soon someone would come and ruin the fun..

Yugi prayed that it would be someone to just tell them dinner is being served, and that they could keep enjoying their company a while longer. Yugi was having too much fun, and he found himself watching Atem setup the game, he had a feeling of being so relaxed and at peace at this moment, something he had not felt in a long time.. Thats when Yugi began to wonder:

Is Atem having as much fun as I am?.. I wonder, does he have time to play games being the Pharaoh and all? Is there anyone who really gives him a challenge when he does play these games?..

With a curious look, and deep into thought, Yugi got an idea. One that wasn't truly his but instead it was Anzu's and Miho's..

"Hey Atem.."

With a hum of question from the young Pharaoh, Yugi continued.

"Would it be ok if I asked you some questions about yourself?.."

This caught Atem off guard and made him drop a piece or two of the game.

Atem muttered a quite shit and picked the pieces up, Yugi watched him wondering: Was it something I said?

After putting the pieces of the board, Atem tried to play it off clearing his throat.

"Y-Yes, I suppose there would be no problem in that.. May I ask what has you curious?" Atem's dark skin helped hide his slight blush better than Yugi's pale, but Yugi caught a glimpse of it, and like before he found it a cute sight.

"Oh, well its because I find you interesting- That sounds weird doesn't it? I'm sorry, I just want to get to know you better because I would enjoy being your friend, and I find it that this moment we are having is enjoyable- I can't speak for us both though-"

Atem chuckles and while he had a blush plastered on his face now, much more clear, His confident look never left and that look just made Yugi's heart jump.

"I am having a blast, and I would also like to get to know you better as well, so we could do this, on each of our turns we get to ask the other a question."

Yugi nods excepting the deal.

"Seeing as you started before, I will go ahead and begin! So as my first question I will ask if you have a lover?"

Yugi was caught off guard at the question, he blushed and froze slightly.

"I-I-Uh-" he cleared his throat, "No, no not currently. I actually never had a lover before.."

To this Atem finishes his move and looks up at Yugi with curiousity.

"But do you not have escorts? Those two young demon ladies as an example"

Shaking his head Yugi answered, "Their my friends. While Miho and Sirenity both have titles as being my royal escorts, I never used them as that sort of escort.. I don't think they should have to give that up to me because of a job.. They help me with being presentable to social gatherings, be a better social image and just act as a company that I have to have in those gatherings."

Atem takes in what Yugi says and hums to himself, confusing Yugi.

"Ok well now its my turn! Whats it like being a Pharaoh at such a young age?"

Yugi begins his move in the Senet game.

Atem makes a tired look, "It's rather tiring.. I barely have gotten the hang of it, but I have a lot of good people helping me out. So in short words, ruling Egypt is not easy but with the help of my friends, advisors and my cousin, I have been able to move forward."

The way Atem spoke proudly and confident made Yugi stop what he was doing and look up at him. Atem had a strong aura, Yugi could feel the honor Atem had in being able to take such a harsh job and be gifted with such wonderful people surrounding him.

Atem notices Yugi staring at him and raises an eyebrow.

"Is your turn done?"

Yugi snaps out of it, another embarrassed blush paints his cheeks and he simply finishes his turn.

"N-Now I'm done.."

Unable to look at Atem in the eye he just waits for the Pharaoh to ask his ne t question. He hoped that it wasn't as awkward as his last one.

"Alright, as for my next question, what is your favorite game to play?"

Yugi looked up with a low sigh of relief.

"My favorite game has to be senet, its different and since I was a small demon I always enjoyed it."

Atem nods and gives a hum to show he heard Yugi.

"Alright, thats the end of my turn."

Yugi looks at the board.

huh? why would he leave himself so open? I could win on this turn.. but..

Glancing up at Atem and back to the board, Yugi starts his turn.

I don't want the game to end here..

"So what's your favorite game Atem?"

Atem watches Yugi end his turn without taking the easy win he placed for him. Atem stares at Yugi and answers his question without giving any thought into it.

"I always played Senet with my dad, it was the time I enjoyed most, therefore I'd say that my favorite is Senet, same as yours."

Yugi smiles and nods. He was happy to hear that it was Atem's favorite because that meant he was enjoying this moment.. or so Yugi hopes.

"Alright, On to a question thats been on my mind since we started asking questions."

To this Yugi qwirks his head in question.

What question could that be..

Atem makes his move and at the end of his turn he looks toward Yugi.

"Why did your father want me as a present for you"

Yugi's eyes widen and he stuttered his response.

"h-h-h-how do you- where did you hear that!?"

Atem firmly stares at Yugi and repeats his question: "Why did your father want me as a present for you."

Yugi shakes his head and looks down at the board, again his eyes widen, because the match.. was over.. Atem had won.

"I am not sure if I'm honest- My father is temperamental, he likely felt you would be a threat for him so he wanted to get rid of you and used me as an excuse-"

"Your father was going to give me to you to be your escort, as a gift for you."

At this information Yugi's eyes widened.


Atem looks at Yugi suspiciously.

"You going to tell me you did not know this?"

Yugi just nods at that, "How was I suppose to know that.. No one actually tells me things in this place! I only know you were to be a gift for me because Miho let it slip before you arrived!"

It was clear Atem did not believe Yugi.

Yugi gave a firm look, because the expression Atem wore was the same one Aknamkanon used to give him.

"Look I know you don't believe me- just like I know Aknamkanon never believed me" Atem's eyes widen slightly at this, "But rather you want to believe me or not, doesn't change the fact that I really am ignorant to this information.. If you want I can tell you all I know, though."

Atem's expression softens and he nods accepting Yugi's offer.

"Alright, Well I'm half Dragon, half Inccubi first off, and what this means is that I'm a demon class Dra-cubi of rank SSA. Dragons and Lilian demons of Cubi come of age at the same point, which is 100, and so when I turned 100 I needed to have a diet of complete 100% meat, I need to know how to hunt, and for the Inccubi part of me- I.. I need to have- you know.."

Yugi's face was completely scarlet at this point and Atem realized what he ment and also blushed, but motioned for Yugi to continue.

"My mother said that the Inccubi part of me wouldn't need me to do so until I turned 117, so I was safe- but that didn't mean I was completely safe from it.. I need to obtain an escort at that age, one that at the coming of age of 118 I would have already used to complete what they call "ritual". I got into a fight with my dad and mom when I turned 100- I didn't want to kill or to have to use a someone for that! Its-Its unfair in every aspect.. So I said what at the time I thought would have been impossible for them to do- I-.."

Atem looks at Yugi, wanting to hear the rest, "You?"

Yugi sighed, "I told him that I wouldn't complete the rituals unless it ment that I would hunt only a creature who was about to die, and that I wouldn't take a demon.. it had to be something else- which in retrospect wasn't a big deal at the moment, they both would always be against it so how was I to know they would try to get my conditions-!"



they both looked toward the door and as Yugi was about to ask who it was he found Atem had stood and covered his mouth. They stayed completely silent, well expect for Yugi's heart rate going up at Atem having pulled him close to keep his mouth shut.


"My lord? we come looking for the prince, his mother wishes to see him"

Atem begins to let Yugi go, but before he responds he notices Yugi didn't seem to want him to speak so he kept quiet.

Not long after they heard footsteps leaving the door and Yugi whispered a thank you to Atem.

"Mother must want to know what games I've thought of for the tournament.." Yugi stands up from his chair.

"I believe you." This caught Yugi off guard and he looks toward Atem with a questioning look. "I believe you didn't know anything about your parents wanting to take me to be your escort, you aren't a bad person Yugi, and I think I'm starting to better understand that."

The Prince ran out embarrassed, as he left he heard the Pharaoh laugh, sure he had seen how red his face got.


I walk toward my mother's garden, like always she sat on her Rose coated bench enjoying the vibrant colors that filled the surroundings, along with inhaling the sweet auroma of honey and vanilla.

She seems so at peace... maybe I should turn around and just let her enjoy this moment, and not ruin it by telling her I spent the entire day playing senet with the Pharaoh of Egypt and haven't thought of the games for the Ra-forsaken tournament.. Yea that sounds like a good plan!

Turning around slowly to walk away-


I freeze at hearing my name being called and turn back to my mother.

Oh its that look, the look that I get before being locked in my room for two or more weeks..

"Where have you been?"

I nervously laugh, "Oh you know, just.. around"

She's gesturing for me to sit next to her, this is going to end in being locked up again.. I sigh and sit down on the bench- which is a lot comfier than it should be, with all the thorns and pedals that embrace it.

"I heard from a little fairy that you were making our guest feel right at home, and well attended."

I look up at her with a confused look.

"w-well a-attended?"

She nods looking at me with her bored expression, "You know-" she taps my lips "Well Attended"

Oh.. OH!

I can feel my cheeks becoming hot.

How-how does she know about the kiss?!

"W-w-w-what are you t-ta-talking abou-"

"Oh do not play dumb with me, I can smell him on you. Not that I'm angry about it or anything, You are a Inccubi! I'm proud that you are going for it finally!"

Than why are you giving me that look of displeasure..

"I just feel that you are jumping in on it too fast. There are others who will compete for your hand, Yugi, do not give in to one pretty face."

Give in? I never gave in.. I just- It was the Love sight's fault I did what I did! That thing MADE me do it.. Made me curious about it.. Gave me the courage to do it..

But I can't tell her that, she'll freak if she hears that theres a possible Love Sight that bloomed, she'll question me and poor Atem..

"I-I didn't give into him, I just-just-! Lost a bet with Miho! Yea thats what happened. Me and Miho made a bet that Atem was over the human age of 18, I lost because I said he was 23 and She said he was 18, she was right of course. If I lost i had to kiss the Pharaoh and if she lost she had to kiss Jounouchi. It was all just a bet-"

She smiles at me, "Oh so the Pharaoh is 18? Old enough to have a wife. Did you find anything else about him?"

Ok now she's scaring me.. What is she up to? Why is she so curious..

"I-uh.. His favorite game is Senet..?"

Her face brightens up and she nods.

"Same as yours!"

She actually knows what my favorite game is?! I can feel a smile grow on my face.

"Yeah! We played a few rounds, he is really good at it! It was oddly fun, I thought I would never find someone who could give me a challenge in it! I-"

"So what games did you think for the tournament?"

Oh shit..

"I-I- Well I.. I didn't think of any.."

Oh man here it comes... I feel my mom's claws on my shoulder and looking up at her I can see her round pupils turn sharp like a cat's.. oh great..

"Hahaha.. Yugi Mutou, don't tell me that you got so distracted making kissy faces at that mortal that you forgot what you had to do."

I wasn't making kissy faces!.. Oh Ra that face.. she is going to explode!..

"I did! I-I thought of some games.. b-but that the amount you said before.."

I know where her claws were have drawn blood from my shoulder, but not deep enough that it will scar me.. At least she has calmed down..

"Oh! That is perfectly fine! as long as you thought of two, we can work with it, sweetie."

I sigh in relief.. Ok now what games could they be? I need to think quick..

"Ok so I thought that we could do-" My eyes quickly scan the area. Ok what could a game be- ah ha! I spot the old darts game that I use to play with mom all the time!

"-Darts! Its a traditional game that takes key precision and to win you need to hold lots of control over the target and weapon!"

She nods happily and excited, she approves of that game! Ok at least one to go- well I could give two more.

"Yea, and for another game I was thinking maybe Senet- Its my favorite and you have to smart about it, it would be interesting to see how everyone goes about it-"

She nods accepting the idea. Yes! Senet is in the tournament than, it will give Atem a chance to win!- For the peace treaty of course.. Why am i clearing this up for myself..

"Ok any other?"

What could be another... Oh wow I haven't a clue..

"No.. I could only think of those two.."

Her humming is suspious.. she has an idea.. I can feel it..

"Well That is ok, but we need at least five games for the tournament, so we will do the two you said, your father said to do Mortal combat, and I have thought out two games myself so-"

"Whoa wait what-!? Mortal combat?! No thats dangerous!"

I knew he would pick something dangerous but- Most demons won't care to kill.. like Ushiro..

"Its what your father wants-"

"Well the answer is no! Combat is fine, but not to the death! I get he enjoys violence but at least think about everyone in general-"

Her claws dig in my shoulder once again causing me to become silent.

"Your father said Mortal Combat, it will be the last game. The final two WILL fight to the death." She lets her claws leave my shoulder. "Besides the Pharaoh only needs to make it to third to get his peace treaty. Why worry?- Unless you want the Pharaoh to win your hand."

That look.. what is she expecting from me.. I do want him to win- I mean I don't! I just! She is stressing me...

"I don't care if he wins! I didn't want this in the first place.. I just- look I don't want anyone to get hurt..."

She nods standing up from her seat and heading toward an unbloomed Love sight- "The games i thought of are better. I took into count what YOU are. So for the games that I have picked" She grabs the Love sight in her hand and turns to me. "The challenge will be to present to you and for you, a Bloomed Love Sight."

My eyes widen-


She giggles and continues,

"For the second to last challenge the finalists will need to give you a bloomed Love sight, to show not just me and your father, but also all of Aljahim that they are willing to die for you because they truly are the one for you."

I jump up-

"Love Sights bloomed because of the power of a soul wanting the other! We call it love sight, but there have been times when only attraction caused one to bloom-"

"Bloom Poorly."

Ugh! Well this is just great... I will be put even more on the spot..

"Ok.. well what is your other challenge or game.."

I sit back down, There is no way I can convince her to change her mind.. she's just- she can't be convinced..

"Well I was thinking of doing a best gift challenge! They would all get you gifts, you won't know which gift came from who, than you'd pick two and thats how we would have are two finalists! This will be the third to last challenge."

I look up at her and nod, that one sounds fair.. Plus its a chance to get some more games, everyone gives me games as a gift.

"Alright that one sounds fair enough.."

After these days I will be wedded off to someone... I groan..

"Oh dont worry Yugi, Im sure you'll love the winner! Its all going to go greatly, and you never know who may enter.. Like Anzu.."

I look up at her.

Anzu entering this, to win my hand? I doubt that.. Why would she, she turned me down before, if she was interested in being more than my friend.

I sigh

"That- Ok fine.. I havent got a choice anyway.."

I see my mom smiling and shoo me away, so I stand up and leave the garden.

I am super glad that Im not grounded again.. but this whole tournament is like being grounded for life.. Will I love the winner? I doubt it..

I walk down the corridors avoiding everyone I could.

Everything is falling more into place now.. and I'm- This is all too much.. I am forced right now.. I will have to give up my life to someone I hate- like Ushiro.. or I'll have to live lying to someone I care about- like Rebecca.. Oh man What will I do!

Oh dont worry Yugi, Im sure you'll love the winner!

Love? the winner?.. Sure if its Anzu! I truly doubt I could ever love anyone who is actually participating!..

There is no one else that I would enjoy to be married to.. I mean who are even the contestants for this!

I enter my room and see that the familiars did really organize everything to my mother's taste. Just great..

Hmm? whats that scroll on my desk?

I head over to it and pick it up, opeing it to see- oh hey its the list of contestants! ... thats conveniently ironic..

Well than lets see.. I walk to my Window seat and sit with my feet up on it.

Damn the sun has already fallen.. I move my tail to be a bit on top of the scroll and make the flames brighter.

Ok so Vivian to no surprise is entering, Young Jaden is, Lady Mai is getting in on this too huh?, ugh.. Ushiro.., Lady Rebecca, Lord Yusei, Oh Ryou is entering, Prince Melvin, Jounouchi- wait Jou is entering this too?!, and finally the pharaoh of egypt.. Atem... Its odd I guess all these people must either want to free me like Ryou, Jounouchi, or take advantage of the opportunity like- ugh- Ushiro and Melvin.. sigh I know Rebecca, vivian and Jaden all like me and really want this but- I will have to lie about my feelings for them if they win.. just me lying and playing with their feelings.. I don't know why Yusei entered, likely because he sees this as a chance to test himself or just to make sure Jaden doesn't win.. hopefully its the ladder..

Than Atem.. He wants to save his people from war and bring peace to his people by holding a respectful alliance with Aljahim. Its admirable really, but if he wins..

"The winner of the tournament is, the Pharaoh of Egypt and God of the human world, Atem!"

Everyone around us everyone cheered, Their hands, claws and paws raised to the skies expressing their delight with screams of joyful congratulations for the Pharaoh and for the new peace treaty soon to be opened and signed.

The Pharaoh stood proudly thanked my father, shaking his hand and bowing his head to my mother. Honor was what surrounded him, he saved his home and people from war in this week. He can go home a hero and can bring to everyone hope, making his father and the gods proud.

"Now I will present to the Pharaoh his prize, as the winner of the tournament, like we promised we will sign a new peace treaty between Egypt and Aljahim."

Atem smiles at the King of Demons, "An honor and tranquility it is to know that from this day forward my people and yours will no longer hold hostility but only friendship."

"Indeed it is young Pharaoh."

Everyone cheered louder as Atem finished reading and signing the scroll given to him by my father. This is great, Atem will have his peace treaty! There won't be war!

"Now for the prize of the tournament~"

We look to my mother who now stood behind me and pushed me to Atem, luckily I found my balance but i was red like a rose..

"Prize of the tournament? Odd I don't recall it. Do you have it, Yugi?"

I take a gulp and nervously answer, "Oh-well.. I'm the prize actually.."

To this Atem just looks at me and laughs, "I know you are. I wanted to hear you say it~"

I feel my face heat up and my heart pound as Atem hoists me up in his strong arms.

I smile down at him, and he stares into my eyes.


Atem has a serious but soft look..

"Yes?" Like usual when I'm in doubt my head quirks to the side. What could he have to say to me? Maybe he'll say its alright, just like his father always di-

"You are beautiful."

I stop in my tracks... my eyes widen and i begin to blush...

A flash of Atem's smile plays in my head- Gyah! Oh no.. no no no!..

The memory runs through my head, the feeling of his lips on mine. Hearing my mother's voice

"You know-" she taps my lips

"Well Attended"

I jump and fall off my window seat, a slight sting going up my spine as my butt hit the hard ground.

I-I.. did I just think that.. I did..

Oh my-

my face is on fire right now and-oh Ra!.. I can't be that into Atem.. can I?..

I mean he is nice, confident, fun, funny, interesting, mysterious, strong, handsome, charming..


I shake out of it- Oh no.. I-I... I'm that into Atem..!

B-But how? I've only known him for a day?! Liking him like this should be impossible, Even with Anzu, I started liking her a year after knowing her!..

I don't understand.. What draws me into him.. Theres also that Love Sight, it bloomed and non of us know each other to be able to have made it bloom..

I need some help to figure this out.. that love sight might be the cause of this quick infatuation I have.

I'll need an experts help to be able to figure it out, but who knows about these sorts of things?.. hmm..

Miho? No no, she only knows about what she's heard and she won't have all the information..

Jou? No, Jou isn't the brightest in the bunch so these sorts of things he won't be able to help me with..

Anzu?- No no definitly not, how do I explain to her that I like her but now also like Atem and that what I told her last year is still true but that now its not as true and- no ok Anzu is a no go.

Sirenity could know something about this, she has surprised everyone before with a vast knowledge on things.. Yes maybe I could ask her for help..

But if not who could know-

Knock Knock"Excuse me, Yugi are you in?"


I rush and open the door to see my silver haired friend standing at my door. Being a vampire he was much paler than me and brings me no surprise he stood looking more alive under the moon than the sun.

"Ah! Yugi, so you are in your roo-"

I pull him inside and shut the door

"-oom.. Yugi? whats goin-"

"Ryou I need your help."

He looks at me with nervous question.

"What for?"

I go to my scrolls. Come on where is it..

This isn't it.. no .. nono.. no..

"Uh, yugi?"

no no.. no.. Ah ha!

"I found it!"

I go over to Ryou and hand him the scroll, he hesitantly opens it up.

"A love sight scroll?"

I nod at him, he just stares at me in question- ok I guess he wouldn't understand just like that.

"I'll explain-Just bare with me."

Ryou luckily nods, Ok.

"So today the Pharaoh of Egypt came to visit-"

Ryou smiles, "Oh its been a long time since we've seen Aknamkanon, how is he?"

I nervously laugh, "well he - Sadly he's dead.. The one who came is his son-"

Ryou makes another confused face, "I thought his son was dead."

I nod, "We all did but turns out he lied to protect his son from my dad but due to the treaty Atem had to come anyway-"

Ryou sits on the chair next to my desk, "His names Atem? Thats a nice name"

I nod, It is a pretty good name..

"So what does this have to do with the Love Sight roses?"

"Oh well- wait the Love sights are roses?"

He nods and signals for me to continue.

"Ok, so I found this half bloomed love sight on a vine, which was weird because the area I found it in was completely shaded and love sights grow under the moon and sun."

Ryou nods calmly, "Than that means someone bloomed it there. If you found it than it also must not be a coincidence, you must be part of its bloom."

Yea thats what I was thinking! Ryou might be able to actually help me, his knowledge on these things and him appearing at my door, its very convenient for me!

"You must be the one blooming it, or someone else could be blooming it too and having feeling for you."

Atem having feelings for me..

He smiles, "You're beautiful"

No no! Atem get out of my head!

"Uh Yugi?"

Why does his perfect smile, beautiful eyes, and just handsome self keep playing in my head!


Why does he have to be so- so great! He's noble and humble, enjoys games, has a great hairstyle- that he copied from me but it looks much better on him-


I look up at Ryou who had a worried and questioning look.

""I'm going to guess your the one blooming the flower.. Where is it anyway did you give it to Anzu?"

I qwirk my head in question- "Anzu?"

He looks at me with a shocked look.

"If not for Anzu, than for who is the love sight blooming?"

Oh! he thougt- oh..

"W-well I'm not the one blooming it! or so i think... While I had it in my hand it made me kiss him so-"

"Whoa whoa- You mean it was with a guy?! with who-"

Ryou couldn't look more surprised I'm going to guess he figured out who-

"Could it be- with Jou?!"

-or maybe not..

"No it wasn't with jou!"

How can he think its Jou I never mentioned Jou-

"Well than Im stuck Yugi.. well unless it was with Lady Rebecca, but she never seemed like your type."

How can he be so smart yet so stupid at the same time..

sigh , "It was with Atem.. The flower bloomed in my hand and I kissed Atem.."

I look up at Ryou and he's frozen at forst but than he seems to shake out of it and he gives me an odd look.

"Did Atem ever.. grab the love sight ?"

I nod, thats where I wanted to get to!

"Yea he held it and nothing seemed to happen to him! It was weird because in my hand it was just so- it caused me to have courage enough to kiss him out of no where!"

Ryou nods and smiles.

"Seems like Ill have some investigating to do!" He stands up and walks to the door.

"I'll figure it out, don't you worry!"

I stand happily, I can always count on Ryou!

"Thanks Ryou! I'll help you, tell me what you need and I'll do what I can!"

He nods and he begins to leave the room, but than he stops and looks at me.

"Before I forget, the queen told me to tell you that the games will be starting soon. The participants are all already here too."

Oh shit.. thats right..

"So see you there Yugi!"

Ryou than leaves, and now I have to get ready.. I better call for Miho and Serenity, they'll be able to help me get ready.

Atem POV

"Right this way my lord. Your companions are in here"

I follow a small fairy into a library, and by Ra is it grand.. Its the size of the Throne room and the decor is exotic and different. There are statues of beasts that look unreal and unnatural.. Things with two heads and large bodies and teeth. I can't identify what the floors are made of, seems like an odd form of marble and the shelves for the scrolls are oddly made too; There are shelves that look like a spiral and that on to the right is the shape of a dragon.. Hm? whats this? What kind of scrolls are square? thats odd..

"My lord this way."

I snap out of it and follow the fairy to the back, where I find Mahaad and Seto looking in one of those square things.

"So here you two are"

They turn to me and while Mahaad give me a short bow and a smile, Seto just goes back to looking in the odd scroll.

"Well I'll be on my way, there is much to still do. please call if you are in need of anything" With a simple bow the fairy was gone. I go over to them both.

"What are you two even looking at?"

They look at me, "These things are supposidly called books, the demons use them as another form of a scroll" Mahaad explained, So theyre called books.

"Yes, and this one in particular speaks about your little boyfriend."

I glare at Seto, "I dont know who youre talking about." Seto rolls his eyes and continues, "Yea well the prince of this place, while he might seem small and weak, we need to watch out from him most of all."

What? Yugi is an angel- well he's a demon but he isnt a bad soul.

"My pharaoh I know it may not seem like it, but from what we found- its the only conclusion we can get."

I make a questioning look to Mahaad and simple nod, what could they have found?

"So why is it that you think that?"

They glance at each other and than back at me. Mahaad passes me the book and begins to explain.

"The prince is a mixed demon, he holds two bloods in his system-"

I already know all this.

"Yes yes, He is half dragon and half inccubi, known as a Dra-Cubi. Get on with it"

They look at me oddly but Mahaad just continues.

"Yes.. thats right, he is a dra-cubi, the first of his kind. Also the mix of the strongest kinds of demons. Lilian demons are the strongest and by far the ones to fear. The cubi demons live on eating the dark desires of others, they create desires where there are non and feed on them by being the ones to push those desires. Now the interesting part is that every cubi goes through a ritual at the age of 100, being given an escort for them to feed on before they turn 118, but for the prince there are no records of it."

Things Yugi has told me already.

"Normally the Cubi demon begins to die if they don't feed from that point forward, but all the medical records of the prince indicate that he is healthy, which leads us to the conclusion that the demon bedded one or both of his escorts-"

"He didn't bed either one."

He wouldn't lie to me, he told me himself and I know honesty when I see it in someone's eyes.

Their suspious looks are no surprise to me, especially from Seto.

"And exactly how can you be so sure of that?"

I take a seat on a red cushioned chair and turned my head.

"He told me."

Seto scoffs, "Oh yes smart of you cousin, believing what a demon says."

Mature as always. I glare at him.

"I know when someone is being honest to me or not Seto. You doubting me on it?"

He sends me a glare.

"Yes I am, I'm doubting which head your using to analyze this with."

"Are you accusing me, the pharaoh, of thinking with my dick instead of my brain? When I was the one who actually wanted to come here and try to find a way to avoid war, while you and others said that we should prepare to fight? You have a horrible way of judging people, Seto."

"And you have a horrible taste in lovers, Atem. The only thing you've been doing since meeting that demon has been drooling over him."

I stand up from the comfy chair and glare directly at my so called cousin.

"I have not."

He smirks and turns to Mahaad, "Just ask Mahaad."

Mahaad continued reading from the book, and shook his head.

"If you two wish to fight over something this ridiculous, than go ahead, but I am not getting into this."

Proving that I have not been drooling over Yugi, so I have won this conversation.

"Oh don't make that smug look, just because he isn't getting between the fight doesn't mean you havent been drooling over that demon."

It does.

"Ive already won this and now if theres no other reason why you two believe that we need to watch out for Yugi, than I believe this discussion is over."

Mahaad hands me the book and a scroll.

"There is a reason and its not because he had or hadn't bedded the escorts."

I look at the page Mahaad had placed the book at when handing it to me.

It showed an illustration of a humanistic creature attacking another and turning into a dragon, finally devouring the other creature.

Its completely disgusting.. I never thought an illustration could hold this much detail on the violent and bloody scene..

"This is a ceremony that the dragons do, to obtain their dragon forms"

Yugi also told me about this today.

"Yes I was also informed by Yugi about this."

"Well did he tell you that he finished this ceremony."

I turn to Seto and shake my head.

He's killed another creature before? well if all dragons do this sort of ceremony, why should it matter?

"Oh Ra damnit, quit doubting us and open the scroll and see for yourself how that ceremony ended."

How bad could it be?

I open the scroll and right away I am met with an illustration of a enormous black dragon with red circular pendants all over its body. The creature had large teeth, and within the scroll you can see more illustrations that show the dragon emitting beams from its pendants, destroying and killing an entire colony of large beasts that had humanistic forms but with blue skins, strange claws and serpent tails.

At the final illustration the dragon changed into Yugi.

"That beast is Yugi and the power that he has is able to destroy entire towns and clans in a mire flash."

T-that beast is Yugi?.. I can see why they are worried, but-

"I understand your worries but Yugi is indeed an alley to us. He has no interest in starting a war against us."

Mahaad nods, understanding, but Seto doesn't seem convinced- but than again when does he.

"I think you're too into this kid to see the truth."

I glare at him, why can't he just accept what I tell him, always has to fight.

"Seto, the prince has no reason to be against us and thus has no interest in being our enemy."

Seto rolls his eyes, bastard is giving me attitude again.. "Look through this information and tell me afterward if you still believe the prince is a sweet child."

I cross my arms, this bastard has to fight everything I say..

"I don't need to I know he is."

He scoffs, "Prince Yugi is nothing but a creature made to kill and seduce. He is nothing but that, a deadly beast that will fuck you if he can."

I glare at him- How could he say such a thing? He doesn't know him- well I do not either but he was truthful to me when we spoke, so I have no need to doubt him.

"HEY! Wha the HELL did you just say about my buddy?!"

We look towards the entrance of the room we were in and there stood Serenity with a blond wolf- I'm sure I've seen him before.. but where..

The wolf rushed to Seto but soon was being held back by Serenity.

Judging from his growls and the way he's baring his teeth , he's rather angry.

I see Mahaad point his want toward the wolf- I swear I've seen him before..

"What do you want, mutt?"

I haven't been here long so I wonder..

Well if this keeps up Seto will be attacked- and to think he actually likes dogs.

"You fucking human go around talking bad about my friend- well I got news for you, I ain't gonna sit back and watch you insult Yuge!"

Ah! I remember, at the garden, he sat across from Yugi. So they must be friends.

"My lord come over here, we mustn't allow the demon to hurt you!"

I look at Mahaad and than back to the wolf and Seto. The blond wolf was baring its teeth and growling at Seto, not me.

"I'll be alright. The disrespectful one was Seto, in any case you should be worried about him"

Mahaad looks at me unhappy. Seto deserves to get his face bitten off, why must I go in and try to stop this when he asked for it?

Mahaad's look keeps intensifying.. fine I'll do it.


Both Seto and the wolf quit bickering- didn't notice they were..

"Please do not fight, we are working to get peace not cause war."

Serenity lets the wolf go.

"They pharaoh is right, big brother." The young girl says- brother huh? well they are similar. "You shouldn't fight with them, we came here to advise them of the games starting not to attack them!"

We all look at her.

So its time already for the games to start..

"Yea I know Serenity, but if this dumb human speaks bad about Yuge I aint gonna cut him slack. Listen 'ere rich boy! Yuge aint just some creature that kills and seduces, he's a kind and selfless guy, more than anyone could say for you! So back off the insults or I'll beat you until you stop breathing!"

...Maybe I'm thinking incorrectly but that sounded sexual..

Seto looks at him bored and annoyed.

He walks past the wolf and Serenity begins to follow, intending to guide us.

I sigh, This is gonna be a rough week..