Hey, this is another JanHoo fanfic. May be I'm kinda crazy about this couple. I am already writing one but this idea came to my mind and had to write it. Give me your reviews. what do you think about this new plot...

She got out of the hall room crying. She had held herself up until now but she couldn't anymore. How could she tolerate to see the man she loved so much getting married in front of her own very eyes? She ran and ran, not knowing where she was going. She just knew that she needed to get away from that place.

When she stopped she found herself in the middle of a road where no one was there. As it was night time the place was quiet. She could only hear the sound of crickets. She couldn't feel her feet. So her feet gave up and she sat in the middle of the street, crying. She felt like her life had ended. She felt empty. As it was the night time she felt a little scared but she didn't care anymore. She felt like finishing her life with her own very hands.

As she was cowering in the middle of street, suddenly she felt a warm cloth around her shoulders. She looked up with her tear filled eyes. She found the only remaining person in her life who could give her peace of mind, her personal sun light - Yoon Ji Hoo. He knelt down before her, not leaving her eyes.

She was staring at him with her tear filled eyes. She could see his angelic face which was sad because of her pain. She couldn't hold herself anymore. So, she threw herself in his arms. He quickly wrapped his arms around her, surrounding her with his warmth. She dove into his chest, wanting this warmth, needing this warmth.

Ji Hoo's arms tightened around her without his knowledge. He had experienced many painful moments of her life with her but it was just too much for him to bear. He couldn't take it anymore. How could he? When the woman he loved the most in this world, the woman for whom he would do just anything to see her smile looked this devastated.

She looked like the world had ended for her as if she didn't want to live anymore. It tore his heart. He had never wanted to experience such a situation. Though he loved her so much, wanted her so much, he would have done anything to stop this marriage. But he was helpless there just like the other F4 members who also didn't agree to this marriage.

He felt angry at Gu Jun Pyo for Jan Di's this state. He felt angry at himself as he felt for the first time in his life that he was powerless. He hated this. When he first realized his feelings for her that was too late but he had made a vow to himself that he would always protect her and would never let her feel sad. But alas! His couldn't keep it. He felt ashamed.

He felt like crying as he could hear her heart breaking sob. He held her tightly in his arms, wishing to take her pain away or make her forget this pain.

He could recall madam Kang's face. She had a smug smile in her face when Gu Jun Pyo and Ha Jae Kyung exchanged their vows and rings. At that moment he felt very scared to face Jan Di. He was scared to see her devastated form but how much he tried, he couldn't escape that.

After almost an hour he felt Jan Di's crying sounds decreasing. May be she was exhausted? He cradled her in his chest and lightly rocked back and forth, he stroke her back and ran his fingers through her hair. He started to sing a soft song which Jan Di liked the most.

His legs were arching but he didn't dare to move or release her. He was afraid that if he released her now, he wouldn't see her ever again. She might vanish into thin air.

Jan Di had stopped crying. She was just sniffing lightly. Ji Hoo backed a little with her still in his arms and leaned against the tree trunk there. He kept singing the song in a very low voice which only she could hear.

After a while, he felt her chest rising and falling in a rhythm and heard her light snorting. She was asleep. He sighed with relief. He let her stay in his arms for some more time.

Just then he felt his phone was vibrating. He pulled that out of his pocket. He hadn't realized that Woo Bin and Yi Jeong had called him so many times as he was very preoccupied with Jan Di. He looked at her sleeping face to confirm her sleeping. He pressed the answering button.

"Hello…" he murmured.

"Finally you picked up the phone. Where are you? Where is Jan Di? Are you with her? Is she OK?" he heard his childhood friend's anxious voice. He felt bad as he knew that they were worried.

"Yi Jeong, if you ask me these much question at once, it will be difficult for me to answer." He replied like that to lessen his anxiety.

"Fine, are you with Jan Di now?" Yi Jeong asked again. He looked at Woo Bin and Ga Eul who were anxiously waiting to know about Jan Di.

"Yeah, I'm with her now."

"Is she OK?" He hesitantly asked.

"She is fine now. She has been crying so much. After crying for a while, she has gone to sleep. May be she is just exhausted." He ran his fingers through her hair.

Yi Jeong sighed with relief and told Woo Bin and Ga Eul about it. Ga Eul covered her mouth, as her eyes filled with tears and Woo Bin sighed with relief that Jan Di was with Ji Hoo and safe. He knew that Ji Hoo would take care of her.

Yi Jeong felt hurt when he saw Ga Eul crying. He wanted to take her in his arms but it's not the time for that now. His wondering mind came back when he again heard Ji Hoo's voice.

"Yi Jeong, can you bring the car? Jan Di's asleep now and we are pretty far from the hotel."

"Where are you now?"

Ji Hoo gave him his location. Yi Jeong put his phone back in his pocket. He looked at Woo Bin and Ga Eul and told them about the situation.

Ga Eul was still crying as she couldn't bear her best friend's pain. She tried to stop her crying but it wasn't working. Yi Jeong was having problem holding himself in check. He looked at Woo Bin. He just nodded.

Ji Hoo was waiting for Yi Jeong to pick him up. It was a chilly night. He looked up and saw stars there shining brightly. He covered Jan Di fully with his jacket.

He studied her face. That looked so exhausted. Her face was tear-stained. He kissed her temple and looked around. In Jan Di's sleep she sunk into him and made herself comfortable in his chest. For a moment he felt peace in his heart, wanting to stay like this forever.

His thought was torn when he heard the sound of a car coming. It was Woo Bin's car. It stopped in front of them. Woo Bin got down from the car. He came towards them. He looked at the sleeping girl with sympathy.

Ji Hoo stood up with Jan Di in his arms. He walked over the car. Woo Bin opened the back door for him. Ji Hoo laid Jan Di there and got in. He kept her head in his chest and made her position comfortable.

Woo Bin silently got into the front and started the car. While driving, he occasionally looked back to see Jan Di. Ji Hoo was running his fingers through her hair. Her hair had grown a little. He loved doing this. He looked up and found Woo Bin staring at them.

"How's she right now?" Woo Bin asked.

"In one word – devastated," Ji Hoo replied.

"How did you find her?"

"When she left the hall, I followed her. I knew she isn't alright and I have to make sure that she is OK."

Woo Bin nodded.

"Suddenly she started running. I also ran. Then she came there and looked around. May be she didn't realize where she was going until then. Then she sat in the middle of the street and started to cry." Ji Hoo sighed.

"You did the right thing following her. I can't imagine what she will have done?" Woo Bin said.

"Don't mention it." Ji Hoo quickly said.

Woo Bin nodded. They went silently for a while. Then Ji Hoo asked, "The ceremony is over?"

"Yeah, they went to do their reception."

The car was silent.

Ga Eul was crying so hard. She couldn't believe the Gu Jun Pyo really got married and with someone else without Jan Di. She knew how much he loved Jan Di. Yi Jeong was trying to console her.

"Why did Gu Jun Pyo sunbae do that? Why? Why did he break my friend's heart?" Ga Eul asked angrily.

Yi Jeong had no answer for her. He could see that how much she was hurting for her best friend. He wanted to console her but also afraid that she may not want his consolation. He said in a soft voice to sooth her. "Ga Eul, please calm down."

"Why?" She screamed. Yi Jeong looked at her shockingly. He had seen her cry before when that guy ditched her but it now it was totally different.

When Ga Eul saw his shocked face, she felt guilty. It wasn't his fault after all. She was just frustrated. This time she said in a little voice, "Why?" She sat down on a coach and Yi Jeong sat beside her.

Ga Eul was now crying silently. Yi Jeong couldn't hold himself anymore and so he hugged her, not caring what she might think.

Ga Eul was surprised at first but then she succumbed in as she needed this consolation right now. They were at the ground floor of Shinwa hotel near the entrance, waiting for Jan Di, Ji Hoo and Woo Bin. The heard the sound of footsteps.

They both stood up. When they saw them, Ga Eul and Yi Jeong ran over to them. Ga Eul looked at Jan Di's sleeping form and tear stained face and then looked up at Ji Hoo.

"She is fine now. I need to take her to the room." Ji Hoo said. He just wanted her to take some rest. She was drained out.

Ji Hoo asked Yi Jeong, "Can you do me a favor?"


"Are you sure Ji Hoo-yah? Is it really OK?" Yi Jeong asked as Ji Hoo laid Jan Di down on the king sized bed of his hotel room.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I just want to keep a close eye on her. Don't worry." Ji Hoo reassured.

"I know." Yi Jeong clapped him lightly on the back.

"Ga Eul-ssi, can you help Jan Di to change?" Ji Hoo asked.

"Yeah," She replied.

"Let's go guys. She needs to change." Ji Hoo, Woo Bin and Yi Jeong came out of his hotel room to give Ga Eul privacy to change Jan Di.

"Are you alright, Ji Hoo-yah?" Woo Bin asked.

"I'm fine. I'm just worried about her. What should I do to help her?" he asked them with urgency in his eyes.

"You need to stay by her side right now. I'm sure you are the one who can console her and heal her the most." Yi Jeong said.

Ji Hoo was surprised. He looked at Yi Jeong to see if he was being serious as he was always against his relationship with Jan Di.

Yi Jeong asked, "What? Did I say anything wrong?"

"No, just that you never liked my relationship with her." Ji Hoo said matter of factly.

"I know but the situation is changed now. She needs you now." Yi Jeong said in a low serious voice.

Ji Hoo lightly smiled. He knew that it was difficult for Yi Jeong to say this stuff but he appreciated it. Woo Bin clapped Yi Jeong on his back. F3 stopped when they heard someone coughing. When they looked back, they found Kang Hee Soo standing a few feet away from them. F3 turned towards her.

Ji Hoo felt his blood boiling and he clenched his fists. How dare she show herself after doing such a thing with smug smile on her face?

Woo Bin patted Ji Hoo's shoulder as his body was so tense and he took a step forward. "Madam Kang, can we help you with something?"

She sneered and said, "No, I don't need help from someone like you guys. Just make sure, you cut all your ties with Jun Pyo. He is the Shinwa heir! He doesn't need friends like you!" She turned and started to walk.

"Why should we cut our ties with our childhood friend?" Yi Jeong asked.

Kang Hee Soo stopped walking. She turned towards them and said, "Don't be childish. He doesn't need such useless childhood friends."

Yi Jeong got furious at that comment. She was about to leave them but she stopped. She said, "Yoon Ji Hoo, you are the grandson of Yoon Seok Young, the former president of Korea. I expected something better from you. You are just hopeless. You should have stick to Min Seo Hyun without going after a poor, gold digger like her."

"Enough madam, please watch your mouth! This is my life. I know what I'm doing and what I should do. You don't need to worry about me and waste your precious time." He said the last part sarcastically.

"And yeah, you really don't need to worry about that. I've already decided that I will cut all my ties with Gu Jun Pyo but make sure, you stay away from Jan Di's life," Saying so he turned and walked away.

Woo Bin called out, "Ji Hoo-yah!" and F2 ran after him. She was fuming with anger. How dare he talk to me that way? And for a commoner like that girl!

Secretary Jung witnessed the whole situation. He came and bowed. He said, "President, you have a phone call," and gave her the phone. She took the phone and answered. He looked at the cruel woman's back. He felt sorry for Gu Jun Pyo. He knew how much that boy loved Jan Di and he had tried his best to support him but he had a limit and even if he wanted to, he couldn't cross the line.

Gu Jun Pyo was pacing around their room. He couldn't believe that he had got married to Ha Jae Kyung. He was going crazy. He couldn't think of his life without Jan Di. 'How is she? Is she alright?'

He heard the door of the bathroom opening. Ha Jae Kyung came out wearing white lingerie. She came and sat on the bed. Jun Pyo just glanced at her once and kept pacing.

"Jun, what are you doing?" she asked.

He didn't reply, just kept pacing.

"Come and sit on the bed. You must be tired after the ceremony." Jun Pyo didn't say anything this time either. Jae Kyung sighed. She stood from the bed and walked towards him.

Jun Pyo was still pacing. She stood in front of him. He crossed her. She again stood in front of him and he did the same thing like before. She got so frustrated. So she stretched her arms to catch him but he dodged. She got a hold of his elbow and and turned him towards her.

"What's your problem, monkey?" he barked.

"Why are you ignoring me?" she shot back not caring about his brusque tone.

"I think you know the answer already." he wrenched his arm away from her.

"But we are married now and I... I really love you Jun. Just look at me." She tried to touch him but he backed away.

"We are married, so what? It's all for that witch! I can't lead my life as I wish and I married you to keep Jan Di safe, nothing else. You love me but I don't love you. Jan Di is the only one for me." He said and turned around.

After awhile when he looked back at her, he could see tears running down from her eyes. He knew that he was hurting her but he himself was also hurting inside. He knew how she was feeling as he was feeling something similar but he couldn't do anything about it.

He clenched his fists and screamed with frustration. He wrenched opened the door, kicked the vase beside it. It broke and shuttered into pieces not knowing that he shuttered Jae Kyung's heart at the same time.

When he left the room, her legs gave up and she sat on the carpeted floor and cried.

Woo Bin, Ga Eul and Yi Jeong came out from Ji Hoo's hotel room after calming him down. Ga Eul was walking silently and F2 were talking about something.

Yi Jeong noticed that Ga Eul had been silent the whole time. He was about to ask her something but before he could ask her anything he heard Gu Jun Pyo's voice.

He came and got a hold of Yi Jeong's jacket collar. "Where's Jan Di? Where?" asked in a rough voice.

"Let go." Yi Jeong said.


"I said, let go."

Jun Pyo forsook his collar and huffed. Yi Jeong smoothed down his collar and said, "Why are asking about her now?"

Jun Pyo looked at Yi Jeong with incredulous eyes. He could see now that Yi Jeong didn't look all that happy to see him, he was holding himself. He looked at Woo Bin, still dumbfounded. He couldn't read his expression.

"Ugh…! Why are you guys being like this? Aren't you guys my friends? Where is Ji Hoo anyway? I haven't seen him after the ceremony." He said looking around.

"Woo Bin-ah!" Yi Jeong just said his name and he understood. Woo Bin said, "Jun Pyo-ah, we are not feeling very good and Yi Jeong is not in the right mind to talk. Let's talk later." He clapped Jun Pyo on his back and lightly smiled to lighten the mood.

"Let's go Ga Eul." Yi Jeong said and passed F2, Ga Eul followed him without any words.

Gu Jun Pyo looked at his childhood friend's retreating back and turned to Woo bin. "Woo Bin-ah, where is Jan Di?" He asked in a calm voice.

"She is fine and taking rest. I think you should let her be," said Woo Bin and walked to the other direction. He didn't mention that she was currently sleeping at Ji Hoo's room.

Jun Pyo stood there as if his legs were frozen. He couldn't believe that his friends were doing this to him. He thought of something and started to walk.

On the other side, Woo Bin felt very sad to ditch his friend. He knew that Jun Pyo's hands were tied. He couldn't do anything but still he should have at least taken some steps to be with the girl he loved so much. He sighed. He went straight to his room. 'I will take a shower and go to bed.'

Ji Hoo sat on the bed beside the sleeping Jan Di. He looked upon her sleeping face. Her eyes were swollen and red. Ga Eul had changed her into her PJs. He was thankful that Yi Jeong brought her things from her room as he didn't want her to be alone for now.

He would keep an eye on her. He could recall how she clutched him tightly while crying as if she would drown in the abyss of sadness if not. He ran his fingers along her cheek. She was so beautiful today. He couldn't take his eyes away from her for long. He leaned down and pressed his lips on her forehead and stayed there for a while.

He heard a knock on his door. He thought it might be Woo Bin or Yi Jeong. He walked towards the door and opened it. He wasn't expecting the person whom he saw there.

There stood Gu Jun Pyo. He was not in the mood to deal with him right then but he couldn't avoid it either. The sooner the better. So he came out of the door and closed it behind him.

"What? You won't let me in?" Jun Pyo asked incredulously.

"Why should I?" Ji Hoo said, looking at his side in a slight irked voice.

Jun Pyo was getting impatient. 'What's the problem with them? Why are they behaving like this?' But it was not the time to think about their behavior. He needed to know where Jan Di was and talk to her.

"Where is Jan Di?" he asked without beating around the bush.

"She is sleeping right now." Ji Hoo replied quickly.

"I have gone to her room but that room was empty and she is not with Ga Eul right now. I need to talk to her. Where is she? You know, right?" He urged.

"Why? You want to make her cry some more? Wasn't that enough already? You really are Mrs. Kang's son." Ji Hoo said bitterly.

"Yoon Ji Hoo, why are you being like this? Where is she, tell me." He took a hold of Ji Hoo's shirt collar and slammed him against the wall.

"You have already made her cry enough. I'm not gonna let it happen anymore and if you are so curious about where she is right now, I'll tell you. She is sleeping in my room right now." Ji Hoo said in a strong voice as he felt that there was nothing to hide from Jun Pyo, he felt a little better when he saw Jun Pyo's shocked face.

Jun Pyo let go off Ji Hoo's shirt collar. He couldn't believe his ears. Ji Hoo coughed a little when Jun Pyo let go off his shirt collar as his hold was tight.

Jun Pyo fully turned to Ji Hoo and held Ji Hoo's collar more tightly this time. He slammed him hard against the wall again. "Why did you do this to me? Why did you do this to your best friend?"

"It has nothing to do with you, Gu Jun Pyo. You are already married. So go and take care of your wife and leave her alone. Let her smile because for you she has to go through this much hardship. Please spare her peace of mind."

Jun Pyo was shocked. His hold on his collar had loosened. So Ji Hoo pulled his hands away from him. He walked towards his room but stopped before going inside. He slightly turned to him and said, "Don't worry about her. I've been holding myself back all this time for you as you are my best friend but now…" He fully turned towards Jun Pyo. "…not any more. I'll make her fall in love with me again and I'll make her happy. So don't worry about her." the last sentence Ji Hoo said in the same way the way he always talked to him. It was almost warm. Ji Hoo went inside and closed the door.

Jun Pyo stood there rooted to the spot. Ji Hoo's words were reverberating in his ear again and again.

"I have been holding myself back all this time for you."

"Not any more. I'll make her fall in love with me again. I'll make her happy."

"I'll make her fall in love with me again. I'll make her happy."

"I'll make her fall in love with me again. I'll make her happy."

"I'll make her fall in love with me again. I'll make her happy."

JunPyo clutched at his hair. He screamed and punched the wall beside him. He walked towards the bar.

Jun Hee was looking for her brother as she had gone to Jae Kyung and he wasn't there. She saw that Jae Kyung was pretending to be cheerful but her red eyes told her that she had been crying. She didn't particularly dislike the girl but didn't agree on the marriage either.

She felt sad for the girl but right now she was least of her concern. She needed to find her little brother. She was passing by the bar. As Jun Pyo was not that much of a drinker she didn't enter the bar but after passing the entrance she turned back and entered just in case he was there.

She was shocked to see her brother leaning against the table and drinking. There was already 3 empty bottles. Was he drinking all this time? She felt like crying to see her brother in this state. She quickly walked towards him.

Jun Pyo had been drinking for some time now. He didn't realize that he had drunk so much. His head was spinning but he still kept drinking. When he was about to drink the new glass he felt someone's hold on his hand. For a moment he thought it might be Jan Di but when he turned he found his noona.

"Noona! What are you doing here?" He asked with difficulty. He tried to stand up, he wobbled and Jun Hee caught him. She made him sit on the stool again.

"What are you doing, Jun Pyo-ah?" She asked sadly.

"What? I'm having so much fun here. See… see, noona. I'm having so much fun." He laughed loudly.

Jun Hee knew her brother very well and he could feel his pain in his laughter. She said, "Let's go." She pulled him but he whined saying, "I want to have some more fun." He took the glass and was about to take a sip but Jun Hee took the glass from his hand and threw it away.

Jun Pyo looked at the glass which was broken into pieces. He was silent.

Jun Hee cupped her little brother's face and saw that there were tears in his eyes. She whispered, "Jun Pyo-ah."

"Noona…" Jun Pyo cried out like a little baby. Jun Hee hugged her little brother and Jun Pyo cried against her shoulder. Jun Hee stroke his hair. She could feel the tears were rolling down her eyes. Her heart broke into pieces when she heard her brother crying like that.

Secretary Jung was watching them. When he saw the Gu siblings crying he felt a burden in his chest. He was truly helpless and he felt so sad that he couldn't do anything to help young master. When he saw that Jun Hee was about to take Jun Pyo he went in.

Jun Hee said, "Thanks Secretary Jung. You've come at the right moment. Please, help me to take Jun Pyo out of here."

He nodded and he put Jun Pyo's arm around his neck and Jun Hee held her brother's arm. They took him to Jun Hee's room as she didn't want Jae Kyung to see Jun Pyo in that state.

After reentering in his hotel room Ji Hoo changed into something comfortable. He checked on her and found her sleeping. He sat beside her bed on the chair and started to read a book. While reading he heard Jan Di's voice. He looked up from his book and found her tossing right and left.

"No, please…." She cried out.

Ji Hoo ran to her. "Jan Di-yah, what happened?" he sat on the bed and asked shaking her a little to break her dream.

Jan Di tossed a little and opened her eyes. Ji Hoo was relieved that she opened her eyes but before he could say anything she sat up and held his collar tightly and kissed him forcefully.

Ji Hoo was very shock. He couldn't register what was going on. He felt that Jan Di was kissing him and that was not so soft. It was forceful and demanding. Well he would have loved it if the situation was different but what's actually happening?

He tried to lose her hold around him to wiggle out, as he knew that she was not at the right mind but her hold around him just tightened more. Likewise his arms around her waist tightened. She kissed him more forcefully, urging his mouth to open up. Ji Hoo was helpless there so he succumbed in and kissed her back with equal passion. Jan Di bit his lip and he moaned at that. She opened her mouth, inviting his tongue to explore it. He did so. Jan Di ran her hands along his chest and brought him even closer.

Ji Hoo was having difficulty to keep his hands on her waist. 'What are you doing to me, Jan Di-yah?' his mind was screaming saying to put a stop to this but his body was acting on its own. They broke off to catch their breath. Ji Hoo said, "Jan-" he couldn't even say a thing because she kissed him again.

Jan Di's fingers were flying over his shirt buttons unbuttoning them in the process. As Jan Di was putting her all weight on him Ji Hoo was now half lying on his elbows and holding her as well. He was out of breath but Jan Di wasn't stopping. What had come over her?!

Jan Di held his arms which were around her and tightened them around her waist. Ji Hoo was lying on the bed now. She was sitting on his stomach still kissing, not letting him to take a breath but as he was a musician he managed somehow. They were kissing each other like they were not getting enough of each other.

Jan Di ran her hands over his opened chest. She lowered herself on him and kissed and sucked at his neck while running her hands all over his body.