Here it is, ladies and gentlemen. Part 2 of my new Descendants FanFiction series. This was originally planned to be Part 1, but I thought I should explore the friendships and relationships that the VKs have forged before I move on to the "good vs. evil" excitement. As promised, this story will be bigger than the last one. It's up to you to determine if it's better.

Read, enjoy, and review. Feedback is always appreciated. (If you're late, don't hesitate)

I'd like to thank the following users for reviewing the final chapter of "The Kids From The Isle": DragonEmperor999, Bal-Breelice04081998, disneyfananalyst, top story, Bal-Breelice09121994, Wolf, TheLifeStruggleIsReal, TheGreatGodzilla, 61394, CarvieCamfia

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Descendants.

WARNING: Rated T for violence and themes

In the waters surrounding the infamous Skull Rock, you can find a small number of fish swimming around, staying clear of the skull-shaped island in fear of crocodiles that can swim over and snap their jaws at them. One unusual sighting is a body dropping from above and sinking to the bottom. A teenage girl with purple hair wearing a purple leather jacket with shades of green and gold beads.

Anyone from Auradon to the Isle of the Lost can recognize this person as Mal, the daughter of Maleficent. Her eyes are slowly closing and the wound on her left abdomen is leaking blood all over the water.

"I know what's going through your mind. What happened? Why am I drowning? Why am I bleeding? Is this the end of my story? Before I answer these questions, I want you to ask yourself something. Have you ever gone through an experience so life-changing, the person you see in the mirror afterwards is a whole new different person? If you think I'm talking about coming to Auradon and meeting Ben, you thought wrong. I'm talking about something else. Something that feels terrifying and liberating at the same time. There are some who have come back from where I've gone, but none of them truly understand what it feels like to climb back up to the light after being buried deep in the dark."

Seven days ago...

It's common knowledge that the magical barrier surrounding the infamous Isle of the Lost was created to keep the villains on the island locked up forever for the safety of the people of Auradon. There are only two ways to open it. One is Fairy God Mother's magic wand, the very object that created the barrier. Two is a remote that punches in a code of deactivation. The wand is safely kept in the Museum of Cultural History, and the remote is hidden in the King's office.

One day, however, someone had stolen the remote.

The thief is currently riding towards the Isle of the Lost on a small rowboat, heading straight for the docks. One push of a button on the remote and the invisible barrier opens, allowing this mysterious person to dock the boat next to the large ship known as the Lost Revenge. This person exits the boats, reactivates the barrier, and begins walking through the smelly streets and towards Ursula's Fish and Chips shop, attracting attention along the way.

Inside the chip shop, Harry Hook, son of Captain Hook, and Gil, son of Gaston, are taking orders and serving food to their poor customers. Ever since Uma had escaped, Ursula had forced the two of them to take over her daughter's job in the shop. They had to accept it because she threatened to make them suffer. Ursula may not have magic on the Isle, but she did have tentacles and she was not afraid to use them.

While waiting for the cook to finish with the next order, Harry watches the Auradon News Network on the TV, since it's one of the only two channels available on the Isle. The latest news was of Auradon Prep's End-of-the-Year celebration. He can see all the students dressed in formal attire, wearing smiles that make him sick. His attention was caught by footage of Mal dancing with King Ben. It was clear that she was very happy, which also made Harry sick to his stomach.

"One day, Mal. One day, I'll wipe that smile off your face," said Harry, pressing his hook against the screen.

"Hey, Harry, two more orders of fried clams," Gil called, holding up a piece of paper in front of the pirate's face.

Harry takes the paper and pushes Gil away from him, causing him to bump into a pirate, knocking him off his seat.

"Hey, I know you're upset that Uma hasn't come back, but you don't have to take it out on me," said Gil.

Harry wishes he can use his hook on Gil, but he resisted, knowing it wasn't worth it. Just as he was about to send the latest order to the cook, he heard a familiar voice from above.


Someone comes swinging down from the ceiling using a rope, landing on a table, squashing a pirate's meal under her boot.

"Well, well, well," he said with a creepy smile on his face. "Calista Jane Hook. Fancy seeing you."

"Likewise, Harry," said CJ, winking at her older brother.

Suddenly, two pirates grabbed CJ and held her against the wall. Harry puts on his pirate hat and shines his hook as he approaches his sister.

"You got some nerve showing up here after so long," said Harry, holding her chin up with his hook.

"I take it you saw me on TV," said CJ.

"Saw you crashing that Neon Lights Ball, yes, I did," said Harry. "I must admit, you impressed me. Tricking all those Bore-adon kids into turning on Mal. That was pure evil."

"Of course you're impressed," said CJ vainly.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't hook you right here, right now," said Harry, feeling bitter against his sister. He has felt like this because of his belief that she had abandoned her family.

"I came here to set you free," said CJ.

"Is that so?" Harry removes his hook from his sister's chin.

CJ frees herself from the two pirates and shows Harry a remote.

"I stole this from King Benny's office. It's a remote that opens the barrier," said CJ.

"So, we can escape?" Harry asked.

"We can all escape," CJ confirmed.

Instead of celebrating, Harry holds his hook in front of his sister's face again.

"I know you, sis. You want something from me," he said. "What is it?"

"I have a ship now. I found it at Skull Rock. All I need now is a crew, not to mention a first mate," said CJ.

"And you want me to be that first mate?" Harry guessed.

"I free you, you owe me. That's how it works," said CJ. "What do you say, bro? You want to get out of here and sail the seas with your dear sis?"

"The pirates in this shop, they're Uma's crew. They still are," said Harry.

"Still obsessing over her, aren't you?" CJ teased. "I can see why you're so on edge tonight. Poor little Harry's sad that his beloved Uma hasn't come back for him."

"Keep talking, sis," Harry dared, keeping his hook close to his sister's face as a warning. "As long as I'm around, these men and women stay loyal to Uma."

"I'm not looking for a pirate crew, Harry," said CJ. "I'm looking for a villain kid crew."

"Why?" asked Harry. "You need a great number of pirates if you want to take over Auradon."

"Numbers aren't everything, Harry," said CJ. "One of the things I learned in Auradon is that sometimes, quality beats quantity. You would know that, of course. You and Uma had, like, a dozen pirates or so at your disposal and yet, you got your butts kicked by Mal's gang and a couple of Auradon kids."

Harry was surprised that CJ knew about their defeat at the hands of Mal and her friends a couple months ago. Clearly, she's been watching, that's all he can guess.

"You do realize that you're wasting a golden opportunity, sis," said Harry. "You have the means to free everyone from this cursed rock. Why only me and a few other villain kids? Think of what father would say. He would finally be proud of you."

"Our father, our parents, they're yesterday's news, Harry," said CJ. "We're the new generation. It's our turn to shine. I do intend to free all of us from this dumpster, but first, I want to show Auradon that it doesn't take much to make them bow before evil."

"I do like the sound of that," said Harry. "However, I do have one problem with your plan. You're younger. Why should you be the captain?"

"Am I sensing a challenge, Harry?" CJ already knew that Harry wasn't going to be taking orders from his younger sister without a fight.

"Everyone, step aside," Harry ordered.

Everyone in the shop stepped back and left space for CJ and Harry to duel.

The siblings draw their swords, wearing their battle faces. They start trading swings. Harry was using his strength as his greatest weapon. CJ was using her agility and quick wites. When Harry's strong strikes begin to overwhelm her, CJ dives out of the way to rethink her strategy, following it with swift strikes. Harry blocks every strike, but was getting overwhelmed by CJ's speed.

"Get her, Harry!" Gil cheered.

"Shut up!" Harry yelled.

CJ dodges Harry's swings and then jumped on the counter. She taunts her brother like she always did when they fight. Harry takes off his hat and jumps on the counter. The sword fight continues and it remains evenly-matched. Harry swings low, but CJ jumps over his sword. CJ aims for her brother's shoulder, but he blocks her swing. The two are caught in a lock. They started pushing, trying to knock each other off the counter. Harry's strength and hook were giving him the advantage.

"Yield, sis," Harry said.

"Not a chance," said CJ.

CJ kicks Harry in the leg, ending the lock. She strikes his sword, knocking it off his hand, and then kicks him off the counter. She jumps to the floor and points her sword at her brother's neck, daring him to surrender. Harry knew he was beat.

CJ offers her brother a helping hand. He reluctantly accepts it.

"So, captain," Harry said with sarcasm. "Who're you planning on bringing with us on our journey across the seas?"

"Can I come?" asked Gil, raising his hand.

"I could use the muscle," said CJ.

"Yay!" Gil cheered, excited to go to Auradon.

Harry faces his sister and asks, "What about Harriet? Are you planning on bring her?"

CJ responds by laughing. Harry followed with his own laughter. Gil fake-laughed, confused as to why Harry and his sister were laughing.

"Why are we laughing?" He asked.

CJ and Harry didn't answer him. They just continued to laugh together.

"Like I'm gonna let daddy's favorite girl ruin this chance for the two of us," said CJ, obviously expressing her disdain towards her sister.

"Let's see who'll be daddy's favorite after we sink those landlubbers in Auradon to the bottom of the sea," said Harry.

CJ stands on top of a table and raises her sword.

"Avast ye, mateys. For far too long, we have been left to rot on this island. We have been forced to look out for ourselves while everyone in Auradon gets to live happily ever after. Well, no more!" CJ strikes a wooden mug full of cider off the table with her sword, expressing her determination. "Starting tonight, we will rise from the depths of the water and take what is rightfully ours! Auradon will tremble before the sea's might! Long live evil!"

Everyone in the chip shop raised their arms and cheered.

I bet you're wondering who else would be joining CJ Hook's crew. You'll find out soon, but don't expect too much. I don't want to cram too many characters into one story. Like CJ said, quality beats quantity, sometimes, so I will tell you that her crew will be small. As for why I chose CJ to be the main villain of this story, it's simple. She's one of my favorite characters from the Descendants: Wicked World animated series.