Note: This is just a collection of short little drabbles and vignettes that I've been writing on and off. Tbh, I actually use them as writing exercises when I don't feel like writing an entire polished story. I'm just going through A to Z, and then maybe starting over again. I literally skim through the dictionary and pick words, unless I have a specific one in mind X)

This will be updated sporadically, when I feel like it. It's not very high priority, but I've grown rather fond of a few of these. It's a wide variety. Most involve Gray, but I jump between characters and genres a lot. A lot of angst and humor. There are a lot of different styles, too, because this is where I experiment. Most are between like 300 and 2,500 words, some are more like drabbles while others are more like short stories, and they're all pretty different. Enjoy it or not; it's up to you X)


1. a song or poem greeting the dawn

2.a: a morning love song

..b: a song or poem of lovers parting at dawn

3. morning music—compare nocturne

He never said goodbye.

In the morning, when everything is fresh and new, the coming day is full of promise and anything is possible.


"What's up? I thought we were supposed to be doing a job today?"

"Yeah, that was the plan, but Erza wasn't feeling well so she said we'd do one in a couple days instead."

"Oh. What are you guys doing, then?"

"My rent is due, so I can't afford not to do a job today. Natsu and Happy were going to come with me."


"Uh, but you could come too!"

"Wait, why would I want to spend any more time with the ice princess than I have to?"

"Natsu! Be nice."

"When is the flame-brained idiot ever nice? Anyway, it's fine. I'll just leave you to it and take a solo job or something."


The rustle of the breeze in the leaves, the cheerful chirping of songbirds, the stirring of drowsy city dwellers, all meld into a beautiful melody of dawn that lifts the spirits and ushers in a new and hopeful day.


"You really could come with–"

"Nah, it's fine. It's been a while since I've gotten to go out on my own, anyway."

"I mean, if you're sure…"

"I am. Don't worry about it."

"Well, have fun."

"And bring me back some fish, please!"

"Will do, Happy."


With all that hope and possibility, it's easy to look forward to the future with the implicit assumption that there is one. What need is there to say goodbye when the day is just beginning and tomorrow is assured?


"Later, ice block. Hurry it up. If you make it back before Erza's feeling better, then she won't bother us for fighting. I'm itching to pound your face in!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, ash for brains. Keep on dreaming."


"Good luck keeping him from destroying everything, Lucy. It sure would suck if you went through all that effort to pay your rent and he messed it all up anyway."

"I'm not going to–!"

"Yeah, that's what I'm worried about. Hey, Happy, if I bribe you with a fish, then will you help me keep Natsu in check?"

"Aye sir!"


"Oh man, sounds like you guys are going to have a fun trip."

"Yeah, I can tell. The things I do to pay my rent."

"Yup, it's a lot of fun. Well, I'm off, then."

"Later, Gray."


So he didn't. He didn't say goodbye.


"I'll see you later, guys."


But he should have, because there was no later, no tomorrow.

He would never be coming back.

emmahoshi: Lol, they aren't all crazy words, but I'm always going to include the definitions because I drew the inspiration for most of the pieces from them in some way. Ha, vocab was always my favorite part of those kinds of tests. ...Honey, he died lol But yes, I agree with your philosophical musings :3 (EDIT: Lol, yeah, you're right and that's why I phrased it like that X) Sorry to ruin your peaceful scenarios. Yeah, non-native languages are totally different. And it's okay, I always look forward to hearing from you lol)