Hi! This is my sequel to GreenEyed Monster. It's for Bubbles and Boomer. The plot-line is this:

Bubbles and Boomer have a really hard time liking each other. They both like the same stuff and everything, but they HATE each other. Then Boomer finds a special journal that prints down whatever she's really thinking. It's like a mind reader journal. I know, it's not really reality based. But I like it SOOOOOO Much!


Oh, So he thinks he can win MY art show with those dumb sketches, does he? Bubbles thought as she saw Boomer walk towards the sign-up table with a manilla folder under his arm. We'll just see who wins. Bubbles thought confidently. She'd worked all month on HER sketches. No need to worry about Boomer.

It had been five months since Buttercup and Butch started going out, and Blossom didn't exactly get used to the idea yet. They'd been fighting about it for, like , all four out of the five months it had been public. She had started to calm down a little after she saw how much in the boys had changed. But Bubbles wasn't so convinced. She wasn't so sure they could be so immediately trusted.

HAHAH! Oh God, looks like the bimbo's trying out for the art show with those stupid sketches. In her dreams! Boomer thought as he signed up for the show. He saw her looking at him. Probably thinks I haven't got a good sketch to my name. Well that air head better watch it, 'cause her little crayon drawings are about to be blown away. He thought, confidently.

"Well, might as well be a good sport about it. It would be mean of me to just let him lose and not know the winner." she said to herself as she started walking in his direction.

Well, what's this? The bimbo wants to talk, does she? Oh well, might as well mess with her head as long as she's over here. Boomer just knew this girl would be as gullible as she looked. He flipped his hair and gave her a half-smile. Her face didn't change, and she stopped right in front of him.

"Hi, Boomer. I just wanted to say good luck in the art show today. You and I have some major competition." Might as well be humble for the creep. Bubbles thought. She didn't need to pummel the guy TOO bad.

Boomer smiled that sexy half-smile again and said "Don't you mean 'I'?"

"I have just as much chance as you do, and besides, how would you know? You've never even seen my drawings!"

I will be nice, I will be nice, I will be nice. Bubbles thought.

Must... Stay... Nice. Can't... Stop... Mean-ness. Boomer thought.

"Well, I guess, see you later..." This creep is gonna bring out the worst in me...

"Yeah, see ya..." This ditz better watch what she says...

"Oh, wait, I almost forgot to tell you Buttercup says hi."

Boomer smirked at her and said "So, where's your crayon drawings, blondy?"

"Shut up."

"Why, Bubble-Brain?"

"Shut UP!"

"Well, got any come-backs?"

"Yeah, Boy-Whose -Brain-Went-Boom." Bubbles said, and walked away.

I swear, that girl's trouble. I can feel it.

Boomer was walking over to the tree he usually drew under, when he saw something sparkling in the grass. It was a tiny book, and when he picked it up it was surprisingly heavy... Inside the cover was this poem:

If you could read a person's mind

Would you be cruel, or be so kind

There's a chance to find out here

Just say their name, and thoughts appear.

Boomer heard someone coming and turned around. It was Bubbles talking with... JAKE HENDERSON????? The most popular guy in school, and the dumbest. SHE was flirting with HIM??? She didn't have a chance.

Bubbles, what are you thinking??? That guy's got to have about the I.Q. of a carrot!

I mean, not that I care... Boomer thought quickly. He looked down at the tiny book in his hands when he felt it, all of a sudden, get heavier. He opened the book and...


Huh?? Boomer thought, That wasn't there before...

I asked for Blueberry, I'm allergic to strawberry! I can't believe that Jake would be that stupid. 'Oh, but I thought you said you liked strawberries, Bubbles...' Ugh...

He looked toward Bubbles, who was handing Jake a muffin... a strawberry muffin. She turned around and caught him staring at her. He looked at the book again and...

And WHY is that creep looking at me? If I were him, I'd make sure I'd run away QUICK! Princess is like, two feet away! Not that I care...

"Princess?" he said quietly, and took off in Bubbles' direction. As he passed her, he noticed she was laughing... What a laugh... HOLD IT! Don't think of her like that! Bubbles is NOT YOUR TYPE!!! But Boomer couldn't stop it. As he hid behind a tree right near her, he saw she was wearing a blue strapless tube top and white jeans. They were both tight in all the right places, he couldn't help but notice. She was laughing at Boomer, who was looking out the side of the tree. She knew he was looking for Princess.

"She's gone. And, I forgot to ask, are these your sketches?" She held out the manilla folder, and he snatched them away. "Did you... see them?" Boomer asked, nervously. He didn't want any criticism from a bimbo. "Yeah, their awesome!" Bubbles said. "You wanna see mine? I don't think their that good, but..."

Boomer took her folder, he couldn't wait to criticize HER work. But when he opened it...No WAY! They were way cooler than his were! What's she talkin' about? THEY'RE SWEET!!!!!!!

"Bubbles, These are AWESOME!" Boomer said, gazing at them for a little bit.

"Liar." Bubbles said, giggling. He felt the book get heavier in his pocket.

"For Real! They Rock!"

"Jake doesn't think so..." Boomer looked at Bubbles and saw the sorrow in her eyes.

"Look, if Jake doesn't think these rule, than he has s*** for brains. Which, actually..." He grinned devilishly and Bubbles giggled.

The book got heavier.

"And the winners are... Bubbles Utonium and Boomer RowdyRuff!"

"Oh My GOD!" both Bubbles and Boomer said at the same time.

"And as prize, you two get to work together to design and build the "Why we love our Mayor" Statue!"

"What????" They both came crashing back to reality.



"NO WAY!!!!!!" they both said at the same time.

I can't work with the DITZ! Boomer thought.

I can't work with the CREEP! Bubbles thought.

The book was, by now, journal size, and didn't seem to be growing anymore. It would just give him this shock-thing whenever a new thought came in. He stuck it in his back-pack and sighed.

This is going to be a looooooong month.


So what 'cha think? I know... very fairytale. But still...