Welcome! I'm on a roll with these stories I'm bursting with ideas!

This is one of them! Welcome to my story My Time My Space!

SUMMARY: What if Sarah Jane Smith had two Time lords living with her? What if these Time lords were the Doctor's wife and son? How will they change things?

I'll be adding in a cover of what the Doctor's wife and Son look like be warned I'm not the best at photoshop so sorry if it's not that good. Also, I'll be adding a change to the Doctor. He'll be wearing a silver ring on his left-hand ring finger, the silver ring will have a thin blue band through the middle of it. This will be his wedding ring. His wife has the same ring only hers has a small diamond in the middle of it in the metal of the ring. (I find rings hard to explain! :'( No fair! It's the same with clothing!)

Anyway, let's get started!

Chapter 1: School Reunion and What?!


It was a lovely morning on earth as the sun rose to start another day, people going to work, children going to school. The usual stuff, but among these people lived Sarah Jane Smith.

Now, Sarah was not normal. Well, not anymore after the adventures she had been on in her youth. You see, she use to be an ordinary journalist until she met a man known as the Doctor. Not a medical man like you would think but an alien, yes, an alien from another planet.

He took Sarah on amazing adventures, seeing the starts, meeting other aliens and saving the Earth more times than she could count. But her adventures ended when he was called away, she did not know why he left and it left her sad, confused but above all else worried for her Time Lord friend.

But now, here she was years later doing her own adventures. Keeping Earth safe in her own way, well, with a little help of course.

"Morning Aunt Sarah!" A young male voice yelled as Sarah stood in her bedroom getting ready for the day.

Sarah chuckles going over and opening her window to look down at the one who yelled.

There on her driveway stood a young man around the age of 19 or 20 with short dark brown slightly spiky hair, light brown eyes, and a muscular runner build. He smirked showing his white teeth and dashing smile, he had on a simple black V-necked T-shirt that had three buttons at the top with the first button being undone combined with a pair of blue jeans and black combat boots with an army camouflage jacket and brown belt on.

"What is it? David?" Sarah asked her honorary nephew.

David chuckles saying "Are you heading out to investigate that school today?"

"Yes, I am, why do you ask?" Sarah asked smirking at David who rubbed his neck asking "Can I come along?"

Sarah nods before saying "You'll have to ask your mother, you know how she worries about you,"

"Will do!" David said before running inside to find his mother.

Sarah shook her head as she closed her window to finish doing her hair, once done she went downstairs to see David talking with a woman who looked to be in her mid-twenties with shoulder-length brown hair and light green eyes. She had a gymnastic build that fitted her, she had on a button up long-sleeved white blouse with a black waistcoat. On her legs, she had on a pair of gray jeans and small one-inch heel black ankle boots and a black belt.

(Note: For the waistcoat look online for Black Tailcoat Style Gothic Waistcoat for Women on Devilnight . co . uk . that's what it looks like.)

This lady was David's mother, Jasmine Smith. Sarah smiles as she watched them before walking over.

"So, can he come along?" Sarah asked making Jasmine turn to her.

Jasmine gave Sarah a smile saying "He can, but, he has to be careful and hide his heart beats we don't know if we're dealing with proper aliens yet, like last Christmas,"

"I will, I'll focus on keeping my second heart hidden, God knows I've had plenty of practice with this planets healers," David said patting his chest.

Yes, second heart. You see, David and Jasmine are not humans, in fact, they were Time Lords the same species as the Doctor, while he was young by Time Lord standards David was very smart and had to grow up fast when the Time War happened on his home when he was a 'teenager' it also lead to his first regeneration. He was now in his second body, his mother was currently in her 10th body having regenerated during the war and when she escaped to Earth with her son.

Their human names were just covers, Jasmine's title was the Professor and she named her son The Hunter since he was an active young man and could track anything he put his mind to it along with picking up details not many could see, he was also great with throwing daggers/projectiles and had the vision of an Eagle. He never missed unless he wanted to, he never lets his prey escape him.

The Professor was a smart woman and loved to learn everything she could, the earth had always been her favorite place to learn about and always will be. She had helped Sarah a few times when it came to aliens, the Professor had her own device which was multi-function device disguised as a wristwatch. (Martain Mystery U-watch, the one Martain has in the show.)

Hunter had his own sonic screwdriver in honor of his father, who was, in fact, the Doctor himself. The very man Sarah Jane Smith traveled with when she was younger, the Professor was his wife or mate for life. Anyway, the young Time Lord built his sonic from scratch with his mother's help. (Looks like the 10th's sonic screwdriver, only with a purple light instead of blue.)

Sarah nods saying "Very well, come on Hunter let's go and track some aliens,"

Hunter or David grins as quickly followed his human Aunt outside and to the car, he loved going on adventures!

The Professor watched them go from the window with a small smile on her face before looking down at her left hand. Where on her ring finger sat her wedding ring, it was her most precious item. She held her hand close to her chest as memories flooded her head.

"Oh, my love, I miss you so, so, much," Professor said as she looked up at the sky while her hearts ached for the one she lost all those centuries ago to the war, her beloved Doctor the only man who could ever keep up with her and hold her hearts in his hand.



Sarah kept a polite look on her face as she walked beside the Headmaster of the school, Mr. Finch, beside her walked David who was looking around for anything odd with the school. He was acting as her assistant, he was also focusing on making his second heart beat slower than his first letting its faint beat hide behind the first louder beat.

It makes him get a small amount of heartburn afterward but worth it, plus he had gotten use to it by now. Living as a human has taught him many things, how to hide in plain sight was very useful as a matter of fact.

Shaking his head they arrived at the teacher's lounge, Hunter stood slightly behind Sarah as he glanced around the room quickly.

"Excuse me, colleagues, a moment of your time, may I introduce Miss Sarah Jane Smith and her assistant David Smith, they are journalist's who are writing a profile about me for the Sunday Times, I thought it might be useful for them to get a view from the trenches, so to speak, don't spare my blushes," Mr. Finch said addressing the teachers before giving Sarah and David a nod and leaving.

Sarah looked around the room before spotting a man in a brown suit, he looked similar to David in a way. She walked over to him with David close behind holding a notepad and pen for show.

"Hello," Sarah said greeting the man who looked shocked and happy to see her.

"Oh, I should think so," He said with a grin and if David had to guess a slightly dazed look.

David looked the man over, he was young around the same age as his mother with brown hair and eyes. He had on a brown suit and trainers, looking down at his hands David felt his breath hitch slightly.

'No, he can't be' David thought in shock before controlling his emotions he could check later to see if it was him he was not going to get his hopes up. It couldn't be him, he died during the war.

"And, you are?" David asked with a small polite smile.

The man blinked a few times collecting his thoughts saying "Hm? Er, Smith, John Smith,"

Sarah smiles almost sadly saying "John Smith, I used to have a friend who sometimes went by that name,"

"Well, it's a very common name," He said sounding very form some reason.

"He was a very uncommon man, he was, in fact, David's father," Sarah said looking at her 'assistant' David nods saying "Nice to meet you,"

He held out his hand making the Doctor grin as he reached out and shook hands with the young man, only to pause for a split second when their hands touched as a small shock raced through both his and the young man's hand.

David gave the smallest of smiles as the man before he said "Nice to meet you, yes, very nice, more than nice! Brilliant," He shook hands with David before letting go as Sarah raised an eyebrow at the man eyeing him a bit.

"Er, so, er, have you worked here long?" Sarah asked something about this man was familiar.

"No, er, it's only my second day," He said with a shake of his head as Sarah Jane looked around before taking a step closer to the man.

"Oh, you're new, then? So, what do you think of the school? I mean, this new curriculum? So many children getting ill, doesn't that strike you as odd?" Sarah asked while David took some notes as well as checking out the room for anything strange.

"You don't sound like someone just doing a profile," The man asked with a happy yet proud smile on his face.

"Well, no harm in a little investigation while we're here," Sarah said giving the man a smile as she turned and left with David to talk with the other teachers.

Not seeing the man watch them with a proud look on his face as the bell rang.


Hunter smirks as he snuck over to the school with Sarah, they had decided to do some late night snooping. He grins crouching down out of view of one of the school cameras, taking out his sonic screwdriver he pointed it at the camera making it stop.

"Come on, it will only be like that for a few minutes," Hunter said as Sarah nods going over to one of the windows and opening it.

"Give me a boost," Sarah asked as she climbed up, Hunter moved over and pushed her up by her feet.

"Thank you, Hunter stay outside in case anything tries to leave," Sarah said as she took her torch from Hunter who nods.

"Leave it to me, I'll be on the roof," Hunter said as Sarah smiled before closing the window behind her.

Hunter sighs as he looked up the building, smirking he jumped and grabbed the top of the windows and began his climb to the top using his Time Lord strength and parkour skills.


Sarah looks around as she tried to find any clues as to what was going on inside the school, so far, she was not having that much luck.

Walking along a corridor she was about to go and check out one of the rooms when a strange roar made her stop, looking around she saw a shadow move overhead.

Narrowing her eyes Sarah went down a corridor, it sounded like it came from near the gym. She arrived to see nothing but the roar was close by, she went over to a storeroom and went inside maybe she could find something in here?

'I hope Hunter is doing okay' Sarah thought before turning around only to freeze at what she saw.

'No, is it?' Sarah thought as she stared at the one thing she could never forget.

A blue police box sat in the storage room, a light glow came off it as Sarah stared in shock. It was! It was the Tardis! It has changed a little bit but it was still the Tardis!

Sarah backed up and exited the storage room not even turning around as she backed away letting the door close on its own, she just couldn't believe it!

She then got the feeling of being watched, turning slowly she saw the same man from today the Psychics teacher. He stood there watching her, before smiling.

"Hello, Sarah Jane," The Doctor said.

"It's you, oh, Doctor Oh, my God, it's you, isn't it?" Sarah Jane asked taking a few steps towards him with a small smile.

She then paused looking him over before saying "You've regenerated," So that's why she and Hunter didn't recognize him.

She quickly glanced at his left hand and to her secret relief she saw the wedding ring on his ring finger, after all this time, he still had it on just like the Professor.

"Yeah, half a dozen times since we last met," He said watching her a small smirk on his lips.

"You look incredible," Sarah breathed out while wondering what number he was on, was this his 8th? 9th? 10th? Which one?

He nods saying "So do you,"

Sarah huffs saying "Huh, I got old, what are you doing here?"

He shrugs saying "Well, UFO sighting, school gets record result, I couldn't resist," He looked around before asking "What about you and your little assistant?"

"The same," Sarah nods she couldn't wait to tell Hunter the news before remembering something.

She felt tears build in her eyes not just for her but for her resident Time Lords. "I thought you'd died, I waited for you and you didn't come back, and I thought you must have died," Sarah said.

The Doctor looked down a bit after traveling with him in the past she knew how to read him, his eyes showed hidden pain and loneliness while his voice became sad.

"I lived, everyone else died," He said as he remembered his past.

'Not everyone Doctor' Sarah thought before shaking her head saying "I can't believe it's you,"

A scream then rang out making Sarah jump a bit, oh, yeah! It was the Doctor. "Okay! Now I can!" She said sharing a smirk with the Doctor before taking off running with the Doctor.

While running she quickly pulled her phone out and sent a text to Hunter telling him to meet her by the car, she was not letting the Doctor go until he was reunited with his wife and son! She would make sure of it.

They arrived at the main corridor where a young blonde girl stood, she must be the Doctor's newest companion. Sarah came to a stop by the Doctor while trying to regain her breath.

"Did you hear that? Who's she?" The blonde girl asked the Doctor before taking note of Sarah who saw something in the blonde she did not like.

She could see that the girl had a look in her eyes, she had feelings for the Doctor. She knew Time Lords had stronger pheromones than humans and were very attractive by humans standards so she couldn't fault the girl but still, she was not letting her get in the way of a family reunion that was long overdue.

"Rose, Sarah Jane, Sarah Jane, Rose," The Doctor said getting names out of the way.

Sarah gave a polite smile saying "Hi, nice to meet you," She then looked at the Doctor saying "You can tell you're getting older, your assistants are getting younger,"

Rose sent her a look saying "I'm not his assistant," A small bite to her words.

Sarah nods panting a bit as she looked at the Doctor with a teasing smile saying "No? Get you, tiger,"

The Doctor looked between them before running past them to where Mickey screamed, why did he get the feeling his old companion was hidding something from him?

Done! Hope you like the chapter, slash, prologue.

In the next chapter, The Doctor and the Hunter meet face to face offical while Mickey and Rose learn of the Doctor's son.

Until then, SaberbladePrime signing out!